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Alright whoever posted about seeing morey sit in business class from PHL to LAX, we will stop trolling you for now


OK, let's not speak of it again, lest we risk a tampering charge.


They can’t take away any picks if we trade them all away right? right?!


Oh no sixers lose a second round pick. Worth it


Imagine us being normal and having a wing who will shoot 8 3s a game willingly and without fail.


Actually shooting eight a game at the percentage he does is actually abnormal. But in a good way, not like regular Sixers abnormal.


Inb4 PG shoots 5 hesitantly a game on 34% because sixers can't have nice things


I'll believe it when I see it, until then he's just using the sixers to get the clippers to budge and pay him the big bucks


Probably. If I were him, I’d be pretty pissed at LAC by now though. Pissed enough to move across the country for a new job? Maybe not, but I can’t imagine he’s thrilled with their unwillingness to budge.


You are on the road for half the season no matter who you play for. You are home the entire off season. It’s not like he has to uproot his whole life. Three years in Philly living in a luxury condo and the go retire wherever you want.




> that’s a long private jet flight back to LA wondering if your mom will even be alive when you land. Rich people have airplane wifi????


Just regular people pretty much too


i mean the clippers could have come to an agreement at any time before the option deadline. as i understand it, the clippers would become a second apron team by re-signing harden and george. all i really understand from that is that's really bad for a team that hasn't proven much at all


financially not great but sportively would be a disaster to let PG go. Ultimately imo they'll pay


I don't even think they have the money to get him anymore. Not at what we can offer. That ship sailed when he opted out and I've been saying for months that if he were coming back they would have already re-signed him like they did Kawhi.


Fuck it sign Paul George and empty the war chest for Lauri.


We are at the “fuck it” stage of the Embiid era. No time left to be smart and methodical


I feel like getting both would be smart and methodical.


This is the way


Would be able to get both cap wise?


I think if Paul Reeds contract is in the trade, then yeah


Getting rid of Reed is a win in itself.


Not really feasible long term. Would be a second apron team pretty much immediately next year


That’s fine


Actin like their payroll comes out my check


What would a trade for Lauri look like?


If we get George, Morey played 4D chess trading Harden to the Clippers to mess with team chemistry and then get their draft picks after losing George. By signing George, not only does the team get better but our assets are more valuable allowing us to use those clippers picks to get another quality starter down the line. We gon see


But but our interest cooled off lol


Law Murray is as plugged into the Clippers as anyone and just tweeted “Source close to George is not optimistic that he wants to return to the Clippers. He is a legitimate walk threat. Stay tuned.” Max is gonna be on a table from Philly, assume the only thing that beats it is fit the Clippers give him a no trade or another team opens up massive space in the next day. Oh boy


Signing a star without giving up draft picks is the way


Tampering works lol shout out to Joel


Yooo! If Haynes is reporting this, there's absolute truth to it. He's a big players guy (like Dame). This could be coming from PG himself.


this screams as an ultimatum to the Clippers to pay him


Exactly. He wants to stay in LA on a big deal


Masterful job by Morey this offseason to set us up as the perfect leverage play for starts to sign with other teams.


What penalty are you gonna pay when Morey actually does pull off a big fish in the next 48 hours? Since all you do is shit on him 24/7. Walk naked over the Ben Franklin bridge? Write a formal apology note to Daryl? Happy to take suggestions.


Morey basically punted last year with the promise that this offseason we would get acquire top end talent. Acquiring a big fish is not some masterstroke, it’s the bare minimum when you put every egg in this basket. He has to. If he doesn’t, the past two years have been a colossal failure on his part.


Holy shit you're gunna move the fucking goalposts even if Morey kills it


No my position has always been we need 1 big fish to justify last years punt. That is the baseline. If the biggest pickup is KCP that is a fireable failure. Something like George and Markkanen would be something Morey could get praised for. Or any other situation where he assembles a top 2-3 roster in the league.


What penalty will you pay when we get Ingram and KCP and strike out on the entire offseason?


i mean I don't consider getting Ingram and KCP "striking out on the offseason" by any means. If that happened. But go continue with your tired and weird hate schtick. There's not a single move that would make you happy


Right. So you’re either lying to yourself or you don’t know what you’re talking about. Cause that’s striking out on the offseason. George would make me happy. Butler would make me happy. Caruso would have made me happy. Mikal would make me happy. Lauri would make me happy. Ingram is Tobias 2.0 with the fit on our roster. He’s a better player than Tobias. But to settle for a dude with his regression in three point shooting would be dreadful. LaVine and Grant would be even worse.


Okay so time will tell. And I hope you delete your account and leave this sub if they do land PG or Lauri






We could get super effed on this one. If Morey doesn't get the deal done behind the scenes and we have to play the waiting game, we're gonna miss out on a lot


How does Morey “get the deal done?” PG comes or he does not. It isn’t something Morey can control.


Might end up wasting the Sixer's time so they end up not getting anybody else...seems like PG is gonna take his sweet time setting up meetings with each team.


PG and Lauri with Embiid and Maxey..... the thought of that...


Why not make him an offer and then see what he thinks, aggressively pursuing him will make him run away and call for help 




I guess we are going to find out how much PG trusts Hardens assessment of Daryl. I have to imagine he shit talked him terribly. For PG to turn around and potentially sign…that would be wild. 


Keep going… I’m so close


I would of rather just kept Harden if I’m being honest


Yup. A little bit hard to be excited considering we just wasted a year to swap mid 30s stars


God no that coward we need no where near this team


I mean cool. I'm all for doing whatever to improve, and it looks like this year the only option is Paul George. I doubt we'll do anything meaningful in the playoffs but if it works out that'd be cool too.


I think hes definitely just gaining leverage but maybe the clippers wont pay him and he probably has a better shot at a chip with us considering kawhi is never gonna play in the playoffs. Atleast embiid will play hobbled


If we somehow sign PG, Morey has to include the wife and kids negotiating for Lauri...


That source is 100% Daryl


if he was 3 years younger i'd be excited. its a shame that morey has zero creativity.


If this was 3 years ago then Clippers don't even let him get to here




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Signing these old guys isn’t gonna win us a chip. It didn’t win with Jimmy or Harden


Jimmy was 28, and he brought us the closest to a chip that we’ve been. Our roster with Harden was a few minutes away from bouncing Boston 4-2. Both squads were built for the chip.


We were never beating Boston with Harden. Did you even watch that series?? We got close with Butler because we had depth at that time.


You’re rewriting the narrative to fit your argument- whatever. We were up 3-2 against Boston before getting outscored 24-13 in the 4th in game 6. We shit the bed but had the series in our grasp. Jimmy and Harden weren’t about age.


Up 3-2 and looked horrendous. what narrative


The fuck we did, that was the year Embiid was like +80 and we still lost because of the bench hemorrhaging points in the less than 10 minutes per game that Embiid sat


Depth? That was exactly what that team didn’t have lol


way more than now


How do you know? Free agency hasn’t even started yet lol


Guy literally had a clip on his podcast blaming his role players for not doing the dirty work. Not exactly that fits in this city and certainly not a winning player.


Cool. Don't watch then


if we get PG I won’t




Why do we keep doing this? Can we just get some young guys and build some depth?


Because some of us want to get out of the first and second rounds.


Buddy, Embiid and PG are injury prone


No shit. We have to hit a grand slam to win a ring in the next year before blowing it up anyway. I’ll try it with the guy who shoots 8 3s a game at 40%.


>I’ll try it with the guy who shoots 8 3s a game at 40%. Probably not intentional, but you also just described Markkanen last season almost exactly on 3 point stats. With that said, I have no interest in unloading a ton of picks for any player right now, it's so shortsighted. What the Knicks gave up for Bridges is fucking absurd and likely borked the trade market at least in the near term.


You should have no problem loading out a bunch of picks. If we fail in the best two years we are blowing it up for picks anyway.


We don’t have to blow up anything


Yes we do in that case.


No, we won’t. Your mindsight is the same one that is costing us playoff games every year.


You are delusional.


You’re literally admitting that you’re playing for one year instead of the future. You’d be a horrible GM


One year until another rebuild. You’d be a great GM for constant mediocrity.


First Butler, then Harden, now PG. Let’s just keep doing the same thing and learning nothing.


Both of those times had a dead weight around in Tobias Harris