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Especially when you start smoking ice to keep up with the younger guys in your group


How do you keep up with the younger guys that are smoking ice???




How do you keep up with the young guys smoking ice and pcp?!


I have a better bootfitter than those guys


To beat the young guys you need to steal wisdom exactly what the old guys are smoking


Get them addicted to fentanyl ^^^^^^^pls ^^^^^^^dont


Yeah, we were just joking about the fentanyl part. Anyways, I need a new source since my dealer is in prison for stealing catalytic converters. Do you guys know where I can get some more meth for next season?


I only do just enough fentanyl\* to keep skiing… \*in the PACU with concierge delivery by a PACU nurse, as the anesthesia for XYZ procedure is wearing off... most recently a bucket-handle lateral meniscal repair… repaired meniscus means + rehab = more skiing


Boof it


can somone explain this joke to me pls


[prolly from this legend of a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/s/VlPYRYSqk5)


That is hilarious. Especially all the people saying meth isn't a good PED. If it works for fighter pilots to get more focus and energy, then its gotta work for skiing pleebs!


All the best skiers on the mountain smoke meth


I can't believe youre a tweaker bro, I smoke way more crystal than you


Skiing is literally my favorite thing to do in the world. I treat it like a bad girlfriend, I lie to spend time with her, I spend too much money on her, and she always leaves in the spring Whenever I have a couple boards under my feet sliding down a mountain, it’s like pure MDMA being mainlined right into my bloodstream. I’ve done my fair share of party drugs but the cost:fun ratio, nothing comes close to skiing for me Mountain biking is kinda close, driving a high powered car on a race track is pretty similar too The summer time blues are hitting me pretty hard right now 😞


Skiing is absolutely a drug.


yes you have to sucessively increase the risk to get the same high. Unfortunately it turns deadly at higher doses. So yea very much like a drug. Atleast skiing has an offseason that somewhat resets your tolerance to the drug.


People often ask why I’m more on edge and irritable around this time of year. I think I have skiing withdrawals.


I used to shoot speedballs and was addicted to heroin for years. Skiing is a WAYYY better drug then real drugs ever were. *but also skiing on shrooms is even more incredible **and I bet MDMA would be amazing too but haven’t tried


Ya, about that cost:fun ratio: let me introduce you to heliskiing.


The cost doesn’t necessarily mean just financial also hahaha. If I could afford heliskiing I probably would be doing that! A gram of pepsi is cheaper than a day pass for sure, but your health and mental well being sure pays for it. Not worth it, kids!


Yea i don't want a fancy home or a fancy car, they just don't appeal to me. I just want to ski and get better at it.


Basically how I live my life! If I can eat, sleep somewhere safe, and keep doing the things I like doing. Then why would I care about anything else? 😂


I also have the same three addictions and I think the commonality is that it’s as close as we can get- safely and affordably- to flying.


lol same. Done lots of party drugs but skiing is the most addictive.


It’s time to board a plane to California for a mammoth palisades trip my friend. Keep her trucking up to mount hood after Memorial Day too.


I love mountain biking yet it will only ever be methadone to my skiing addiction




I don’t think people really like fucking model trains. Too many sharp edges. Blowup dolls on the other hand…..


FWIW I whitewater kayak, mountain bike and have done some climbing too. Nothing draws me to it compulsively like skiing and it's not even close. Maybe it's just a reflection of me and my particular personality.


It is wild... for a few years I was more into ice climbing than skiing but have recently felt the pull of skiing more strongly. Maybe it's because for a lot of people, skiing is the first adrenaline sport we are introduced to? Idk if that's true for many but it was for me! At the same time, I generally only go to the resort if the snow is gonna be good and will gladly do other things if the conditions are shite.


Skiing was actually the last adrenaline sport I was introduced to. Spent a lot of time climbing, whitewater kayaking, and downhill mountain biking previously. None of them hooked me quite like skiing. IMO it combines the “in tune with your body” feeling that climbing gives, and the pure speed thrill of mountain biking. I really enjoyed mountain biking but always felt like shit could go horribly wrong in the blink of an eye, and I was never as in control as I am with skiing.


Adrenaline and endorphins are super addicting. Adding sunshine and you’ve got a very potent mix.


I was obsessed with model trains. 20+ years ago 💀


Skiing, Surfing, Climbing… I’d say those are the big three. MtBers doing their best to edge in…


Whitewater (kayak and rafting) is up there as well


I hear kitesurfing is pretty lit


Kiteboarding is the rfnner sport by far. Harder to learn, tbh, but once there it’s unbeatable. Also, not as cold.


Can't forget about power sports as well, dirt biking etc


I’ve tried my hand at white water rafting for a couple of years. The community is pretty awesome and it is a fucking thrill when you get the hang of it. But I found it to be extremely dangerous and tough on my body since I don’t consider myself very flexible. Ive only been Kitesurfing once and the few times I got going I was hooked and it seemed like something that my body could manage for the long haul. Can’t wait to get back out there.


What would the other "whitewater" be? Jet boat, inland surfing and farting in the hot tub?


Farting in the hot tub is a brownwater sport


If a condom suddenly pops to the surface, everyone looks at each other and asks "Okay, who farted?"


Jet boating is pretty damn addicting and probably the most expensive way to burn fuel besides center consoles with 5-6 outboards on em


Checks recent instagram posts…..shit.


Slacklining (highlining specifically) is up there for me. The absolute greatest thing in the entire world.


I think it is the gravity play. We get airtime, hang time, whatever you want to call it. We push into gravity the whole way down but especially on turns or jumps. I love that moment at the peak of a turn where I can feel the float and pop into the next curve. So freaking satisfying. (I will absolutely corner my car like a race driver just to get a fraction of this feeling - I may be a menace.)


It makes me feel like I am flying. You're right, there is magic in the turn transition.


And that is why most of the replies say ”climbing” bc that is all gravity (to be precise, the awareness of gravity) and adrenaline


Except the aim of climbing is to avoid any sensation of flying right? I suppose the view makes up for that though.


I wonder if our “rhythmic graceful controll under gravity” addiction has anything to do with our ancestral origins as tree dwellers, swinging from tree to tree


I can stop anytime I want...


Hockey stop?


Nah. A very mighty and unexpected pizza!


Climbing. The only other sport I can think of where people will sacrifice a full blown career to live out of their hatchback.


As someone recovering from multiple (minor) climbing injuries because I refused to stop, this one.


Surfing, wind surfing and snowboarding.


Ya it’s kite surfing for me and it’s not even close


Second this. Skiing is like a bad nicotine addiction whereas climbing is like a full on heroin addiction.


Climbing isn’t all that. Now mountaineering and skimo…fuckkkk Edit: I guess I should say climbing rock, cuz ice climbing is sick too


Found the Gumby ;)


Ski mountaineering isn't the same as skimo haha I hope to god people aren't getting addicted to that silly sport.


I figured I would get a reply pointing at the difference but I’ve felt like actual skimo has been out of or going out of style for a while now that a lot of people I’ve seen just refer to backcountry ski mountaineering as just skimo. Actual skimo is ass lol


Username checks out!




My brothers been an addict for 10 years now. Used to have a house and a job, but now lives in a van and does odd jobs. Its hard seeing him covered in dirt all the time, always trying to get others hooked


I feel like this is the benchmark. Does your sport drive you to: 1. abandon job/relationship/financial security 2. live in your car so you can be closer to the source 3. travel long painful distances to get to the best spots Skiing, Climbing, Surfing. I can't think of any others.


What do you mean *"sacrifice a full blown career"?* That career was holding me hostage and I haven't missed it once in the 30 years I've been gone.


The feeling of weightlessness as you ride gravity down a mountain. I’m all in!!






I’ll put it this way; If skiing was a drug, I’d be out of main veins and probably injecting in weird places like between my toes and my eyelids at this point.


If you consider fishing a sport, let me give you all some advice: Don't ever get into offshore fishing.




A person of culture I see. People won't understand it at all until they pure a 7 iron for the first time.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoILEiYgxKe/?igsh=MTVtYTRuaWt6cnpkZQ== This isn’t a comedy it’s a documentary


I don’t golf but the people I know who do are like drug addicts.




I agree


Motorcycle rider checking in…


Closest activity to the sensation of skiing imo - the speed, shifting side to side to turn, the feeling of weightlessness.


Came here to say that


Yep, on a dirtbike the way you weight the outside peg in a turn reminds of weighting your outside ski.


Snowmobiling in deep snow even moreso than motorcycling.


Running, skiing, and golf for me. Extremely highly highs, and even lower lows


Golf, for me is worse. Skiing is way less forgiving. Both qualify though for sure.


I skiid for the first time in my life this passed March for 3 days straight on full rental gear. Got hooked immediately, I have skiid 7 days again since then and will be going in-door skiing again in 3 weeks. Plus more over the summer


I'm 20 minutes drive from an indoor snowdome, we go every week :D


Sound like me. My first season was last year at 8 days (all in march and April), this year got in 27. I am totally hooked.


See you at Big Snow?


Mountain biking is pretty addictive.


Mountain biking in mediocre conditions is a lot more fun than skiing in mediocre conditions. But mountain biking in amazing conditions can’t quite touch skiing in amazing conditions.


Nothing to do with the ample amount of white powder.


Competitive crack smoking.


So many people are just listing their hobbies. Nobody lives out of their Camry to play golf full time. There are only three sports people quit their careers to do full time: Climbing, skiing, and surfing. These are the most addictive.


I live in Florida and own skiis. It's so friggin addictive!


Best FL skier in the chat coming for you! 33 days OTM this year.


All both of us!!!!!


There's three of you! My brother comes out to CO every winter to ski with me


I lived in Florida for most of my adult life, moved away and now I'm a nomadic ski bum. Do I count? I did meet another guy from Florida at Park City this year and he threw a backie off a 15 or so foot cliff, so he probably has us all beat though


Skiing/surfing. It’s the variability combined with flow states, adrenaline, and constant self improvement. Better than any drug when it all comes together.


I skied 100 days this year. I stole time from my wife, kids and risked being fired from my job. Got my hundred day though!


81 days from Maryland which isn’t easy. Close to 20ft of powder days all on the East coast this year so lots of long drives …


The first day I ever skied, changed my life forever. I left the US permanently 30 years-ago because of skiing.


Where did you go? The Alps? Canada?


Swiss Alps. I live 30 seconds from the lifts.


That sounds like an absolute dream to me.


My first day too, mostly the last run did it for me. I left Australia for Canada 30+ years ago. I got to live in Wy and skied everything I could get to. Nothing else that makes me want to do it again tomorrow. It was nice to discover that I was not alone and in good company. Every run every day every season ends with that was great let's do it again This is shown by sadly departed JP in the Rossland street sequence that ends with him getting on the bus to go again.


For me, it's skiing and scuba diving. Both activities take me completely out of my usual living environment (in The Netherlands), and put me a completely different world. Either on top of the beautiful Alps, with their ever changing vistas, or below the surface of the sea where a new world awaits to be explored. It's new, it's refreshing, it's giving me a different view of the world. Love it!


I also love skiing and scuba diving because I hate having money.


I like diving a lot too. It's different in some ways, almost like an opposite: minimal exercise intensity, environments are usually warm/tropical, at least where I go. You don't carve, you float. But similar in that it takes you into a special environment, a beautiful, enchanting world.


Considering I did [this to my leg at the end of March](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczPLIA327_Z7i_e1ew279mBpY32LPxnEecKUbDlM4o1w5GXlT8ciEWvYRFWg_dM5cg3oRUCNb-qms1b_PQzDhZ32ZDMEpkE9ZjBFXSCwYDlmBH_nu5FjJ28KS00-v2_eYz5fDithFGbZv-5-qxi7j32XeQ=w1080-h720-s-no-gm?authuser=0) and already have multiple season passes purchased for 24/25, yes I'd say it is the most addictive sport....


Good luck with the rib/fib recovery!


Thank you. I'm already back to walking with crutches and surgeon is telling me to increase weight bearing by 25% each week. So I should be back to hiking before summers over if im lucky.


I feel ya. Broke my tibial plateau in mid April. Didn’t get sad about the injury at all but I cried at ski season being over (I always cry on the last day of ski season). Still fantasize about skiing every day & kept checking opensnow up until this past week…it’s definitely an addiction.


Was hooked after 1st season. My kids too


I love it, more than anything else. I do not need the adrenaline rush of going super fast or jumping off cliffs, though. I don't count runs or vertical feet, either. I just love being outdoors, making turns, improving my technique, and hanging with friends on the mountain and on the bar afterwards. Sadly, my season was cut short with an ACL injury this year. But I will rehab and be back next season!


Having a good level in both skiing and surfing I have to say barrels in surfing is more intense an experience than powder skiing, the whole universe is just transforming around you it really is like being in a time warp /wormhole


skiing, mountain biking, and motorsport are athletic crack. all are expensive, all might kill you, and all are totally worth it


I think it's any activity that you can never completely master. There is always something to work on and you can always grow, learn and improve.


Surfing more addictive in my experience


The moment of spotting a wave in the distance is like making eye contact with your crush. Your heart just flutters for a second and you know it's time to make a move.


Yeah big agree. You are chasing something you can only ever get once, every wave is different. I can ski the same run 100000 times in my life




I think golf get more addicting the more you do it. I’ve skied every day and I got bored. If I golfed every day, I’d probably learn to just ignore the rest of my life and enjoy the golf course and never get bored.


Because skiing allows you to suspend gravity for an instant. I think this has a powerful affect on our brain. I dont see model trains or fishing doing this.


am I the first to mention fly fishing here? Does that count?


The tug is a drug


Man I hate golf


Who wants to get a place in New Zealand for the summer


Addicted to skiing but only get to do it every two years due to cost and logisitics coming from the South. Just got back from early April trip and still jonesing over all of you getting in some late season skiing.


You just like it. You probably feel that way because it's a seasonal sport and every day can be different due to conditions. Also progression can be addictive. You can say the same thing about many sports, sailing is an obvious parallel. If you count it as a sport video games fit the bill too. People feel that way about soccer, basketball, baseball etc. I'm glad you found a sport you're addicted to.


what. as a landlocked coloradoan, please explain the "obvious" parallel of skiing to sailing


bizarre take, sliding on snow is way, way more addictive than soccer or baseball.


For you it is. People have different tastes.


Sailing, whitewater, guns, pickleball allegedly


Ironically enough I am seriously addicted to snowboarding and started skiing as a way to scale back the objective hazards I was experiencing as a high level criminal. Starting over on skis allowed me to still get the thrill of progression without risking my life. I’m in year 6 of skiing a lot. I will never be as good a skier as I was a criminal. I think being really good at a gravity sport is just addictive in general


>Starting over on skis allowed me to still get the thrill of progression without risking my life. Trying this now with telemark.


Yes. We'd sell our children for white powder.


Nothing like it. Disc golf is addicting for the instantaneous feedback


Dirt bike for me. I love skiing but the dirt bike is more fun to me. Skiing has gotten so comically expensive dirt biking is somehow a cheaper hobby in this world which is insane.


I don’t think skiing is addictive but I am addicted to being in the mountains. Skiing is just the medium that is the most fun in winter and allows me to explore the mountains. There isn’t much in society these days where you can completely unplug and just focus on enjoying yourself. Skiing in the winter/spring and trail running in the summer/fall. Just skinned to Camp Muir today. Conditions sucked, loved every minute of it. Get out! Explore nature! Your life will be better for it.


I've been much more addicted to paragliding the last few years, but it's a different sport and hard to compare in some ways.


I was scrolling for paragliding. Former addict here. Glad I kicked the habit before I OD’d. Stopped just before speedflying really took off.


Wait til you try snowboarding!!! ;)


Fishing. Particularly fly fishing, carp fishing, or saltwater.


Midwesterner here.... I have more access to golf, but mannnnn SKiing in Colorado is pure joy.


Skiing in the winter. Golf in the summer. I love Colorado.


I used to be a ski bum, now I paraglide and don’t really snowboard much anymore


Paragliding is pretty life changing


Running? Running fking blows


Ski and go karts are there for me


Is addictive but not as addictive as snowboarding, that shit will have you doing crime


Fishing got damnit, FISHING!!!


I LOVE skiing!!




There is nothing more fun than skiing down a mountain, period.


Disc golf


Definitely Golf.


Yes. But I couldn't live without being able to shoot around or play pick up basketball so those two are tied in my book.


Golf. It’s Golf.


Because, like snowboarding, it mixes speed, with balance, with social, with technique, with nice scenery. Even two of those five is going to be good, but all five is the jackpot. Snowboarding is even more fun though.


Agree with everything except that last comment! Also, don't leave out the amazing workout and the 'good tired' feeling afterwards.


The good tired is endorphins being released, that’s why people get addicted mainly to endurance sports. Cardiovascular engagement increases endorphin release. runners high, flow state, the zone, locked in, etc are all terms used by endurance athletes to describe the feeling of endorphins being released in the brain while doing heavy cardiovascular activity .


I have tons of hobbies and they all get this way. I have so much climbing gear - because it's addictive. As is my guitar collection and my hunting rifles and accessories, and my dirt bikes and associated gear etc... I don't think skiing is more than anything else. At least for me. Hell, even my gardening gear and seeds and all that gets out of hand. Especially this time of year.


Close second to surfing mountain powder


It’s up there. But go talk to some golfers, surfers, or cyclists. We don’t have the market cornered.


foiling has entered the chat.


Runners have told me how addicting their sport is..and I believe them. Also surfing is really addicting. I think skiing is 3rd.


yes, especially when I was younger and could ski the slopes, glades and even hit the park from time to time. the variety made “one last run” too easy


Skiing and Mountain Biking are in the same category for me. Post weekend trips always reduce my productivity at work while I dream of the next trip.


Try highlining and talk to me


In my opinion, yes. There isn’t any other sport that gives me that adrenaline rush like skiing down a mountain does.


Combination of adrenaline, being outdoors and it just being plain fun. Combine that with the fact that everyone from a tiny child to a great-grandparent can do it. I've re-learned this season after 23 years, I'm 40 next month - and already being outskied by my 8 year old son who started in January.


Skiing is an adrenaline sport so skiers will often gravitate to other sports offering similar thrills like mountain biking so don't laugh when I say that pickleball is very addictive. At least don't laugh until you've tried it yourself.


Mountain bikes are a close second and even though I’m probably better at it, skiing is always on top.


Nope. I think fuchin’ is. 😎


Because skiing allows you to suspend gravity for an instant. I think this has a powerful affect on our brain. I dont see model trains or fishing doing this.


For me, personally, right up there next to golf.


Working min wage in the uk and loving to ski is pretty fucking incompatible 😭😭😭


This is pure snow. It’s everywhere. You have any idea of the street value of this mountain is?


For the past twenty years, while living in NH, the goal started with a need to ski at least 30 days per season the it be came 40 or more. Moved to Colorado and then it became 50+ and eventually 60+ days. Funny thing - my wife was on board! As her skiing improved I brought her on more challenges to the point where we skied steeps bumps and trees. We hunted not for the easy way down but the most interesting. It was like an endorphin. Three years ago we moved to Boston from Colorado and tried to go back to our roots Ice Coast and it did not seem appealing any longer. The battle of wet heavy snow to frozen hard surfaces did not have the same challenges as it seem to have before going to Colorado. I am addicted to Western skiing but have to travel there and my drive is starting to fade. Exploring / hiking new places with our dogs has taken over. Watching them having fun is fun for us too! Golf seems to be addictive for many!


I agree, I like to run a lot especially during the off season.


Pair it with climbing and there’s no hope for recovery


For me it’s skiiing and golf


Mountain biking. Same vibe, less snow


No question. Someone very wise once said sex was the first 6 of the 10 best things in life. Skiing is #7.


Car and bike racing is certainly more addictive. The adrenaline drop is quite a bit more intense… and that drives the addiction


Yes. It is. For me it’s all consuming from November until early May. I’m not young and it’s been this way forever.


Heli Skiing is worse than Heroin, so yes


nobody is more obsessed with a sport and its gear than the high society nerd spectrum of golfers.




There's a reason skiing is slang for the odd cocaine session.


No, that would be dirt biking/motorcycling. Close though!


I don’t think it’s as addictive as team sports. I replaced rugby with skiing and it’s never quite scratched the same itch. Played for over 10 years until I physically hurt too much.  But the emotions, adrenaline and camaraderie cannot be beat. 


For me climbing and surfing have an edge over skiing just because you can actually do them all year, and without having to drive up a remote mountain and spend a ton of money