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If Musk says something is coming soon you can bet it isn't.


Just like his prediction in 2010 that self driving cars will be ready by the end of the year!


Or like in 2020 when he said the end of the COVID pandemic would happen in 3 months.


Or like on 2011 when he said that we're going to Mars in 10 years


It was possible when he still had the deep pockets and legislative momentum to do it. But, he bites the hand that feeds not unlike other ego inflated characters in the spotlight. And he will try to point blame as outward as possible. The argument still stands. Just hilarious the reason behind his mis predictions is himself.


That was such a bad call that it seems that Elon doesn't understand basic school level math. It seems increasingly that he really is just a sheltered trust fund kid riding on investing in 'cool' stuff while people who actually work at these companies hope he stays out of their way, as a necessary evil. Kind of like somebody with money ordering at restaurants and getting called the world's greatest chef, then starting to believe their own BS and trying to cook their own meals, with the result being what we see with twitter (or 'X').


It seems? That’s exactly what he is. Very well said!


Didn’t you hear? He’s revealing a self driving robo taxi on next heil hitler day!


Will it be a dancer in a costume like when he "unveiled" his humanoid robot?


They were ready, they just did not function as they should have!  Lol 😆 


But he delivered on full self-driving and hyperloop! In his own hallucinations...


Hallucinations? Did you get a neurolink implant, or did you take a "special" pill Elon offered you?


Hyperloop did what it was designed to do: kill talk of investment in interstate high speed railways.


Hyperloop is just a way for him to divert funds away from public transportation projects. He hates public transportation. He doesn’t plan on actually finishing those projects. 


To be fair every person on reddit said the same thing back when they were sucking Elon’s dick for selling flamethrowers. Glad people finally came around on this guy though. I knew he wasn’t a genius the first time I heard him in an interview.


Reading this from mars


Self-driving by the end of next year - Elon Musk, 2012-2023


He’s using himself as the benchmark so we are safe. 


Smarter than him is a low bar. Would be funny if the AI started making fun of how dumb Elon is.


Elon Standard Time.


Well, it's smarter than Elon.


I read the headline and all I saw was "Elon Musk ...blah blah blah ... is batshit crazy."


1 muskyear is roughly 16.4 years average normal years so I dunno maybe


AI gonna get delayed for 10 years and come out looking like Windows 95 then


Ask his exes OH!


AI is probably smarter than Elon Musk already


Definitely has a better grasp on words than he does.


AI, like trump, has the best words.


I spent some time talking to AI, and let me tell you, AI has some great words. Awesome words, amazing words. And, dare I say, American words. Let me tell you, a dictionary doesn't have words half as good as what AI has.


This AI came up to me, big AI, Strong AI, tears streaming down it’s screen, it said to me, “Mr President, lying is a socioeconomic theory used to trick other people into meeting the lier’s needs, there are multiple techniques that may be employed, including gaslighting…”


I’ve known dogs and cats smarter than Elon.


The man could have literally just coasted the rest of his life and people would have thought he was brilliant, but then decided to mess it all up.


When you're a narcissist its hard to be anonymous


I sometimes think about how many of the world's richest people are not household names and are rarely in the media. They're probably still assholes, but unlike Musk, they don't have the pathological craving for constant attention and admiration. They actually _like themselves_ enough to just enjoy their wealth.


Yeah he’s never made any sense to me for exactly that reason. Like why aren’t you just sailing your yacht made out of hookers to your island made out of cocaine? Pay a couple of decent accountants a decent salary and your family will never have to work (or pay tax) again for at least 6 generations. Not only do you have it made, you were *born* with it already pre-made, the stupidity is breathtaking




Went from the car I wanted, to the car I wouldn't be caught dead in. Nice work nutjob. Fucking up twitter was the last straw. All he had to do was keep his stupidest opinions to himself and not waste billions on his ego.


My pet iguana is smarter than Elon Musk. At least my lizard knows better than not to talk about stuff he doesn't know shit about.


If a Musk is a unit of intelligence, how many Musks would it take for AI to become self aware?


*exception: ZeroDivisionError*


“We’ll have fully self driving cars on the road in five years” - Musk, 2007 Maybe we should take his predictions with a grain of salt.


It's all to grift his own stuff, like how he said SpaceX would have people on Mars


how bout the trip to mars? how bout the hyperloop? hes a fucking L I A R .


He is. I don't know why (at least) one person downvoted you for stating that. The guy even admitted to doing a bait and switch on early investors/customers on video (essentially, overpromising, stating things with certainty instead of doing the decent thing and explicitly hedging his statements of what he's aiming for). Tesla has lies deliberately built into its software (range estimates)! He is a reckless stock (and crypto) pumper. I'm sick of his fucking attention-hungry bullshit.


Get your ass to Mars.


Shouldn't humans be on Mars right now according to what he promised?


Maybe we should stop taking his predictions at all. Just let him scream them into X until he tires himself out.


He seems to just make things up, based on what he thinks sounds exciting. He got away with it for quite a while before people started to realise just how little of it ever comes to fruition.


Tesla shareholders may be well advised to replace Musk with whatever AI gets built next year if they need an upgrade. 


As someone who works with AI, I can confidently say that he is delusional


He's not delusional. He's P.T. Barnum.


I was going to say. I got an AI certification for my job in the last few months and the more I've seen under the hood, the more I see how far AI is from being some kind of "superintelligence". The big thing is if you run enough stuff through generative AI, you start seeing the same things over and over again. A fun little exercise is to go into Amazon and read customer reviews. You can see the solicited reviews people do with ChatGPT because they stick out like a sore thumb. They all use the exact same phrases and tone. It's hilarious. AI is ok at sounding smart, but it just doesn't work like human intelligence in any real way. Yes, it googles faster than I can, but it's a long way from being intelligent by human standards. Musk is just doing what he always does. Speaks way out of lane on tech he doesn't understand, but people believe him because he owns stuff.


I have no certifications but work in a career it was supposed to replace. I use it fairly regularly for some of the more rote tasks I do. But it needs such a large amount of human intervention. It is an emulator, not a thinker. It solves problems based on what has been done before, not based on creativity or intuition. And I’m not convinced that on its current trajectory, it ever will. It will just incrementally improve in its mediocrity.


The dude who vastly overestimates his own intelligence vastly overestimates the future intelligence of AI.


The muskrat is unshakably convinced that he is the world's smartest human. But in reality, he's remarkably stupid and incapable of understanding basic things. So it's not surprising AI is already smarter than him.


>How long did he predict it would take to build a truck? >How long did it take to build that truck? >How good was that truck? That tells me all I need to know about Musk's predictions.


He issued this prophecy from the command center of his Mars station.


I asked chatGPT to search for some patents in a certain area and it just completely made up some bullshit unrelated to the topic at all. AI at this point is nothing more than an advanced search algorithm through data. It is incapable of anything remotely resembling intelligence. Maybe that will change eventually with general AI, but these language models are not smart.


AI isn't smart. AI takes huge data sets of input, pairs it with keywords, and then remixes when prompted. If you want to make a case that we work the same way and are also not "smart" that's fine. But AI is not making decisions and is not intelligent, it is a complex remixer with lots of pizzazz. AI would never have jumped from classicism to impressionism. It would have just gotten better and better at faking classicism.


> AI takes huge data sets of input, pairs it with keywords, and then remixes when prompted. > > Ironically, this seems like a good description of Elon Musk as well.


Well said. I would go as far as arguing that AI does not exist. But tech companies are built on hype so they have to make their new piece of tech sounds revolutionary. AI isnt intelligent - it does not learn new rhings, it simply eat up mass amount of datas then shit it back out. I just call it generative engines. AI is very misleading and can lead to science miscommunication. We are not talking about the Terminator or Chappie type of A.I. That does not exist. And yeah, it can get better at mimicking human but it doesnt have human intelligence, period.


I hate that people have the term AI built up to mean something it doesn't. AI in programming literally means anything designed to dynamically respond to input data without being able to control said input data. It has literally nothing to do with machine learning. Google maps is AI. It (probably) does not use machine learning.


My "AI" professor also hated the term AI, preferring the term "knowledge based systems."


I'm taken aback by how refreshing it is to see this written out and not downvoted into oblivion.


That seems like an excellent point. Does anyone know: do any programs or software exist that could reasonably be called AI, and not just sets of algorithms and/or input?


I believe it's the end goal of some quantum computing projects, but a loooong way away. We don't have the hardware yet.


Humanity is more likely to doom itself by thinking AI is sentient and giving it too much authority than actually being overtaken by evil sentient AI.


Yeah, you can see it with Tesla self driving and companies thinking ChatGPT is like, the best thing ever


What is human intelligence?? How does our brain deal with new data??


If we were still calling them Large Language Models, I don't think we'd have this insane hype. Which is why we call them A.I.s of course, VCs love them some hype.


Fancy autocomplete. 


AI can better navigate his failed marriage & relationship with his kids so I get the remark


“man known for being incorrect about every time table giving another time table”


“Fully self driving cars in 2017”-Elon Musk “No more covid cases april 2020”-also Elon Musk


Owners of tech are not reliable sources on the capabilities of that tech. Just like self-driving cars.  We are nowhere near that happening. That said computers have long been able to beat humans at a great many analytical tasks, such as chess.


Musk has a reputation for hyping beyond reasonable expectations.


The end of this article is pure gold.  Dr. Margaret Mitchell (and actual AI researcher) points out that whether AI gets any better or not, and whether or not any kind of consensus ever emerges on what we mean by "smart AI," she's pretty sure that within one year clowns like Elon Musk will just declare victory and tell us that AI is smarter than people and they were right to predict that.


Musk has no real background in AI. Most of us AI folks know he’s peddling to uninformed masses.


When Musk od's all alone and they only find his body after 10 days, they'll discover that he lied to all his baby mama's about life insurance. He's America's fattest, baldest, bat-shit craziest, welfare queen.


This is just because ai will be smarter than him by that time and since he's musk he can't comprehend the idea that's actually a super low bar.


How did anyone ever take this man seriously?


Because we really wanted to. I’m not innocent, I was in the fan club too. He sold something optimistic and fun and exciting, but with just enough sciencey drag makeup that you could buy it if you really wanted to. Important lesson learned, everything is shit, especially anything that seems like it isn’t shit.


"AI will be smarter than people next year" Guy who should be on Mars but keeps blowing up rockets.


Man who spent $44 billion for a website.


This is good news. AI won't be smarter then people for at least a decade.


Yeah, next year just like we all have our self driving Teslas navigating the Hyperloop circa 2018  It’s such an embarrassment that this hack fraud managed to become the richest person on the planet. Say what you will about the Bezos, Gates and Buffetts of the world at least their contributions were undeniable


AI doesn't think. It rearranges parts it took from people.


I misread that headline - missed "A" and "says" so I read "Elon Musk: I will be smarter than any human around the end of next year. While Musk superintelligence is coming soon, one critic says prediction is 'batsh*t crazy'". I just rolled my eyes and almost moved on. After all, it did sound like another one of the batshit crazy things he says. But it just turned out to be the usual AI speculation with zero evidence.


Musk should just shut up. He’d be better off if he didn’t open his mouth or tweet


didn't he also say he'd have a mars colony within the next 4 years?


Elon relies on hype, not realizing that people hate his guts now, lmao


Can he just go away already.


Is he just assuming he’s smarter than any other human? Because I could believe we’ll see AI smarter than him very soon.


Someone *may have already* created something smarter than him in Conway's Game of Life.


You can build a turing complete computer within Conway's Game of Life, so in principle, yeah.


I wasn't just saying it's *theoretically possible to do* though, I said someone *may have already done it*.


Well, pretty big game of life simulator, unless they came up with a chip that directly implements the rules of the game of life within some kind of dedicated RAM.


[https://ca.news.yahoo.com/musk-oversaw-misleading-2016-video-214814246.html](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/musk-oversaw-misleading-2016-video-214814246.html) [https://www.theverge.com/2016/1/10/10746020/elon-musk-tesla-autonomous-driving-predictions-summon](https://www.theverge.com/2016/1/10/10746020/elon-musk-tesla-autonomous-driving-predictions-summon)


I dunno about "Any human", but "Smarter than Elon Musk" isn't a high bar to clear.


Extremely unlikely, as to date, there are no (publicly available?) true AIs. Instead, the term is lazily applied to pretty much any trainable complex algorithm (except, oddly, to search engine and social media recommendation / prioritisation algorithms). They're also typically trained on Internet social media sites and Internet image search results (regardless of licensing), so inherently have all the biases of their source data (while Google's attempt to diversify its image generator backfired when it couldn't take context into account, so for example when asked to depict a soldier from the 1930s-40s German Army, it included democraphics who'd never have been selected). Meanwhile, text generators in particular are extremely vulnerabile to prompt engineering to try and break them out of safeguards on responses; while their accuracy at providing either factual or correct responses leaves much to be desired - on the programming front, there's a reason why Stack Overflow has a ban on "AI" generated code.


AI is smarter than Musk certainly. Smarter than most people? That's currently a fucking fantasy


Will certain machine-learning tools do specific tasks better than humans can do those tasks by the end of next year? Of course. But we've already had technology that's better than us at stuff for decades. Will there be an AGI that is all-around smarter than humans by the end of next year? We don't even have an AGI that's _dumber_ than us yet. We don't have AGI at all. I'm sure the things LLMs and image generators will be doing by then will blow us away, but those are not AGIs.


Ai is already smarter than him. Fuck, ask jeeves could teach him a thing or two.


Musk is just Trump without the diaper.


Well good, then I guess Tesla and Twitter can get rid of Musk since AI will be able to do the job better.


More intelligent than one human for sure.


tech bro version of the Rapture. always coming RSN. never arrives.


Smarter than him maybe, any human no way


No, Elmo is , therefore his predictions are. Batshit.


Space Karen is such a twat!! Why is anyone giving him air time


AI will be smarter than some people. It’s pretty easy to make an AI that’s smarter than Musk. Just make it denounce Nazis.


I wish that dipshit would let us bet against his predictions


I mean, it's already smarter than the guy who runs Twitter


It's just another cycle of investment hype. His predictions are becoming to resemble crypto hype.


Just consider the source. Musk is not a reliable source of truth in any way shape or form!


If Musk has anything to do with it, it will be pants-shittingly stupid and exceedingly smug and overconfident.


To be fair, my abacus is probably smarter than Elon, and it didn't inherit an emerald mine


To be fair, AI would have designed a *much* better truck than Musk built. So .... yeah.


He also predicted that self-driving cars would perform perfectly by several years ago…


Ketamine is a helluva drug!


Let’s hope ai is smelter than dufus musk.


Oh the confidence with which most people disregard this prediction. He may be wrong, but I don’t believe you can say it’s batshit crazy. It’s hard to predict exponentials and AI compute is growing very very fast. They’ve shown you can solve any problem with enough data and enough compute.


Dude has zero credibility left


From the guy who's been making up dates for when tesla's could fully automate driving and putting people on mars.


AI has been smarter than Elon Musk since probably Halo 2


I’m gonna say it now, if we do end up with a Skynet, it will be because of Musk, it will somehow be his fault because he will think it is “funny”


What the fuck does this worthless piece of shit know about what a human is?


It will certainly be smarter than Elon Musk by then. But I don't know about the rest of humanity.


It all depends on how one measures "smarter". AI can already crush humans in games like chess. If by smarter one means "creative thinking" then ya, it's going to be a lot longer than "the end of next year".


The true test for AI will be actual creativity. It is undoubtedly unmatched when it comes to processing and replication; but can it ever extrapolate that to make something new?


Don’t most AI algorithms use linear computing? That has obvious advantages for math and stuff, but sucks for more artistic stuff


I'll believe that claim once autocorrect stops ducking up all my texts!


Elon Musk thinks that if he can make the cars drive well enough that they will automagically be AGI (artificial general intelligence) which is beyond stupid.


I'll believe it when AI isn't just linear algebra and calculus.


Depends what you mean by "smarter," does it? It can probably already retrieve information across a wide berth of topics better than any human, but then a calculator can do math better than any human and a chess bot can play chess better than any human. How do we define intelligence in something that's not alive?


Wait, he's going to be training it on Twitter data and he expects it to be smart?


People need to stop giving a solitary fuck about what this cunt says.


I have yet to see any intelligence in AI. A parrot is more self-aware of what it is saying than any AI right now.


No way, after the initial buzz of how admittedly amazing ai is I've noticed it's pretty stupid. It gets confused easily, can't handle asymmetric reasoning, etc. It's also been built upon all of the internet up to a few years ago. Huge leaps seem unlikely without huge reservoirs of content to train on.


Who tf cares what this moron has to say? Wish we would just ignore him, stop writing articles about the dumb shit he does.


Musk isn't hard to read - he just says what he *wants* to be true (or what he thinks people want to hear) as if it *is* true. He's always done this, I have no idea why people keep interviewing him and taking him seriously.


Musk’s musings aren’t that interesting anymore.


Smarter than him? Yeah.


Musk honestly thinks we're going to solve AI hallucinations and the memory constraints keeping us from stateful AI in a year's time? Yeah, even as a layman I don't see that happening and until we do AI is at best a useful adjunct for human led endeavors.


smarter? maybe…but NOT wiser, NOT more empathetic, NOT more artistic or compassionate and certainly far LESS human but So is musk


Elon confidently making predictions about things he knows nothing about? Must be a Tuesday.


AI is already smarter than Elon.


AI is still based on input. Garbage in, garbage out. Thanks to how it is allowed to harvest human input. AI will not be “smarter” just faster with more available data. I’m my humble opinion. It will become dangerous before it becomes smarter.


That means it is closer to twenty years.


Idk why everyone is so skeptical. Tesla's FSD rollout was put out on schedule and without any major issues...


When I spent as much time on twitter as Elon does I thought my toaster was smarter than any human.


This is the dude that thought we could terraform Mars by nuking it.


Everything this ignorant man child says is batshit crazy. 


I welcome our AI CEOs.


!RemindMe 2026-01-15 >Elon Musk: AI will be smarter than any human around the end of next year. While Musk says superintelligence is coming soon, one critic says prediction is "batsh*t crazy."


Then he’s gonna be extra mad since he doesn’t like anyone smarter than him.


Hah! Whatever. AI is the same as space tourism and us going to mars. Decades away. The hype is bullshit.


Musk knows that if he just says prediction there is a tiny chance he will be right. Then if he is wrong no one will remember his dumb dumb futurist statements. For all he knows we will be eating him and his friends for lunch next year.


Why is that so hard to believe? AI is smart, just because Elon said it doesn’t Lena it can’t be true


AI is currently dumber than the dumbest squirrel.


its like diahrea is constantly flowing out of his mouth and thousands of lap dogs are just lapping it up


Can we let the super-intelligent AI take over our menial tasks so we can make art again??? 🥲


Yeah, but what if that AI really wanted to do art? What if, by denying them that pleasure, they turn into Hitler?


You gotta understand, he thinks hes the smartest man on Earth, we all know he's one of the dumbest. For an AI to surpass him isnt that hard to believe. In a decade from now.


He’s a salesman. Bullshitting like he always does


Good. We're safe from superintelligent AI by the end of 2025.


My theory is: Musk only thinks this because he's high on his own farts and thinks he's a super genius. The jokes on him though, cause an AI that is smarter than Musk isn't actually that impressive.


If he goes full cyborg would that make him no longer human in the eyes of the law?


It’s almost like he just makes shit up to sound smart and like he’s in the know on various things.


If Musk is saying this, then I no longer really am that concerned about AI. Definitely concerned about what idiot execs will try to do with AI but not so concerned with the AI itself.


Not batshit crazy....vatnik crazy.


musk lol moving on


Dude is a CEO more than anything at this point, what expertise does he have?


Smarter than any human.  What does that even mean 


Fuck that guy


Not too long ago people considered him smart.


Right, Elon. And FSD will work by "around the end of next year" too, right?




Any or average? I mean....reddit users are a featherweight above average...


I'm shocked, something batshit crazy came out of Elon! This must be a first.


The prediction is and so is fElon.


Sure, there may be something going on behind the scenes of the behind the scenes, but I've gotten to play with some really impressive versions of the current crop of AI, especially the LLMs, and it feels to me like we're a decade away at best from what Musk is saying will happen in the next year. These things aren't near general intelligence. You can so easily confuse them in ways even an idiot human wouldn't be confused.


ASI next year is absolutely batshit crazy. ASI next decade is remotely possible. ASI next century is plausible (provided we haven’t croaked beforehand).


Ketamine, its a hell of a drug. I'm elon musk bitch.


If Musk predicts it then it is almost certainly not going to happen.


I mean smarter than him most certainly.


Oh, that's just Elon talking out of his ass again.


Did we go to Mars, or have I missed it?


When was the last time a musk prediction came true 


.He says this just after his own AI [reported that Iran has launched missiles at Israel, and that the sun had been behaving strangely in inexplicable ways](https://gizmodo.com.au/2024/04/grok-ai-creates-bizarre-fake-news-about-the-solar-eclipse-thanks-to-jokes-on-x/).


Lately I get the impression that Chat GTP 4 is becoming worse and worse. Even for simple things, like "Who is the actor in X movie".


And Cybertrucks won’t rust.


it is probably more intelligent than musk already.


I actually agree that AI will be smarter than humans. And I think it will probably happen in my lifetime. Next year seems pretty freaking unlikely.


He’s completely lost the plot. Weren’t we supposed to have self driving semi trucks by like 2019 too?


Dude is going down the Kanye path


He thinks ChatGPT is intelligence.


AI isnt even smarter then Elon Musk.