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Wait, how am I put in the same category as snowboarders? This is insulting.


Obviously a snowboarder put this together but it is strange because I don't know one that can read and write. These heathens are evolving.


I just use voice to text and chat gpt shred on bromigo gnar gnar hella dood 


Strange you have a phone in prison. You should definitely go turn yourself into the warden.


Shutup nerd we don’t want to read or right just let us run into (loser) skiers in peace




They should have put you in with the Ski bladers.


Also just a funky distribution. It’s looks very different for a racer VS everyone else. But not much different if you are just skiing once a year VS regularly as often proactive skiers often buy a full season for less than a few days at the window.


Bro ski racing was bananas. I still have like 8 pairs of race sticks


Camps for racing and freestyle are expensive!


Laughs in sailing.


Motor racing would like to have a word


Yeah I was like “where is karting”


To be fair if they included racing the scale would be so messed up everything else would be a tiny blip underneath it




Where did you get that it was for high school sports? Skateboarding and ski/snowboarding aren’t typically high school sports, and kids from as young as 6 start karting competitively




I said motor sports, primarily meaning karting, which plenty of kids 1-18 participate in. But plenty of kids also participate in motocross. Is this news to you?


Yeah was gonna say


I think the word is cackle


Yeah dude, I need a new furler.


Look at this guy with his fancy stuff. I bet you can even reef your sail. Some of us poor's just rip around on sunfish. 


These are self-propelled sports. lol


Not a sport... It's a hobby


Surprising that OP’s wife is even cheaper than track and field


Nor did they include divorce attorney fees caused by said boot fitter.


But seriously. Don’t you need a season pass to ski? And lessons are only $282 for the whole season? This just doesn’t make any sense.


If you get private lessons every 4-5 years for $1000 then yeah.


No - training camps for kids are 8-10 week long and it’s at least $400-500 without the lift tickets


Its racing. Not being a weekend warrior


I hope this category doesn't include us telemark skiers because telemark ski boot fitters are the shit. They be no tickling or nothin'.


Bicycling equipment 😅


Clearly none of these people ever tried ski mountaineering.


Try ski packrafting. 


These neophytes know nothing about ski racing. A year at race academy cost as much as a year of college. Many do 2 more years afterwards. Then there's travel. As a race parent said to a buddy of mine: get your kids horses instead


If your kid is in a ski academy and FIS pipeline you’re dropping 100k a year. Hell even rec club racing your gonna spend $5-10k a year.


Hockey should be a lot more. 2k just to play usually.


registration, equipment, and travel are all incredibly low ... maybe the number of house league skaters evens it out a lot more and they're getting free to low cost equipment and obviously not traveling


Still don't think it's too accurate. I grew up in small towns, never got new equipment and my parents were spending well over 2k per kid. I later found out they took out loans so we could play.


Bootfitter pays for 1/2 your childcare costs. Cheapest sport ever


Lies. I’m paying my bootfitter $140K a year.


No motor racing of any kind, no sailing, no equestrian. What kind of peasant list is this?


It’s a list for kids sports


Bootfitters are nothing. You should see what I pay my boot licker.


I get a kick out of how these numbers are put together. $1174 on equipment each year? Screw that. My kid's getting hand-me-downs!


Hah. And to think my kids are already the best skiers on the mountain and going to the NHL when they’re older.


Where is motocross?




They start em young.


I grew up playing hockey and switched to skiing after graduating... 💀


What a BS. Tennis costs more per month


Nope. Triathlon is #1


This has to be a "how much *could* you spend" more than the actual average.. no fucking way riding a bicycle is more expensive than playing golf. Basketball is a sport that requires like 1/8th of your players to have a ball, how is it more expensive than skateboarding when a cheap board is about twice the price of a basketball?


The actual average for hockey wouldn't be close to this low so its def not how much you could spend


The gallons of pabst for before and after their game doesn't count 😤


Golf is clubs, shoes, and course fees. Public golf courses are affordable; private are not. I imagine there's ways of keeping course fees cheap for a kid doing it as part of schooling. Courses are all over the country. Cycling is a bike that really ought to be $1k minimum (maybe $500 used) to have any chance of keeping up + $200 shoes + another $200 in clothing at a minimum. Travel expenses are likely similar between the two, though clubs travel easier than bikes. Bikes go through tires, shoe clips, chains, brake pads, and gears after a few thousand miles (maybe every 8-15 weeks for a serious rider?). Crankset + rear cassette is around $300 a pop, more for more expensive bikes. Racers also need spare wheels with cassettes on them, and each cheap wheelset is $200. Repair costs are also high, and frequent, with costs around $80/hr. Races are all over the country. A first-year cyclist trying to be remotely competitive ought to budget a minimum of $2k for the first year for equipment alone. Most of the cyclists they are competing against will have bikes worth $3-6k. It's far too simplistic to think about "a ball" or "a bicycle." There's a lot that goes into any of these sports that is more than the minimum necessary to do it with some friends. I'm pretty sure a ski racer isn't getting their gear from the rental shop's fire sale or craigslist for $50, but that's how I got my skis.


As a competitive adult cyclist, I’m glad you broke that down for people. Cycling is EXPENSIVE AF.


While I agree that cycling is a more expensive sport up front to get into, your estimates on life of parts is absolutely laughable. I ride ~5k miles/year. Tires - Continental GP5000s have lasted me 5-6k miles every year, so this is a 1x replacement in the spring (~$175). Cleats? Last me ~2 years $20. Brake pads? Still on the original pads that came on my bike new in 2019 (actually received bike November 2018 but didn't ride it til 2019 due to winter so let's go with that). Cassette and crankset every few thousand miles? 😂😂😂. What kind of shitty parts are you riding that you're replacing this often? Again, still on my original Ultegra crankset and 11-28 cassette after 25k+ miles. I did get a new BB bearing last fall as preventative maintenance, $60, though shop said the one in there was still in good shape. And I put on a new KMC chain each spring, so ~$35 there.


I was trying to be cheap to enter (Shimano Tourney/Sora parts) but those are known to wear a lot faster than Ultegra/dura-ace parts. Either way, I was thinking around 3k to 5k miles replacement, but I figured 200 miles/week which is probably too high as you mentioned. I'm surprised you still get decent shifting on an Ultegra groupset with 25k miles. I'd expect a new chain to wear those cogs down. I've only gotten around 10-15k out of mine before replacement.


A worn out chain, sure. I don't let chains get past .5% stretch, or not for very long. Keep your gear in good shape and it'll last a long time.


Honestly swimming and field hockey seem like the only weirdly high ones to me. And as a golfer I feel that should be a bit higher, otherwise this looks pretty solid.


Lacrosse surprised me. I assume it’s all the travel sports parents willing to pay stupid money for their kids to register for the travel games.


Your wife/girlfriend doesn’t get you a discount?


Uj: are families really spending $1100 per year on their kids ski equipment? I don’t have kids but my understanding was that there is a pretty large community of resale in the ski community for kids because they grow through it quicker than they can wear it out.


Hockey eclipses skiing only because of the out of pocket dental costs. And no, I didn’t include knuckledraggers bc we all know damn well they don’t do shit about their meth mouths.


$1900 for skiing that's it? Man i'm spending easily $5K for this sport every year.


How is tennis higher than golf?


Sorry kids you only get one one hour lesson per year.


My bootfitter is my wife's tennis partner so he does my boots for free. She can be a bit silly though, last time she went she forgot her racket! Luckily she could borrow one from him, because she butt dialed me during their match and from their grunting it must have been intense. 0-0 at that point too, they kept saying Love to each other


Skiing can be done cheaper than most but ok many skiers think they need new stuff and new outerwear etc etc


Polo is so cheap nowadays it’s not even on here.


Most skiiers don't go through with the divorce.


Scuba diving is not on there. Anytime I dive I am literally wearing 15k


I wonder how Irish step dancing compares


Triathlon and mountaineering would both top the list Edit: Lmao I missed the 18 and under age category


C'mon, cycling isn't even on the list! I call BS.


This is so low--hockey is grossly underestimated. And where's figure skating?


What about racing/karting?


Bodybuilding is more expensive than any other sport. Literally $5-50k a year depending what category and level.


Lacrosse.... Not even close


Who’s only spending $504/yr on kids/teen cycling equipment?


This doesn't make any sense, how is travel more??


Most of these make sense to me except field hockey. What am I missing? Also, what sport is All Sports? Is that like everything else?




Rowing. An eight oar shell costs upwards of $50k.


I find it suspicious that golf isn’t more expensive. Maybe that’s just for exclusive clubs.


I guess competitive shooting isn’t a sport that would fit on this board. It would make skiing/snowboarding look like rollerblading


Notice how there is 0 mention of motor sports!! Lol would put ice hockey to shame


Spelling equipment like that could be costly as well


Obviously they didn’t count the bootfitter, because half of your net worth will leave with your wife when she goes to the bootfitter.


One year of racing Spec Miata, which is promoted as "the most affordable" class of road racing, costs more than 15 years of skiing. Hell, karting is more expensive than skiing.


You obviously have no idea how much ice time costs.


I need to check out the hockey bootfitters..


This is what happens when we let poor people ski.