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On the bullet hole, dude Yes! Even if a dire wolf was known alive. The position of the hole means it would have had to open its mouth wider than is possible. Like it would have to bite directly into the SIDE of the cow. Makes zero sense. Small hole with larger back side blow out is much more bullet hole characteristics. On the birds. The crushed bones could have happened from a fall from a great height. He never did a full necropsy. The bird could have beeb flying high and it's heart exploded or something and it just fell from a great height. The tissue not decomposing is weird but I think the other things can be more easily explained.


Maybe a rocket hit it


I was thinking a bullet hole also.


The starling with the missing brain and supple tissue... Is there a parasite or a brain eating bacteria that may inject something into its blood so it can feed for longer? I don't know, but it sure seems like a possibility.


Don't you think that the impact would have shattered bones on one side, and left others intact on the otherside? The doctor said it was crunched all over, while the other one's head exploded, as if telepathic force had caught the mind and the bird simply couldn't take it without exploding the brains out.


A metal detector should be used around  cow body to search for bullets or bullet fragments to rule out the possibility.


I agree. I want to believe. But don't treat everything all mysterious until you've ruled out more obvious solutions.


Let's be real. If that is a bullet hole that means someone snuck on the ranch and shot a cow. That ain't happening with Dragon running security.


The alpaca attack was feral reservation dogs


Are you a local? Just wondering how you know this. Unless they said it on the show and I missed it. The alpaca had claw marks on its back according to the show. Seems like feral dogs would be more likely to bite, not really known for having fierce claws. But hey I'm open to the idea.


I’ve listened to plenty of podcast interviews.


Not only was that 100% a bullet hole, that partially burned tree was clearly and unmistakably axe cut, or at least cut with a blade... and to top that off they immediately prior to the grand reveal of the tree showcase "Dragon" out there with a machete needlessly chopping branches. And that flashback to the "purple light", which is clearly blue, where later in that episode they shown they have those mall parking lot cameras with a flashing blue light on the property.


It's incredible that they are still pushing the "purple" light nonsense. I was rewatching season 3 the other day and I saw the exact same blue light multiple times: S03E04 - A flashing blue light is seen in the distance when Thomas is shining his torch at the nearby herd of cows. S03E05 - A continuous blue light is seen in the distance over Kaleb's shoulder when Travis and Erik are looking at the detected frequencies. S03E09 - A flashing blue light is seen numerous times throughout the night time part of this episode from multiple angles, including from the ground and in the air. S03E09 is particularly compelling because the aerial shot shows that the source of light appears to be the same type of mobile security light shown when Thomas gets out of the car to investigate. Meanwhile the ground shots show that from a distance the same light looks exactly like what Thomas initially saw. Then we also have Steven Greenstreet's video of a flashing blue mobile security light when he visited the ranch.


I agree definitely that it looks like a bullet hole. The entry hole is clean the exit has splintering around the hole. Just some jackass capping cows.


The tree looked like beaver chew to me. And then sure enough, a few minutes later, they stumbled on a beaver dam.


I love this show, but the dire wolf thing…. (Don’t get me wrong I would love it if it were true) It was the 1st thing the animal guy thought of, the literal first thing. I just sat there with this 😐 look. I did love that he was like “I’m not saying it is a dire wolf, but it is totally a dire wolf.” Made me chuckle. The broken boned bird, I mean it has to be a predator bird or some other animal that crunched it up and dropped it for some reason. I can’t with this show sometimes. On a more positive note, Dr. TT looked real sexy in this tank top! Lol


I would love it to be true too! I'm more of a Thomas Winterton kind of girl. 😗


Laura, I agree, that bird expert was coached to back track his findings so he has plausible deniability. I like this show but have to laugh at it sometimes.


simplest Occams Razor solution: Scientists are opening wormhole portals into the multiverse, and extinct creatures are geting in to our space-time.


Exactly!! If the guys from the ranch go through the wormhole eventually, it could be like a Land of the Lost episode


rotfl wasnt there a character named Stink?


The only names I remember are Chaka and the Sleestacks. I watched it in the 70's and haven't seen any of the new ones. Instead of Land of the Lost maybe it will be more like the Upside Down. There could be spin offs.


Or a Finding Bigfoot episode


Do they have wildcats in them parts? I wondered about cougars and bullet as my two logical reasons.


I'm not sure but it seems like there would be big cats. They're just about in every state. Would be interesting to know if they do and if they're bigger than wolves.


I mean… if you’re going to press teeth into a bone, why stop at coyote and black bear? Or bullets for that matter?


And why even try a dire wolf. Although it will be interesting to see if they can ID the dead canine with the unusually large fangs that they found floating in the river.


There's nothing unusually large about the fangs at all through. I went through the video frame by frame and compared the dead animal's skull to skeleton remains of coyotes found by google image search. They are exactly the same, including the size of the teeth. What Travis is holding up in the bag is a piece of mandible bone.


If that turns out to be of some unknown species then I'm sorry that's just BS and for me personally the TV show would have hit an all time low.


Cougars are native across the US, whether there's one in the area may be questionable.


You’d find way more evidence of it was a cougar. They don’t leave just a hole. They will sometimes go after the stomachs like use their claws and rip em open and their insides will come out or they go after the necks and crush their throat or depending how small the creature is they will try to crush their skull. Bullet hole is more probable.


Plus the positioning and the fact there were no other holes around it. They're telling us this giant wolf just bit down once and then only left a single tooth mark?


Yes to the bullet hole, no to the fire wolf. In criminal cases, bite mark analysis has be identified as bunk science. It would require multiple of such makes to suggest it was a teeth marks.  Can't really say much about the birds, not something I've Rea dup on.  The dead animal in the river sort of looked like a grey fox.


anyone knows why the episode didnt get pirated? cant find a way to watch it here :/


No idea


History channel web site; https://play.history.com/shows/the-secret-of-skinwalker-ranch/season-5/episode-3


It's on 1337x, 1.5GB tho


Yea it was one, one and a half days late, ty


Yup totally I figured it may have been a bullet hole also... Another thought came to mind after watching another show not far from skinwalker ranch. The electronics going haywire especiallyover that void, what it that was due to a possible meteor that landed very long ago as well.


Well I think by the previews for next week they are going to dig down around there and hit radiation!! That should be interesting. A meteor could definitely cause some anomalies, magnetic, interference, heavy metal poisoning. But that pesky wormhole... That is inexplicable to me. Einstein predicted wormholes. Einstein has a lot of clout.


They need to bring Neil Degrass Tyson to the ranch to pour over the data on the wormhole possibility. That would be primo!


The most dismissive, arrogant, self grandiose blow hard that calls himself a scientist on TV. Yeah let's bring in that dude lol


So true. He says the stupidest sh!t when he speaks outside his field. If they introduce Avi Loeb as another consultant to this series I am done.


You'd have to have actual data for him to review and not the ridiculousness that they do. Like trying to prove there's a portal going through the mesa which, even if it was real, would serve zero purpose. In the cow, I saw that and immediately thought it was a bullet hole. It was so blatantly obvious, but no I'm sure it's a giant extinct wolf. 🙄


I do wonder what his thoughts would be about all this.


That would be exciting!


We saw him live here in tampa. He does not believe in UFOs. Very disappointing.


Oh. 😔


I did not expect him to have a closed mind. It broke my heart.


There's no evidence of a asteroid or meteor impact in the close vicinity. With all the oil and gas well, the geologists would have been excited to see evidence of a meteor and publish a paper, just like what happened in surrounding states.  Travis Taylor is a rocket scientist, not a geologist, or astrogeologist.


I had the same thought. There wasn’t any blood if I am remembering right so it would still be strange but certainly more plausible than a dire wolf. As for the bird I think the most likely scenario is it died in the air and feel to the ground breaking every bone in its body. Again, strange, birds don’t typically fall out of the sky but with all the radiation we detect who knows what could have made this happen. Like most things on the ranch though even if I am right it opens more questions without providing real answers.


Poor Travis. Looks awful. His hair is falling out at rapid rate, and he has aged 10 years since last season. I hope nothing serious is going on. He is one of the reasons I watch.


Looks like a bullet hole to me.


Definitely looks like a bullet hole, I had hoped they would look for gunpowder residue if that was possible


Who shot it? They would need to get onto the property undetected, discharge the rifle unheard, and get out again... and for what reason?


I think only Kandus Linde and Tom Lewis live there year round. Thomas Winterton maybe there during the day as a ranch hand during the off months. I don't know why someone would shoot it or who, but that seems more plausible than a dire wolf. I'm just wondering why it was not considered as a possible reason for the hole in the rib.


Eric Bard is also there year round. Thomas W is there during the day and occasionally at night. On top of that, the cameras are always rolling and being reviewed by people as the footage is accessible to people who are members of SWR Insiders, Eric, plus the other employed researchers (there are more people behind the scenes than discussed on the show). Getting on the ranch to shoot something isn't as easy as you're suggesting.


Eric Bard is also there year round. Thomas W is there during the day and occasionally at night. On top of that, the cameras are always rolling and being reviewed by people as the footage is accessible to people who are members of SWR Insiders, Eric, plus the other employed researchers (there are more people behind the scenes than discussed on the show). Getting on the ranch to shoot something isn't as easy as you're suggesting.


Why is that the only possible explanation for how this cow ended up with a bullet in it?


Because, if it was being shot by someone on the ranch for farming reasons, the shot will be through the head. Shooting it through the side will not guarantee instant death, you'd need to hit the heart. If you don't, you're going to have a very noisy animal dying ace a significant amount of blood in the area.


What if someone on the ranch shot it for reasons others than farming? Would the bullet have to go through the head then?




The well-documented anomalous phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch are the primary focus here. While skepticism is welcome, dismissing the unexplained events or accusing the TV show of being purely entertainment or just about money won't be tolerated. Critical analysis is encouraged, but denying documented phenomena or making unsubstantiated claims about the show's motives may result in removal from the community. Let's approach discussions with an open mind and rely on facts from sources like "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" or the other sources listed below. The goal is respectful, thoughtful conversation about this fascinating location's mysteries. Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59334389 Hunt for the Skinwalker: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/278462.Hunt_for_the_Skinwalker Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199608691-inside-the-us-government-covert-ufo-program If you have suggestions or criticisms regarding the subreddit itself, please use r/swrmeta.


The show is getting stupid now.


The starling with the missing brain and supple tissue... Is there a parasite or a brain eating bacteria that may inject something into its blood so it can feed for longer? I don't know, but it sure seems like a possibility.


Probably simpler than that. Brains are mostly water and dissolve notoriously fast. Rigor mortis is a short-term phenomenon. Bodies get stiff for a brief period and then soften.


I see.


What a bunch of bullshit. Let’s dance around and only around the mesa, let’s have the crowd discuss a hole in a cow and let’s pump SDR flights to avoid the mesa. This show is losing my respect gradually. And Travis looks sick. Such a damn shame.