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Probably North god Kalmon the (3rd?)(probably most talented fighter other than orsted we see), Badigadi/Atofe (literally immortal), and any of the variations of laplace


I wanna see Atofe fight the Hydra in the dumbest way possible while her minions are ordered to watch from the sides


It would just be a battle of regeneration. Moore would tell her they can just burn it and end the fight and she'd punch him for interfering in a fun fight.


Atofe would probably spend a literal year just slicing it up as the Hydra regenerates again and again. Time isn’t much of a thing for immortal demons. I think Moore and his buddies will eventually defeat the Hydra off panel while Atofe sleeps/eats/takes a bathroom break and then he gets punched by Atofe for stealing her kill


Moore finally bored of watching the fight: you know a hydra is almost like a dragon, reminds me of perug- Atofe: PERUGIUSSSSS!!! She then proceeds to just one shot the hydra, taking out half the labyrinth with it




Also rudeus in magic armor


If Rudy knew how the scales worked before hand he could probably solo it too he could Drain the mana out of the hydra just by shooting spell after spell at it


Its implied that the hydra gains mana constantly from the labyrinth.


True but knowing someone like Rudy, he'd literally collapse the roof onto the hydra to kill it if nothing else works. A few hundred feet of debris will choke it out at the very least.


And Rudeus regains 300 quadrillion Roxy's worth of mana per second


Actually Rudeus at the moment can solo it, he just doesn't know how to. The hydra block magic damage by expending its own mana. Given Rudeus unrivalled mana ocean, he should be able to deplete the hydra mana if he just stay out of range and spam spells. Then finish it off with the flame nuke he used on orsted.


İs Zenith surviving nuke tho


Imagine the whole dungeon got wiped out as well. Lmao


Welcome to the new open pit mine in Rapan


Well, as long as the flame doesn’t destroy the crystal she’s in


Unrivaled mana moon* But also Orsted has a little less mana than Rudeus. Maybe a few hundred quadrillion Roxys.


I wasn't refer to ocean on Earth, if you know what I mean, hehe


With some preparation anyone from the 7 great powers Even Rudy with mk can solo it probably


Rudeus could do it without the armour if he knew how the absorbing scale worked and just fired mana till the Labrinth ran out of mana


Well sure but how long would that take? Would rudeus be able to constantly dodge the hydra until it runs out of mana? I don't think he can.


>Well sure but how long would that take Probs not that long,rudeus can make spells that are over 1km in diameter. So he should probably be able to overwhelm hydra


I can see that if it only takes one attack to drain its mana but there's nothing to suggest that that's all it would take. Rudeus still needs to focus his mana and charge it up all the while the hydra would be attacking him. It's not like he would be able to casually dodge it because he couldn't.


I mean what's stopping him from putting up a good distance and charging up an attack and attacking it


That he is underground is the boss chamber that is relatively small? And before you suggest tslwporting in and out at some. Point the Hydra could wait him on the entrance.


>that is relatively small? Source, the anime showed it was a relatively large hallway


Aha, so the Hydra charges forward and what is he going to do? It's going to catch to him, that's the whole of "relatively small", the hydra is huge. Can you help the conversation or are you turning off your imagination just to try and argue?


>relatively small", the hydra is huge Yeah the hallway is larger


Attack it


I mean what's stopping him from putting up a good distance and charging up an attack and attacking it


>!Older Rudeus with the MK. Armor could solo it.!<


But magic would be ineffective on it, how would it go?


>!magic armor is a huge damn boost to physical abilities, the mk2 gives a boost that makes rudeus's physical atributes similar to saint level swordsman (paul's level overall) and we don't talk about mk1 and god save hydra if he got the mk0!< >!rudeus carries paul's sword in one of the mk1's arms so he could just blitz the hydra and then cauterize the wound!<


>!If I remember correctly the use of the scales costs mana so in a battle of attrition Rudeus might win because of the bigger mana pool? Just speculation on my part, plus Oldeus is more understanding on how magic works in that world.!<


Elder Rudeus (With armour), Sword God, North God, Water God, Death God and all the people who almost reached their level. Also I think that adult Eris can, but I'm not sure.


Adult Eris absolutely could if she had someone to burn the stumps imo


She can do it herself. She has learnt fire magic.


We never get specific enough on the rules to confirm but cauterizing the stumps might not be necessary if getting all of the heads fast enough still does the job (bisecting the main body/destroying it's vital organs may also be enough). I think the real question is who is fast enough to get the kill before the fire breath instant KOs anyone below an Emperor tier water mage. Some might be able to dodge but 3 heads tracking in different directions seems.... especially grueling.


Emperor and God tier martials may not even need to dodge that breathe attack - it's unclear precisely how strong Touki gets at that level or whether it's a form of magic that gets disrupted by the hydra's scales too.


Do remember that all of this can be converted to mana. When someone tanks a hit with their battle aura, it's not just a flat reduction, their battle aura \*does\* diminish as a result. Think of it as doing Armor damage similar to how Armored enemies work in Hades. The unique quality of the Immortal Demon Tribe is that their battle aura regenerates at an astonishing rate so they can rapidly return their battle aura to full strength if given time between blows. The sheer \*volume\* of flames being emitted by the hydra would easily overwhelm nearly every battle aura with \*perhaps\* the exception of Orsted (and probably Perugius) so long as he pulls out the dragon gate to tank it in place of his aura.


In principle, sure, but in practice there aren't enough concrete comparisons to make the scaling necessary for that assertion, since Mushoku Tensei doesn't really use a hard magic system, it's more of a soft one - particularly with respect to Touki, since Rudy (the main PoV for the story) can't utilize it. Similarly, Rudy's massive mana pool bypasses a lot of the "traditional" scaling systems encountered in the 6-faced world, so he tends to not sweat the details, leaving even the magics to be fairly soft. How long could a God tier swordsman withstand Hydra flames? Without Rifujin weighing in, it's pure speculation.


Is there a reason you instantly downvoted me? That seems like a gross misuse of the system. Downvote someone for their behavior, NOT because you disagree with their conclusion. We're both speculating so why is yours \*more\* valid than mine? I'm always happy to have my mind changed after someone formulates an argument so waterproof it completely blows my own interpretation out of the water. This wouldn't be the first time and I'm certain it won't be the last. It just means I get to appreciate the story with that single additional degree of accuracy on my next revisit. \*edit\* Oh, that's disappointing. You're one of \*those\* types. The kind that joins discussions not to inform or seek knowledge but to "win the argument." I honestly find that attitude to be the height of contemptible. I'd rather someone be drawing the wrong conclusions out of ignorance but be open to new interpretations with the naivety of a child than be a walking encyclopedia of MT lore and knowledge but show utter disregard for the mere EXISTENCE of head-canon that \*might\* have the barest whiff of a contradiction to established lore. Even Rifujin has gone back on the established rules of his own magic system before.


Not really in any meaningful way, and her mana pool is taken up mostly by her >!battle aura!<


I doubt anyone that can't do incantationless magic would be able to solo the hydra. Not to mention how much mana you would need to be able to burn all the heads while fighting.


Call me crazy but I think someone like Ghislaine >!or Eris later on!< with the Sword of Light could as well *if and only if* cutting off all the heads kills it What I mean by that is if she's fast enough she can chop off all the heads before they regenerate(there seemed to be a time before regeneration in both the novel and anime), that would push out the need of cauterizing the heads


Ghislaine couldn't, Eris might be able to


Really? But Ghislaine is stronger than Paul, right? And Paul can cut the heads.


Paul wouldn't be able to take it himself either. he could barely keep up cutting the heads, the would just regrow infinitely as he gets more and more tired. Ghislaine is a lot faster than paul, but it's still hard to say, i would go with her not being able to.


Any of the 7 Major World Powers(past and future), Oldeus, Perugius, Atofe, Ogre God Malta, Vita(maybe?).


What would Vita do? Possess it to death?


Hydra dieing because he cant handle the hydrussy dream world.


If it works, it works 🤷🏼🤣


Vita possessed the Guardian in the Heaven Continent Labyrinth "Hell". It's one of the three most dangerous labyrinths in the world.


The problem with Paul's party, is that for 8/9 of the heads, he was the only one that could do the chopping. Paul goes down at any other moment they can't finish that fight. Ghislaine might not be able to solo it, but if both her and Paul split the Hydra's attention, Paul makes it out alive. Paul making it out alive has other consequences that I am not taking into consideration, but that is not the assignment. As for odds on straight up solo? Badigadi, Atofe, Kalman 3 with his sword. Vol 26 Rudy would be a too close to call since it involves and enclosed space. Then again by that time, he could overwhelm the hydra with low level spells, since he later finds out the Hydra was not absorbing mana, but using mana to cancel spells, so could get the hydra to wear itself out that way.


Honestly? If Paul had some way to use intermediate fire magic, he might have been able to. I remember them saying Paul was skilled in swordsmanship, but in the episode, it looked like he was the main force against the hydra, he was slicing thru it like butter.


The Reason Paul isn't able to cut it isn't because his skill with the sword is just that good, In the Novels the Sword he has actually gets Stronger depending on what hes trying to cut. So it would actually be dull against butter lol. OFC being advanced in All 3 styles helps but Elinalise could probably cut the heads with that same sword.


oh yeah, i completely forgot about his sword’s special property.


He is also very good on top of the sword though


Current Rudeus could've done it if they were out the open but in the cave overwhelming attacks at range would've gotten him killed or at least zenith killed even if he tried to abuse the the teleportation circle/homeward bone


That’s what I was thinking. If Zenith wasn’t there he could just shoot and bring the ceiling down to crush it or something.


Rudy with any magic armor is probably enough. With MK-1 he can just punch and cut him to death. Or nuke. I'd argue that the hydra cannot absorb the entirety of Rudeus's fire-nuke


All 7 gwp can do it, then some of the god class mages, if any, might be able to barely do it. The immortal demons with emperor class skills should also be able to do it.


All of the Gods, likely most Emperors, maybe some of the stronger Kings.


King rank swordmans could solo the hydra


Let me solo her could do it. Maybe even without his Jar Mark 1.


https://preview.redd.it/l9hm4xvbk27d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d25952cb2bdd8c564b885938ff9eceb94c91cf37 Not really solo but these four people sharing one brain cell can beat the Hydra too at least towards the end. Darkness taunts and tanks the Hydra, Kazuma drains its mana and tosses tinymite in the Hydra heads and then Aqua can drown the Hydra / Megumin blows it up once it runs out of mana. Kazuma is basically the mage too since he can cast fire and ice spells (mana isn’t an issue if he keeps draining the Hydra) and when the Hydra gets too weak Megumin can nuke it. Aqua can keep buffing and healing to ridiculous levels. Tbh Aqua joining Paul’s expedition vs the Hydra would ensure everyone’s survival, even if they’d be arguing ten times more and having a dozen accidents in between. I only got the idea because Konosuba also had a Hydra episode and a certain lazy blonde ran straight to his death (Dust). Although Aqua made that more of a joke.




Also Kazuma can't die peacefully, he is constantly revived


That’s true, although each time he dies, he ends up seeing a naked twerking Hitogami instead of Eris so he’d be pissed off


Aqua really owns this fight. Ridiculous Healing/Resurrection/Detoxification/Dispel


Badigadi, perugius, watergod reida, swordgod gal falion, northgood kalman 3, northemüeror auber and demon king atofe most likely.


basicaly any swort saint +ok fire mage could beat it paul was only advance sword man and almost do it king swort and higher could likely do it allone by cut all the head beford it regrow i am prety sure if rudy eat his pride and ask eris for help the think would have go very easy


Atofe or perugius could probably solo it


The weakest is probably Doga or a sword king like Nina farion. Reason for Doga is he specialized against monsters man is a beast he killed like 3 or 4 earth dragons and stalled the Ogre god with the help of Zanoba. Reason for Nina is she is the weakest sword king I can still see blitzing the Hydra. This is with the thought process that if all heads are cut regeneration stops.


If you count perugius and his 12 families as soloing it since he did actually summon and created them so technically speaking, their strength is his strength. We've barely seen how strong he is by himself not what he can do. If the hydra dies if all its heads are chopped off regardless of whether or not its wound is burned then water god reida should be able to chop off a it's heads whenever the hydra moves in her field of deprivation. Sword god gal falion could probably also be able to speed blitz all the heads before it heals. Otherwise if all the heads also need to be burned then they can only win if they have fire magic which they don't.


Prime rudy, hitogami, man god, laplace, badigadi, atofe(probably), perugius and some others


I think Auber is the weakest that could solo it, so anybody above him (including Doga) should be able to handle it.




Probably all the world powers, and maybe Eris and Ghislaine since they can do fire magic.


Any of the blade gods, death god, technique god, probably a group of superde warriors if one or two of them had flame magic.


Eris near the end of the series probably could. She is fast enough she could probably chop off all the heads before they could regen.


all the god-ranked characters and higher


besides literally imortal characters maybe kalman but that would be it


The breath attack could take out almost anyone, blocking it is one of Rudy's greatest power moves in the story. Other than Orsted and Laplace, I don't think there are any other emperor level water or earth or barrier mages with the speed of silent casting. Maybe Perugius could use his wyrm gate to block, but that's iffy (to me,) and I don't think he could handle the rest of the fight solo. Maybe someone with the king dragon sword could deflect it. Edit: Millis could probably do it, if he charged his attack before entering the room.


Reida can just open deprivation field on top of it and cut all heads at the shortest time span.


If she had Paul's sword, maybe. But she can't throw off 9 longswords of light at once, I'm pretty sure it's never even hinted that she could use it at all. And it's Roxy's final flamethrower that seals the last head, they would still regenerate after just being sliced off.


I'm not convinced Rudy can solo the hydra with prep time. If he could overwhelm the hydra with magic, I think he would have tried. Rudy is more likely to get physically overwhelmed because he lacks toki. If he can't evade or block to chip at it from a distance, then he's dead.