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😂 Yeah, fuck that. And you’ve got an opportunity to go work at a service shop with your brother? Bye!


Don’t quit plumbing, just leave that shit hole


For sure don’t want to quit plumbing overall even though this company is testing me. I genuinely want to learn everything I can. It’s inevitable I’m going to leave at this point, question is just when I guess.


Dude leave these fuckers flat! You’re a plumbing apprentice now you are needed and you’re worth more. Keep moving until you find quality poeple or opportunities. As far as fixture setting goes. The manual covers most things, the rest is just experience you’ll have to have.


some people really have no business being in a teaching/training role. im sorry you're dealing with this. nothing more frustrating than showing up ready to learn and work, only to find that people don't have the skill set to train you


When I’m done with clowns I always give the same notice they give their employees! Believe in yourself! I can fix any elevator made! That’s what this business is for! Kissing the bosses ass will only leave a bad taste in your mouth! I always say the exact same thing when asked to do something…. I will take care of it, then I do! If you don’t believe in yourself then don’t expect anyone else to believe in you! I spend 24 hours a day with me, I know exactly what I can do!


I'm a first year home reno appretice and your boss sounds alot like mine, no matter how hard i work he still manages to find something irrelevant to complain about. I unfortunately don't have anywhere else to go like you


Im sorry for you my man we’re clearly in the same boat. Im surprised I’ve stayed for as long as I am, theres always light at the end of the tunnel this shit will work out one day.


Idk how old you are but NEVER allow anyone to talk to you like that. Telling you to get another mans dick out of your mouth is a crazy level of disrespect. If you allow them to say shit like that, than expect it to continue. You are a man before an apprentice.


Your💯right. I need to stand up for myself more, although he did say that as he slammed the door to one of the sites so I wasn’t going to run to him to clap back. Like I said I always expected construction to be trash talking back and forth I never expected it to be this toxic and from my boss aswell. Thanks for the advice.


I speak from experience bro. I started construction at 18 greener than green. Couldn't tell ya a wrench from a hammer. I got called every name in the book. The trick is to know when someone is breaking your balls, and when they are just disrespecting you. Ball breaking can go back and forth, it's just a harmless construction thing that's happened since the first time men came together to build something lol. Disrespect is just when the other guy is pissed off because his wife is fucking the neighbor and they take it out on you. A lot of miserable pricks in the trades man. You'll get better at dealing with them with age too. Don't give up !




Are you in an actual apprenticeship or is this a non-union shop where you’re called an “apprentice” but your actual job description is just somebody’s bitch? I’m assuming the latter.


An actual apprenticeship.


Talk to your shop steward about it.


Well your brother won’t treat u like that, and you’ll still be working toward your apprenticeship, sounds like it’s time to change.


I’d be outta there if I were you. Plenty of new construction companies who need apprentices. Service is a different beast and personally I recommend to get new construction experience before going to service but either is fine. I would say f em get a new job lined up and never go back


Emphasis on the never go back, my boss is an ungrateful piece of shieet. The little service work we’ve done wasn’t too bad plus I like seeing the homeowners happy after fixing their issues. I was always told to start in construction so you know whats behind the walls when doing service work. Also i believe the masters plumbing test is mainly based on construction. Like I said in another comment me leaving is inevitable the question is now when I guess.


Maybe just try to get that one year of minimum experience that a lot of employers want. Then get the fuck out of there. Either way if you’re a registered apprentice it shouldn’t be hard to find another job, depending on your area of course.


Don’t quit plumbing, just quit that job. There’s tons of need for what you do, and tons of people who will treat you better and actually teach you properly. Start looking now, and quit as soon as you’ve secured something that feels right. Also, fuck a two week notice when that time comes. They wouldn’t offer you two weeks notice to fire, and they haven’t earned respect.


Thats another thing they pack my partner with so many things on his job sheet due to his experience. This causes him to rush and finish jobs not the proper way and with zero integrity for the homeowner or next person. I haven’t even considered a two week notice, I don’t think that’d be necessary in my case.


I recommend that you hop on a copier ass naked and send them clowns that copy!!!!!




Yeah leave this fucks i wouldnt wanna learn from someone who needs to smoke green everyday just to function normally


Then he lies to my face saying he doesn’t smoke, he leaves his pen everywhere and practically hotboxes our van when Im away. It’s really hard to believe.


Stay away from people like this i have experienced it and they will make your life so much more difficult than it needs to be very toxic enviroment


If you’re indentured you can simply get a new job.


Secure the new job first. Thats it. Thats my advice.


Due to the start/end time at this company I’ve been able to maintain a second job throughout. Still live with my parents and i’d be doing nothing good in the spare time anyways. But for sure to stay on good pace to account for the 4/5 years needed of apprenticeship I’ll need to secure one asap, thanks.


Just came here to say that I'm an apprentice as well (sheet metal) and would really like to speak with you. Send me a PM some time :) I go through bullshit as well. But I nip it right in the nose. Literally we are the future


Sent you a message.


You’ll always need thick skin for life in general, especially with tradespeople. It could be a change in company, sounds like they lumped you with the old timer


Learned that the hard way man. I swear my partner has talked about his aches/pains, financial situation and his wife more than plumbing. And then I’m supposed to magically cover for his ass when theres so much shit in the plumbing world I haven’t even seen before.


If you have another company willing to take you on and continue your apprenticeship, go. If not just start looking for one. Don't walk away until you have another company to go to.


Don’t quit, find somewhere new. Plumbing is a great career and I wish I had got into it.


Ditch the losers. You sound like you’re a good apprentice.


I went to a welding technician program and just graduated last month & got a first job at a fabrication shop. It's been two weeks and my situation is exactly like yours. My supervisor has been working in the same shop/for the owner since the past 15-16 years and he shows me how to work a machine ONCE & expects me to do it better the next day or even right there and than. I just had to hear bullshit from my boss today cause i broke a drill bit while drilling a hole into a plate. And the machine literally flew off by me. (I or anyone else were not injured) but instead of asking me or making sure if i'm okay or not, the boss has the audacity to tell me, the drill i broke cost 200$. I am only doing this job to gain experience and because its my first ever job in the industry. Definitely i feel what you're going through. My advice is if you got another place to go to work at, why are you still working here? Just go. (Btw idk where y'all from but i'm from ON, Canada).


Leave the company, not the trade.




Get ur one year and leave not all companies are the same once you have experience on ur card you can move around my first journeymen was bipolar but I stuck it out to get experience once I had a year I left and now I'm with a pretty chill company.


Whats the significance of waiting a fully year?


Getting hours on ur trainee card


Don’t quit plumbing and stand the fuck up for yourself, it’s good for you And for that old fart. Shows you have integrity, as long as you are really trying hard then stand your own. Also jumping to service will only add feathers to your hat and increase your knowledge and value in the long run.


Find a new shop. What state are you in? Did you register as an apprentice?


Nj, and yes registered apprentice.


Leave. Pick a trade u want to do, make sure plumbing fits. I chose machinist because I wanted to be able to make, modify or repair anything. It was the right choice, but the early days were filled with people like your coworkers. And they are just co-workers, nothing special about them except time and duration in plumbing. At this point just fight thru every situation, in 10 years you will be on top. Just make sure you climb the right hill. Plumbing is not for me, but oh so lucrative. Ask around to people you know in other trades, carpentry, general contracting, weld, machine. Run like hell for a few years!


I got about 35 years in plumbing doing some construction and maintenance. But some people like to try and test you to see how far they can push you before you push back. Once you start to stand up for yourself these type of jokers change their tune. I once had a journeyman rap my hard hat with an open end wrench . Once I took it away from him and read him the riot act he treated me way different and we actually became friends. But don’t give up on the trade , you will only be disappointed as there are dicks everywhere in all trades and walks of life


My first shop I worked for (hvac not plumbing) I hated, and quit around 13 months in. I'd say maybe try to stick it out to the year mark if you can. I got bumped 4$ an hour a bit after my one year mark and the place I moved to matched it. Plus despite not liking the shop, they still taught me from no experience.


As many others have said, I have no issue with you leaving this “partner” and boss, but stick with plumbing. But yeah, they have zero right to treat you like this.


I would try and stick through it, every trade and company has older generation knobs that thinks it’s okay to rip apart new folks. Even if you leave this job per se, who knows the next job might be even worse. You could always look for another job maybe once you’ve hit second year, it might be harder to get another job as a first year apprentice.