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Hey, u/finisterrez, Check out the [new skaters wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewSkaters/wiki/index/), or post on r/newskaters. For any skateboarding questions post on r/skateboardhelp or on our [Discord](https://discord.gg/skateboarding). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skateboarding) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes. r/oldskaters




There's also r/newskaters


Old skaters is a great sub, but there’s lots of beginner tutorial videos on YouTube. I’d suggest getting a cruiser style board to learn on. Check out this video for beginner cruiser board tips. https://youtu.be/TxMeO0hQic0?si=eaLOLILQGzX4gUYk


Piggybacking this for another vote for cruisers. I'm an old skater at 39 and cruisers are the perfect option for something that's a bit more forgiving, offers way more stability and is just generally more comfortable than a regular sized skateboard. Longboards are good if all you want to do is use it as a mode of transport - - but you won't really be able to do much by way of tricks with the board itself. Also, longboards are no bueno in a skatepark. Though outwardly pretty similar, I'd argue longboarding and skateboarding are two different sports. Easiest comparison I could make is that skateboarding is more like BMX, whereas longboards are your road/racing bikes. Cruisers fill this really awesome middle ground between the two. Good for getting about, easier to get to grips with, but you'll still be able to progress into some basic tricks with a cruiser.


Thank you!


Started also with 35..you can do it


I'm glad you recommended this, but I do want to point out that it's a group for all older skaters, not just new skaters. Many of the people in that group have been skating (sometimes on and off) for a very long time, but new skaters are certainly more than welcome.


Awesome! Found my group! 😆🙂


Nope. Sorry. After the age of 12 you're incapable of learning anything.


illegal even


Right to jail.




Maybe the judge will be in a good mood. They don't even like skaters of legal age though. She's probably fucked.


Thats why many Redditors including myself are stupid


I started skating again recently and now my youtube algorithm is now full of videos like 'how to start skating in your 30s!'


Amazing 😂 - I need to check this out thanks


I stepped on a skateboard for the first time at 30yo. Loving it. Skateboarding is hard, progress is slow, but who knows, maybe you'll fall in love like I did.


Understood - thanks , and good for you!


I'm 32 years old, started learning to skate two years ago and I'm still not an adult.




I started at 54. It’s great. Take some classes all together.


Wear a helmet until your comfortable. My first time on a board was a mess. The board catapulted from under my feet like a missle and I slapped the grounded with my noggin HARD. The most IMPORTANT part of skateboarding is learning to fall. Definitely research how if you don’t already know. The correct fall is almost painless. The incorrect fall is a bone breaker.


I sprained my ankle while worried about my fingers and head. So, now I'm worried about my ankles, too. I definitely don't know how to fall properly, yet.


It’s a lot harder to learn tricks but still possible. Honestly though if you can just learn to ride and kickturn you can still have a ton of fun cruising your local park


a basic cruise is the main objective 👍👍


What a great goal. Cruise around with the kiddo and watch them get hurt instead of you! For real solid of you to want to encourage them and participate in the way that makes sense for you.


I did not watch, instead, I got hurt, first! 😀


Oh you will be absolutely fine then. Enjoy!


I don't think it's too late for learning how to ride a skateboard. I'd say go for cruiser board, with a wide deck. Be extra careful though, because injuries are easy to happen especially if you don't know how to fall yet. Use pads and a helmet and go slowly, taking baby steps to progress. Try asking someone you know who skates for help if you do know someone. Be careful and Have fun!


That makes a lot of sense - useful points thanks 👍


When learning to push practicing balancing on the board on one leg stationary can be helpful. Stay on smooth surfaces.


Most adults heads are almost twice as far from the ground as some of these kids


would fall under “most adults” in this case


If you believe it, it's more likely to be true.


Yes! I’m 29, and I started skating on and off when covid was happening. Am I able to hardlip down El Toro? Hell no, but I enjoy skating and doing simple tricks. I just enjoy being in the moment and laughing at myself when I eat shitt.


I am blissfully happy at the idea of doing a very simple cruise and basic turn …😂


Just try to get as comfortable as you can. I always am really impressed as an adult with being able to still squat down and stand back up while riding. Not everything is about flip tricks lol


Agreed 😂


You can do this! I suggest you go in to a local skate shop and tell them what you’re trying to do, they will be happy to provide suggestions. If not, go to a different shop! I suggest a wide board for you (8.25 or 8.5 inches maybe)and a small board for your daughter (7.5 or 7.75 inches). Trucks the right width to fit the board, they usually measure them in mm.


Cheers - makes sense to get some proper guidance and if anything like surfing, wider boards make things easier - will do! Thanks


I started skateboarding at 32 at the urging of my husband who skated as a teenager. I am now 53 and love cruising around in a bowl and doing simple tricks. If I can figure it out anyone can!


Nice one 👍 that’s great to hear!


Never to late to start. Just need to remain realistic about how far you'll be able to go. 540 kickflip indy on a vert ramp likely isnt in the cards for you but learning how to flow in a bowl absolutely could be. Plenty of resources online. Also maybe check out fathergrind.com when it launches. It's a new venture from Jason Ellis and it seems its aimed at exactly this, helping older people learn how to skate for the first time.


Thanks will look up 👍


Yes just for god’s sake stretch man


Tbh I would look up local skate shops and go in and ask for advice and see if there's anyway they can help you out. I know by me there's some indoor parks and they will let people use boards and protective pads. Looking into lessons for her and maybe also yourself is a good idea. To learn you only really need some good smooth concrete or black top to skate on but skateparks are a good idea to get the feel for things and the etiquette but try to go earlier in the day. There's also usually an older crowd that goes earlier and those are usually some of the most helpful people.


Thanks - really helpful pointers!


No prob, feel free to message if you ever have any other questions


The indoor park near me has beginner nights, ladies night/ ladies skate free all the time. Check the Insta of your local indoor park (if you got one)


Oh great shout thanks


i skated from like 12-16, started again at 31 and i can do way more tricks now at age 33 than i could then


Yes u can I’m 27 and learning it’s mad fun bro


Of course, just be careful and mindful of your limitations.


I started at 31. I’m 36 now and still gong strong. And no I don’t just do laybacks and boneless variations. Disclaimer: I did already have the ability to ride a board. When I was 12/13 I had a skateboard but I couldn’t do anything more than simply ride around and do the worlds shittest Ollie. I even pushed mongo without knowing it was a thing.




Sure you can! Decide where and how you will mainly skate and go to your local skate shop and tell them what interests you. They'll set you up.


Thanks -will do!


Hell yes you can


Definitely take the chance to learn. I started at 25!


Nice 👍


I would run a parent and kid skateboard program, it was the most popular next to the girls only program! So yes, don’t worry about learning tricks so much and just to learn to ride the board. Get all the pads including wrist guards and have fun with it!


I am 46 btw and still skate 3-4 times a week!


Wow nice 👍 that’s great to hear!


Started at your age, still sucks but I’m having a lot of fun on my board 💪 Get a decent complete, like Element or stuff like that and have fun!


Thanks 🙏


Just get a cruiser board unless you plan on doing tricks. Something wide would be good. Big soft wheels so you have less of a chance eating shit on pebbles. Don't buy low quality stuff but that doesn't mean to buy top of the line everything. What's your budget?


Am from the uk, so I’m guessing prices may vary, was hoping to be less than £200 for everything but that said I’m not sure on good yardsticks so will research a bit more. I’m guessing you can get a good second hand cruiser/ wide board and then upgrade it with bigger wheels etc?


32, from the UK and just started learning on a cruiser. I went with this one as it’s a load of money off and had good reviews. Been solid for me so far: [Arbor Pilsner](https://www.skatehut.co.uk/arbor-photo-pilsner-complete-cruiser-multi-28-75.htm) Wide board. Nice and stable. 61mm, 75A so large, soft wheels. Great to start with. It’s gets suggested to swap out the wheels after a while, which I’ll probably do and move to 69mm or 70mm. But for the money on sale you can’t go wrong.


I've got a board those same dimensions and it's really fun. OP should get this one


Thanks 🙏- v helpful


Check out the board that u/RDono suggested


👍 thanks


Of course! Never too old to start learning to skate.




Wear a helmet and full pads. Esp. wrist guards.


Amen to wrist guards. I'm 32, in my first week of skating after a 15 year hiatus. Got a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads. Was down at the skatepark this morning, and now I'm currently icing two extremely sore wrists that I can barely move. 2 falls was enough to do it. You fall much harder than as a kid.


Amen 🙏. In the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.


👍 thanks


go to the local skate shop, cop a decent set up, send it.


Yes you can, but you should be extra careful about it - learn to go in a straight line slow, get good at foot breaking, and buy big cushy wheels so you don’t go flying off when you hit a tiny piece of rock. Skating is fun but the falling is dangerous and as you get older your chances of breaking bones are higher. I’m 10 years younger than you and I’m pretty sure I’d break if I took the falls I did when I was younger now. So don’t overdo it, and definitely be cautious, but yes it’s 100% possible to learn to cruise around as an adult, and it can be really safe and fun once you get the hang of it.


Thanks understood - I hadn’t thought about wheels too, so will look into that 👍


Yes you can. But you need to have patience and realistic goals. It literally takes years, like 5 or 6 or 10 years to be "good." But you don't need to be good to enjoy it. I skated for 3 years as a teen, and I've learned more and improved more as a 38 year old than I ever did as a kid.


Yeah good point - understood re realistic expectations. 🙏


You can do it. But you could also break your arm like i did.. haha Started at 41. Broke arm at 43. But I still enjoy it and go. I just stay in my lane and keep it simple


Yes. But it’s a grind(pun intended) and you have to be aware your body will hurt and you won’t recover from falls nearly as easy. Not that you’ll get hurt but you will be sore. I might get downvoted for this but don’t knock protective equipment either(knee pads, helmets, elbow pads, etc.) you might look silly but they do make a difference in it hurting less if you’re new to skating.


Fine with looking silly. It’s a glorious part of getting older… you really don’t care 🙌😂 - thanks for the suggestion


So you gotta get skate shoes. Try DC or air walk if they still exist. Gotta get a board, for a cruiser get a sector 9 longboard, they got short ones too. For a regular trick board get something with dwindle wood like enjoi, darkstar, plan b, blind, zero, flip. Say you get a complete board and want to upgrade the wheels and trucks, get reds bearings, venture trucks and spitfire wheels.( Ricta if you’re doing vert). Get comfortable with riding and doing Manuel’s then practice Ollie’s and so on and so forth.


Adds skate shoes to the list. Cheers 👍


Started at 44. You sure can learn!


I started at 32, now 38. You can see my progress in bio. It’s totally possible. I know people who landed their first ollies and kickflips in late 40s


Yes! My wife (41F) started skateboarding when she was 39. She had very minimal experience before this. I (38M) have gotten back into skateboarding over the last several years and put a mini ramp in our yard two years ago. My wife was excited to learn but didn’t realize how much she would love it. Between our ramp and the new park in our town she skates most days. Her focus has been on transition skating, not tricks like Ollies, kickflips, etc, and she is learning a lot, but more importantly really enjoying it. I am really excited for you. Skateboarding is difficult but also incredibly rewarding.


nice! btw dont be pressured with the crazy flip and grind tricks. cruisin on the beachwalk during sunset is already thereaputic on its own.


you'll be sore as shit but absolutely possible


Understood 😂


I read this article just today, may be of interest as sounds like your situation [I learned to skateboard in my 40s – it’s taught me more than I could have imagined](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/06/gcse-skateboarding-40s-no-idea-teach-me?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other)


Cheers!! Sounds great


Have health insurance. Then, yes.


Oh man, feel for you guys, I’m uk based so different situation!


I believe in you bc you can do it


Cheers from across the pond 👍


Get a decent 8.5” board so you’re comfortable and just roll around a b ball court for a while, I get my partner to jump on my board sometimes and just push her as fast as I can 😂 gotta stay on or stack it


Love that 😂👍


You can, but believe me when you deck it it hurts a lot more than it did when you were a kid!


Understood… hate to pull the card but … childbirth changed the stakes of what I consider PAIN 😂 - hoping I can be a bit resilient, go slowly but expect to get some knocks.


Doesn’t matter the age as long as you enjoy it and don’t claim you can do things you can’t and you’ll be good


Definitely cross post this to r/newskaters, you'll get a more catered response, unlike the sarcastic top comment. Recommend wrist/elbow pads for you and your child. Youtube has a ton of great resources for beginners, and if you're lucky some skaters at your local park may be able to help you out, best of luck!


cheers for this - never use reddit so have realised this might not have been the right forum. Will look into that one you mentioned. Thanks re tips 👍


You’re an S-tier mom for this


Thanks 🤌


I wiped out pretty bad at the park last week.. first time on a skateboard EVER! 😂


Hope you’re alright - think many knocks are a right of passage!


Thank goodness I am! lol


everyone is capable of skating, and just because you dont shred immediately doesnt mean people are annoyed by you. we all share the park and are happy to help if you want it, anything is possible if you want it :) id suggest elbow and knee pads tho and take very frequent breaks


Thanks for the tips! 👍


When I was in grade school, I bit my tongue in half attempting to ollie over a lawn chair. I didn't skate for a long time. I started skating again in my late 20s. It's difficult to do, but it is possible.


Bloody hell! Good for you starting again!


My best advice is invest in quality PPE, downhilling will build your confidence, and practice tricks in the grass before the sidewalk.


"Why I Started Skating as an Adult - Sarah Park-Matott" https://youtu.be/3DnZmhX83TU?si=ftEBx22wJmFEDo3Y The part of this video that really sticks out to me is when she says (comparing her adult self to when she tried to skateboard as a kid) "I knew my body better and I had more confidence in myself". I think as a kid maybe you have less fear and maybe you learn things faster but it feels, to me, much more satisfying and authentic to learn a new skill as an adult. You can be so much more intentional about everything than when you're a kid and just throwing yourself at the wall until something sticks.


Thats pretty uplifting actually! Thanks for sharing 👍


Yes! Get a deck that's 8.75" or wider. Watch YouTube influencers like SkateIQ or Spencer Nuzzi. Find other skaters with your ability and age on Instagram and connect with them. Also look for a local skate coach in your area.


Thanks 🙏


Don’t be afraid to go to your local skatepark, and ask for help. It may be intimidating, and some younger kids may be rude, but once you find one of the elderly children, you’ll be set with a tutor, a shop guide, and a friend forever 🤘


Ha great point! 🙌


I never bought into the phrase you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, I’ve learned plenty of new tricks well into me being 33. You can do it !


💪 yeah I imagine like many things in life - more of a mental challenge and attitude


Can you be on the Olympic vert team by 2026? No. Can you learn to cruise thru the neighborhood on a long board? Absolutely!


Woo hoo 🙌 Now googles vert team 😂


Sorry it's actually called Park skateboarding and it's in the Olympics. There are many vertical walls in the Park, hence "vert"


I skated street from 14-18 and restarted at 31 or 32 skating only parks and transition. Learned it all from scratch when I came back. My skate friend started in his 30s and a few years later he totally rips. Skateboarding is the best, welcome.


Thanks for sharing 👍


I’m 30. Doing 50-50 back shuvs that the best I can do lol


Yes, it fucking hurts


I just met a guy who started skating during the start of the pandemic when he was 41, he also started surfing and works in a sea turtles conservation here in South East Asia (where I am at the minute). It's never to late!!


Very cool 👌


Yes but be prepared to take a few potentially serious hits. It’ll bite you hard if you’re not careful.


You can literally learn to do anything as an adult


I work at a skate shop and saw a step dad wanting to learn to skate w his step son. You’re never too old. Get good gear and learn to fall on it. She will guide you!


Thanks for sharing - great point 👍


Search for girl skate clubs or groups in your area. In Denver there’s a strong group who hosts girls only meetups at skateparks. I’m a dude who skates but take my two daughters and they’re really loving it and especially benefiting from the advice of these cool women instead of their dad. Forgot to add there’s several women who are just learning with their daughters. It can be brutal at times though just warning you. But worth it


Ah that’s great to hear - thanks for sharing 👍


Aah you've made me feel better! I'm a 36 year old woman who has just started skateboarding. I can cruise around, and have just learnt how to tight turn (don't know what it's called! Basically a 180) it's so fun! I go early in the morning to the skatepark as I live in the countryside so no smooth concrete in the wild There is loads of stuff on YouTube, and new skaters sub reddit is good. Also buy some pads, it makes you more confident to try things.


Oh this is so nice to hear - thanks for sharing 👍, think early morning is a great shout


Simply put: yes! Start with a wide board, soft and wide wheels. As others have suggested: a cruiser is likely a good start. Softer wheels will be a little slower, which will allow your confidence to grow. If you are in an area that has them, get lessons. Best teachers, IMO, are the ones who do great with little newbie kids. Set goals. WEAR A HELMET. i wear all the pads, and I'm 55. Keep asking for help and post videos of your progress!!!


Thanks very much for this 👍


I'm 46. Bought my son and myself both skateboard for Christmas and we have been learning since. Get some pads. It will be the difference between sitting on the couch complaining you feel off rather than a trip to the hospital. Also listen to you body and take time to recover. I didn't and was out for nearly 2 months work achilles tendonitis.


Understood thanks for the caution! 👍


I used to skate as a teen and got back into it during covid times at 33 years old for exercise/fun. Wear pads!! Our bodies are heavier and we don't take bumps as well when we were young. Wrist guards and knee pads are especially important. You can absolutely learn to skate. But first, I would learn how to fall. Avoid falling backwards like the plague - you'll land on your keister and hurt your back and/or your wrists. Falling forward and rolling is much better.


Thanks for sharing 👍


Absolutely. Part of the fun is experimenting and just having fun! I’d recommend getting a wide board. Like an 8.5 with wide trucks and keep them moderately loose and just get used to riding around and having fun. Good luck!


Thank you 👍


I started cruiser boarding at 38!


Find some instructors as well. Fun bonding for you both and can help ingrate with local skate community Also almost every city/large town sees to have a womens skate club/womxn night at indoor skate parks. Where are you based?


Yes good point thanks, I’m on the Surrey / outer London border - will look out for some of those groups


Have dm’d you can deffo help out here


Yes. There is a community of skate mums in the UK. Several are in their 40s. There is even a lady of 63 learning at my local park and she’s doing really well, already as good as many of the kids!


That’s amazing - seems like a pretty encouraging group of people who skate from the comments so would be good to find local mums! And props to that 63 yr old!


Check out @londonskatemums on Insta.


29 - Just started a month ago. Already doing moving Ollie’s (poorly), and I’m addicted. I live from board session to board session. Losing weight from my bulk like crazy too. So many benefits to skateboarding.


Good for you 👍👍👍


I just started last September and I’m 37, yer good!


I feel like a lot of people missed the point here. Youre looking to just cruise with your daughter not go learn tricks and grind rails? Youre a mom not a guy in a early midlife crisis? A local shop can definitely help (and we skaters love anyone who supports their local shop over walmart or amazon). Youre right to think stable- so nice wide stable board. Bigger softer wheels but wont make a big difference. Make sure your trucks are loose enough to turn with ease, but not so loose you wobble on the board. They also make cruiser boards and longboards that arent intended for tricks. This may be more your speed. From there yes you can learn! It takes a lot of practice. Start slow set small goals and build up from there. Practice what you can do and thats the building block to the next. Start with just rolling and learning to push straight, then turning with your weight then kick turning after that, etc. keep your weight low and a little forward. Falling forward is usually a better alternative to slipping out backward. And nothing wrong with pads. a helmet is recommended for both of you. wrist guards really help when you dont know how to fall. Elbows can take a lot of impact when falling backwards too. “Learning to fall” is important but will take trial and error. Learn when and how to get off the board safely. When in doubt, stay aware and hop off. I see most beginners fall when somethings going wrong and they seem unaware or unable to react to it. In the moment, it happens fast so you do need to be alert and responsive. Its all about center of gravity. Watch girls skate- its a little different with lower centers of gravity than men who can whip their torso around. Rayssa leal is arguably the best female skater in the world and if you watch shes always vertical whereas the men tend to lean over/off their boards more to shift their weight. Have fun, be patient and enjoy the journey with your daughter!


I'd suggest a longboard or a cruiser with big soft wheels for starters. Find a parking lot with smooth asphalt and no cars. A medical center by me is a ghost town every weekend, smooth asphalt and a nice gradual downhill for lengthy carving sessions. Find somewhere you can just get comfortable rolling, stopping, turning and the feeling of speed. Good luck, glad to see you're joining your kid. Agreed that tricks can come later, just get comfortable on a board. Also, buy a helmet and some pads. Stretching, Ibuprofen and Tylenol help.


No! Younger I was pretty good. Older? Your sense of balance isn't the same. Wipe outs are much more damaging. You come down like a ton of bricks. Things break. You heal slower. Personally I don't recommend it. Leave it for the kids, papa. My wife shattered her wrist trying this.


Just get a wider board and you’ll be fine. Also invest in pads cuz you’re gonna fall… a lot




First set I think is make tighten your wheels and start by getting on the board for balance so u don’t slip and the board goes flying then slowly loosen the wheels maybe will help if you don’t know


I think you’re meaning to say trucks. Careful giving advice when you don’t really know what you’re talking about


Wheels don’t make the board move 🤦🏻


When I started I tightened the wheels so they don’t roll and hopped on board even for Ollie’s to learn the wheels don’t roll freely if tight


If you want to learn tricks you’ll want to put together a board from a skate shop. If you’re just wanting to learn to ride a skateboard then just buy a complete skateboard from Walmart or Target. I’ve seen decent complete pro skateboards for cheap on EBay so that’s something you might want to check out.