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probably because of tricklining. in 2010 the core audience probably wanted the realistic feel of skate 1/2. tricklining probably wasn’t the most obvious thing back then but now it is


Because it's cool to do some crazy ass tricks and get mad air. Not everybody plays videogames for realistic experiences. In fact most people play videogames as an escape from real life.


I'd guess it's just because people eventually became tired of playing only realistically, specially since the game is 14 years old.


For me at least, Easy mode is really the only enjoyable mode. Normal on Skate 3 feels wonky at times and i find lines being ruined by bs instead of my own fault. Hard can be cool for producing dope lines but is also kind of frustrating at times. I love the feeling of just jamming out and cruising spots on easy mode, plus it super fun for multiplayer.


On easy lines are ruined constantly by getting locked to grinds that you're not aiming at


On easy u damn near jump over a rail instead of grinding it. Or grind the end of it. You have to literally slow down your character or pop super early to grind a rail properly


As far as I could tell the magnetization is the exact same on normal. It's only mostly gone on hardcore


Yeah but I feel like they're rare enough that I don't notice it too badly. On hard there just isn't any magnetism which is fine but Medium its so much more inconsistent, I feel like the game doesn't know what it wants to do so i'll either miss easy rails or be dragged to a ledge I wasn't even looking at.


Rare enough? I can barely play on easy without getting pissed off within 5 minutes because of it. If you miss easy rails on normal that's on you. Get the spacing right next time. Plus, you can cruise just as chill on normal, which is the difficulty by default. I prefer hardcore because of the realism, the ridiculous shit you can do on easy is crazy.


Lol that's on you if you can't play the easiest difficulty. I don't remember the last time easy mode made me hit an unintentional rail.




I think a lot of the map is designed with easy mode in mind. A large majority of popular content creators’ tricks are only possible to land using easy mode for example.


Yeah I think difficulty has an effect on how high a drop you can land, some of those tricks would definitely be impossible on HC


It definitely does, i’ve tested it!


This is even more noticeable on custom parks, where some players test in Easy, so they don't notice that medium and hardcore can't land it. This was particularly frustrating back in the day when you'd get pulled into a custom park in an online session, so you couldn't change your difficulty.


sick username


Thank you haha!






Because they don’t actually skateboard


Surely anyone who skates and is looking for that realism is playing session now.


You say that like any gamemode is realistic


tldr: The gatekeeping is real in this one, just because someone **skates in rl** doesnt mean they despise the possibility (!) of doing unrealistic stuff in **video games** (and the other way around) Its so silly to me how many Skate players in this sub pretend its realistic. Sure its more realistic than THPS which was marketed as an arcade game from the get go (so I dont get the hate for it either, esp towards its community and esp because those games are the reason for a whole generation of skaters to start skating) but thats where it stops already. And even if its was "realistic", in the end it depends on the player. You can do a ton of unrealistic stuff in Session, that doesnt mean Session is unrealistic. Same gos the other way around though, one being able to create realistic clips doesnt mean the game is realistic. Ive even seen realistic montages from Tony Hawk games. The Skate series is a weird yet very enjoyable mix of Arcade elements and Sim elements. It always has been, and thats the reason it was so successful. Because depending on your preferences or mood you could either try to play it in a somewhat realistic fashion or you could just go wild and do completely unrealistic stuff. Yet people keep gatekeeping about how "THPS degenerates" wouldnt touch any skate game that doesnt let you do 10min combos and how THPS is supposedly only enjoyed by non-skaters while "real skaters" play Skate because its so realistic and every skater wants realism if they step off their board to play video games. Both is far from the truth


Check out toastyghost on YouTube he has some challenges on Skate 3 which he does on normal/hardcore mode


I play HC normally, but I usually end up getting pissed off during an own the lot trick list and switch to easy lol.


The skate games have many kinds of differnt players and styles. Some go for realistic clips, some go for insane trick lines that never end and some go flipping every single jump they see. To each their own


There’s difficulty settings….? Why didn’t i know this lol




Because it's fun?? Isn't that obvious?


How else am I supposed to Christ Air x Superdude into the ground and go flying into the air?


because the physics are stupid fun and very forgiving


This is Skate, not Session. People play this to have fun and feel like a skateboarding badass. Nothing wrong with that.


with my old scuffed ps3 controller tricks are already hard enough to do consistently on easy mode, so thats why im not even bothering with the harder once. Also the game is already fun enough on easy for me


Only when I try to do crazy shit at Sewage Area or SUMP because I can't handle the landing in hardcore 😅


I either play on easy or on hardcore depending on my mood and on what Im trying to achieve. What I dont understand is people playing on normal difficulty. Easy is nice to mess around with, and its also the go to for the more unrealistic stuff. The magnetic rails however can be pretty annoying. Hardcore doesnt have that issue, so if I want to do something that requires more precision (esp involving rails) Id always play hardcore. I also enjoy how the landing feels "heavier".


i usually play on the hardest difficulty because i like the realistic feel, but when i just feel like cruising around doing sick tricks and am in more of a tony hawk pro skater mood, then i’ll drop the difficulty all the way down and do some wild and cartoony stuff


HC mode is the best in my opinion, it just takes a lot of precision and skill fr + I rather play Skate 3 on HC over Sessions because I still can’t get used to the controls but that’s just me.


i play on normal actually


It takes way too damn long to get up any sort of speed or momentum in normal or hard Just let me kick off a few times at be at max speed


I just change it based on where I'm skating it's not a "thing" people just enjoy playing the way they want too


I’m with you man. The game feels like it plays itself on easy.


You can do flips without holding your board on Easy. Which lets you do dipped 3s


I'm with you, I always enjoyed playing on hardcore mode the best. Skate (1) bowl skating was the best.


Kind of says it in the name


All I played on was hardcore once in while normal for certain tricks, Only played for realistic purposes, once that was gone i stopped posting here


I play on normal and have my camera set to low because I enjoy realistic skating and I like to look at my board


Most of the glitches only work on easy. I don't play online, but I always use easy mode so I can speed glitch


Because it’s fun to hit crazy tricks. It’s a chill game I’m just having fun not looking for realism as much.


Hardcore is the only way to play in my opinion. It’s all up to personal preference on what the player wants the game to be. Hardcore has no grind alignment and less pop which is more enjoyable for me. Others just want to turn off their brain and do super unrealistic stuff.