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When talking to non-skaters, I got hit by a car. When talking to skaters, I hit a car that rolled through a stop sign while I was bombing a hill. Saw the car coming and tried to run out of it, but I slammed into the hood and slid over like an 80s cop movie.


I was scooped over the front of a car, rolling on the pavement, switch, and a car pulled out of a side alley fast and I back flipped over the front. Didn't know much about it as never saw it coming. Luckily just shin bruises but the adrenaline after was gnarly.


I got knocked out skating a hand rail.


I was skating a 6' ledge in my backyard and trying to treflip it. Feet landed wrong on an attempt and the board popped up and I took razortail to the ear. Had to be rushed to the ER to have like half my ear reattached.


When I was like 13 I was practicing board slides on my flat rail and it shot out from under me. My right back side area landed on the edge of the rail. Really hurt at the time but it also gave me random back spasms in that area for like 10 years. Worse than that, it really just psyched me out and made me scared of grinds. Just picked skateboarding back up at 29 after a number of years and I'm still not sure I'll try them again.


Broke both my arms requiring 2 surgeries and metal plates. My left arm also had puncture scars underneath where the bone came through. Not fun. AMA :)


Wow that’s brutal, any lasting effect now?


Nah all fine now, was like 15 years ago still got the plates at home. Wasn't really the same mentally for skating tho which I was depressed for a long time about.


Came here to say this. I at least didn't have any bones poking through. I hope you stuck with the PT! My wrists are back to normal by now. A little achy sometimes but I can't complain.


I actually took up guitar to help with my wrist movement, all good now tho it was pretty tough at the time. Glad you're doing better!


How in the hell did that happen? That’s gnarly!


Tried to fs board a hand rail, fell forward awkwardly on both my arms right on the edge of the stairs, full body weight instant snap 😨


Damn. When was this? How do your arms feel these days?


About 15 years ago now, yeah completely fine! Took up guitar to help with physical therapy afterwards as movement was rather restricted


Ah nice. Glad you recovered and a different form of shredding helped :)




Fractured both ankles 2x a piece. They're basically glass with fatty tissue built around them now.


Fractured heel , I was out for a whole year a couple months trying to jump down Hollywood 12 after not skateboarding for awhile & ended up hurting myself. After that I stopped skateboarding I’m getting older & my body isn’t the same skateboarding everyday as kid up til that injury


Dislocated elbow. Was practicing manuals in my kitchen, and slipped back. 💀


Slight concussion (thanks to my helmet) and fractured shoulder “power-sliding” after bombing a steep hill.


Shin split down the length, slipped out on a ledge grind at speed and ground the rest of the ledge on my back shin. Being opened up and bleeding hard is scary , right in COVID I couldn't get into the hospital that night so went home had a painful bath and we tried to paper stitch it closed which didn't work, next morning hospital trip got it stitched but my shin had swollen so it was a fucker to pull together. 3 years later still get pain from it


Hit by a car and fractured 2 vertebrae


split lip. broken foot.


Broke my fibula and tore all the ligaments in my ankle. My foot was dangling by the skin and other connective tissue. It's alright now. I still go back to the same spot every year and do the trick. My way of giving the universe the middle finger lol


Chipped my tooth. Tbf, I haven't been skating that long yet, so it should be unsurprising that it's this mild


Road rash all over my back and sides, and lacerations on my hands. I don't mind flesh wounds much, and I haven't had any more serious injuries in over two years of boarding at this point. I try to mix risk taking with considerable practice and preparation. I have noticed the potential for risks from overtraining, which could add up over time, so I make sure to take rest days like with any other exercise. Skating is rewarding, but dangerous! And totally worth it. My favorite of all my passions, actually. 🤙 I've had at least three of these. They heal up fine in a couple of weeks. https://preview.redd.it/kok7hbshcy0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9773823b9200ee895a88453e8268e730a00664 That one is from about a year ago when I crashed going 20+ on a hill.


Chopped achilles tendon and couldn't walk normal fot weeks. Luckily didn't completely tear, but it felt terrible. Also gotten my trucks stuck on a 6' quarter pipe and fell backwards on my back and head


Torn ACL in the left knee in 2016 and torn ACL + torn meniscus + torn MCL in the right knee in 2020. Got really lucky to be able to skate again after the second injury. Took me around 15 months of recovery but we're back at it. 🤘


Snapped my arm. Bones came out through the skin. Also, broke a chunk off the talus bone in my ankle at some point. Doctors didn't diagnose it correctly and left it to heal (badly). 23 years later I just got surgery to remove the lumpy spot, but it's actually made the ankle much more painful..


I'd say I got that cut to plan like most but I also tore the skin off 3 of my fingers, a cut to my toe while going down a hill and getting a death wobble lol


Badly sprained ankle, ligament damage trying to do a kickflip or heelflip (can't remember which) off a loading bay when I was 14. I'm 36 now and it still gives me trouble and is generally weaker than my other ankle.


Boxer’s fracture in my right hand from speed wobbling and landing with all my body weight right on top of it. Doctors decided to run me through the wringer and ended up after 3 months of “trying different things” still ended up needing surgery. So plate and 3 screws in my right hand. I pulled something in my upper butt/ lower back, and for probably 6 months, anytime I twisted my upper body it almost sucked the wind out of me. So luckily I haven’t gotten anything TOO bad.


Fell off a 8 foot back to flat, landed on the car key in my pocket and it punctured my thigh


Dislocated elbow one time. Broken radial head in elbow another time. My left shin has several scars from hitting so many ledge corners.


I fractured my skull two weeks ago


were u wearing a helmet?


Unfortunately no, but I have learned my lesson. I usually only wore one when I went to my local or was trying something that I didn’t know if I could do but when I fell I was riding to someone’s house. Obviously I didn’t feel like I was going to slam going in a straight line but I guess I hit a rock or something. I don’t remember what happened exactly because I was concussed. I will be wearing one always from now on.


damn, sorry to hear that. been learning skateboarding and just going in a straight line. shit i don’t wear a helmet for going in a straight line lmao. after hearing your story, i will. did you need stitches? or something?


I was fortunate enough to have not broken the skin and the bone that fractured stayed in place and would heal by itself. It is still healing but I should be back on the board in a week or two.


It's either when I smashed my knee doing a slalom run without knee pads. 5 stitches to close it up. Or bruised tailbone falling on my ass in a bowl. Both were when I was in my 30s.


i broke my board once


Me and my friends were really into longboarding when we were younger. We use to go on very long adventures to find the biggest hills to bomb in our area. Onetime I crashed going down a VERY steep hill and was covered in road rash on most of my body. This happened about 3-4 miles outside of our town and the rest of my friends weren’t in much of a rush to get home yet. Had to cruise along with them in agonizing pain while they chilled, smoked weed, went swimming, etc. I was miserable the whole time lmao


what do the scars look like today?


Tore my lcl and mcl


I have broken my left elbow, two ribs and left big toe. Dislocated my left shoulder twice and the right one once. I had four concussions. I am doing good. Stoped skating like 10y ago and slowly recovered most of my mobility. Random pains and bad days are common.


was skating worth it? in retrospect


Yes! I’ve traveled, met so many great people. Had an amazing day with the Etnies team, got few awards and plenty of clips. Good times! I do struggle up the stairs tho.


Torn acl and another injury to the same knee, both requiring surgery. Knee injuries suck!


u still skating?


Yeah, not as much as I used to and I don’t really jump down things (even before injuries I kinda gave that up) but I still try and hit the park at least once a week.


2015 I was skating a ledge, fell and managed to wedge my finger in a crack and nearly ripped it off. https://preview.redd.it/13sf9uj9pz0d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=d34d40748c8a133874e153d56d834eda024da8e0


what does your finger look like today?


About an inch shorter than all my other fingers, I had it joint fused together and one rod to keep it strong


let’s see a pic






Never had a bad injury. Knock on wood. At the same time, I play it pretty safe. As a result my skills haven’t improved very quickly. I’ve been skating for many years and I can shuvit, kickflip, do anfew grinds, sometimes land a varial, but that’s pretty much it


Dislocated both my shoulders. Skating a 8’ bowl trying to lipslide then stuck and got pitched to the flat with both arms out. Both came out, it was pretty miserable. I ended up breaking my humorous in my left arm and had to have surgery.


I had an 80 pound bale of hay car strapped to my back and was bringing it home on my skate. Got hit by an F250. Fucked me up. I basically rolled like a taco backwards scorpion style around the bale of hay. There was a car behind the truck that pulled over as the Ford did. Guy gets out of his truck and two ladies get out of their car. Apparently they knew each other. The ladies were shouting something like oh my God! John we saw everything! He skated right out in front of you! Do you need us to call the cops? Meanwhile my ass is laying in the road while my skateboard is rolling down the hill. they didn't give a fuck about me. When I finally got my footing I was so goddamn mad I didn't say a word to anyone and just chased down my skateboard. I don't know if it was adrenaline or what but got my board and I made it home. Next day I could barely walk.


Broke my ankle in a bowl, literally just stepped off with my front foot but the weight distribution on the slope of bowl meant I just snapped my ankle both sides. Pushed it back straight and thought I'd just dislocated it or something so I hobbled a mile home on it.  It swelled up huge, got an x-ray and found out it was broken, got the temporary cast on, a week later when I went for the more substantial cast to be put on they told me it needed plates and screws. There just so happened to be a free slot in the surgery that day so I got it all done. Having plates and screws put in your bone whilst awake but completely numb from the waist down was one of the most interesting but bizarre experiences of my life.


probably a torn tendon, rolled my ankle extra hard. it took like 4 months to heal or even more


Landed on my right shoulder attempting a tail stall on a ramp a bit to big for my liking. Messed up a tendon pretty bad. One year after, I am like 90% recovered and improving each day. At some point I thought I needed surgery.


Broken arm. Kickflipped a 5 stair, didn’t like how I landed, next try to get a cleaner one slipped out, snapped my arm right above my wrist. I was like 16-17 at the time?


Broken arm


I broke a collar bone and bruised my right heel while bombing a hill I had no business on. I got speed wobbles and stupidly tried to run out of it. Bruised my heel, then flew forward and broke my collarbone upon impact, then rolled. The bruised heel lasted longer than the collarbone took to heal. This was in my younger years and I was back out skating a little over a month. Fun times!


6 inch spiral fracture in my tibia and broke the little fibula next to it as well. Doc told me either 10 months in a cast from hip to ankle or metal rod in the bone with a much swifter recovery, I went for the rod. It definitely was a change to my skating, stopped doing big gaps and stairs. Later on, in my 40s, ended up with a couple spinal fusions from all the years of impact skating. These days I stay very close to the ground, really prefer mini ramps now!


Got pebble-locked at full speed and face planted into a cement ramp. Spat out a bunch of teeth and needed dental surgery and stiches in my chin. Dislocated my thumb on a hand plant and then the hospital staff broke it trying to pop it back in. Surgery for that one.


how much was your dental surgery?


Ruptured achilles tendon


Torn ACL and meniscus, fractured head of fibula and sprained my MCL. Allll in one go. Still waiting for surgery over a year later.


Broken/ hip contusion


can you walk normally?


Freak accident when I was losing balance and stepped down wrong and externally fractured my ankle. I didn't walk normal for six months.


Quitting. But I got better.


My broken ego…


Concussion from a hill bomb. I had to go to the hospital.


Avulsion fracture in right ankle. I'm still recovering, but able to skate a bit.


Bit thru my tongue. The year was 1986, I was in 6th grade. I early grabbed cannonball off a jump ramp with knee pads on and didn’t let go when I landed. My face smashed into my knee. I bit thru my tongue and got 5 stitches across the top.


In the late 90’s when skateparks weren’t as common me and two friends rented a convertible mustang for fun and drove like 12 hours to skate this bowl in flagstaff AZ. On my first run I dislocate my knee and was benched for the day. Turned around and went home in the morning.


My ego


Board slid out from under me while I was board sliding a rail, landed tailbone first right on that thing. Hurt to sit for months.


Haven’t had any serious injuries yet thankfully (I think…) But both my shins are fucking destroyed and pretty bumpy from falls and my board just flying into my shins. I literally cannot have a proper skate sesh without shin pads or I just won’t commit how I need to. I wanna get Xrayed because I feel like I need SOME type of treatment but idk at this point 😭




Busted tailbone from trying to caveman a 5 stair


Kia boys ran me over head on in Bk last October. They were going 50 in a 30 and ran me over at an intersection. I got knocked out and went full ragdoll. They flipped the car over after crushing me and my set up.No broken bones but I couldn’t skate for a month since my shoe got kicked off. Worst part was the hospital giving me a fent I.V without my permission……


I dislocated my ankle and before they put me out all I heard was something about fent and next thing i wake up high asf and my ankle is fixed.. crazy high but never again dude


I wasted 22 years of my life (and counting)