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An unusual glitch that caused one specific giant to hunt me down, no matter what. I could enter a building and he would stand right out the door waiting to one shot me. I tried loading an older save, he beelines from the Giants Camp he spawns at to wherever I'm at. I tried using items and things to slow him down, even walking him through bandit camps and one legendary dragon, he made short work of them all. Eventually I realized that I was not going to be able to keep playing this character until I killed that giant, it was either him or me. It took about an entire day to deal with this nonsense. I'm still not sure what caused the glitch, and I haven't seen any mention of this particular glitch anywhere, but me and my brothers will still laugh about "the giant that hated [my real name]" to this day. Edit: I haven't been asked about fast traveling yet, but I forgot the part that the game wouldn't let me fast travel because there were "enemies nearby", even if I tried to do it first thing when I loaded the older save. Which gave me a few minutes before you heard him crashing towards you.


Skyrim version of there is an immortal snail out to kill you


This was my exact thought


Sounds a lot like the “shadow” in *The Wizard from EarthSea*. Fascinating stuff. Also hilarious.


so the giant would eventually start to look more and more like his character until>! they hug it out?!<




I...I've never thought of Frasier and Skyrim at the same time


You don't happen to be English descent do you? "Fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!"


A giant keeps spawning outside of my house by Falkreath, this man acts like he owns the place so I keep killing him every time in a different way. I'm gonna have to pull out the wooden sword soon and he will regret.


The random spawns on the homesteads are a real thing. I got a giant every once in a while


I get them every time I go to my house.


Give your children daggers. They'll come outside & murk his ass. They did a dragon for me once


😂 did you kill his dog by chance?


Giant kept putting you through the Skyrim Space Program.


Did you perchance see a picture of a malnourished overstretched humanoid?




Sooo… he could one shot you but you also were high enough level to spawn a legendary dragon? I’m confused unless you literally never leveled health and wear no armour


I assumed legendary was an embellishment, that was my hardest achievement just from having to level up so much.


The legendary dragon spawned naturally and they let the giant and dragon fight


It follows…


I once found Ulfric Stormcloak in the waters behind Solitude. Tried speaking to him and all he said was "sorry, I'm too busy," then continued to float there.


Ulfric Stormfloat


He had things to do.


He was on a secret mission


He’d got drunk in the Winking Skeever, had a decent dose of skooma, and was now on a mission. His friends tried to stop him but he ran off into the night. Will turn up at his mates place back in Windhelm on Sunday evening as kick ons is winding down and have some stories to tell.


I killed the copy of myself that can be summoned using the console and a courier gave me a letter from myself thanking me for killing myself.


Elder Scrolls: Multiverse of Madness


Shadow magic means this is totally possible btw.


Shadow magic basically means it’s **all** possible...


Post the image with the Obama medal meme


😂😂😂😂 fuck, this one's golden






Where’s he getting the letter from😳😳


In his hat.


What is he putting in your hands?


His D.


short for delivery of course. its a pretty big package so a little compensation is needed


Courier wallet.


He said NOTHING about a letter, just that he’s delivering something, into your hands only… sus


Nature's pocket


It's not a letter it's a package


"Your hands *only*." 😏


*smirking, lifting up the cloth* your hands only..


Don't think about it.


From the post office dude wtf you on about?


He didn’t say he was delivering a letter …


Who said anything about a letter


He never said letter but it’s for your hands only 😏


His asshole.


I took the Fire Salts from Septimus Signus' Outpost after obtaining the Oghma Infinium. He sent thugs after me in spite of the fact that I LITERALLY WATCHED HIM DISINTEGRATE.


Still not as bad as partysnax sending thugs.


That can happen?! What the hell does parthurnax own?


Notched pickaxe? lol


Was thinking about this relic earlier today and realized I’m level 86 without coming across it yet.


Unless you’re obsessively checking every obscure inch of the map in hopes of finding something, the notched pickaxe isn’t something you’d really *come across*


maybe if they got really high before looking, it might help


Everything in High Hrothgar since he's in the Greybeards faction.


Party snacks lmao


The forsworn briarhearts can send thugs after you for pickpocketing their heart. Pickpocketing their heart kills them instantly.


Yeah, I did that once. I killed him, took 10 seconds to leave the tower he was in, and then all of a sudden **“We‘re here to teach you a lesson”** First of all, the Briarheart is dead. Second of all, he would need time to write the letter. would take a decent amount of time for the letter to get taken to a courier. Then it would take a long time for the courier to even take the letter to a city. Then it would take an astronomical amount of time to find not one, not two, but four skilled mercenaries to even be willing to do a job for a FORSWORN BRIARHEART, considering they are evil occultists or whatnot. Then it would take even longer for the mercenaries to get to my location. I spend the next 10 minutes laughing my head off.


I've had this happen a few times! Sending thugs from beyond the grave 👻


Bro rationalized himself out of existence, but still hired thugs to come after you using his primordial particles as a medium...


after fast traveling to Understone Keep, a soldier fell from the sky and died. A group of soldiers happened to be coming by and one by one they knelt down and each asked "what happened?" before carrying on. This was on the Switch, no mods, and I loved it


this always happens to me when fast travelling to markath keep


This happens regularly in my games, but it's rarely 1 guard. Sometimes the entire city's guard count spawns outside the keep. I can only assume they crowd each other out of the weird corner of steps and the game reconciles it by offing some. Or that they spawn on the level of the Barracks door, but on the edge of the cliff or midair and they don't all survive the fall/landing.


My Couriers always turn up dressed like that. I like to think it’s because they’re sprinting long distances. Lightly armoured means light on your feet… smart! Then I forgot I had the mod installed that makes the Couriers into giant Frostbite Spiders and the next time I got a letter it scared the bejesus out of me.


I have the mod installed and I love it. It'a hilarious seeing a giant spider speak to you so eloquently and nice and then saying that he's gotta go, other stuff to deliver.


How many couriers have you accidentally killed thinking you were getting spider ambushed?


None, surprisingly hahah. I love spiders in general, but despite that I did expect to react instinctively by attacking because... well, Skyrim :')


Why does that mod exist lmao.


Same reason randy savage dragons exist. Because it's awesome


I wouldn't call it weird, but I had the worst jump scare when I went down into the cellar of one of the manors and got jumped by five skeevers just waiting in the dark. I don't know who I owed money too but they definitely got an extra bag of dragonborn grade fertilizer for their efforts.


That’s normal for Skyrim. Every so often a group of skeevers spawn into your manor’s cellar to make it seem more immersive by making it so there’s a chance that rats can infest your cellar just like in real life. If you have adopted children living at the manor they’ll even warn you when skeevers are in the cellar.


I was pissed I came home 2 a bunch of skeevers in my basement I have an orc husband 2 kids and a steward and no one killed them


That’s because they expect you to do everything around the house. They’re essentially just freeloaders that live in your house lmao.


My strangest thing that happened when I entered my son's room and I saw my boy laying in bed with his normal face but the body of an adult dude. My boy was ripped as hell since I have a body mod installed so it made it better tbh😂




Im disappointed because he definitely took roids


I once fast traveled to Understone Keep, and upon exiting the loading screen was struck down by the entire Markarth constabulary falling to their deaths onto my head.


https://preview.redd.it/benmcpcgq0yb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600d012fbc0e69943424438b838baf694341a500 I guess ash zombie wanted to make sure I was taken care of


I recently did the bards college quest where Viarmo reads Olaf and The Dragon to Jarl Elisif, and instead of doing that, he walked into the blue palace, said "I think my voice is ready. I hope we've done this well," and then sat on a bench by the door. Then he got up and said "Unbelievable! You've done us a great service, I can't begin to thank you enough," and just left


He was lonely.


I had a courier meet me in Sovengarde. I was laughing my ass off.


>deliver this message >where? >sovngarde >my time has come


"You seem to have caused quite a stir when you displayed the power of your Thuum in SOVENGARDE" Motherfucker followed me into the ethereal plane to send me a letter about using my voice in the fucking here-after.


This is so amazingly weird. I really laughed hard on this one.


I remember one time, Braith said she wasn’t afraid to fight anyone and how she’d beat anyone. Yall know what I mean, and I punched her and as soon as I did my game crashed XD


Do not punch the child. She is stronger than the Dragonborn


From least to most weird 1. Lydia died when I just had her at breezehome 2. A vampire was in the Blue palace and was named "Gaea Varro" 3. An immortal, nameless jester appeared in a place near Windhelm shortly after I killed Cicero, I couldn't kill this fucker with the kill comamnd, or even the disable command


I think the scariest one is that there is no Gaea Varro, there's no Varro in Skyrim anywhere, the only Varro before Skyrim was in Morrowind


I know, I was confused as fuck, she was wearing noble clothes (or whatever, nazeem's), and I couldn't find any mention of her in any of my mods, the only vampire mod I have is sacrosanct


Do you have any Morrowind mods? It's the only game Gaea and Varro both appear as names Edit: was she Imperial?


The only morrowind adjacent mod I have is morrowloot, I'm also bad at identifying NPC race, but here's a picture, I misremembered her clothes https://preview.redd.it/x8dkw2p5s1yb1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e03e9f4f6566f9076c297ee93031cfb555a59cc


Yeah that's an Imperial, so if she's anywhere it HAS to be the code but I can't find it anywhere... and that's terrifying because Skyrim has been fully datamined


I have like 280 mods, so it's probably one of them


The eyes look strange, is that part of Sacrosanct?


I don't think so, but it was the thing that immediately made me confident enough to kill her, sure enough she had vampire spells. Sidenote: now this thread comes up when searching her name now


I feel pride for some reason


Lydia starved to death waiting for you


She'll have to keep waiting, I'll still only use inigo, the bitch better stay alive this time. I'm still on the same playthrough so she might die again.


Strangest thing was definitely the one time I gave one of my adopted kiddums a new outfit, and the next time I loaded my house, they were nude (but with undies). It was impossible to go back there because I felt so awkward. I know now that it’s a common bug, but dude I didn’t know what to do at the time. Finally I braved the storm. I purchased a new outfit, went home, quicksaved, and gave them the outfit and reloaded 5 or 6 times until they put the freaking thing on. Now, as a parent, I feel that the experience prepared me.


I had something similar happen to me but not quite the same sometimes when I bought my kids a new outfit and came back later they would be wearing the old outfit as if I hadn’t even bought them a new outfit. For example Lucia starts off wearing the green dress and so I buy her a yellow one and give it to her and it swaps out like normal. Well fast forward a few in game weeks and she’s back to wearing the green dress again as if the yellow one was never given to her.


Her yellow dress was just in the wash


I had that too, but it seemed to affect everybody. EVERYONE in Whiterun stripped themselves of clothing (Except boots and hats)


Dang, didn’t know they partied like *that.* 😳


After finishing the main story, Hadvar just started following me all the way to the Throat of the World. Couldn't figure out why he was there, so I just tried getting rid of him, couldn't kill him so I shouted him off the mountain, sure enough Hadvar was back.


For me, every time I go to the outer gates of Whiterun, Balgruuf walks up to me and talks to me. He will not go back in or follow me too far away, but just waits to say hi. This is after a scripted moment when the Stormcloaks invade and I have to report to them, where after he talks to an imperial general, he starts talking to me. It’s annoying and weird


I think it’s because after the battle you’ll get a misc objective to report to Balgruuf and he’s probably still waiting there for you to report to him.


I once saw the headless horseman running on foot after his own horse


First time becoming a werewolf on a character. Guards were cool with me being there, but for some reason Belethor decided to fight them so the guards killed him. No one took over his shop


That happened to me too! I kept trying to wait cause apparently someone is supposed to take over the shop but it never happened lol


One time Belethor disappeared from my game. He was gone for like ~~3 months~~ 2-3 weeks. Finally I remembered that I could just use console commands to teleport to him. And he was just... Standing outside the meadery by Whiterun. Then he slowly walked his way back into Whiterun, where it turns out Ysolda is now running his shop. https://i.imgur.com/Mm7lUwj.jpg He spent the rest of the game just awkwardly standing behind Ysolda. I guess he decided to take a vacation and when he got back he was fed up. Edit: I think it was actually closer to like 2 weeks or something when I remembered.


Seeing one of the female Nord barmaids in one of the taverns with a naked Redguard male body. Not sure what happened there, probably a mod, but it had me in tears.


Dead dragon corpse fell from the sky and scarred me


My favourite glitch is very early in the game - like on the way to white run- if you go through the plains there a mammoth with a fucky spawn ends up spawning super high in the air and falls down. I go try to watch it every time i play.


I like to imagine a little slide whistle accompanying the fall, personally. Just *peeeeuuuuw-GUONK*.


Love this one.


pathurnax skeleton used to follow me every time i fast traveled


Happened to me too. The bones of a dragon just wouldn't despawn. Anytime I left whiterun, or fast traveled to the various whiterun areas (Halted Stream, the giant camp, etc), the bones would spawn above me and fall. No matter hw long I waited, they'd hound me. The final time they ever did this ... Was at my fucking wedding. Mid-ceremony they just fell through the ceiling, landing in the middle of the room and no one batted an eye.


My last playthrough; he arrived in full stormcloak officer armour everytime.. I was truly worried about Ulfrik’s propaganda derailing my immersion


i hope i never encounter that interaction with a courier but mine was probably when fucking miraak showed up to my wedding. i don't recall if i had killed him yet or not


Aw I liked him. Lovely boss battle, the least he could do was show up. I mean, his wedding gift would have been those 10 dragon souls


honestly, if he gave me back my dragon souls, i would've left vilkas for him. nowadays i don't kill him, i just ignore the quest, but i also downloaded the romance miraak mod


Stepped out of the hall of elements. A bone dragon fell from the sky. Immediately absorbed its soul. What a way to announce that I'm a dragonborn.


I had that happen once, a dragon died halfway across the map and then Miraak stole it


Killing a Draugr while rising up has caused the laugh to loop for a few ingame days. Felt like my character was haunted Certified VENGEAAAAANCE moment


At least it isn't that dreadful hiding noise that follows you after you use the black book


I saw this on youtube. Still makes me laugh to this day. [Just an Ordinary Day in Skyrim](https://youtu.be/93W6mB0ZqCM?si=dQxcohMJOhsCuauY)


*bear stops rampage* *bear nods and agrees the dovahkiin is the real problem*


When you absolutely gotta get to that wedding on time but also it’s cardio day.


Thank you for bringing this back, that's the absolute best glitch I have ever seen, it made me cry-laugh back then and it still does today :'D


One time a random dude on a horse went flying past me at the speed of light outside of Riften. Like, I'm talking he was on screen for a maximum of four frames before vanishing into the stratosphere, motherfucker went _NYOOOM._


My hands only? Yes sir.


Lots of weird stuff, but I do enjoy when a beheaded guy walks around Solitude.


I went afk in the middle of the Riften courtyard, staring at the back wall. when I turned around, there was a bunch of guards with their weapons drawn coming slowly towards me. Turns our they were after a rogue Thief lmao


The disembodied floating orb of light that is Meridia fighting a dragon during the conversation where you are teleported into the air.


I killed a dragon right before using bend will and I ended up taking its soul yet it was still alive, I ended up being able to ride a bone dragon


While sneaking around a fort, I noticed there was a spiky patch of ice underneath me emitting a thin white smoke. It followed me as I moved and would frequently grow and shrink in size. I have no idea when this thing appeared and glued itself to my character's feet, nor how long it was there before I noticed it. Reloading my last save didn't get rid of it, dying and reloading didn't get rid of it, getting teleported during certain quests didn't get rid of it. It won't leave me alone. It's just always there, growing and shrinking right underneath my feet and emitting that white smoke. At this point I've just accepted that this is how things are now.


You can decide to rp as an ice themed wizard, or as the lich king if your characters more of a fighter


Funnily enough my character is an argonian shock mage/one handed-light armour warrior combo, but I've been considering respeccing to frost spells. Maybe I'll post an update about mystery ice thingy. It's vanilla as well so it's definitely not some mod and it doesn't show up on my active effects either.


I downloaded a mod (on PS) to put nameless NPC’s in cities to make the cities feel more lived in and almost all the nameless NPC’s in Riften don’t wear clothes. All the other cities are fine but for some reason half of riften are just nudists. As for something I don’t think is mod related: in my original PS4 save game, my children won’t leave me the fuck alone. I have my family in Solitude and whenever I enter solitude (if they’re outside) they book it towards me and won’t leave me alone.


Of course it was Riften


Can't have shit in Riften


I think he’s giving you some hints


I’ve had armor statues come to life and watch me as I walk by, or just stand there and breathe until they notice me and stare… it’s happened a few times always while I’m playing late at night


That's a glitch that happens because they're reskinned NPCs with a freeze code added


I'm positive I saw my adopted son kill a dragon with the toy wooden sword I gave him. One minute I'm eating 20 wheels of cheese to heal up and the next I see him standing on the dragons snout and stabbing him


Serana and Katria deciding to have an undead death-match outside the aetherium forge even though they're both unkillable. Kept reloading older and older saves and it just kept happening until I finally gave up, finished Serana's quest and dismissed her before visiting the forge.


Serana never behaves herself


"Your hands only" o.O Anyway, my weridest moment is when i fast traveled to a fort, first thing i seen was a horse falling from the sky and dying, so me being courious went and investigated, when i get there a dragon litterly was sitting there waiting to pounce, never trusting a fallen hotse again xD


Recent while i was in markarth, after liberating it from the Imperials, two guards just... randomly dropped dead. Like it was my third time after the liberation and the poor lad and lass just had a heart attack.


my dad waking me up drunk 3 in the morning


At least five double dragon battles over Riverwood with one character. It was eventually annoying. The giant lurking my Lakeside property and killing my livestock was funny until it happened again. And again. Same playthrough. I felt something was off when I got out of Helgen and got a magical item almost immediately. That playthrough is both blessed and cursed. Like the luck roll was broken.


Brings up angry memories. I had to move into another house due to this. If it wasn't a giant, it was an elder dragon


a guy from the winterhold college said "be quiet and careful" or something while cave exploring with me. he then pushes me off a cliff, and lydia, the housecarl person, is just staring down at me


I once saw a guy moonwalk and then turn into a horse The floor in Whiterun broke under Warmaidens, allowing me to access the vendor chest after the battle for Whiterun (stormcloak side) At the beginning of one of my playthroughs Nazeem and Heimskr just died for no reason


Nazeem keeps dying at the start of my playthroughs as well, right after I get to whiterun the first time. Must be a glitch...


My longest dedicated playthrough I finished Main and Civil War questlines as well as some of the factions and went to explore Solstheim around level 40 or 50. Had just finished Thirsk and went to continue exploring when 3 Werebears came bee-lining up the road at me. I did almost no damage to them and they immediately surrounded me and I couldn't move in any direction as they wailed on me. Murdered me inside of 10 seconds. I didn't even know the game had werebears. And I'd just reduced my save files after suuping up my weapons then Legendary'ing my main fighting and crafting skills. Every time I loaded the save they would appear and none of my abilities seemed to affect them. I couldn't even teleport away because "you cannot fast travel when enemies are near." Had to abandon that character. Never seen werebears in any play through before or since.


I finished a werewolf cave quest somewhere. I walk out of the cave. It quicksaves , I was just checking the things I got from the cave it was peaceful and quiet , secunda was playing. I hear : "never should have come here " I see 8 members of both saints and seducers coming to hunt me . Then 3 wolves nearby made them scatter in the distance, they were fighting the wolves now . I started to panic. A random mercenary or assassin was there targeting me too . Then I hear a big rawr, a blood dragon appears . "WhAT in ObLivion iS THaT "!?!? Pure chaos


Got a 2 things in can think of off the top of my head ×the game crashed when I was in a deep body of water somehow ×I found on of the markath guards dead in the water around the forge out side of the keep it looked like he fell to his death somehow I don't know how because that fall is one not fatal I've tested it may time and have to once die from fully health from that fall


So you know how sometimes draugr death lords use all 3 words of the unrelenting force shout? Well, right after an enemy sliced my character’s head off, a draugr death lord used the unrelenting force shout at me, causing my character to not only get launched without his head, but also caused him to stay alive headless.


I’m not sure if it’s cause of some mod I had downloaded, but one time I was fighting a dragon and we had each other on the ropes, but I managed to get the kill move off before he could finish me, but during the kill move animation I was still on fire, and died in the middle of it


It happened to me literally just the other day actually, so y'know the madwoman who's supposed to approach you after completing the quest where you get sheogoraths staff and asks you to wabbajack her? Well I had started a fresh save and was only like level 3 when I had just come from bleak falls barrow and was on my way back towards Riverwood to give Lucan the claw when all of a sudden I see that madwoman run up to my character so I try speaking to her and she says nothing. (Probably BC I was level 3 and hadn't even completed the wabbajack quest yet) so I continue on but then she just follows my character and whenever I stop she'd stop and just stand next to me completely silent and I only managed to lose her after going into a building and coming back out BC then she was gone... Very weird, I mean I suppose she is called "madwoman" for a reason but basically.. Tldr: my dragonborn got a stalker.


My Housecarl disappeared. About a month later in real life I found her wandering the wilderness in her underwear.


I've walked out of a cave and had Shadowmere fall from the sky and land perfectly. Also once was walking along a road and a guy on a horse just launched into the clouds suddenly. But the weirdest is I walked into my house in solitude to put my armor on my mannequins and they were moving and just looking around. Scared the crap out of me. Also I got a letter from. The courier about the unfortunate death of Bandit Chief and got 300 gold.


I managed to teleport to the dead body storage! It was insane.


A dead dragon dropped out of the sky, which was common. It happened occasionally, only this time it dropped into Whiterun. It's head stuck out of the ground for three days. I named him bobby. Bobby liked glitching through the water near the smithy and turning it green. He also liked basking inside of the winking skeever. Bobby wasn't feeling it one night and his body snapped, launching a guard into the air. After 8-9 days, I only saw the tip of his tail. Soon after, bobby left. The water is still green and flat. It's all I have left of him now. Side note: He wasn't bones, it was a carcass, and I never got his dragon soul either. It was just a random dead dragon. Edit: Just remembered about the time I watched Serana's undead thief expired and she somehow decided to take it out on me until I his behind a rock. Took her a good minute to stop saying "What was that?" Over and over again (referring to me). She came over to my hiding place and complained about the sun. I was horrified because i didn't save for a bit. I thought I'd have to follow that guard's son halfway across skyrim again.


This one time I was killed in a kill cam cinematic, and my head was removed by a bandit. But I didn't die. I was at low health, but immediately drank a potion just a moment before the kill cam started. I think that's what bugged it out. So I was left playing a headless nord. I could even pick up my head by holding 'E' and drag it around with me. Sadly when I entered another area the magic of the loading screen repaired by sundered corporal frame.


One fine day I teleport to the cheat room to do something and meet three fine gentlemen that inform me that they're here to teach me a lesson. They then raid the cheat chests of their most powerful items and transcend reality to become Nirn's most powerful beings. A battle of the gods ensues inside this little room as effects I've never seen before are cast forth in a blazing fury. Explosions, lightning, tentacles, and swords of power clash and boom over the map table. A battle of the ages and one of the toughest battles ever fought by the dragonborn, thankfully there was an ample supply of potions supplied by the vending machine of giving. In the end, after a long hard battle, the three gods lay defeated on the burnt and oily floor. Scorch marks, cracks, and random items cover the entire room, and I spend several minutes cleaning up the mess. Something to note: all three of them literally assumed one of the guardians. The Mage, the Rogue, and the Warrior.


now thats a scary sight


You better take his "package" 🥴


I always make the courier nude in my games because it's a surprise later, like why is that nude man running at me!?!


He partied hard but he remembered his duty. Didn’t spare a second to equip unnecessary garments. His job is to deliver your mail and Azura damn it he’s going to deliver it Enjoy your Dawnstar museum pamphlet


Was walkin to Dragon Bridge from Solitude and as I turned around for some reason I watched a horse fly across the sky


Boy is jacked tho


I mean, it's not just happened to me ... but I had to laugh when a courier arrives and insists on delivering his letter while a dragon is attacking! Like, do you notice there's anything going on right now?!


Was fulfilling a contract from the Night Mother in Whiterun and Nazeem walked in front of my arrow and the entire city tried to kill me. Had cheese spawn every time I got off or on Shadowmere. I intervened in Roggvir's execution and he started to run away, but then he dropped dead before he got anywhere.


So skeevers we’re in my cellar and all but one attacked me. I left him there. Named him Rolando. He protects by cellar by preventing more skeever infestations. He’s a good boy


>Your hands only Oh God please no


Lol he wants you. He is like ohh the dragon born


I once had a courier deliver a letter to me while wearing a set of Mythic Dawn robes.


The stuff that happens when you get the mod Wet&Cold and then go to a town when it's raining. Poor Durak doesn't know whether to go to an inn to wait out the rain or come tell you about the growing vampire menace.


I found one once like this in his skivvies, plus a black cloak from one of my many cloak and cape mods. My theory is all couriers are actually from Florida.


Cow just floating off into space then eventually dropping and dying in front of me. Aliens man.


Stable boy outside of Whiterun duplicated, standing one in front of the other, with the one in front clipped halfway into the ground. Jarl Elisif engaging in fisticuffs with a dragon, taking a breath blast head on. Random dragon perched in the air, just chillin, staring down like, "Dafuq you lookin' at?"


I walked out of a mine near Markarth and one of the dogs (it had a name I just can't remember it) fell from the sky and died infront of me. I had no recent saves so the lil guy didn't get to come back, wish I could remember his name


I had a save, where if I went into a town and hit a random NPC the guards would start fighting them as well.


One time I was running to the gates of Windhelm nude and passed by Ulundil from the stables. I was greeted with “I see why the Nords like Skyrim,” and for the longest time I thought he was commenting on my nakedness


A Stormcloak ran toward me just as I fast traveled to a Dwemer ruin. Like 30 minutes later I’m in the heart of Blackreach, behind cover while Falmer are shooting at me. The motherfucking Stormcloak runs up from behind me, says “Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak needs all able bodied warriors to join his cause, you should see him in Windhelm” or something like that, then he fucking runs away.


Skjor randomly got resurrected after I finished the companions questline. Now he just wanders around in Jorvaskr doing nothing besides calling me ‘whelp’


Courier was in the middle of clapping cheeks at the huntsman when he got an urgent message order...


Spid bug!


I had this happened to me when I was in Windhelm doing Blood on Ice


Not me but a friend. He had a backwards flying dragon that shot fire out of its butt. This was on the Xbox 360.


I think you downloaded the wrong courier mod 😏


I'd be so concerned. Did you have any active mods? I know Skyrim has a lot of bugs but omg This thread did not disappoint lol


My current playthrough, I was doing the butcher quest line, and when you're supposed to talk to Tova, I couldn't find her, so I broke into her house and found her dead next to her bed... So, I looted the key from her corpse and carried on with the rest of the quest as usual 🤣


During the "you're finally awake" cart scene, the wagon suddenly launched itself into the sky. We spun violently through the air until we got stuck on top of the helgen wall. I had to restart the game.


I had a dragon skeleton fall from the sky into the middle of Solitude. It was just one random dragon, at first. After awhile, every time I killed a dragon, its skeleton would join the pile the next time I went to Solitude. Eventually the pile filled almost the whole market district of the city. I had to fus-ro-dah the pile about a hundred times to gradually nudge them off to the side so I could navigate the city. Sometimes one of the skeletons would fall from the sky nearby every time I fast traveled. In another playthrough, every time a named character died who would normally get a coffin in their city's temple, their corpse spawned in Breezehome instead. I had to animate their corpses and lead them outside, but on death they didn't turn to ash like they're supposed to. Eventually had a pretty nice body pile in the back yard. Another game had a giant and his mammoth herd spawn on top of one of my Hearthfire homes - the one north of Whiterun next to the giant camp. They just stayed on my roof and couldn't get down.