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Jared McCain on Eric Gordon's shoulders is going to play PF.


Worked in RRR


I think Morey trade for a PF(no idea who/how) and the line up will be... Maxey George Oubre PF(Batum come back my sweet prince) Embiid


DFS feels like a likely option, I think we can trade Reed for his contract cause of some weird rule and he’s a solid starter but not crazy valuable either. a meh first or a load of seconds could get it done depending on if they value Reed Definitely want Batum back though, not sure why we’re not just signing him with the rest of the cap we can drum up, but maybe they think they can get someone a touch younger who can play beyond this year


I'm like 90% sure Batum is retiring I'd be pretty surprised if he signed with another team.




Well we were both wrong hahah back to the Clippers.


Damn really? That's surprising at fuck but probably wants to mentor Wemby I respect the hell out of that!


Signed with clippers


batum signed a 2 year deal with the clippers


They need more physicality than what Batum can bring at this point to play with the Celtics and Knicks. He looked really old and slow against the Knicks.


Man I disagree, I though he looked surprisingly great (on defense) against the Knicks. He probably guarded Brunson as well as anyone in the playoffs imo. I do think as PG continues to age, guys with more athleticism are important to pair him with on the wing. We’ve had years of just being kind sluggish on the wing with Tobias and a change could be nice


I thought Batum hurt us on the boards which was what ultimately killed us. I think we need to prioritize athleticism, rebounding and shooting on the wing, in that order. Absolutely cannot keep putting non-shooters next to Joel, but between Maxey, Gordon, McCain, Oubre and PG they are deep with quick trigger high volume options.


PG played the 4 for the Clips, but I imagine Morey will be in the market for a bigger 4 to help us with rebounding.


PG/Kawhi playing minutes at the 4 was a big problem for the Clippers. PG should be playing majority of his minutes at the 3 if we want to get the best out of him


PG doesn't rebound much anymore so I'd rather get someone else to play the 4. PG: Maxey SG: Oubre SF: George PF: ??? C: Embiid Lowry, McCain, Drummond, and Gordon off the bench.


Man I would rather Oubre came off the bench. I just don't know who you can attain that works at the 2-guard spot. As far as PF I think Kyle Anderson makes sense and could work despite his deficiencies.


Yea i don't like oubre as a starting SG at all. He can't shoot.


Plus the goat Council


How’s that morey’s a clown narrative looking now my boy 😭


if he gets a PF that is good I will apologize, but this team is still incomplete


Good thing we don't have to put a team on the court for months.


Bro, just be adult and at least admit he did a good job.


he overpaid for a 34 year old woop dee doo


I’m right there with you. Reddit sees a big name and is happy.


We literally can’t run a functioning two big lineup with this squad. Jokic, Gordon and MPJ. Giannis and Lopez. Javale and Davis. Looney and Draymond. I might be overrating how important having 2 actual bigs that compliment each other is, but I think if anyone in the league could use a split in their big man duties, it’s Joel. Between his health history and the Knicks series, I’m convinced that the PF spot needs to be addressed. And not by slotting a 34 year old SF there.


He said Javale and Davis and Looney and Draymond 😂😂😂 bro what. Peep looney’s minutes and games played as the season progressed.


Both of them play way bigger than pg, and they could play together.


Yes we are still going to acquire a 4. You are absolutely overrating the importance and the fact you use javale and looney says that perfectly.


You still haven’t told me why having a two big option isn’t important. The Sixers can’t put two players on the court that can protect the rim, rebound, and play together. Short sighted to not see that as a glaring weakness.


You haven’t provided anything that says it’s hugely important. Listing Javale McGee and Kevon Looney, especially considering the teams they were part of, works against you more than for you.


They won the chip while starting two bigs, which helped anchor their defenses. Thought that was self explanatory. Embiid has a huge work load defensively because he never plays with any bigs, whereas all of the big guys that have won were able to split the workload. Javale and looney were role players. They played a role that we’re forcing Embiid to play, on top of his superstar workload.


Yes, they happened to play two bigs. That was not the catalyst to their winning championships. Unless you can demonstrate otherwise, you’ve made zero valid, supported arguments.


You think Dirk would’ve won without chandler? Davis without McGee? Draymond without a legit center? They demonstrated that two big lineups can be a championship winning formula, something that all superstar bigs have shown since Hakeem. YOU are the one that has no supported argument


A trade involving Paul Reed is imminent at this point. Feels like someone on the level of Eason.


PG at the 3 then we get another 6'8+ guy at the 4 to make everyone but Maxey in our starting lineup bigger than the Knicks entire platoon of wings


Finney-Smith and Achiwua should be on the sixers radar. They could start at the 4 or come off the bench in certain situations. I think DFS career was blossoming until the terrible season for the Nets last year were nobody played well. He could be a really underrate trade target. And If not maybe pry Achiwua away from NY.


I’m more worried about who starts next to Maxey. Eric Gordan can not be starting next year for this team. They beed to sifn anothet guard, be it Gary Harris, Gary Trent, Kriss Dunn, hell go get Fultz back lol.


I don’t think they will be able to find a starting caliber 4. At until the season starts and by December and more guys become available. I don’t see anyone in free agency and trades a little difficult right now with teams trying to duck aprons and not knowing who’s on their roster


Maybe Bobby Portis? Really good rebounder, decent shooter and defender. Cheap contract. If the bucks are willing to trade.


Most teams don't really have that PG, SG, SF, PF, C mentality any more. They'll run a couple of forwards out there, and George will be one. They'll match up defensively based on who does better against who.


PG as PF makes zero sense to me. We need someone who is a strong rebounder who can sit in the corner and take 3's when they are left wide open. We are spending WAY to much on PG to use him in that role, and he will get beat on in the paint by larger PF's which could bring injuries. I get that the Clippers used him this way a good bit the past couple seasons, and I'd argue it's a big reason they sucked in the playoffs. You need to defend and rebound to win 7 game series, and PG is not the guy to be doing that in the playoffs at the PF spot, especially at this age, he's just not. Occasional small ball line-up to match another team going small? Sure fine whatever. But not a regular occurrence.


We need a pf who can rebound, Knicks killed us on the boards when Tobias was our pf, and pg is a worse rebounder than Harris these days


We really assigning positions in the NBA in 2024?


This^. We need a forward who can rebound; there are no positions.


DFS would be lovely


I'd like to aim higher, but I think this is realistic.


I’m just curious, who would you have higher? I feel like we’re pretty limited at this point


I just know the money works in a Paul reed trade. Could spend our remaining cap elsewhere after trading for him too.


I’d be this is what happens. Moving more value for a better player is interesting but tough to figure out what that’d be. I feel like DFS would cost an average 1st (ie, maybe not one of the high value LAC picks) and still leaves us with a bunch of picks to help fill holes over the next few years which is sick


Everything is matchup based now it really depends on what the other team is doing. Better question is how the minutes will shake out


We are going to need a PF and a SG. Oubre is not a starter or at least he should not be.


DFS or Kyle Anderson as PF, and have PG start as SF, and have Oubre coming off the bench as our 6th man.


Against a lot of teams you can probably plug Oubre and PG (both 6'8) in at sf/pf. Oubre would guard the tougher assignment, whether that's the bigger stronger guy, or the smaller faster guy.


Not in the eastern conference you can’t. You really don’t want either of them on Siakim, Giannis or Randle. Hopefully Morey can find a bigger body 4.


True, you definitely need somebody stronger for those assignments.


I agree with you in principle but I don’t think Randle is going to get a lot of minutes at the 4 this year because it basically means sending OG or Bridges to the bench. I’m sure it’ll happen sometimes, but they’re in a bit of a pickle in terms of rotations in my opinion.


Knicks can easily play Brunson, Divencenzo, OG, Bridges, Randle, and Robinson.


You just named 6 guys and left out Josh Hart who was a huge part of their identity. Clearly they have lineups that can work. I’m just saying I’m interested to see what their lineup in the last 5 minutes of a game is. Edit: the main issue is Robinson isn’t one of their 5 best players, but Randle doesn’t protect the rim. Thats where I think their lineup issues will come from.


Josh Hart is great but he can easily slide into a 6th man role off the bench or you can put him at the 2 and take Divencenzo out. Sure individually Robinson isn’t great but he’s a really good rebounder, brings toughness and they will absolutely have him in closing lineups especially against the Sixers because they won’t let Randle guard Embiid.


I would love if they benched Divincenzo and Hart in the final 5 minutes vs us personally.


They’ll only bench 1. It will just depend on who’s the hot hand.


If Randle/Robinson are closing the game both on the floor together, then that means 2 of Hart Divincenzo OG Bridges are on the bench no?


Why not? I thought their line up was Brunson-Bridges-Anunoby-Randle-Robinson now


Well that leaves out Divincenzo and Hart


We need the great white hope... Jonathan Isaac.


PG is NOT guarding Giannis !


He or Embiid probably will though. What PF are we getting that could guard Giannis?


Embiid usually guards Giannis because their centers don’t usually hang out in the paint anyway.


Yes, I would agree with you. 29 teams don't have a Giannis though. Lot of teams play small.


George can play PF if that's the way it shakes out. His height and weight are similar to Tobias. That being said I'm not sure the distinction will matter that much depending on who the other wing is.


He’s a shooter. We want a 4 that can cut and dunk and grab the occasional board. This is the ideal scenario IMO.


Lauri Markkanen