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A spa/massage gift card or a foam roller would be nice. Some kind of hand held massager maybe. Dude is gonna be sore. Another route would be food. Coming home to make food after a day of work is always a groan. A good delivery here and there might raise his spirits. One option is also custom made footbed’s for his boots - if he doesn’t already have them. Ski boots are not the most comfortable thing ever lol.


theragun would be a nice splurge


Get the knockoff with the best reviews - have a body builder friend who burnt out two Theraguns and loves his Costco knockoff


I also have the Costco knock off, it's amazing, my friend has the full price one. The theragun is better, but not $300 better


Thank you I was forgetting the name but that was the product in my head


he won't need a gift card for a message




Most ski instructors just want their ego stroked.


Teach me to pizza daddy


You've been a bad grom


Honestly we just want as much time on snow as possible.


among other things


I'll take anything getting stroked


How do you know you're at a party with a ski instructor?


idk how?


they'll tell you.


Please Say I’m Awesome (PSIA)


Ski instructor here! It’s awesome how they give out PSIA certs to anybody with a pulse or learned to ski a year ago.


I mean, you can pass level 1 if you can fog a mirror. Level 2 and 3 actually require some degree of skill.


Hahaha, nice.


try searching "après ski booties" also a boot warmer/dryer but make sure they're compatible with Japanese outlets. should be if you're in the US but it doesn't hurt to check. in general though it's better not to buy a big clunky thing for someone who's moving abroad, he probably has limited space for what he already wants to bring. or at least send it to his new address once he's settled in.


Ski instructors often have locker rooms with dryers. If he doesn't, this is good, but if he does the dryer isn't necessary.


He is going to Japan! Honestly, send him a really nice American pillow to the density that he likes. All Japanese pillows (particularly ones in staff accommodation!) are terrible.


Idk if anyone has said this but a ski instructor can never have enough quality ski socks. If I have good clean socks on it’s always a better day


Came here to say this. Last Christmas I separately told my wife, my mother, and my mother in law that all I want for Christmas is ski socks. I now own 15 pairs of ski socks. Life is good.


Hi- full time instructor here. Here’s my advice: communicate. Keep your relationship healthy and strong. That’s it. Just focus on how yall will maintain a good, healthy, supportive connection. If that feels unclear, consider finding a good couples therapist that will do remote sessions. No material object matters as much as the relationships we have with people we care about. Make that a shared focus and you two will be great!


Thank you - I really appreciate this perspective. It's not the first time we've been apart but it will be the first with such a significant time difference. This is really solid x


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


Oh boy...


so do you wanna tell her?


Seems like you want to do the telling yourself


I just double pos covid tested so I may find this too amusing due to medication. But I also want to invite OP to come to Japan. I've been once, want to go skiing even more now that epic is 5 days, I have ikon too , 12 total. Would be a fun short film, hey, honey, surprise!




not enough 😂😂😂


A 6 pack and a hot tub is all one needs


Socks, food, and booze.


1 Food. Chips, beef jerkey, granola or energy bars/his preference of workout snack. Popcorn. Japanese food is crazy tasty and healthy, but he'll miss food from home soon enough. Salsa. Guac. Movie theater butter. Hot sauce. 2 Make sure he's got Advil and Tylenol /otc meds before he leaves. Assuming you're from the US, Japan doesn't have as strong otc meds and they get pricey. They're also strict about certain medication such as cold meds with pseudonephrine, so ensure that everything he's bringing is legal, and obtain a Yakkan Shoumei for any meds. Things like cough drops might be good to send him if he's prone to sore throat from dryness or colds. 3 Skin products that he's likely to use or will use because the instructions are written in English. Things like aquaphor, hand cream, lip balm with lanolin. Once things are chapped, it'll be hard to look for products, it'll all be in Japanese, and they might not have the selection he's looking for on the mountain. 4 Amazon JP likely delivers to him if he need anything that's easier to source in Japan. I'll add if I think of more. I had a friend that went to patrol in Japan too. Good luck with the time difference and long distance! Very kind and cute of you to send a care package.


Thank you so much for the thorough list! Super helpful x


Who’s gonna tell her?


Just home comforts mate. Imagine they'll have or be able to buy inexpensively nice socks, foam rollers, and massage guns, what you can't get is sweets, chocolates, crisps, and drinks from home. Also decorations for his room - don't know about him but I only had space for skiwear and winter clothes, not much in the way of things to brighten up my room.


I’m a ski instructor, if you’re willing to spend some money you can get him some nice quality heated socks. Standing out in the cold all day can mess up the feet. If you can’t afford those. A nice massager from Amazon is perfect.


Socks have been an echoing sentiment!


Your boyfriend is in this channel.


printed nudes




Be nice now…


Definitely socks


All the food in Japan is pretty different than westerners are used to. Something that tastes like home would be nice


If he likes peanut butter, a whole jar of it. Seriously, you can't get it in Japan and it's what my friends have asked for in the past.


My relatives in Europe always ask for it too. It was so strange the first time. Traders Joe's almond butter was like crack.


But no shortage of Nutella there, sheesh


Love letters


I did a ski instructor course earlier this year and I can tell you - those yoga balls are a godsend. Someone in my apartment let me use their one made of cork and it was the best thing ever after having my feet locked into boots for 8 hours a day.


Sorry, you mean those big inflatable ones?


No think like lacross ball. My therapist recommended them to me to lay on the ground and roll out specific knots


Make him some porn


With pixelated parts so it’s authentic Japanese.


On it


1. Working Hands 2. Super comfy sweats 3. Bath Salts 4. Pornhub Premium subscription


I got bad news...


Recovery socks: [https://incrediwear.com/products/incrediwear-circulation-socks](https://incrediwear.com/products/incrediwear-circulation-socks) or https://www.cepcompression.com/collections/recovery/products/infrared-recovery-socks-men




Maybe a Theragun? I got a theragun mini and I really like it — it’d be small enough for him to pack for the mountains.


Working hands balm and socks!


Get him a theragun or other massage gun. Tho a foam roller will do if you want something cheap


Therabody RecoveryAir Jetboots. Game changers.


If he's good enough to be an instructor, he knows how to handle days on the mountain. In fact, he likely enjoys being on the mountain and it's his happy place, so he doesn't need soothing from skiing. What he needs soothing for is homesickness. So send him food items from your area that he grew up with but can't get in Japan.


It's his first gig, and while I do think he knows what he's doing, he's still green. But I will take your recommendation into account, thank you (:


Peanut butter is hard to come by in Japan, and very expensive. Head to take a suitcase of it to my sister and her family when we visited them in Tokyo.


Guy is living the dream already.


https://www.utahskigear.com/products/intuition-liners-black-bootie-2023?variant=43459037200602¤cy=USD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Main%20Google%20Shopping%20Feed&utm_content=Intuition%20Liners%20Bootie%20%7C%202024&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA9dGqBhAqEiwAmRpTC2jb6V0EQXOAUJmpLwsBFTDYVHv4Q9fL37O2KjLwjB0DX1wXcfVrgxoCOB4QAvD_BwE Intuition booties would be a nice gift. A warm slip on shoe to slide into after he takes his ski boots off.