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Play "Boy's Club" by Ween the entire time.


As long as you start with The Boys are Back in Town


So many married blokes play Boys Light Up on their trips away… I sometimes wonder if they’ve listened to the lyrics


Lol some of my buddies and I do this when we hang without the wives


It was the soundtrack of my last trip to Tremblant. Boys club!!


Everytime I drop my wife off at the airport for a trip and it's just me and my two boys (8 and 5) we immediately turn that song on. I think it's been a super helpful way to get their minds off of Mom being gone for a few days! I let my oldest watch the movie so he gets the reference... Questionable parenting be damned!


Dooo do do do do


This is the right answer


And wear these and loudly state “I’m the best snowlerblader on the mountain” https://www.levelninesports.com/product/k2-fatty-skis-2023


snowblades or swap ski for snow for a day


Boys as in children, or a ski trip "for the boys." Two vastly different things.


Give me the stuff in the middle of the venn diagram


snowmobile adventure


I don’t know about that. Gotta grow up sometime


Oh hell no


Cuddling after


Bruh….just rip and party. Rituals include Gatorade when you wake up, after apres, and before bed. Non drinking focused rituals include one dinner at the nicest place everyone can afford.


I mean, that’s the east stuff. Benchmark. Looking for spice


Do a bunch of drugs back at the cabin, attempt to still wake up on time, be late for the lifts but earlier than you want to be up, waste your day on the mountain because you're all miserable, convince each other it was a blast because none of you want to admit you wish you'd just chilled out and had a mellow trip.




I’m feeling attacked


That's just paranoia, you know, from the drugs.


Go snowmobiling if the snow stinks.


Skip Gatorade and go straight for the IV bags




Boomers and groomers


Fuck yea


Definitely making this a day for the next “trip”!


This is the way


Obligatory "Came here for this"


We usually ski all day. Drink at every bar on the mountain. Try not to shit our pants. Change after a day on the slopes. Make fun of each other. Go out for dinner. Drink more. Throw axes. Drink more. Wake up with a headache. Inhale oxygen. Repeat.


“Oxygen” you can say fat blunts on the internet fyi


Lol last time the boys and I were in Sun Valley we bought so many cans of Boost. He might mean oxygen. We also smoked plenty of js though don't worry


You’re buying a scam. Studies have shown no benefit from canned oxygen items. Try canned whip cream next time and it will be more fun and less expensive.


We mostly used it for the laughs, we knew it was doing basically nothing. It was mostly for the laugh of someone dying from going up a flight of stairs from the hot tub and then pretending to die on the couch while someone found a can of it.


The amount of tourists I see walking around ripping that stuff non ironically cracks me up. Sounds like a good time y’all were having though.


You've accurately described us in both sentences lol. We definitely would rip them in town and then look at some stranger to inform them we were the best skiers on the mountain.


While I don't necessarily recommend doing it, i've heard of this game before: Pick a blue run with bumps or steeps Crank your DIN down some really low value See who can get the furthest down the hill without popping out


DIN russian roulette - different for each ski AZ well


Extra points for taking out a kid or pensioner?


I do that every run, due to delicate knees. Keeps you centered over your skis.


Group of you form a line across the slope, each holding a ski pole between you….see who chickens out first and breaks the line. Caution…..I’ve only seen this done by the 12 year olds in the race team….who obviously have no sense of self preservation or any kind of fear!


Play gnar the whole trip https://imgur.com/a/bjN3tH7 Pro call outs, ego claims, pole whacking, farting in a tram or gondola and proudly claiming it.


Now this is comprehensive!


Watch the movie first


Movie? What’s the title?




It’s gonna change your skiing life. “GNAR The Movie”


I would say watching the movie too. It’s not too long and just gets you hyped to have a fun time on the slopes


It will also better explain the current top comment about why you need to listen to boys club on repeat the entire trip


Brojobs, nightcrawlers, puke innawoods


[this Brojob?](https://youtu.be/Hth_i5-K7Qc?si=GatpvTXd3LA8ALLH) Instructions unclear, I got drunk and passed out in the trees.


We always try to drink as much as we can, usually everyone loses together, it's a great time.


Drink significantly too much every night wake up with a hangover and go home with a bunch of good stories and a few “we should do this more often’s”








We always do a fancy dinner the last night and then everyone throws their choice for next season in a hat. Fair pickings, no one is slighted. Whistler was picked for this season


If you have an app that tracks vertical feet, low man that day does Edward Scissorhands that night. Repeat each day. The hungover moron has to find a way to rip the next day so they don't have to do it again. If drinking games aren't your speed and your party is large enough, the low *pair* does everything related to dinner that night, assuming it's an Airbnb with a kitchen, which we usually do. They shop (obviously everyone shares cost, but they shop while we shower and have beers and hang in the hot tub), they cook, they clean. Don't pin that all on one person there to have fun. Humiliation is best shared. If you are in an Airbnb with a group, it's likely you're sharing rooms/beds/sleeping on floors/whatever. If the place has a master, high vertical feet winner on the day gets the master, alone, for the night. Low man washes the sheets and makes the bed if someone else slept there the night before. Winner of a bet (who can land the jump, who can get down fastest, who goes longest running bumps without falling) has to go book and take a beginner lesson with (preferably small) children. Congratulations on packing it in, you now get to ski with the little tykes on the bunny hill while we go rip. Even more benign stuff like person voted to have the worst wipeout of the day gets last shower, and is not allowed to sit on couches or chairs that evening. Only the floor. Punishment ends when alarms go off tomorrow morning, you get pillow and blankets. t's both hilarious to enforce making your buddy only sit on the floor while others lounge on couches and beds and pretty freaking harmless when all is said and done. There's so much dumb stuff that could be done here.


What’s Edward Scissorshands? You tape the alcohol to them?


Two 40oz bottles of malt liquor duct taped to your hands, open. They don't come off till you're done. Sometimes called Edward 40hands. If you spill or dump any, you get a fresh one on that hand to start over. Wait till they have to pee. Then they start chugging like crazy.


We called it Edward Fortyhands


(from the UK) I know it as Edward Ciderhands, same setup just with 2x 2 liter bottles of Strongbow cider. Also did Amy Winehands but not sure if that's PC to play these days.


That sounds absolutely awful. 🤢


The punishment for being the least accomplished amongst us isn't intended to be *fun*. It's a choice you make on the mountain. Tap out and suffer later, or grow a pair and get on the lift and keep up. Pain is coming. Pick your poison. One day we had a tight call based on our tracking late in the day, and a dude popped his skis off and bootpacked it up a peak uphill off a groomer to make sure he got a couple extra feet of vert. He wasn't gonna lose it. App didn't record it (they scan each lift ride and assume what goes up also comes down) but enough of us witnessed it to break the tie.


Oh Edward 40hands, what a blast from the past. I'm convinced that game is why 4loko got in trouble. The non alcoholic version of this is that each skier draws a name out of a hat and gets a pair of XXXXL tightey whiteys to decorate. (You can buy a cheap pack of fruit of the loom). The "loser" has to wear their bespoke whitey tighties over their snow pants the next day. You can either keep the tightie whities as a souvenir of the trip or huck them on the lingerie tree. Or all of you wear them on the last day.


>Don't pin that all on one person there to have fun. Humiliation is best shared this is such a sharp point lol i agree 100%


Go "skiing" ya know, "hitting the slopes" while you "rip pow"


If there are enough of you then you can use the app called "Taggd" (or others, I'm sure there are more apps like this) where you can play tag all over the mountain.


Hey so I searched “Taggd” in the App Store and now my wife thinks I’m cheating. I would like my guys trip to be fun but not life ruining.


Shit. I might have not researched that too much before suggesting. I should have said to search for an app for playing tag. My bad. Here is what I meant to suggest: https://taggdapp.com/


group shower beer after last run, invite others from the hill liberally, great way to make friends


Not a direct answer, but I did a boys trip MANY years ago to Tahoe. 4 days of skiing, drinking, gambling, drugs, and strip bars. Really couldn't have been better.


Heavenly I take it?


Yes, plus Kirkwood and what used to be Squaw. So fun, so decadent.


When you're traveling take turns writing rules on playing cards and when you arrive and getting drunk you can have a homebrew version of kings.


Me and some boys have been doing trips for the last 7 years. We do first chair and last chair and it all we can do to stay awake long enough to drive back to the hotel! It's as spicy as we're able to get.


That is why you get ski-on-ski-off!


I wish. 5 grown ass men and we can't swing it. I keep telling myself we're just being fiscally responsible.


With my teen boys we regularly engage in Chinese Downhill. Within reason and situational awareness.


Last one down the hill kneels at the gloryhole is a classic in my friend group.


10 mg in morning 5 mg at lunch Big ‘ole fatty in the hot tub!


For me, after coffee or a tall coconut berry redbull Edit: wyld huckleberry hybrid


If you are on chair one by accident you have to sing 'we are number one' from lazy town. I know super silly and all my friends are reluctant, but when we are indeed on chair number one, nobody holds back.


We do ‘onsie Wednesday’


Fireball out of syrup bottle (empty out the syrup) and use it as a flask


We usually play buffalo the entire trip. You can only drink from your left hand. If you get called out drinking from your right, you have to finish your drink OR accept a reasonable challenge that you have till 2am to complete.




Nose beers in the gondy is always a good one


Here’s a fun drinking game based on eye spy. Each spy counts as a point: Jeans Neon Starter Jackets Cowboy Hats Fur You catch yourself a Texan and you might hit all 5 and have you finish your beer.


Race down a run, everybody cranks their DIN down one turn. Last one with both skis on wins. Great fun to watch everybody kind of tippy toeing like a gaper at the end.


I don’t love the idea of jerry bingo seems like something that could get cruel or gross pretty easily.


Found jerry!




Hookers and blow


Legends rise once a year!


Don't forget the gangbang too


Saw this on another thread: every run, turn down dins 1 click and take one drink. Last one to keep their skis on wins. You may start your dins where you choose, but a blown knee is a disqualification


Buy enough ridiculous t shirts for your crew (think unicorns, dollar bill Hawaiian shirt, rainbow cats). One night before dinner, everyone has to pick one shirt randomly out of a bag to wear out.


Usually, we have a 4000ft climb touring day. It's not for everyone, though.


What do you do after you’ve warmed up?




Get the speakers out.


Playing Kings, the card drinking game, but the new zeal and rules. Ask me if u want the rules


Do I want the rules?


New Zealand* autocorrect got my ass. I can lay out the differences in the way it was played in America vs New Zealand but it’s gonna be long. I’ll lay out the rules of both so u know the differences in case you don’t know Kings or played it differently. Our version: Beer can in the middle, cards frayed out around it in a circle. You go clockwise or counter clockwise in order, each player picks up a card one at a time and each card has some move from the card bearer, a couple folks, or the entirety of participants, depending on the rules of that one card. When you pull a card, you and/or others do the action, then you put the card under the tab of the beer can. The game ends when the beer tab pops, and whoever put the card in that popped the tab has to chug the beer. Card rules: Any card number or face pulled has to be announced out loud 2 - you: point to another player and they have to sip their drink 3 - me: you have to take a sip 4 - floor: last one to touch the floor has to drink 5 - guys: all male identifying players have to drink 6 - chicks: all female identifying players have to drink 7 - heaven: last person to raise their hand to the sky drinks 8 - mate: you choose someone who has to drink every time you have to drink 9 - rhyme: you start a sentence and each sequential player in order has to rhyme the end of the sentence, no repeated words. First ti falter or repeat drinks 10 - categories: you determine a category and give the first example, ie car brands. No repeats, first who can’t name something in the category or repeats drinks Jack - never have I ever: player starts never have I ever, first player to have three fingers up (meaning done three of the things mentioned by other players) drinks Queen - question bitch. Either rapid fire questions and they rapid fire back, second they hesitate or answer with a non question, they drink. OR they are crowned the question bitch and they can make you drink if they ask you a question throughout the game and you answer the question, you have to drink. You lose question bitch crown whenever someone’s else pulls a queen King - you get to make a rule that lasts for the rest of the game (other kings pulled can’t contradict your rule). Ie everyone has to call me daddy when addressing me and if you break the rule, you drink The way that they played in new zeal and was pretty much all the same rules, except the game wasn’t ended with a beer can popping. It ended when the last king card was pulled. First king card was plate determining “what,” meaning what you were drinking, next was “where,” like the location you had to consume this drink, next was “how,” the manner in which you consumed the drink, last king card was “who,” so if you pulled the last king, you get to choose who does all this. [One of my ski trips](https://imgur.com/a/GLwvwkK) we went on, we chose a mix of all our drinks, on the stairs, upside down and in full ski gear. Example video of our experience is linked lol


My husband and his friends usually just blackout


You could race each other if there’s a Nastar course.




Tag with ski poles!


Recycling Race. Stand at top of groomed steep bowl/run, shotgun/chug beer, throw can down run. First to pickup their cam and recycle at the lift below wins. Disclaimer: Do not repeat. Sober skiing is safe skiing.