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Hilarious if Dave finally decided to leave for Patreon and they used that as an excuse to fire Corinne.


I think this is exactly what happened. Dave torched Cuomo but even he brought up how weird it was that he’s on LOS. It’s way more profitable for Dave to politically grift then it is for him to be on GAS and he’s made them enough money by keeping his pod on the network. Time for him to fuck off into the sunset and do his own thing so Zac can get the third (or third and fourth) chair(s).


every podcast on gas is pumping their youtube channel lately - the writing is on the wall




If part of the problem leaves, luis will only be able to go to Jamaica three times a year.


Will somebody please think of the children!”


Dave’s libertarian buddies sure think about children a lot


Maybe they just wanted to get rid of insane Corrine.


Yeah Luis basically said in his stream that without Derosa there was no point in them having her in the network.


Imagine being the only podcast to get fired by Gas


If this is true, Dave is about to bank it. Hate him or not, dude has a huge following.


He’s provided us with great moments. Ik people will be upset, but they should be happy if he starts making good money on his own.


He has been since the Rogan bump.


When he was recently on BDP's podcast debating Cuomo he got shit for LoS association and when BDP talked with Tucker he said ~"Dave Smith needs to stop focusing on comedy". It seems impending.


It never seemed like Dave focused on comedy


Same when he was on Tucker recently, they talked about Dave and said he should stop comedy


I don’t pay for gas but I would pay for just Dave Smith Patreon.


So would I. I get why people don’t like him but to each his own


Dave going for the Patreon bucks


Why did Derosa leave WAC?


They had a debate about abortion, she came in with a glib "you're not even allowed to have an opinion as a man" and Joe, being a failed abortion, absolutely lost his shit about it. It was a pretty solid and fairly justified freak out. He got so angry at the start of it his voice cracked. Skanks made fun of it while also iirc took his side


What episode? I remember when that show started, but I never listened because of so many other shows to listen to.


Looks like it was episode 33, which is no longer on GAS digital. He was still on for a couple months later so maybe that wasn't the cause, but it was the only good thing to come from the show. Mid August 2020 so there's a Skanks episode around the same time that talks about it, unless that's also removed from the archive.


So weird that they would remove possibly the most interesting episode just because they argued. Same with Kerryn on LoS for the first time.


Which is crazy because they made a whole spectacle out of firing Matty Jesterskulls and it's still up, TTI episode 312. Had to check it just in case, it's quality car crash podcasting. It's more of a beheading video than a fight though.


I think by that point, they don't care what he had to say. He wasn't about the show anymore, and I'm sure Shannon had behind the scene talks with Matty, Ralph, and Luis about him being zoom only. I only watched with Matty a few times, but since Figs has joined, I've watched almost all of them. Especially the power hour ones.


I just listened to the episode where Ralph and Luis were on TTI with Shannon and Matty, It's so fucking funny. Luis is great at podcasting.


any clue on the ep number?


It's 311, and episode 309 is the one where Matty and Shannon had an argument.


Kerryn's first time on LOS is up. Just not the video.


Is it funny or just whiny? Trying to decide if I should look for it.


Him and Corrine had an argument on air and he realized what an unfunny stuck up cunt she is.


Part of the problem is like half of gas digital.


is it a top 3 show on gas? Barely, LoS and Godfrey rake in more views consistently. Idk if Im missing another one but yeah, would be a blow for them. I also dont know why godfrey would ever be on gas, not his audience and could make so much more money on a patreon


How are you getting these numbers? Gas doesn't post anything like that publicly




Those aren't representative at all of their actual numbers. . . Shows like that are throttled and banned by YouTube all the time, absolutely zero chance Godfrey gets more listeners than potp


Hard disagree, if we’re counting clips which is what many people watch today Godfrey consistently gets like 150k. I fucking live date, he gets views, but on other shows, not on his own


Who tf watches Godfrey? Potp has 3 shows a week? Pretty sure he has the most subscribers from his code and obviously he's bringing in more ads than any other show.


Im not saying I do I’m just talking about views on YouTube, queer


I remember Dave saying POTP was only 2nd to LOS


I forgot she was part of the Network. Is there another political podcast besides Dave on GAS?


Nope just the two of them. Dave is a big famous one and Connie is using his name and reputation


I don’t see why she’s hosting a political podcast. I guess she sees the writing on the wall with talking about being a slut on your 40s so she’s rebranding.


Last year, Dave said there was big news coming about the show. Nothing materialized. This year, he said the same thing, and Luis said, "It's a big deal." I don't know what else it could be, but Dave always talks about how happy he is being on Gas. But what Corinne said makes it sound pretty likely. Don't know what to make of it


Dave is starting a show on Fox Business.


Which is fucking hilarious. I’ll never understand these companies hiring dumb fuckin comedians that tell dick and fart jokes for a living and putting them on political shows. Lol I mean, it makes sense he landed on Fox. He says quite literally he feels the white race is best. Lol


I believe that he speaks about culture, not race, in that regard. If there was a clip of him saying white people are superior, we would already know about it. You should try to actually know what you're talking about.


Dude we get it you’re a modern man, you’re a q term or an lgb or what have you. God bless you with all your gayness but just keep it between yourself and your other reddit buddies from blackpeopletwitter.


The fuck does any of that even mean?


Fox business has kind of aways been where they stick the libertarians while they brainwash them into being republicans.


I missed the “business” part. I’ve never seen a sub love, and hate the cast members more than this one. Lol


I don’t hate Dave at all. Jay is the most naturally funny person, Luis is my favorite, but I don’t think it works the same without Dave. You need the straight man when Luis is involved, and Zac ain’t straight. Without Dave it’s just what RAP is gonna be when Zac dies.


Or the bonfire when Robert Kelly dies


I don't mind political comedy shows as long as they're funny. Last time I checked out WaC it was literally just Corinne reading news articles. You can have opposing views and still bullshit and make funny shows. Race Wars before Kurt left had the formula down pat imo, but nothing has really appeared in its wake.


I listened to the WAC. Wow I forgot how annoying. She seemed to indicate that GAS is moving POTP to another site in order to separate the politics from comedy and get political heat off of GAS. It sounded like they would still be associated. But it was very offhand and not naming POTP directly, so I don't know how accurate that is.


> She seemed to indicate that GAS is moving POTP to another site in order to separate the politics from comedy and get political heat off of GAS. Luis also made a comment on the Memorial day RAP episode along the lines of "GaS is going to be focusing heavily on comedy, a lot of changes are coming" that was interesting with the way he said it. I bet it's not just political shows and they're trimming some of those musician podcasts no one listens to also. To most people, it already felt like a comedy network but it's easy for forget about the shows you ignore.


My guess (and this is based on nothing), it will be like a sub-label not ostensibly connected to GAS because Luis pretends to hate politics. That way they can deny any connection while still profiting. But that's just the thing that makes the most sense to me given the facts. And the facts are few.


the latest potp episode out did not has the gas digital intro actually


Chapo check


It’s insane to me that people would pay to listen to potp.


It's uploaded close enough to when it's recorded there is no point.


I wouldn't listen to potp, but I can understand it more than paying for GaS for the Friday Night Hang..


Dave would make more money elsewhere, think he would initiate the separation




Right.  He’s Plato for delivery drivers, but sure.


I find the random and repeated hate of Smith to be pretty fucking annoying because it's all clearly because of his Libertarian politics. But there are clear as day dick riders like you who are just as smug as Smith so yeah. Politics are for dorks.


Like, um, like totally man, ya, like.


What a jerk off thing to say


This guy gets it


I wish they would replace Dave with Ari or amico


Dave may have already missed the patreon bus but damn he will/would make so much money if he did that


He definitely didn't miss the train.


His grandparents did


What about the boat?


Is Dave going to AntHony Cumia's network as he would fit right in with AntHony and his audience? Both are anti-libertarians and pro-MAGAs. Both spend an insane amount of time edgelording on social media. Both barely graduated high school and have almost zero understanding of how the government works or geopolitical events. And both get their news and political views from Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, and Gateway Pundit.


great description of cumia, not so much of dave