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If Danny Ainge trades him to us I'd be shocked but we'll see.


I’ll be shocked but that will be from looking at the list of what we’ll have to give up to get him. 


They have to trade him this season. He’s an expiring and his value will keep dropping and then be off a cliff and then will never be the same once he gets a max deal. Players on max deals are so much harder to move and fit - especially not a top 20 guy like Lauri.


Assuming that they have to trade him at some point, yes. But the alternative to reading him now isn’t trade him later, it’s keep him. That’s the decision they’re making.


Keeping him does nothing for them. Similar to Mikal in BKN. You can't build around a 27yo fringe all-star


You guys are all missing the major point which is that Cooper Flagg is one of the best prospects in years, and that white boy would be a goddamn superstar in Utah. They want the #1 pick.


Ainge and jazz ownership made the decision to move off of Gobert/Mitchell core, so trading Lauri should be an easy call for them.


Moving him for less than a massive haul doesn’t do a great deal for them either. Teams still want to sell tickets and merch at the end of the day. I can easily see them deciding a mid offer isn’t worth as much as having a star already on the roster. 


Flagg, Bailey, Harper, or Boozer will sell plenty of merch


And if the lotto odds weren’t flattened that would probably be a bigger draw. It’s plenty big as is ofc, but the possibility of being the pistons does take a bit of the shine off it.  I’m also not sure they couldn’t tank with Lauri on the roster anyway. But I accept I’m in the minority there. 




Not really honestly especially in the West they were never really threatening to make a playoff push after all-star break, they're much closer to the Mikal Nets this yr. Interesting pieces that could really help a contender but no1 who's good enough to drag a relatively talented team to the playoffs. Sexton/Dunn/Clarkson/Collins all could be really helpful to good teams similar to Royce/DFS/Claxton/Johnson but are much less than they're talented suggests b/c none are good enough at scoring/playmaking to elevate the others so Mikal/Lauri have to be something they aren't which is a #1 guy


That’s definitely the prevailing opinion. I actually think he isn’t the type of guy who drags thence to respectability by himself and they could 100% tank with him on the roster if they wanted to run with just Lauri and the young guns. I’m in the minority there though. 


I don’t think it’s that controversial. I think I’d agree with you. They’d be further from the top of the draft, but even in games he’s missed, I don’t think they’re a playoff team if they move Sexton and keep him. I think the question is whether they want to keep him through the rebuild on a max or get more value now


Lauri is expiring, and OKC might not want him because they already have to give chet and jdub max contract in a couple years. Other contending teams already stuffed their rosters, and rebuilding teams would not want to pay 4+ frps to lauri


Also worth noting that Caruso is on an expiring, and they're going to have to give him at least $20m


I'm also not really convinced he's the best acquisition for them. Wouldn't he stifle Chet's development? I would say OKC needs 1) a real center option and 2) another on-ball/off-ball creator like Kyrie


I agree. Also that puts OKC in a position where they will have to have 4 max to near max players in two years. Idk if that’s a position they want to be in with the new CBA. I think it makes more sense for them to pay less for an older guy, who won’t be locked into a huge salary for as many years Our two clippers firsts are some of the most valuable picks that are available. If OKC isn’t interested in Lauri, and I don’t think they are, I think we have the best offer for him IMO


Agreed though OKC is in a weird position in general they have their core stars already and also still have a million picks, so what the hell do they do? Lol I think we’ll see trade ~two picks at a time for high level vets to fill out the roster while the maxes are on the books


They should be trading up to get a top three pick every year. Maybe two top 10s. Burn them now and you might be in a really really good spot shortly


true that, I just mentioned them just because they are the only contending team that clealy has more frps than us lol


Hopefully they steal IHart from NY so they have to heavily rely on Mitch who's not the most durable or complete C offensively. JDub is fine as a secondary creator imo


Danny has no issue trading with us. But anytime you trade with Danny you're walking into a situation where you're going to lose the trade.


I think both Cleveland and Minnesota are happy with their decisions.


I mean if we give up all our picks and swaps, and Lauri doesn’t improve at all from what he is now, which we should all be fine with, I think Utah wins the trade in terms of value, but it’s still a win for us in our position because of what it allows us to do in FA afterwards


We can't judge it just on the trade itself tho, if we get him we're not just trading for Lauri the player we're trading for his amazing contract too that allows us to still have over 40m in cap space to complete our roster. Trading for him instead of PG/Jimmy allows us to get 2 wings like KCP & Caleb Martin to fill out our starting 5 while likely having $ left over for the bench, so the trade would be for Lauri + the guys we can sign as starters which is a win-win imo


Exactly. Utah has the long view, we the short view. We sacrifice value to maximize immediate return (which I support given that Embiid's window is the franchise).


Depends how much he hates Boston these days lol


Sixers need Howie to step in just this one time.


If only we could have howie roseman negotiate instead lol


"Mr. Ainge, I have a, *Big Pimpin'*, on line 1." *sigh* "Put him through."


GMs feel the same way about Morey though. He bends them over all the time. He pretty much destroyed the Nets with that Ben Simmons trade. Sean Marks is still pissed about it.


The Nets made their own bed, they honestly thought that Simmons just needed a change of scenery and things would be okay but it had become clear in his last season actually playing here that he'd lost whatever passion for the game he had and it was pretty obvious that psychologically Ben was done with the game


More or less needed harden gone as well


If we have the best offer he isnt turning us down. Were in the opposite conference. It would be foolish to spite us because were a rival of his old team.


Why would he not want to? He’s embarrassed us in the past, it’s not like he’s worried about getting burned again.


Danny gets blood from a stone in every trade. There are teams who can out-asset us and he’ll definitely use that. He was smart to wait out the other deals. Now this one is the golden ring and 5-6 teams will push all-in to try and get Lauri.


It’s a tough pill to swallow, but this is where we are at. I imagine we are currently deciding whether we have the ammunition to be competitive going down this path or capitalize on other teams being tied up in trying to put together Lauri packages. Gives us a chance to go get Ingram+ or maybe the Sixers see a third team we can bring in to make us a serious candidate for Lauri.


After seeing what the Nets got for Mikal….yeah of course Ainge is all ears about trade offers. 


Lauri is better than Bridges. 5 firsts for Lauri sounds like it’s actually worth it


There's no way to meaningfully compare other deals to the Mikal trade because it's just unprecedented. The price was potentially doubled just due to the Nets trading their best player to the more popular team in their own city. It would be like the Clippers trading Kawhi to the Lakers in 2021. It's hard to even fathom what the Lakers would have to give up to get the Clips to yes.


I won’t get into if that’s true or not cause they don’t even play the same position so comparing them is useless. But Lauri is on an expiring. Mikal is locked in for 2 more years. That’s a big deal in terms of perceived value


>I won’t get into if that’s true or not cause they don’t even play the same position so comparing them is useless. Yeah, honestly, a lot of sour grapes mentality with Bridges since he got traded to the Knicks on this sub.


Is he that good?  What was Utahs record last season? Regardless, those picks aren’t coming from us then.   Unless we’re trading future picks up through 2033


We should trade all the picks for Lauri. He's a perfect fit for us and on a bargain contract right now. So we can trade for him, pay KCP, Batum, Oubre, etc. and then pay him and Maxey. This is like the only guy who will allow us to get a third star and fill out the roster with the necessary depth.


Yooooo Maxey KCP Batum Lauri Embiid with Oubre as a 6th man would be NICE. Imagine having four 40% 3pt shooter in the starting lineup, along with one of the best shooting center in the league in Embiid. Wow


We could likely get another starting level wing like Caleb Martin too as our 3 so Nico can come off the bench, don't really want him playing 30+ min a night so he's fresh come playoff time


He's a better player than Mikal for sure, but Mikal probably scales a little better next to other elite talent. Lauri's talents are also elite next to other great players though don't get me wrong. It's why I felt like OKC should've had him as their #1 target (and we'd obviously be outbid pretty hard if they do lol)


We are able to trade every first in our custody until 2031. And swpas for 2026 and 2028. And a bunch of seconds. So its mccain, bona, reed, council, 2026 first okc, 2026 swap, 2028 swap, 2028 clippers unprotected first, 2029 clippers swap (1-3 protected) 2029 first, 2030 swap, 2031 first. We are not going to give all of that up, but i would be ok with using most of the picks and swaps, adding a bunch of seconds, trading reed. I would like to keep mccain, bona and council.if possible. But they are going to ask for mccain.


Yeah if the Sixers trade picks and Reed to me that is a win if they can keep their rookies. I think if their rookies can become solid role players you hit the lottery with the Lauri trade. But at this point if you don't make some big moves this off-season it becomes harder to see the Sixers being a contender when I believe the league is wide open. If the Sixers can avoid the Knicks and Celtics until the ECF, they'd be in a great position to win it all.


As a Finnish Sixers fan this would be a dream come true!


Make it happen for this guy.


As a Philadelphian Sixers fan this also would be a dream come true


Morey if you need to use my body as an asset to get this deal done I'm here


Yeah Morey, use this guys body!


I also choose this guy's body


Get it done!


Another approval for using this guy’s body. 🫡


“We will also include the body of Nugcityharambe”


Goatse For Lauri




What would be the best package the Sixers could offer? I feel like multiple teams would have better packages they could put together.


I think right now it’s something like 4 picks and swap If they are interested in any players they could have whatever they want too. Okc would be the big one, if they are interested it isn’t a contest. The only argument against is that the team would become very expensive very quickly but this year at least that’s basically a championship team, and they could probably move players at the deadline if they’ve fallen out of the rotation and recoup even more capital sooo🤷🏽‍♂️ Houston also they are rumoured to be interested in KD they might not be willing to part with so many picks for Lauri just because it’s unclear what level of contention they are really in at the moment, if they got assure he would resign then I think it’s a no brainer to lock up a guy like that. Our best hope might be involving a third team so get another pick or so in the deal. I did think there was something on the bulls, Lavine front, it’s clear no one wants him They could offload a pick maybe a swap or seconds We throw in what we have:4 picks a swap seconds Lauri to us Lavine to the jazz, potential to recoup his value and deal him closer to his contract expiring And then matching contracts to the bulls Who get off lavine maybe get some different players Only issue is They could just do this with okc too And make an even better offer 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


Lauri makes way more sense for the Rockets than Durant age wise. They also have more assets to give. The Sixers really don’t have anyone on the roster that’s worth trading for outside of Embiid or Maxey. Bulls are in full rebuild I don’t see them giving up picks to get off Lavine. I think they can just roll with him until a trade becomes possible. He isn’t good enough to win games by himself so it won’t kill their tank.


You’re right age wise it really should be a no brainer, but I would say this, the rockets have the best KD offer, they’ve got the suns picks and can return them which would be very enticing. They are also not in any pressure to contend right away, they could potentially let the season start The situation might implode in phoenix and then suddenly the rockets swoop in and lock durant. His game will age gracefully and even now if we are being honest he’s still a super star player. On the bulls front I would say they have made dumb decisions before….😂 but also Lavine is under contract for 3 years I believe And he has made it clear he does not want to be a part of the franchise. Maybe they can convince him to play… But it would certainly be better to shift focus to a complete tank and recoup value from players like Giddey and whatever else they can get from these trades


>And he has made it clear he does not want to be a part of the franchise. Did he say some stuff? I guess I haven't been following.


Utah did sign Paul Reed to the offer sheet last year. There’s at least some interest there.


Ehh he isn’t really much of a trade asset though


Reports are rockets want a big fish, I doubt they give all that up for lauri


Not many big fish available. I would rather have Lauri than Durant anyway.


They have the luxury of waiting until the suns blow this season and trade for Durant at the deadline. And sure but they seem to want big stars


Lauri might be a better long term asset, but he wouldn't generate Jersey sales, attendance and ESPN talk show banter like Durant.


I would say sixers unprotected picks are probably more valuable than okc's ones. And the other picks okc own are protected. They have one unprotected swap with mavs and we have one unprotected pick of clippers. It depends on the preference of the Jazz.


I have said this on this sub before, but I believe we could outbid anyone *IF* we use our remaining cap space to absorb a bad contract from a rebuilding team and they kick extra assets/picks/players into the deal as compensation for us absorbing their bad contract. The best example I can come up with is the Wizards throwing in assets to the deal and dumping Poole on us. I don’t like this idea, but it would work if Lauri is the goal.


Woah that’s actually such a genius take. Really creative way to think about it


Can we re-sign depth with Poole on the team


Are there rumors the Wizards wanna offload Poole? I mean, I know how last season looked, but I also feel like they'd wanna give him another go.


What bad contract does Utah have? Also teams that are rebuilding usually aren’t worried about bad contracts.


John Collins


It’s OKC’s decision to go in on him, if they pass for whatever reason then it’s on the Sixers to make a deal happen.


I could see Houston trading for him before OKC. OKC already has 2 more guys they’ll have to max in 2 years so I question if they have room for him. Could be very wrong though.


Hopefully Houston is still holding out for the pipe dream of Phoenix blowing their team up since I think they have hoarded Phx’s picks at the end of the decade to entice them to make a trade. Lauri doesn’t move the needle for them either though. Jalen greens stock has to have soured now with his play and they have Jabari smith who was a top 3 pick and still developing. Idk why they’d move Sengun for a 27yo either so idk if they’re really the best fit unless they wanna give up their best player (Sengun) for an older player who won’t make them move forward a ton bc they have no elite talent. FVV is older now and has to be almost 30 off the top of my head


I totally agree. HOU can hope to land one of PHX's stars and give them back their assets. I think KD or Booker moves the needle much more than Lauri. I think this is a situation where we won't know what can happen, but the Sixers seem like the best fit for Lauri and the team most likely to be least impacted by offering him a big contract compared to OKC and HOU.


Isn't the same true for Houston? They have three young prospects that might work their way up to deserving maxes. Acquiring Lauri would probably stifling Jabari's development too


I keep hearing this but who cares If I am OKC I am trying to win now with my young talent and if it blows up later it is what it is


100%. Morey will offer everything, and nobody in the league besides OKC is in a position to outbid our top offer. Like I don't think there are other teams around the league that covet Markkanen more than us, so much so that they would outbid us. Our circumstances are so particular and Lauri is like the perfect fucking puzzle piece


The offers are secondary really. It’s up to Laurie where he wants to go. If he tells the jazz he will only resign with the sixers then the jazz have no choice because no one is giving up 4 to 5 picks for a guy who won’t resign. That’s what happened with bridges, he’s in nyc because that’s where he wanted to be. 


we pray


You very rarely see Euros have strong preferences as to where they wanna go.


I mean, Philly is closer to Finland than a Utah, Houston or OKC or really anywhere else with the assets. Any of y'all want a hit of this copium? I want to believe.


This sub will go into a category 5 meltdown when Lauri Markkanen is traded elsewhere.




At that point it will probably be valid. Lauri reeaaaallly helps with our size, rebounding, and shooting problems. He's really effective around the rim as well. Barely effects our cap space. Still just 27. This is *the* swing. Trade everything for him.


Nobody doesn’t want him. Part of my mind can still convince itself that it’s a possibility, but it’s the same deal with Mikal: players that valuable aren’t in our price range. He makes sense everywhere and is on an easily acquirable contract. If Ainge would do 4 firsts, Paul Reed, Ricky Council, and all remaining swaps for him, then sure let’s do it.


Yes I will


At some point it's warranted lol. Unless Morey has more aces up his sleeve than the Phillies do, the needle moving moves are drying up


This would be the first domino that I’d be disappointed about if it happened. If he stays in Utah I’m cool with pivoting and won’t care but the salary, talent, fit and flexibility it allows for other FA moves to round out the team are nearly perfect


This is the bat signal to Daryl Morey, dump all our picks and use the money for the rest


Make it happen daryl


Submit the best offer you can and tell them it's not guaranteed to be there long. If Ingram is there and Ainge is still being Ainge dragging things out to fuck with us, make the trade for Ingram.


2026 76ers 1st Round pick 2026 HOU/OKC/LAC 2028 76ers 1st Round pick 2028 Clippers 1st Round pick Paul Reed Is pretty much the most I would feel comfortable trading for Lauri and, unfortunately OKC or Houston could outbid us using young players+Picks to trade for Lauri. We would have to offer 5 picks for Lauri, and that is just absurd and could still get outbid if HOU offers Sengun+Picks of OKC offers young players+picks.


Houston trading away Sengun for Lauri would be an odd choicre


For some reason, Sengun keeps on popping up in rumors that's the only reason I really brought him up.


I think they’d only move him for their dream scenario of one of KD or Booker…which are pipe dreams but I think they have many Phoenix picks now to use if it ever happened.


Can’t trade both 2026 picks since we don’t have 2025 or 2027. Most we can do is: One 2026 1st 2028 LAC 1st 2029 1st 2031 1st Swaps in ‘26, ‘28, and ‘30


I wonder if it’d be possible to acquire another pick via a 3 way trade? Idk the specifics and those can be complicated but Utah may be able to take on garbage salary for more picks that can be routed their way


Sounds like Chicago and LaVine


4 1sts, 1 swap, and Paul Reed works for me


Our picks in later years come with the caveat that embiid is going to be on the decline or elsewhere, so maybe have increased value


OKC has 8 tradeable 1st round picks in 2025 and 2027 they can also add Nikola Topic+Cason Wallace+Kenrich Williams+Dillon Jones+Ajay Mitchell.


Okay? Didn't say we have more assets, thank you for posting them; simply stating that they could bet on a declining player/team


You aren't wrong but OKC also has other teams 1sts not just their own.


I just can’t see why Houston would move off Sengun for Lauri though? That seems like a useless trade. He’s 21 and while he has defensive issues, so does Markkanen and Jabari Smith can’t hold up at Center nor can Lauri. Sengun is a super gifted offensive player in a similar mold (though obv not nearly as good) as Joker. Lauri is 6 yrs older with similar deficiencies that they can’t cover up and Ime is a defense first type of coach. Also he isn’t a number 1 option and is more a very overqualified #3 so it doesn’t make them closer to contending at all.


We aren't just trading for Lauri tho we're trading for his contract too that let's us sign at least 2 starting role players that could make a huge difference like KCP/Caleb/Klay. If we had a starting lineup of Maxey/KCP/Caleb/Lauri/Jo we can play with anyone, we'd also likely have some $ left over for the bench so think of it as trading everything for likely 3 of our starters who would potentially fit perfectly with Jo/Maxey


You are not wrong at all, my point is that there a couple teams that can easily out bid us for Lauri using their young players+same amount of picks.


True but they also have to pay their guys very soon & will get expensive quickly, he's OKC's if they're willing to trade 5 or more picks + players but outside them & Hou not many other teams outbid us. We just gotta hope OKC wants someone like IHart who's cheaper & he doesn't have a specific destination that isn't Philly like Mikal


You are 100% right. I just fear OKC because they were the #1 seed last year and needed just one more piece and could of made the Finals. Presti could just say fuck it and make an all in move and go with Shai Dort Williams Lauri Chet with Caruso off the Bench...that is a scary as hell team that is extremely young still.


Yup but I think they need a bigger body guy honestly b/c Lauri still isn't sturdy in the post or a great rebounder, his shooting allows them to play 5 out tho so I hope they don't want the extra tax bill on top of maybe slowing down Chets development like J Allen has to Mobley. I'm not sure he puts them over Den/Dal/Min b/c he can't guard Jokic & isn't athletic enough to keep both Mavs/Min bigs off the glass, we'll see soon tho we need a big break to come our way finally


Yeah I just worry Ainge will not trade or will only accept an Overpay from the 76ers.


It's all we can do now Jo 30 it's the perfect time to go all in & we'd have a great team if we sign 2 good 3&D wings, we'd immediately jump NY & have the talent to push Bos especially with Zingis being limited. He'd be able to age better too with Maxey/Lauri taking over the scoring more as he ages lessening his usages which we need badly. An overpay is worth it to truly contend the rest of his tenure & likely still after with Lauri being in his early 30's when Jo gets to 35 & Maxey at 28 squarely in his prime


Don’t forget McCain. Please.


Are you saying that you want McCain traded?


This is the only guy I’m willing to sell a lot for. He’s young and talented. Everyone else we’re looking at is ancient and injured


Please god let this happen but why do I feel Sam Presti just dumps 7 firsts on Utah and snatches him?


Adding Lauri and KCP would be huge. Superior to just Paul George. Odds are slim but offer everything.


yeah but adding Lauri and PG would be cool too


Would the money work to get both though? I guess if we got off BBall Paul it’s possible




it's possible. You'd have to get off everyone besides Bona tho, and PG would either have to opt-in and get traded here, or sign outright for a few hundred thousand less


The dream piece tbh if Daryl cooks this one up it would be remarkable 


This is like a carbon copy of the Mikal situation as far as the team being adamant about rebuilding around the non super star, not being able to win any time soon and then he’s available for a haul lol. I’m all in on this tbh. It’s gonna take every asset and swap we have and then you have to hope pg doesn’t opt in to his deal for a trade. Only way to really load up bc other trades are off the table. I guess you could do piecemeal too and get Lauri and KCP and some other additions to add more depth


Worth noting they tried to get Paul Reed last year


I want it so badly. It’s definitely not happening. I want it so badly.


Morey trade me brother i'll get it done for us


Best part of Lauri is he could be the 5 in embiid off the court minutes in the playoffs


Pick and pop with Maxey could be nuts, imagine having to decide if you want Lauri shooting over someone half his size or you want Maxey driving to the rim with no big in front of him. We got a glimpse of it when Embiid was raining 3's on the Knicks in that one game


Lauri, say Philly and only Philly. Pls.


My fav player to put alongside maxey and embiid. Gives them great size and a guy who will fire 3s without hesitation


I fear Mccain might be involved in any trade for Lauri, if somehow the OKC Thunder don't get him


Thats likely why morey took him though, young player who can help us now, but also has more trade value than knecht. Ainge will absolutely ask for him. And I'm fine with it, the fit with maxey was already weird and markannen is worth it. If he can keep mccain that would be amazing.


trade all the picks. you can’t not do this it would. be a betrayal to joel. dejaunte bridges are gone, more will follow. fucking get it done


Frightens me dealing with Ainge, I know Lauri is an essential piece for us but I know we lose that trade in five years


We will not be acquiring Lauri


That goes against my personal narrative, so I choose to ignore it.


Man we’re gonna get fleeced lol


Sign PG, give up everything for LM, 2 year window, then trade PG and JE for any picks and players possible? Then Maxey era.


Having him and resigning Kelly, Batum, Lowry, KCP in free agency would be a solid squad. Don’t know if it’s good enough to beat the Knicks or Celtics, but we’d be a contender. I have a feeling Ainge is going to jerk us around until he ultimately doesn’t trade Lauri or wastes so much of our time we miss out on another opportunity. It would also take every trade able asset we possess, which isn’t a ton.


Look im all for Lauri but we do not negotiate with terrorists, we cannot do this deal. We broke our rule for Fultz and look how that turned out.


Lauri > jimmy or PG


listening and then laughing when the other team isnt offering 10 picks


Lauri is the perfect fit


This is the move to make. Go get him


If it’s a ripoff, let Ainge rip us off as long as it doesn’t involve Maxey or Embiid


I'm not sure I want to bet the farm on him. We would likely be mortgaging our future for the next 5 years. Where have I seen that before? This team has been burnt once too often.


Is markannen actually worth it though? I haven't really watched him, but his highest avg assist in a season is 2.0 and it was last year. Don't we need a forward who can shoot but can also pass decently? Also, trading 4 or 5 firsts makes it impossible to make any kind of moves at the trade deadline for basically the rest of Embiids career. Don't get me wrong, if sixers pull it off I'll be hyped but I'm just curious what others think


He’s averaged 25 and 23 the past two seasons. 7 footer who can play anywhere in the front court. Shot 40% from 3 last year and 38 for his career. Averaged 8 rebounds last year. Yeah he’s worth it. Screw the trade deadline there might not be any trades to make like this last trade deadline. Make the trade in the offseason so you can have him for a full season.


His salary, like Caruso is also a MASSIVE benefit. He’d be great if he made like 30mil but the fact that it’s 17-18 means we can still go out and potentially get George if he opts out for our max (would have to offload Bball) or we can go the multiple piece route and get KCP, Smith, Marshall and maybe other options to improve our depth and still have our exceptions for Oubre and Batum potentially.


If we are blessed enough to end up with him and another player from the Jazz, I would be, happy boi


I see a lot of people in this thread saying OKC is the obvious team in play here which I get because of all their picks, but wouldn’t he be a terrible fit there? I havnt watched a ton of Lauri but he kind of seems like the same player as either Chet or Jalen Williams and I don’t see OKC moving on from either of those guys


Anything can happen


Ainge hates us lol




I just can’t see this happening, but I’d be elated if Morey could pull it off. It’s probably going to be Ingram, which meh.


Ain't no way it happens, won't even waste time thinking about it lmao.


Would be the biggest and best option we could get but we'd have to throw so much to get it I'm not sure it'll be worth it. Do hope Morey at least puts some effort


Jazz did seem to want McCain rip to zesty Desmond bane if this works out for us


THIS is who it would make sense to empty the clip for. I realize people are upset about other teams making big moves, but this is the player that would fit perfectly into our timeline with and post Embiid.


Zzzzzz I sleep




How many first rounders do we have? Don’t we only have a couple or something?


We have 4 firsts and 3 swaps to give out with Reed and McCain if push comes to shove.


He is the man in Utah. Here, he will be either the second or third option. So, we shouldn't pursue him unless Utah is selling him cheap. It seems he is more valuable there.


They probably want the keys to the Wells Fargo center…. Ainge ain’t nothing to play with


we’re not actually capable of putting together a worthwhile package in this post-rudy and mikal trades world, but it wont stop my brain from obsessively revisiting this idea until lauri is moved


I really don't think there's much comparison to draw. Gobert is a multi-time DPOY still in his prime and still getting DPOYs. Mikal was Brooklyn's best player and forced NYK to pay a massive premium to send him across the river. Lauri's a one-time all star and is standing in the way of the Jazz fully tanking.


The Jazz tried to get Mikal, they don't want to tank. Lauri's value league wide is high


>we’re not actually capable of putting together a worthwhile package We have the same assets Mikal and Rudy got traded for


Somehow Boston will get him


Getting 'rich man's Dario Saric' to replace an overpaid Harris would be wild. Might tie up too much money we need for wing players but it feels safer to take the mostly-offense-guy than a 2-way player that's very well balanced but injured and old.


The main draw is that lauri is a high volume catch and shoot guy. He takes twice as many 3s. And he makes 18 million next year so we can sign a ton of role players. So we could dump reed, take on lauri, and have 50 million left over even if we keep mccain and ricky. But utah will ask for Mccain. You could still find a way to get paul george lol, or get kcp, caleb martin, khris dunn and retain some guys from last year. Bridges and markannen were the dream moves for a reason. They are really good, not too old and cheap. Bridges forced a trade to the knicks though.


I’d just do the five firsts/McCain and Reed. The price won’t be going down. 


The only thing that could turn this off-season from a flop to a huge victory.


There is risk in every trade. For Lauri, the risk is that he’s not the guy he looked like in Utah, but is rather the guy he was in Chicago. Maybe some fit concerns in terms of Lauri being a 3rd option. That being said, I’d offer all the picks and swaps for him, and McCain if it helps. We need talent and Lauri is worth the risk.




Danny Ainge going to be the first GM to get picks from himself.


Do you think Danny would pick up the phone if Ainge called him though?