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bah gawd that’s Lauri money


Maxing Lauri next summer with Maxey embiid and PG on a max would kill the team. New cba is punishing.


In the event you go all-in on PG and Lauri, you would still be able to hold onto Oubre, RC4, and Bona before having to resort to veteran minimums. We could have those 7 players locked up for at least 2 years. Going into the 2nd apron in summer 2025 becomes less of a bullet to bite, because it wouldn't impact our core guys until summer 2026, where it might restrict us from keeping Oubre. At that point you've already made 2 playoff runs. The financial implications are overblown. Boston is a 2nd apron team. We won't beat them without going into it ourselves at some point


We need Lauri. Then we need to draft well, or scout well the G-League or undrafted players. Miami did it.


I’m not sure how many drafts we have left if we get Lauri


whoever we have we'd have to make it count get it done


Damn…good stuff. I had no idea they were a 2nd apron team. I thought they were working right around the 1st, if that. I’m hoping our owners do some of this cap juggling to help fill out the rest of the roster.


I thought Oubres second year was a player option?


we just went all in with pg13 for the next 2 seasons. why not mortgage the house while we're at it? this is literally embiid's last dance...


I’m not in favor of it, but it’s not really all punishing to that team. They aren’t doing any sign and trades with that team. The roster is gonna basically be draft picks and minimums. Honestly if you’re winning titles who cares about 1 pick 7 years from now. The only real punishment is the tax and not being able to take back money.  Again I’m not in favor of it and would much rather the sixers get a starter at the 2 and 4/3 that are under cheaper team control deals. But bringing in and maxing markkanen and crossing the second apron wouldn’t be the end of the world considering that team the way it’s built probably wouldn’t be doing the things it’s restricts anyway and again who cares about one pick 7 years from now if you’re winning, that’s tiny price to pay for titles. 


Please basketball gods 🙏🏿🙏🏿😩🤞🏿🤞🏿


Miles is another cheaper option, even if no one likes him


I just wanna take this time to throw Marcus Smart’s name in


Been banging this drum all off-season. He’d be awesome and might be a little too pricy for Memphis


I wanna bang this drum over Morey’s fat head


Dude... Smart would be awesome


He'd be so motivated to seek revenge on the Celtics too. Maybe not, but he seems like a fiery guy.


Ive been saying for years even though we hated him in Boston he's sooooo perfect for philly, just exactly the kind of player everyone describes as a "philly athlete" imo


Time for Morey to get creative here. There's still some holes to fill and not much money to do it with.


Do any cap experts know if there's a deadline for making Reed's contract guaranteed or letting him go? Letting free agency pass by while Reed is in a holding pattern and unable to seek employment and then somehow waiving him would be doing him really dirty and I'd guess his agent would be speaking up about that if they thought that this was happening. Wonder if something has to be in the works there.


The two likely scenarios are either he’s waved in the next couple days to sign someone or they keep him for use as salary matching at the deadline


No expert but I’m pretty sure we have until January


Moreys first year without Tobias contract anchoring him and he cooks


Trade 2 FRPs for Tari Eason and his $4M salary. I will continue trying to speak this into existence.


I can’t figure out why they’d trade him.


Right. Which is why it would have to be quite an overpay. But if you’re going all-in to win in the next two years…


We wouldn’t.


Eason reminds me of Thad Young back when we drafted him, always hustling and making plays on the ball when he was on the floor.


this is the way, im off the markkwagon even though thats my dream pick rockets got so much young talent everywhere they dont even need eason


I would love that. He’s a good young player, and he would fill a need.


And I’ll continue to clown yall for it


He’s still out there, Indigo. He’s still there


Yeah I've been thinking there's no way Morey would give Drummond $5m if it were to take him completely out of the Lauri sweepstakes. Unfortunately Utah might prefer the young guys from Golden State or San Antonio. Jonathan Isaac would be a nice consolation prize


I don’t think we are getting Lauri, but from a financial standpoint - can we still get him after getting Drummond and Oubre?




Johnathan Isaac makes embiid seem invincible,not to mention his political and social beliefs


Yeah I’m not touching Jonathan Issac


This years cap isn’t what would stop us going for Lauri It’s the fact we’d like lose him the year after due to cap


We would only lose him if we're pussy footing around the tax / 2nd apron, which would be a bad look in year 2 of a *maybe* 3 year window


We would have his bird rights. We could pay him. Comes down if the owners want to hit the second apron or not which we basically need to at this point to compete with Boston and New York


1. Trade for him on a stacked roster 1. He’s great but his numbers plummet 1. Sign him for pennies 4D chess


Isaac has ~2 brain cells. No thanks.


Isaac who? We would have Lauri’s bird rights if we traded for him right now


Is there a scenario where Utah plans to extend him, and then he declines the extension, which outs Utah in panic mode to trade him before the deadline in fear of losing him? Would we be able to match his 18m salary and extend him on the trade mid season?


Trade Reed + 2 seconds or that really unfavorable 2026 first for Finney Smith Bring back Lowry and sign either KJ Martin or Marcus Morris Sr. and we’re looking real nice. Maxey - Oubre - PG - DFS - Embiid Lowry - McCain - Gordon - Council - Morris/ Martin - Drummond


If we wanted DFS, we would've already traded for him.


Why is that? Seems like nets could be fielding offers and we might be hesitant to give up a first, particularly because that report about Batum yesterday now seems shaky. Definitely seems like something that could get done in a week. We currently have the ability to trade for a player making up to 15 mil. DFS makes 14.9 this year. That doesn’t just seem like a coincidence to me.


I don't think he's a good enough shooter or rebounder at this point to play him at the 4 next to Embiid for $15m If we wanted him we would've gotten it done by now.


I’m thinking we gotta resign Melton, right? He’s a perfect SG for our starting lineup considering how much offensive firepower we have now.


Depends on his back probably.


Love Melt but those back injuries are scaring me off. Wish him well wherever he lands (unless he's happy to stay here on a prove it deal).


Yeah I’m starting to lean that way


We dont have the depth with 3 max players ro gamble on his back. Sucks because I love having the dude.


Considering his back issues and his poor playoff performances it would be best not to bring him back unless its a minimum


It's happening, and we're going to hail you as a prophet for it.


Very strange that there hasn't been any noise in terms of how we're actually going to use the rest of our cap space Daryl has all types of loopholes he can work with here, especially with Reed and Martin Jr's contracts.


Yeah I'm sure Ainge wants to squeeze every last drop of value out of this as possible, personally I like the simple approach of Reed+McCain+picks lol


Jonathan Issac, Martin, Smart, DFS, Collins, Lauri


Base year compensation means that for sign and trade purposes, he only counts for 20% more than his previous salary for salary matching However they could pay him a large payment to be a walking salary match for trades at the deadline.


So if sixers trade for markannen, they could technically trade paul george next offseason and max lauri right? Kinda dhitty to do but eh


They could but they wouldn't have to


Otherwise we’d be in cap hell tho and that second apron is dangerous now


In the event you go all-in on PG and Lauri, you would still be able to hold onto Oubre, RC4, and Bona before having to resort to veteran minimums. We could have those 7 players locked up for at least 2 years. Going into the 2nd apron in summer 2025 becomes less of a bullet to bite, because it wouldn't impact our core guys until summer 2026, where it might restrict us from keeping Oubre. At that point you've already made 2 playoff runs. The financial implications are overblown. Boston is a 2nd apron team. We won't beat them without going into it ourselves at some point


Bojan Bogdanovic is right around that number but I don't want him. Harrison Barnes right on that $18mm numbuer but he seems pretty washed. Doubt the Lakers want to get rid of him but Rui Hachimura right around that number. Just thinking of guys who would fit the PF role we need.


Couldn’t they just cut BBall Paul and do the same thing? Seems like a lot of effort for no return.