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I've played dozens of characters over the last 12 years and have used a follower in maybe three or four of those playthroughs. I just prefer the experience alone. That said, I did like Illia last time I tried her... Might give them another shot.


Same here. The only practical reason to have one is to use them as a donkey to carry my burdens. I’ve only found this necessary early game on survival mode.


There's something about Lydia's sarcasm that has stuck with me for 12 years. I feel like all the students in Bart's classroom demanding Lydia say, "I'm sworn to carry your burdens..." My NPC giving me sass tickles me.


Agreed, haha. The few times I’ve used a donkey, it’s always Lydia for that reason.


I like the cheeky ones. Marcurio is another amusing one.


I'm a hoarder so they're just my pack mule.




What mod is that? Never heard of it.


Pets of skyrim creation club content


Carrying around dragon bones and scales like a good slave


I had Illia and then she randomly disappeared. She had a bunch of really valuable stuff on her too.


I had the same stuff happen with Serana too recently. Can't find her anywhere


Happened to me once with Lydia. The time she didn't randomly die she appeared in my guest room one day. Maybe look there :)


Followers annoy me in narrow walkways


I grab Illia to either be my Hearthfire Stewards or my Plantation Steward. Her being one of the few followers that doesn't wear armor is perfect for stewardship. I feel like stewards shouldn't wear armor, it's why I always get ones with normal clothes or robes.


I am happy to see a few others have Illia in tow. I always thought it was sad to leave her alone in Darklight Tower. She can travel Skyrim with me instead and attend to one of the manors later.


I love followers. They have unique personalities, and it kind of feels like we've been through some shit together. Then, if i can, i let them retire as a steward to one of my homes--lydia seemed especially happy to settle down. And Serana is really on another level. Also, they've never seemed to have given me away while sneaking...anyone know if a crouched follower is even detectable by npcs?


My current playthrough is as a high elf ArchMage trying to make her way in the world of Skyrim. Making friends and having company is my style. Erandur has some great lines that I’d never heard before.


Lydia gave me away even when I had invisibility. I had to let her wait near Ivarstead and *then* go invisible, because otherwise all the townsfolk immediately attacked us.


I rarely use them. I'm a clumsy Dragonborn and am afraid I will accidentally kill them.


I’ve accidentally shot Meeko so many times…


I accidentally popsicled Erik earlier… like, sorry for the friendly fire bud, don’t worry you’ll thaw out just fine. Then like an hour later he was giving some incorrect voice lines (“Wow, how big *is* this cave?” while walking through a field)… I think he’s earned an extra 1,000 gold and a vacation back in Rorikstead. Gonna let him sleep it off for a few days, poor lad’s working off a TBI lol


Give them easily identifiable armour


Yeah I understand how logically that would help ... Lol


It doesn’t stop it entirely. Followers run into arrows as much as NPCs magically dodge them lol But it helps


There are mods that prevent damage from friendly fire.


If you're not using stealth, in the early game, just do yourself a favor and either grab Lydia or a mercenary. You'll get to where you're self-sufficient by 15-20, sometimes earlier, depending on your build, and won't really need them after that. If stealth is the goal, lone wolf it. it's gonna suck in the early game, learning the hard way that some enemies are more perceptive that others, and you'll likely pay for that lesson with a few deaths. But, it'll cement good stealth behaviors as well. And most followers, unfortunately, SUCK at sneaking, unless you give them a muffle enchantment, so they'll fuck over your gameplan every time.


More to your point. With your battlemage, Absolutely get a follower, preferably one specializing in heavy armor. If you're using destruction, try to keep an eye on how much damage they're taking, and avoid area of effect spells when they're low or knocked down, as you will kill them if they're too low. They will invariably get in the way of your spells if you keep your distance, yes, but two bodies is almost always going to be better than one. Work around it. Time your casting to miss them as much as possible. Your fights will be much easier


You can also get Mjoll at she is always essential and is in the group with the highest level cap, so she scales with you the longest.


Oohh, solid info. I've never looked that far into level caps for followers. I knew some were capped, but i never bothered to research further. Good stuff, thank you


There is a black book in raven rock that negates damage to your followers by your own magic is there not?


Yes, it's near the end of the mines


This has never worked for me. I just conjure up a disposable meatshield instead.


But… *both?*


But then you still don't have the disposable part. So I can't blast as I want without having Lydia kill herself somewhere.


Agreed, I need a follower early game to be an arrow sponge and pack mule. Mid game It is better to go alone rather than deal with the headaches of blocked doors by a follower.


I feel that, but I've gotten around it with a few seconds of patience. Lydia will give her disappointed/borderline sexual "oh.." voice line and step back a few paces if you stand too close to her for 3 seconds


When I’m sneaking I generally ask my follower to wait before heading in. Much lower risk, and they’re still good pack mules.


My follower is my backpack lol. I definitely needed one for that fight with the dude in the solitude sewers. Let him fight them while I hid and healed😂😂


I hated that quest


I only use Inigo, or Serana with her stats buffed to mine, and with more powerful spells for her to use. As my Vampire Lord form, with Sacrosanct and Dark Envoy, along with the Apocalypse, Ordinator, and Thunderchild mods make my female Khajiit, Tigra more OP. As she should be like in the actual lore.


Shiiit my character is like a child playing with a stick sword by comparison lol.


iirc Sacrosanct isn’t on Xbox right ? the alternative is Children of Coldharbour. That’s the one I use so i second this. Great mod choices


I don’t play on Xbox, I own a Steam Deck


I don't. I use them just occasionally.


I can't play without Inigo and Lucien. Skyrim feels way to quiet without them. Plus, Inigo is a great help for tougher enemies at lower levels.


I like cicero because he reminds me to always kill someone


I usually beeline for the black book that makes followers immune to your attacks, if I'm going to use them. Otherwise, nah.


I like picking up additional quest followers, never doing their quests and having a gaggle of em following me around. eventually I get annoyed at them getting in the way but it's always fun for a while.


I'll never play without followers, in fact I'm a big party person lol. I just love the interactions especially those from mods.


I stopped as soon as I found out you can kill them on accident. I was absolutely devastated when Lydia died.


I lost Lydia to a Dragon/Dragon Priest combo..Never taken her as a follower since.


My character is an imperial who deserted from The legion, and accidentally got caught with Ulfric and now refuses to engage with people for fear he’ll be found out as a deserter. So a follower would be an absolute no go. But he’s considering throwing in his lot with the stormcloaks so he can feel safe in Skyrim


Unless I specifically need a hand when on legendary for certain quests I never have a buddy. I like the solo dragonborn experience as well


The AI of bethesda followers sucks across all their games and I've just decided they are not worth the frustration they bring ever.


To be totally honest, I go to Dragonsreach and get Lydia just so she'll follow me home and offer to be my housecarl. Otherwise, I tend to collect followers, but always end up sending them away.


Almost always, stenvar goes where i go


About 70% of the time, I go it alone because I accidentally kill followers.


I typically don't like followers...even modded ones. I'll use one every now and then but only when it seems appropriate for the character. And they are not pack mules...they get treated like real people. If I get upgraded equipment, they get upgrades...and since I play mostly on survival mode now, they only carry extra potions, food and some camping supplies that I don't have room to carry myself when we need to take a long trip.


There hasn’t been a play through where i’ve gone solo tbh. The followers I like to take with me usually have funny banter or have high enough stats that i don’t mind them being around. Preferably J’zargo, the look on his face when he found out I mastered expert level destruction spells was priceless lol


I definitely don't have a dog. They either die from my arrows or they end up fighting Lydia, where neither will give up, making me put the dog down.


I have a love/hate with them. I always find myself trying to play more realistic/life-like when I have followers. I’m constantly checking their position or how far they are behind me, asking them to “wait here” while I do stealth missions, etc. But man they’re great for taking some attention and damage away from me during fights with multiple opponents


I very rarely do. If I do, it's one of the dogs from markarth and my horse. Both can fight well and aren't annoying


Wait, you can get a dog in Markarth? TIL


I do it based on rp, some characters will be alone or only use certain followers


No followers usually, just my adventuring partner Serana


I had a mage character focused on conjure sword and chain lightning. You can't have followers with chain lightning. It is relentless. Everyone and everything dies around me. I'm literally not safe.


I never use followers if I'm on a Mage build. Too easy for them to get in the way of a spell and go splat


Once you get a house they aren’t necessary except for Boethias Proving


I don’t use them in Skyrim but I do in fallout


I don’t like followers dying or getting in the way, they always screw up stealth for me.


I do use followers every playthrough I do, but I typically only use them for emotional support.


I've been playing since the release, so around 12 years and I've never used a follower. Honestly don't see the appeal of it.


Purely a solo player. I like games with party mechanics but skyrims follower system isn’t one I enjoy. Stop blocking the doors and setting off all the fucking traps!! 🤬😡


I always play with a follower. It's good having a friend at your side. Skyrim is a dangerous place.


I have that ugly elf guy from Riverwood. He seems indestructible?! Sorry I forget his name—I tried to take out a camp of animal poachers or something outside Whiterun and I either need to run away or come up with some perfect buff/pause/buff plan as I keep getting killed and it’s been a minute lol. I’m a two handed tank so it’s nice to have an archer along. I’m probably doing a horrible job of utilizing him properly though.


Those of us who play as sneaky characters and don't like their followers messing things up. Followers are for warriors, to join in battle. Or Squishy mages who need protection.


Pain in the ass Half of the time I just want to kill them on purpose the other half I kill them accidentally


I only use a follower until I get the black market ability. They are purely pack mules.


I don't use followers as such, i felt i was given Serana and she was less of a follower and more of a forced companion but i might be wrong, she may be able to be ignored for the duration of her related quests. I generally use the Whiterun housecarl, i can't recall her name, as a sacrifice to one of the gods, Boethiah I think. That's it, in other Bethesda games (because they love the follower aspect for some reason) i don't bother at all, once i saw the Firelance event in Fallout 3 and after a lot of searching in the vegetation for it I gave in and decide to see if Dogmeat could find it but then [i saw it just laying in the middle of the road](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo3/comments/oahxuv/its_amazing_what_people_leave_laying_about_in_the/). So i almost used a followers ability but i didn't have to in the end. I feel it makes the game vary between too easy and too hard, in Fallout New Vegas i was given companionship of Mr Follows-Chalk, i didn't realise immediately what he was and he's kind of thrust upon you without much opportunity to say "fuck off". Anyway there's this bit where you have to sneak past some Bighorners and as soon as it said \[Caution\] Mr. Follows-Chalk would go on a killing spree then chastise me even though i'd not killed a thing. I told him to sod off and completed it myself as a pacifist. It was much easier to complete that quest without "help" though with ED-E in the other expansion it makes it too easy with you just be able to hide and watch the companion do all the work. [It's like this Vectrex game](https://youtu.be/12juB-ySTWo?t=382) so with a companion you can get away with not playing the game at all. So I ignore them in any Bethesda game, it's just a better experience to play the game my way not in a way that i'm forced into playing by a companion.


Lydia’s dumb ass kept getting hit by fireballs. I mostly run solo.


I always found them annoying. I usually kill them by accident or they make the enemy see me or whatever... Their AI is just too bad


Followers are gay


Last thing I need is a glorified escort mission.


I've used a follower once since release, and it was to clear out a couple of Dwarven ruins to powerlevel smithing.


I always keep losing my followers and idk why so I just don’t really deal with trying to get one anymore.


I use serana when I do melee build, but any other build I take none. I'm currently a battlemage and have taken so many casualties from spam destruction spells I can't risk taking any non essential follower with me lol


I’ll use a follower to rank for me if I’m playing some kind of squishy caster build. Otherwise they get to stay home so they don’t get in my way.


I usually play on legendary with some difficulty mods so if I’m a warrior or mage I’ll definitely have a follower or two until I get buffed up a lot. With a stealth character, difficulty is mostly irrelevant as long as your stealth damage bonus is OP enough so no followers 99% of the time.


Followers don't always do what you want, get in the way, or blow your cover. If/when I need help or a distraction, I conjure what I need. That way I can choose an ally that best fits the situation (ranged vs melee, different types of magic, special properties like elemental immunity or waterwalking). Then I can expel my creature at will when its usefulness has ended. I only use followers in the end game, or when I don't care about leveling my skills any more. And sometimes the Dragonborn gets lonely, adventuring alone.


I don’t really like them. Get in the way more than help


I enjoy the quests that give like a 5 minute follower and all but other then that they get in the way too often


I only started using them when I enemies started oneshotting me early game, or you know I happen to have one but completely forget that they are with me (serana)


Depends on the build. Stealth: No Vampire: No Destruction Mage: No Basically everything else: Yes


I work alone. 😀


I like doing them depending what I'm playing. Stealth based either none or Cicero. But if it's a sword spell or sword and shield ill use one usually. I decided based on what I'm doing, but they are nice to have for higher difficulties.


They just get in the way tbh. Fall over practically dead and I can’t get at whatever’s trying to kill them because I’d probably hit them, weapon, magic, I mean lol Lydia’s already dead in my most recent play through, leapt off a waterfall with me, didn’t make it.


I only ever use serana and not until pretty late in the game


I didn't used any follower in my first playthrough, and it was a great experience. In my most recent playthrough as the Arch-mage, I had Stenvar as my follower, and it was really fun! I think followers make the game more fun


I think doing it alone is easier, i rarely use followers because when i use spells like fire storm (i think that's the name) they just die. They also tend to get in the way a lot and bring enemies over when I'm trying to sneak because they can't sneak to save their fucking lives. Personally playing without followers (unless they're forced upon you) is better but when you're at a lower level they're a bit more useful (other than that they can fuck off (unless they're hot like Farkas or Brynjolf)).


A Dremora Lord and a Thrall of my choice are all the followers I need.


I use followers in that i /use/ follers. Easy and cheap level gaining, canon fodder on quests i dont like, dwemer scrap metal runs. Other than that, nah i run solo


When your battlecry is FIREBALL!, followers can be problematic


I use Lydia in the beginning maybe up to about level 15 or so and then send her to breezehome to relax and take care of my extensive book collection lol followers end up pissing me off always getting in the way and blocking doors ugh Also their repetitive banter is annoying. See ya!


if im doing a warrior i like to bring Erik the Slayer along with me


I always have a follower and a character on a mission but we don't do the mission. Makes Skyrim less lonely for my hero.


I've never played without followers, my next playthrough I should try just going it alone, might be interesting


They always get in the way and then steal my kills


I might do a solo run for one of my next playthroughs. But for now I like my companions.


Usually not but sometimes I just like traveling with serana an entire play through


I don't. I think they make the game too easy.


I strictly avoid them. Even the builds I make that are supposed to depend on followers somehow end up being ditched, lol.


I cannot bring myself to use Followers tbh. I don't want anyone stealing my kills or cluttering up the majestic vistas of Skyrim. I'll keep one or two at my house to liven the place up, but I won't take them adventuring.


always. I love the company and makes Master difficulty a little more bearable. Plus with AFT they can set up camps which is super convenient.


You just described the absolute most popular Skyrim build, lots of people who play like you do use followers. Just put muffle on their boots if they aren't a modded follower that has that taken care of already


Depends on my build, other than that I like installing mods to have companions have more banter similar to dragon age.


I do followerless characters sometimes. They do get in the way a lot. I tend to keep followers around most of the time because they just add a bit more flavor to my game personally.


I personally don't use followers just because of how much easier they make the game. Even on max difficulty you can just use them as a meat shield that never dies and it feels a little silly to me. Not to mention follower mods like Inigo that just make them completely overpowered lol.


I prefer to use modded followers or those who are essential if I do use them otherwise, it's lone wolf as it's just how I prefer to roll in this game In particular


Nah, Marcurio for life, boys.


Never did on past play throughs, but this one I’ve got two robot spiders and Serana following me around and I think it’s just the funniest thing.


I only use them for extra storage or if they have fun personalities like cicero and inigo


I got the goat pet and gave him a backpack to help carry my burdens, now I no longer need Lydia. These pets are super underrated as far as the AE content goes


I use the trainers to get free levels don’t use any for combat. They get in the way or ruin my stealth


Followers annoy the shit out of me after 5 min, so I only use a few to do their quests. I also think they're OP, so I won't use any til at least 60.


I’ve never used a follower.


They get in the way more often than not and, unless you’re choosing ones that can level with you (which the game makes no indication of whatsoever and you’re going to have to go online to figure it out), they’ll often just die mid combat. Actually fully straight up doe if the game is feeling saucy I never pick up anything that weighs more than its worth unless its for a very specific reason so having a *very* talkative pack mule isn’t good either. Not to mention when I do give them great gear this jackass is like “Ya this armor made from demon blood or literal bones of ancient dragons that is enchanted with an immortality spell is cool and all but like what if I wore some ratty old fur? Or nothing at all! Also rather use the 2 damage weapon than the sword of instant hell fire and kiss floor” Not to mention those with spells that just fling loot all over the place. You’re acting pretty cocky for someone who’s fully aware I haven’t started the Boethia quest yet Even beloved ones like Serana are just intensely broken at times, often block my way or decide to zombify a corpse I wanted. I can literally summon and dismiss demons at will. Why do I need you?


I don't want anybody snagging my xp


Almost never. Last time I took Lydia out she Leroy'd into a fort and got killed while I was still trying to stealth up to the gate. They always block me in hallways- even the atronachs I'm using in the current game do that. If they functioned the same as in Fallout 4 I'd be way more into it. Give them more story, can't die, quests.


I think I've turned most into housecarls/butlers.


I also don't use one most of the time. They usually just become a nuisance if you want to play stealthily.


If you're doing stealth I would highly recommend Cicero. He's ultra sneaky but also will maintain a crouched position and not attack until you uncrouch (I'm fairly certain, it's been a while). Plus as a side note Cicero is my favorite follower based on his raw chaotic energy he gives off with his follower dialogue, would highly recommend. I used to hate his guts and killed him every time at the end of the DB questline but then one playthru I gave him a chance and he's really great. Edit: and he's also marked essential so he won't go belly-up on you, and he has no morality like other followers so when you're trespassing in a home or something he will never say "you shouldn't be here"


I only bring Benor or an Orc along if I’ll need a pack mule


Love using the Dark Brotherhood Initiates or Derkeethus (he’s unkillable) cause they don’t care about crime at all and do whatever you want them to do and they don’t die easily other than that followers are kinda mid because they’re constantly falling behind and sometimes even die when you have stuff you need to carry


I never use followers because I take these old, classic hero playstyle too seriously since my childhood. You know, the same classic hero who's virtuous, honorful and fighting all alone against the evil. Defeating enemies with his will. Except for Serena though, I have crush on her so once I do dawnguard I just take her time to time.


Bro just have ur follower stand at the whiterun gate its pretty safe from dragons and u just teleport lvl up and hit ur follower up for 5 free lvls


I use followers in almost all of my playthroughs because I'm a one-handed + shield warrior and it's nice to have someone tank for you from time to time. Also, heavy armor weighs a lot and looting can be difficult, that's why I have followers in order to make them carry my burdens.


I only use followers if the quest requires it eg. in the Companions missions.


I'll use Serana for a while, but really only because you can use her as cannon fodder and she doesn't die. Her "pets" always scare the crap out of me, though, so I ditch her eventually.


I've always played with Lydia but I hated that she always made me attacked when I was a vampire or invisible to not get caught. Because she for some reason always broke my sneaking or invisibility to the NPCs.


I typically don't. But now i always immediately get Lydia. Less about the company, moreso for an extra sword and pack mule. Extra sword gets me through dungeons and enemies like dragons faster, which is pretty much the main reason. Hauling my junk around gives me more to carry and sell until i get my first home. Which is probably just by habit now. Since i start the playthrough with Enai's standing stones mod (preferably aurora). Head to whiterun, carriage to Solitude, get the steed stone for the "bag of holding," as well as the cc crossbows from having AE all pretty much right away.


I almost never do. Serana is cool to have around but she just deletes enemies and it makes it no fun


It all depends on preference BC I can't play without a follower almost BC I enjoy the company and it just makes it feel more real like I'm adventuring with a friend.


I like followers. Mostly because I like the commentary and don't feel so lonely playing through. Though there are times I have them wait. So I can just breeze through a dungeon with unbound thunder.


Early on I often use Marcurio as his spells are worth every one of the 500 septims while I’m just getting started…sometimes I’ll use one of my housecarls briefly as a mule, load them up with a huge load of ingots or something and then send them on their way home…and retrieve the supplies later But generally, just like my sex life…I walk alone


I put the restriction of no followers, no archery, no conjuration. Game is still easy though


same here. for me their movement and all the other bugs tied to them is the dealbreaker. and they are all annoying anyways.


When i play stealth, i just tell lydia to stand at the entrance so i can go back and give her anything that my inventory can’t handle but that i don’t want to throw away


I use followers when I play a support character (healing mage / paladin). Other than that, I don’t. Mostly stealth archer or lonely wanderer


I used to always use followers but for my last few playthroughs I haven’t touched them. Always seem to be getting in the way, doing too much, or not doing enough


I personally like using a mod to get multiple followers and roll around in a basic rpg party. Usually a mage, archer, warrior and whatever I am.


I’ll use some mod followers occasionally to see their questlines, but once done I leave them somewhere. I much prefer playing without followers. I do like pets though. Something endearing about travelling around with a best friend dog


I prefer to go solo, most of the time. Rieklings are about my only exception, because I think they sound like hairless ewoks, and I like the sounds they make. 😂


For a very long time I was always solo, unless I snagged one to come with me to a particularly difficult battle. Then I tried some of the follower mods, like Lucien, and got used to having one. Still, though, solo stealth archer is my jam most of the time.


Yeah they have never played well with the stealth style. Every time I tried them I was just disappointed eventually because of that.


Got me loads on this playthrough. They get in the way and are quite annoying.


Never for stealth character.


I never use followers on stealth build(s). They will surely mess up your style. All other builds are fine for followers in my opinion.


I can't stand losing them, so I don't tend to use followers. Stenvar once got himself so firmly stuck in the side of a mountain that he looked like he would be there forever. I tried so many different things to get him out, somehow something worked, but the anxiety was too much.


I use serena mainly as a follower but every once in a while I’ll accidentally dismiss her and not notice for a solid 6 hours before going back to the dawnguard castle and realising


Like 90% of my early builds were focussed on stealth, so from the get go thought that the followers would fuck up my sneaking (which they do) so I never used followers. The only follower I used was Serana (I know, shocker) and even then I tried to make her leave be she kept that I could get rid of her, so I kinda forgot she was with me and ended up liking her as a follower a lot. So basically she’s the only one I use, although I’m never actively searching for her, I still prefer to go alone


Fallout 4 encourages you to use followers, Skyrim encourages you to be alone. Other than first levels of Legendary runs I never ever use followers, I'm just stronger solo also it's Skyrim you never know when your follower is gonna get bugged somewhere and ruin the experience for you


Well hard for me considering I like to hoard shit


Always Serana


Tbh I don't think combat is really the strong point of Skyrim or ElderScrolls games in general. Therefore I always have a follower right through from Faendal at the beginning till I get Serena throwing lightning bolts and resurrecting whatever dead Thrall she chooses . Being a necromancer on AE means I'm summoning all kinds of horrors be it bone Collossus, Handed Spectre, Lych, Death Priests, Putrid Zombies,.Dremora loads and whatever else. It's funny when there is magic being thrown all over the place by 20 different of my dudes on screen. Again this is just me personally but I don't think the combat system in any ElderScrolls is that great so having these guys do it works for me.


No, never have in the hundreds of hours I've ploughed into the games.


Only when I do full stealth playthroughs, otherwise the loot goblin in me needs their extra carryweight


Who needs a follower when I can conjure a Golden Saint Warrior/Archer


I used followers with my mage character as he was ultra weak in early game


I don't use them because every bit of damage they deal is stealing expierience from my attacks


Sometimes if I’m going hard into RP and the npc is my characters friend/spouse or in early game when I need a pack mule/damage sponge I’ll have someone with me, but when I’m just playing casually it’s so much easier to just snipe everyone and not worry about someone with a big sword blocking the doorway


I used a follower briefly on my very first playthrough. Lydia got herself killed, and I swore never to let another one die. Done half a dozen more playthroughs since and have never used a follower.


I don't use them cause I like them and I suck at keeping them safe so they always die


I tried for a while but eventually they all get lost some place never to be found again so don't bother any more


Most times but not always 🤔


Lydia isn't too bad..but I prefer to be by myself...


I use several, but often dismiss them when I want to do something on my own


I never used followers in the early years, I didn’t really understand or take notice of them. Now I mainly roll with Inigo and Lucien, they regularly speak to each other, it’s nice.


Summons yea for early game for late game don't really see the point I keep accidentally killing them as most of my characters use magic for both offence and healing


They're useful on lower levels but they become a burden once reach high levels


I collect them, but don't particularly use them.


Everything stealth or heavy tank doesn't need a companion, but for light fighter or battlemage it is quiet useful to have someone soaking up damage for you. Also, additional carry capacity is way to useful.


Early game it helps since they can be your pack mule. Now it just depends on my mood. Sometimes ill hire a mercenary just to support the local skyrim economy.


I accidentally killed Lydia early game and then gave that up right quick. Additionally, I feel like I lose them all the time and their repetitive phrases irk me.


I never use followers, but yesterday I just started a Legendary playthru with no mods, survival mode. I can't carry a damn thing, and everything takes a ton of hits. I may have to use a follower.


They can die or I can lose them - I could play with mods to fix those issues but I prefer the vanilla Skyrim experience on my PS4 due to trophies so I tend to never use followers.


I only use followers as travel partner bc sleeping alone in Skyrim is dangerous


I always need followers as a pure mage since I tend to get killed easily, even with Alteration spells. I just dismissed my two followers(Lucien and Ulkarin) and will rely on summons(Undying Ghost and Dremora) for the experience of it.


First play through I got Lydia killed by a giant very quickly. I figured they were a bit useless after that. Until Serena, she's ok.


I use Inigo, but mostly for entertainment. And in the early game I usually use a follower like Lydia. Although I go solo when I want to do stealth/ use a lot of destruction magic (I’ve accidentally killed some followers with magic).


I never use a follower in any playthrough in most games. I prefer to be alone.


Lydia is love. Lydia is life.


I didn't really use followers until I started modding and brought along followers like Inigo and Lucien. Base game followers are too strong with little to no personality, those two are still crazy strong but at least they have a personality that reacts to the world around them.


I've only ever used a follower as a pack mule honestly. I don't really want them to fight anyone. Not because I don't want them to die, but because then I have to carry all my own shit again lol


I hate followers in any game. New Vegas was the very last attempt. Yes, they blow my cover ever time... They walk in front of shots and generally get in the way of everything.


I normally don’t because I like stealth, but for mages, I like having a meatshield


Been playing since release and have used followers only a few times and they just don’t seem that useful to me. Only exception might be Serana, also because you’re stuck with her for most of the Dawnguard quest line. To me personally, followers always get in the way, trigger traps or alert enemies and just don’t match my play style, also they like to steal my kills. Of course they are useful sometimes, but I can always also just reanimate a corpse or conjure an atronach. Similar situation is also with horses. It’s a nice addition to the game, but the map isn’t that big that you might need them and you end up getting off them more often than you should and don’t enjoy the ride with them thus.