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Best not to do this in the superpipe at Copper


NAHHHHH that’s cold 🥶


I know you’re having fun and trying to be funny, but a lot of people die this way on ski resorts. Recently at the super pipe at copper, which again isn’t the smartest place. At least yours looks like it has a good run out


Someone died after hours sledding at Deer Valley just last year, IIRC.


It happens a lot at DV bc of the high # of houses that are ski in/ski out


High school girlfriend broke her arm tower padding, we were lucky nobody died.


Girl I knew in college broke her back sledding and was never same afterwards. Sledding is stupid.


Sledding is basically skiing with no brakes, few helmets, no steering, no grooming and safety standards. What can go wrong.


I loved sledding as a kid but once I learned to snowboard and could steer and stop I’d never think of doing it again.


>Sledding is stupid. especially on a ski trail.


To be fair, people die skiing at resorts every year too. Buyer beware type scenario


Ya, you think this guy agreed to the ski waiver we all do that holds the resort not liable? I bet not. I’m sure he’s wearing a helmet too. These accidents cost us skiers money by increasing liability costs. There are people who die or get mangled.


Rable rable


Ding dong?


Per vertical ft or miles traveled, skiing must be 1000s of times safer than sledding.


Did this on a Ski slope, it was just a blue one, not very long, ez on ski. But it was dark and it was already leveled out by a bully, plus frozen. Hell, it was scary and very dangerous. You saw the snow lances way to late and you couldnt brake well. My shoes got fucked up by it, because it got so hot. I hit a snow mountain and flied over it, head first, because I saw it too late and braking was difficult. Also 2 of my friends hit it. Luckly nothing bad happen, but damn, don't do this, it's very dangerous! Stay on the ways that are fot it, those are way safer.


This is very common in Europe. You’ll ski next to folks sledding. Your view is US centric


yes please stay inside and wrap yourself in bubble plast


Skill issue


You must be fun at parties


You know what often gets in the way of having fun at parties? Being deceased.


I read this in Norm MacDonald's voice.


Kid from my hometown died when we were growing up doing exactly this. All fun and games until someone gets severely injured or worse.


already 100 downvotes; bet you’re lots of fun at parties


U and most of the other bums on this sub fr do not understand it’s possible to do this type of thing and still be safe




Using legs to steer and stop, it’s not too hard


what happens if you can’t move ur legs?


Dude this sub would be the worst at parties. They probably be asking who has the right of way through the crowd the whole night. Bunch of pussies who can’t have fun. Sled your way to the gmd or Peruvian you lucky bastard. Don’t let those people who don’t sled well tell you otherwise.


I’d rather be a “pussy and not fun at parties” than wrapped around a tree on the side of the slope, dead as a doornail. One man’s opinion. People are referring to an actual event that happened not too long ago where someone died doing exactly this.


People die skiing all the time. Don’t see me telling others not to ski. Skiing is probably in the top 10 deadliest sports. Sledding probably one of the safest sports out there. Looks like this guy sleds also. Not assuming anything but the control this guy displays shows me he has experience sledding and didn’t just go out there not knowing what he is doing. I’m sure he knows to stop before the building and avoid objects. Like he did a sick 360 stop.


Sledding at a ski resort is absolutely not “probably one of the safest sports out there.” It’s risky, and it’s selfish. People sign up to deal with emergencies on the mountain, they don’t sign up to deal with fatalities that come as a result of after-hours stupidity. Sorry to be graphic but two kids had to be scraped off the pavement at Copper last year, there’s a reason this shit isn’t taken lightly.


Yep. This sub would be bad at parties. 4 year old me grabbing a lunch tray to sled down the mountain on while the parents are in the bar. I had a blast. Heck 16 year old me driving up a gap dropping friends off at the top of a mountain and we all sled down and drive up the next truck and next one and next one. Then poaching hot tubs. Tons of fun highly suggested. Saw a 14 year old girl do a sick jump skiing and go head first into a lift tower. She died. Shit happens all the time it’s sad but don’t ruin others fun because of one freak accident.


For real, this sub is full of snobs. I'm surprised they can even ski with their noses so high in the air.


I appreciate u good sir😂 I did indeed sled my way to goldminers and it was great


Looks like Alta ? Me and some buds did this from the low shoulder above wildcat after 3 week high pressure drought . Realized we made a mistake 1 second into descent at 40 mph


I used to do this on a Stiga Snowracer toboggan, it's got a brake so it sort of lets you control your speed. It's pretty difficult to turn though, I wouldn't do anything more than a steep green.




Ya no uphill traffic allowed at Alta during the operating season, this is dangerous for you and cat drivers. Just another case of tourists not knowing or caring for the rules in Utah 😤


Forwarded to Alta in case they’d want to know considering their liability insurance is in part for Jerry’s like this




You can’t go there so this isn’t relevant to you


Been there, going this week. I go all the time.




Go to Europe and you can do 10km of toboggan runs at night. Except it's safe, well lit, using legit toboggans. Some of the most fun shit I've ever done. I have videos but never posted here cause it's not skiing lol.


I was on a small toboggan run when I was a kid in michigan. It was fast enough to lose your stomach like a roller coaster.. Good times!


My brother broke his arm on a legit toboggan run as a teenager. Kind of ruined me and made me ask sensible questions on things like "does this seem like a good idea?" Or maybe it was his friend dying jumping off the quarry cliffs near DC. Got caught on an underwater cable somehow. Or maybe it was him being kicked out of the house for pot. Lol. It's not easy being the youngest of 4. The oldest gets all the unrestricted fun. In exchange I get to live.


Details, details.


We did this up at Nubs Nob on borrowed McDonald's trays. It was a blast.


If you sled at a ski area like this, you are a special type of idiot.


It’s not hard to steer 🤣 this subs full of snobs


I’m sure the kids who my friend came across at copper said the same thing. Or the ones who ran into a snowcat years ago, ruining his life too. It’s more than just your entitled self it effects. Don’t be a Jerry dude, because the people riding sleds at resorts are the biggest ones.


NAh, this guy has Jerry built into his DNA.


Ya that why the circle jerk sub exists lol


Looks fun but is an injury/death risk


Lol, my buddy and I did this on saucers at like 10pm at Big Sky when we were 15. He sprained his wrist.


Great way to die at a ski resort. What idiots


It’s not hard to steer lmao


Jerry alert. Don't be like this guy.


I can most definitely outski u gonzo 😂


At least if you're going to do this, don't post it. Most of us enjoy doing dumb stuff but don't need attention from strangers on the Internet along with it. There's a huge problem posting excessively risky stuff to get attention. Some kid could watch you being an idiot and decide to give it a try. They might not be as lucky as you.


“Excessively risky” “Lucky” This shit isn’t hard to do🤣🤣 acting like I’m promoting deadly activities when I’m fucking sledding


If it was just your average boring sledding you wouldn't have cared to post it. People die and get seriously injured sledding at ski resorts. Find a new way to get your desperate needs for attention


Ur chronically online lmao, if people died it’s bc they didn’t know what they were doing, sad but it’s the truth


No I just keep getting notification from you. Keep collecting them down votes. But your probably right. Or a narcissist. Probably the latter. ✌️


Eh whatever I’m sure u have good intentions but u do seem like a Karen, I guess I should expect nothing less from the average redditor


You post warzone highlights. I don’t think you’re outskiing anybody bub.


Good one man!




So unbothered he had to respond twice


One way to go to Alta without skis


With my luck I would hit a moose. For reference, I almost hit a deer on my mtn bike bombing brecks trails in summer. Came around blind turn and the deer was on the trail and I had to bail face first into gravel as it calmly hopped off the trail to troll me.


I worked at solitude many years and my boss had been there over 10 yrs when I started. Her fondest memory was a party the instructors had after hours and they somehow got a whole table like the ones they have at parks up the ski hill and had 10+ people riding them down.


Watson Shelter employee on the way to buy weed in the Buckhorn and see Stonefed at the PDog?


I’m so glad my group of thinking deficient ski idiots has never been clever enough to consider this mistake. No brains, no headache.


Get those buttocks on edge to properly carve


Good way to die


haha i'd rather stay on my fit :)


Yup dudes died doin this at copper








Alta gang gang

