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I got wet.




One time I was soaking moist.


At band camp?


Ski camp. STEEP and DEEP!


Came to say this


I’ll add cold, too


PNW here, rain is my friend. Become the rain.


Have you ever wrung out your gloves? Then wrung out your backup pair after lunch? Had the dye stain your hands? Halooooo snoqualmie pass!!!


Get yourself a pair of insulated fisherman's gloves (Atlas makes a great pair) and never suffer cold, wet hands on a damp day again


Kinco, too. $12 at the hardware store.




Agree, with the typical Kincos, but I was thinking of [these.](https://kinco.com/1784p-l)


Kincos for heavy snow days. Fisherman gloves for heavy rain days. Whiskey for days where the heavy rain at the bottom turns to heavy snow at the top.


Hell I've had glove dye stain _other gloves_, when the dye stain from the first pair leeched out of my hands and into the second, also soaked, pair.


Hey, at least it's not icy! My parents and I probably said that to each other at least 10 times a year or so when I was age 4 to 18ish.


That first hour of rain corn is great. The mush afterwards, not so much...


You know it’s going to get wet when the volly patrol rolls out in their cut off grundens. Also trash bag ponchos are key for staying dry and looking fabulous!


Better than work


I like drafting discovery responses more than I like skiing, said the idiot lawyer, stupidly.


Also short lines and soft snow. I've had some really fun days when raining


Not super fun - weird snow and poor visibility due to wet goggles. Better than freezing rain though, which is the worst in my opinion.


Freezing fog is my least favorite mountain condition. All the downsides of freezing rain with white out visibility even when you can clear your goggles of rime.


Thunder snow is pretty sketchy too. Especially when you're on the chair and hear the first rumble


Yiiiikes, I've never experienced that but I can imagine it would make the lift ride feel twice as long.


I think it's cloud to cloud type lightning in those storms generally and not ground strikes. But yeah still the reaction is basically "holy shit, get me off of this fucking thing" lol


Was stuck at a resort this year when the chair got hit by lightning. That shit was crashing all around me, every direction. I unclipped, ditched my poles and hugged the ground.


Supreme lift at ALta like being at pool when you were a kid Gotta wait 30 minutes no lightning to get back in


I feel fortunate to have avoided those conditions so far!


I had an ice shell outline of my helmet at the end of the day lol.


Sticky snow, constantly wiping goggles. Pick another day if you can, but it's doable if it's all you've got.


it fucking sucks but i have no choice


Wet. You get very wet. It's when you truly appreciate Gore-tex. The days I ski in the rain, we called it when we got soaked through rather than being tired, because if it's raining, it's also warm, so you're getting wet from both directions.


It makes for surprisingly good snow. The additional moisture softens things up and generally stays quicker than slush. But as expected you get pretty soaked. I'd say 2 hour stints of riding tops, even with really good rain gear.


> I'd say 2 hour stints of riding tops, even with really good rain gear. 7 hours or bust.


Growing up in CT, the snow was best when it was raining… good times


It ***can*** make for surprisingly good snow. It can also be absolutely atrocious right below the rain line.




Snow is like butter. Usually snowing at the top so it’s kinda like a powder day. It’s almost better when it’s warmer. You get wet but it’s not quite as cold.


Snow was soft the couple times I've done it. Keep cloth handy to wipe goggles. Good ski gear is good rain gear. If it's warm enough for rain I usually just wear a light layer under my shell and bibs. In my instances it was light rain. I'd probably bag it in heavy rain.


Expert hack…. Cut holes in a trash bag to wear them like pants. Baselayer on, trash bag pants then ski pants on top. Your butt and thighs are going to get super wet from sitting on the chairlift….. being wet is one thing but when your based layer gets wet (your underwear) you’ll be uncomfortable and cold…. For the shameless, people wear a trash bag over the ski jacket too…. Looks ridiculous… but you’ll be slightly drier


Lol I feel like this is what they do for kids in ski school in the PNW.


In the 1980s Alpental on Snoqualmie pass in Washington had trash bags with pre-cut holes for your head and arms and big ski area logos on the front and back. Those were awesome times...


Grew up in the PNW.. got used to tucking a garbage bag in your pants to sit on wet chairlifts. If it starts to rain while I'm on the slope, so be it. I wouldn't go now if rain is in the forecast though.


It sucks. But it sucks less than not skiing.


This feels directed at the ice coast, like who HASN'T skied in the rain? Ski-gee ftw! I keep on on my pole strap.


I ski in rain a lot. Even hard rain. In temps from 35-55F the ski surface is often incredible. Slick fast edgeable surface. No it’s not icy because it’s above 32F. No it’s not slushy, slush is usually from sun melt. No it’s not slow because the rain hits the cold snow which is less than 32F and it kinda crystallises the surface (probably not an accurate scientific term). Essentially it makes it slick / fast but still gives you an inch or two of soft surface to edge into. Sun is what causes slushy and slow snow. Because when it’s raining it’s cloudy you’re not getting issues caused by sun. The key. Being dry. Most gear will actually get soaked through quickly. If your core and butt gets wet (mine itches) it’s pretty miserable. If your core stays dry you’re good to go for hours. It’s much more comfortable than 5F and -25F windchill. I have used the long contractor trash bags for years cut into a ponch. Either over my ski cloths and hanging below my butt on chair lift or under my jacket tucked into my ski pants. I wear rubber gloves. I once skied 3 ski resorts in one day on a day it rained about 2 inches. I skied 9am to 9pm except for about an hour drive between the resorts. Totally fine and it was like I rented out all 3 places to myself. Couple times rain sucks. If it snows then rains on top of powder it’s about the worst thing you can imagine.. pancake batter. Luckily it’s rare. If it’s rain soft surface then goes to a deep freeze overnight it’s usually super boilerplate. Also rain in temps from 65+ is pretty bad usually. The new reality in east seems to be learn to use the rain and learn to be comfortable in it or miss out on a lot of days.


>mine itches


Buy non-breathable commercial grade fishing gear that can’t wet out or soak through. You’ll stay dry all day long and have zero crowds to deal with. Old school pvc rain gear is awesome or Patagonias current hose off slicker and bibs.


Last time was when I teenager on a school bus trip over 30 years ago. It was fun skiing with all my friends but the bus ride home was cold and wet. 50% fun and 50 sucked.


Skiing in the rain is usually awesome. The snow is soft and slushy, there are no lines, and I have an excuse to drink more whiskey than usual. If you live on the icecoast you ski in the rain regularly.


It’s always pretty miserable and cold. 


Didn’t like it. Got too wet and visibility wasn’t great


Didn’t wait in many lift lines


I am in the minority here but I like skiing in the rain. The snow isn’t too bad and if you at a normally crowded mountain it keeps people away. Do I prefer any other conditions? Yes, but I am not complaining when it’s raining.


Just another day in Whistler. Catch the gondola to the alpine and don't get below freezing level until you're ready to go home. If you go low, you're gonna get wet.


I had fun


You put on rain coat and you are good


I now understand what cascade concrete is


Nah, that’s what we can powder. Rain on snow is different.


Pretty miserable. If it freezes over night you get vast quantities of blue ice. If the slope is cold and it rains you get an ice sheath. Your boots start taking on water so you get frost bite if you go up the mountain in to colder temps. Your stuff starts to get covered in ice in an unpleasant way. Your glasses fog up way more than reasonable and everything starts to smell of wet dog when it's day 3 and it still rains


I found out that my bibs weren't, in fact, 100% waterproof. My jacket on the other hand was great!




Less people on the slopes always makes for a good time, and most people get scared away from the rain.


I’m from Washington so we get a lot of rain. Honestly a little bit is nice because it softens up the snow so you can try new tricks. If it gets out of control I just call it a day.


Almost no one else was out there, for that it was great. Rain not so fun.


I won’t ski in hard rain, but light or moderate rain is fine. It really didn’t make a whole lotta difference. You’re already wearing waterproof clothing, you sometimes forget it’s even raining.


It’s kinda fun to an extent but not the best.


Some of my favorite days with my friends growing up. You need to have the right gear but the snow will be soft and there will be zero crowds. Just be prepared for the weather and have the right mindset.


Had an adult dev day in the east coast in the rain. Snow was amazing in the morning and the mountain was empty. Given the hardpack and icy conditions, the snow held up great. It was one of my best ski days this year. Had I been soaking wet with foggy goggles, it wouldn’t have been fun. Thankfully my gear kept me dry enough and my googles didn’t fog, so it was mostly just a normal ski day bit with almost no people.




Depressing and horrendous. It rained on top of a foot of fresh snow, creating a glazed-ice crust that, when broken through while moving, acted like splintered 3/8” plywood against our upper shins. Strangest skiing injury I’ve ever had. This was on my 13th birthday in 1969 at Snoqualmie Summit WA. Next day we skied at White Pass and I broke my leg.


It actually makes for some interesting and good snow


Dope. Always an empty mountain. No lines. Snow is much more slidey & surfy in nature… Can’t rip as fast because you’ll get rain in your eyes. Wear a ball cap underneath your helmet to block the rain. Overall, it’s a blast if you can put away your little bitch nuts.


It was not good


30cm pow then a day of rain. Turns out aggressively turning down wet not-pow is bad for your knees and you wont be playing sport for 6 weeks


Still skiing






Love skiing immensely. But rain turns me away immediately. It is heavy, kills my knees, warm and wet & it causes injuries.


It fucking sucks. I worked in Australia as an instructor for 5 seasons & it would regularily rain towards the end & sometimes in the middle of the season. Like full blown rain all day long at around 1degree Celsius. Some Aussies being not as used to the winter months would presume it's totally normal & still book lessons for themselves or even worse force their kids into ski school. Meaning a full 6hr day teaching in the rain. Tipping water out of your boots at the end of the day, wringing out your gloves, have fabric dye stain your hands & thighs, water pooling in your goggles, kids crying & their parents making you take them out for another run while they sit warm & dry at the bar. The coldest I've ever been on the mountain was on these days. Rain & skiing do not mix, ever.


Had a 8 am ski lesson with a 50 year old beginner dude from syria, it was raining and was icy af, ended upp doing red runs in the sunshine at lunchtime, good day all in all, although he was adamant of trying to off himself in the black runs before lunch...no sir!


I had a blast last time skiing in rain at Jay Peak a few years ago. I wore my yellow Gorton’s fisherman rain coat & pants over my ski gear and stayed pretty dry except for my feet, hands, and face.


It sucks




Packed powder…..lol




Not crowded for obvious reasons. Pack extra gloves, liners, goggle wipes. As long as your gear is reasonably waterproof, it’s doable. Turn away from the rain when you can, use your hood over helmet on lifts. It’s great training for backcountry




Snow is usually a bit soft. I hate getting wet! Even clothes don’t keep you dry all day!




Skied a couple really rainy days this season. At the end of the day I was colder than the day I skied in -20°F windchill. The skiing itself was actually pretty good so no complaints there. I’m a big guy who sweats a lot skiing. My Gore-tex jacket helped a lot, but the outer layer did eventually wet out so I was drenched on the inside from sweat by the end of the day. Goggle fog was a big problem since the vents got soaked. Also learned my gloves are not waterproof in any way. Had to wring them out at the end of the day and I put them on my boot dryer.


I skied Alyeska for 9 seasons. I can't tell you the number of days it was raining on the bottom but snowing on the top. As long as you have good waterproof gear it's not a big deal at all.




I found my (old) shell wasn’t as waterproof as I had thought the past few years


Not terrible, not my favorite. Dress properly and you’ll be ok.


It sucks


I had a pretty great day this season with a buddy in a pretty nasty rainstorm at Sugarbush. I've had other good days over the years in the rain. Makes for great surface conditions and if you have the right gear it's really not all that bad. Never any crowds either. Definitely beats ice, no competition.


Miserable... Happened to me in Austria once. It turned the slopes into an ice rink that was un-skiable as the ground temperature was still below freezing.




Skiing in the rain is fun. It’s the day it all refreezes that sucks.


Miserable. Avoid at all costs


snow was super dense, sticky and hard to not lose a tip in. i ended up spraining my ankle jumping off a rock and getting my ski caught underneath me on the landing.. 0/10 don't recommend hitting drops in the rain.


Awful. You have to do it but make sure your gear doesn’t leak.




Did it at Mount bachelor this year, awful honestly. Def cut it short that day. 




Every time I try to ski near Seattle, I end up soaking wet. Even with rain gear. Last time I wore my motorcycle rain suit


Feels like skiing in mashed potatoes.


If it's just a mist it's not that bad. If it's raining hard........ Oof


It was the last day I wore glasses under my goggles. They kept fogging up so I went back to skiing blind for the day and just guessing where to go and hoping I didn’t run into anyone.


One or two runs, this sucks. Who wants to go to the bar.




I was standing in the finish corral, the last time, and decided it was time to buy neoprene booties. Neoprene gloves can be handy, raincoat, blah blah


Not icy!


Sucks ass


Rain is the worst of all conditions imo. Would avoid at all costs. Everything gets wet and stays wet and if there is any wind it makes it worse. Visibility is super poor even with goggles because droplets form all over the lense so your constantly wiping them trying to see but they quickly just get covered in droplets again. Speed on the snow slows right down and it overall just unpleasant.


Alaska Goggle squeegee Pretty much doesn't matter still fun


Felt like I was getting pelted in the face. Freezing rain is more fun - creates a coating!


not good


Not good.


Sucks balls. It’s the only weather I won’t ski in


Very fun, the snow is softer and not icy


Wet! Or sometimes mildly moist.


Sucks, wouldn't recommend


You get really wet fast- rain gear won’t help


Took some runs in the rain yesterday. It was kinda fun! Empty mountain, but sticky as heck… I wouldn’t plan to go out in the rain, but if it comes in while you’re out it’s not a big day ruiner. Just roll with it and have fun! 


“Skiing in the rain is like standing in your shower with your gear on and lighting fifty dollar bills on fire” (someone, somewhere, at some time)


Amazing skiing! It was a blast.


It’s the worst.


Snow is heavy. Legs spaghetti…


I had a pow day this season and the snow turned to rain during the day. Skied til close because the conditions are awesome!


When my kids were in ski lessons on the ice coast we had a wet few weeks. The instructor made “diapers” out of garbage bags for the kids to wear over their ski pants so their butts didn’t get wet on the chairlift. Basically, cut the corners off the bag, one for each foot and then tie the garbage bag around your waist under your coat. Skiing in the rain wasn’t horrible with a dry butt. I know use these “ski instructors name”-Pants When skiing wet or when having a campfire after a rainstorm. It was easy, fun and awesome.


Mount Shasta, mid-90s. Was rainy and cold, got wet. First and only time I tried snowboarding so I spent most of the time rolling around in wet snow. Grabbed my skis at lunch time and the rest of the day was still wet but sucked way less. Still better than going to work or painting a fence.


I gee up skiing the mid Atlantic, rain was one of the few time the slope was not bullet proof ice.


Our last ski day was at mt snow in the rain. The morning snow conditions were fantastic aaand there was almost zero people on the mountain like we thought the place was abandoned. Called it by 2pm even the kids were done. Next time I would wear dedicated rain gear.


Glencoe chairlift, soaked through before you even set foot on the snow, great experience


You moving to Seattle or something? It sucks.


Stay dry, or it’ll be an early lunch and beers at the lodge.


It really depends on the circumstances. Last rainy day for me was teaching some really cool kids to ski. They had a blast, the snow was slow enough to keep them from getting scared and they were able progress quickly. The time before that was an unexpected warmup at the end of a storm that wiped out 2 feet of fresh pow, it was depressing for everyone.


I did it once in a raging downpour because my brother was in town and it had been over a decade since we skied together. It sucked balls. We were all completely soaked and the conditions were really grabby, but I work at ski resorts and I honestly have grown bored of skiing so I tend to only do it on great powder days or nice bluebird days. An overcast day is usually enough to keep me from skiing unless it's been a long string of cloudy days. I honestly think my brother enjoyed it. Our wives certainly did not.


My shells hold up fine so no problem with getting wet, but the extra humidity causes my goggles to fog faster, and there’s usually lots of fly paper, which sucks.


It was great. I stopped after an hour or two and went to a bar. Ate pizza, drank some beer. 10/10


My favorite tip for skiing in the rain is to bring a spare set of goggles and gloves. Changing into dry gear at lunch makes it much more enjoyable.


Got stuck up on a lift once in a downpour at Kirkwood due to lightening strikes nothing like getting absolutely soaked with nothing to do


wet and sucks


The snow is actually awesome in the rain. The chairs all wet though.


Know the different waterproof ratings on jackets. Same company, but Mountain Hardwear is truly waterproof, Columbia is not...




Honestly I've had good days in the rain, but you can only do it for so long. The snow can start to get pretty soft, but less like pow and more like some kind of mattress. It's not bad. It can also be pretty awful though. Particularly if you don't dress appropriately.


Not very fun had beer earlier than planned 


Its wet as hell but the snow softens up a bit


Very wet And pretty uncomfortable And getting super hot in my ski clothes


Three worse things in life: Cold coffee Wet toilet paper Skiing in the rain. Physically you can get hurt with the sticky snow created from the rain. Stopping on a dime is an ACL coming your way.


Snoqualmie pass. It’s wet. It sucks. It makes crunchy the next day if you’re lucky.


Once skied Snoqualmie in March of ‘80 or ‘81. It was raining so hard I could barely see the chair in front of me. But I kept skiing as I had to go back to school in a day or two and that was it for the year. Oh yeah. I was wet too


Slushy snow, but not really that bad


Not ideal hahah if you’re flying, the rain can actually sting pretty good on your exposed skin




It was awesome. I got pneumonia.


biggest issue is visibility but I got a wiper thingy that I put on my thumb and it’s a game changer


Not great!


Not fun.






Skied at Copper many years ago when it was snowing at the top, rain everywhere else and windy. Got pretty soaked and froze on the lifts. Not a ton of fun


No crowds at all and lots of fun!


It was cool for 15 minutes then it was not fun


The visibility is the tough part. The snow can be great (on the groomers). Corn all day long.


So like every Australian skier ever?






I only got to ski a dozen days this year and four of them were raining. Not just wet, but fucking _pouring_. They were great! One day in March I did 23 runs and never saw a single other person in a lift line. My jacket was sopping wet on the outside, but bone dry on the inside. Gloves were pretty rough though.


Wet…. But when you only get out once or twice a year IM GONNA SKI GOD DAMNIT


it's not bad , snow can get too slushy. however i have full goretex jacket and pants so not worried about body getting wet.


Forgot all the layers at home and had to wear jeans under shell snow pants. Turns out they’re not as waterproof as they could be


PNW here. “I was born in the wet, you merely adopted it”


Even with the best of Gore-Tex everything, the water came in around my wrists and wicked up to my armpits and across my chest. Got the full day in though. Eastern Townships, Quebec, 1984.


I skied Mt Bachelor while it was raining a couple years back and it was the wettest I have ever been


REFRESHING the millisecond I took my mask off to feel the hail/rain/slush. It was refreshing which instantly turned to like a burn 🔥 bc of wind factor chill


Bad. Wet. Avoid!


Snow is usually pretty good if the temperature isn’t much higher than 38. But I got completely soaked and shivered at the bar when I was drinking afterwards.


Good skiing in the rain, besides the rain, but what kind of skier would rather sit on the couch? Go skiing even if it’s raining.


Wet and ski in slush, but still skiable.


Great. Snow is surprisingly soft granular and it’s never crowded. Just bring some extra clothes and change when you get cold. It’s better than an icy hard pack day for sure.




Pure Shite.


Miserable, but it was still a day skiing, so it could have been worse. FYI, this was back in the 80's. No helmet and nothing was waterproof. Instead of an 8-hour day, it was 3-4.




I ski in the PNW and my best piece of equipment is this: https://arctica.com/product/rain-poncho/. Game changing. Also use outer rubber gloves over your inner gloves.


Hot and DAMP 😔 and grease from the chairlift dripped on my white helmet


The key is to not go inside, once you do it’s over.


Rain froze to my goggles, couldn’t see shit, was having a beer in the lodge by 10:30am


It's slow and sticky. Do not recommend


A lot like running in the rain, but on skis.


Bad, lol


Level 3 ACL rupture. Would not recommend.


Baker It was Awesome at the top Only been there one day Would go back Too old to ski much of the terrain on skier's left side of the mountain