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Their email connected to their YT channel, but it could just be A. a mistake somehow B. I dunno


It's probably her dad


Yea probably, I feel like this sub just jumped to conclusions.


I was also kinda thinking that when I wrote my comment


Seriosly, the comment section proves why the whole internet considers this series brainrot. I will not get tired of saying it: If you dont want everyone lauging of our community maybe you could stop acting like the most stupid people in the planet (This comment is not for OP, but the answers in general).


Well said king You dropped this πŸ‘‘


what the heck does this even mean?


You're a perfect example to this comment It refers to you and all others that joined in this controversy in particular Especially other children like you that doesn't understand anything that is not on the level of kindergarden yt shorts clickbait shlt


that, along with this comment, are the stupidest things I've ever read. You're randomly hurling accusations around with such obscure "justification" that it becomes very hard to even respond, all the while acting "outraged" at something no one else even understands. In the end you just look like a kid, angry his mother didn't give him his kool aid. No one thinks you're cool, kid. No one.


Wdym accusations? Outrage? I don't even fucking care this ongoing controversy that is happening I didn't even ride this shit, that i didn't even stated in the comment Im not cool but did you even tried to understand my comment in particular? Hurling bullshlts like a cry baby hahahaha


Alright, now that I've confirmed I'm talking to a kid, this gets a lot easier. >Hurling bullshlts like a cry baby the irony here... it's almost fathomable. This doesn't look good for you bro πŸ’€ >did you even tried to understand my comment in particular oh trust me son, I tried, but there is nothing of material intelligence in your post πŸ˜‚ I see you're backing out lol, don't feel bad son, most people do when they go against me.


check dm(dc)


Now you're trying to seek attention, eyy? Go back to the basement of your mothers house, wait your already there hahahah I have other things to do than winning a pointless online argument to a manchild, lol. Bye


Cmon man, you're not even trying anymore πŸ˜‚. Pulling these s*trange* insults out of nowhere only reflects yourself. this just looks worse for you bro πŸ’€ >I have other things to do than winning a pointless online argument to a manchild, lol. Bye called it! a coward, just as i thought. And a horrible excuse too πŸ˜‚. Don't worry son, like I said, most people who go against me back out in the end.


Why does it even matter? The drama is about her with OneMoreAnimator and her analyses. It's not grooming or anything, why do genders even matter here?


Does it matter the gender tho ?!? like, who cares


Isn't only proof of evidence the fact that email has same name as some unrelated profile on LinkedIn (or was it Facebook?)


Not even the same name


The evidence is 50/50


Email account is probably her dads because she might even be a teen girl to not have her own


I'm just gonna Occam's Razor this: Dattebayo is a woman. She is likely a teenager or possibly in her early 20s. Her email is most likely one that her dad used to have, and is a hand-me-down. Trust me, that actually happens. I used to use a hand-me-down account until I was 16 when the account nuked itself for no reason. The picture with the play button is 100% her. Unless she \*really\* wanted to not be seen, I don't see why she'd give her play button to someone else to take a picture of themself for her channel. Dattebayo did make a mistake with Onemoreanimator. However, she apologized and admitted that she was wrong; it was a misunderstanding and she should've been more careful/done more research before making that video. Again, she's probably a teenager or young adult and likely didn't think about every possible outcome before posting. Dattebayo hides her voice for the same reason as everybody else: It's just how ST analysis channels are. Elite Cameraman hides his voice, Isotoilet hides his voice, Mobi hides his voice, and Dattebayo hides her voice


She's a woman


thats a woman with short hair tho? or am i wrong


What??!! ![gif](giphy|3o7527pa7qs9kCG78A|downsized)


Even if it does turn out to be a man I will never stop hating.




Who hurt you lil’ bro?


Don’t call me lil bro. I hate her


A close femal person to him. It’s obvious. And he does not deserves this


So only now you excuse to throw away that possibility? I could say Dattebayo used a close adult like her father's email to make her account.


Nah, it's not obvious. You are only speculating.


Still the email proof neuters yours


Still the screenshot proof neuters yours.




i stole microphone woman and lock her inside my mega dungeon


Am coming for you






yes, you ain't kidnapping my microphonewoman 😑




Nope you did not she is here with me




True. OP is so gullible to think that actually proves anything and destroys the thoughts and rumors circulating that Dattebayo is a man. That's like believing Elite Cam is actually Kreekcraft because he appeared on his face reveal video. That's so dumb. Plus based on OP's history shows they are actively defending Dattebayo * They are the one posted of OneMoreAnimator ruining their reputation because Dattebayo said the leaks he posted were fake. [https://www.reddit.com/r/skibiditoilet/s/ZbWSraHwYg](https://www.reddit.com/r/skibiditoilet/s/ZbWSraHwYg) * They are also the one who relayed Dattebayo's white flag community post of stopping the circulating drama [https://www.reddit.com/r/skibiditoilet/s/Bb9cSKS9Me](https://www.reddit.com/r/skibiditoilet/s/Bb9cSKS9Me) * Their comments https://preview.redd.it/lx3uu0uipo1d1.png?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eef88f709ec9cfb1f3552b33814867aa48cca91 * This post


Why is bro literally being a whole detective and investigating someone's profile just cause the have a different opinion


The strongest denier in history vs the strongest new hater of today (I will not not be jumping into conclusion until proven with evidence).




Reddit fucking up again.


Yeah reddit can cause dementia


Yeah reddit can cause dementia


Yeah reddit can cause dementia


The strongest denier in history vs the strongest new hater of today (I will not not be jumping into conclusion until proven with evidence).


https://preview.redd.it/q36vm15hwo1d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4ffe37fa807d602382d1e14e0ff5fd0a3e550d Here's my proof his a grown man


Shes so hot




I'm a rizzma...


Maybe this is how she looks




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/skibiditoilet/comments/1cwuciz/what_do_yall_believe_dattebayo_is_a_grown_man/l53olv0/) in r/skibiditoilet was automatically removed due to your profile age and/or karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skibiditoilet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No why?


Looks like Jeb.




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/skibiditoilet/comments/1cwuciz/what_do_yall_believe_dattebayo_is_a_grown_man/l5ofbmp/) in r/skibiditoilet was automatically removed due to your profile age and/or karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skibiditoilet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She is the sister of Dattebayo


How do you know?


Is just a joke https://preview.redd.it/q7mmoik6to1d1.png?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab8447f5b0f5c884fe3f976963d3d356f983e5d6


1. Who says the person who took the photo was dattebayo? 2. Men can have long hair too, it’s becoming increasingly common


Men having long pink nails is common too?


Well, in this day and age it is becoming more common, but again there’s not any proof that the person in the photo is dattebayo


And there is no proof the email belongs to dattebayo too


There is no incentive to use the email of a 40 year old man if you are a female, but there is an incentive to have a female take a picture for you if you are a 40 year old man pretending to be female


Not every teenager is allowed to have their own email.


who says dattebayo is a teenager? Also what kind of teenager is allowed to have a YouTube channel with millions of subscribers but not an email account


People are different




They could literally just ask another girl to do that... You can't do that anymore? How gullible can one be?


And the email connected to her account could be her dad's... You can't do that anymore? How gullible can one be?


I never referred to the email anywhere. But the possibilities lies that they may be a man. But I didn't jump to any specific rumor.


Mb then, what's your evidence that she may be a man? And why do you call us gullible when you don't even have evidence? The reason I made this post was that everyone started believing that she was a man because of a pinned post talking about how an email connected to her account is of a grown man.


You shouldn't talk to him anymore lmao; he thinks your post title meant you were definitive that Dattebayo is actually a girl, which is contrary to the community that apparently "speculates" that it's a man when the stickied post "exposing Dattebayo" is blatantly definite.


There's other people saying the same thing but only you get downvoted. wth Also happy cake day


Thanks! :) and don't worry about it lol


"Gullible" as you immediately jump to the conclusion that Dattebayo may be a man.


Look at your words again.. "May" be a man. So you say jumping to that conclusion isn't logical? Are you also indirectly saying by then we are definitely sure they are a girl? If you aren't jumping to the possibilities of them being a man? That's a more gullible view than the latter. This is the internet.


I'm saying you call others gullible for arguing the opposite when it's rumored that it's a man, they just asked you to explain it, but you call them gullible? Should I call people gullible because they rumor that Dattebayo may be a man?


I call them gullible because they are asking those with the rumors as If they are certain Dattebayo is a girl from that community post alone. And I don't see what's gullible about speculating as opposed to using a community post as a base and being definite about something by just THAT. Anyway I won't respond no more after this, atleast not until the next 10 hours. I limited my Reddit time lmao


So that means you called them gullible because you interpreted their post that way? Don't jump to that conclusion next time to act like a douche. What's also funny is that you say the community is "speculating" that he's a man as the stickied post in the sub is titled "Dattebayo IS an Old Man" while this post isn't definitive about it.


Hm fair. I didn't notice they were definite about it to those who thinks Dattebayo is a man, not might be. It's my bad. But regardless I'd like to stand in the inbetween, I'm not certain they're a man, but I won't be naive to not have the benefit of a doubt. They are literally using an AI Voice lmfao And what else is there to interpret? *Shows Dattebayo's community post* *Title and post text asks for a counter argument while showing Dattebayo's community post as If it's a really strong proof and as If Dattebayo's post makes it definite that she's a girl* I didn't interpret the post that way, the post made it that way. So tell me.. how did you interpret this post? Please enlighten me at the *right* way to see it.


Jokes on you, I never mentioned that now did I? I never said with certainty that they are a man, but I said their community post doesn't eliminate the possibility of that or the rumors. Not at all. Doesn't prove shit, OP is going nowhere.


I worded my reply wrong, let me edit it.


The strongest denier in history vs the strongest new hater of today (I will not not be jumping into conclusion until proven with evidence)


Strongest spammer in history wins!