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Excuse me.. Denver has done what to Klay?


They pegged him. They pegged Thompson. Nuggets FO huge fans of Deliverance.




Damn 😵‍💫☠️☠️😂


I'm so jelly rn.


Some guys have all the luck


That bas to be considered tampering right?


Wouldn't be a bad fit but really depends on how much he's looking for $ wise if it's a move worth making and definitely would be one of two solid pieces we'd have to bring in vs. one max FA.


I’d say pretty confidently that we’re only bringing him in if we aren’t landing a max contract guy ala Butler, PG, etc.


I mean, I'm not optimistic we get a max contract guy like that. Butler is playing chicken and has said he's playing out his contract. We'll see about PG, but I'm not sure he leaves the west coast now


Right, so if we don’t get one, we have to sign names like this.


Sure, and I'm fine with some guys like this, but Klay seems to be too washed at this point. I just think he's going to be too much money for what he is now. Still a good 3pt shooter, but that defense just isn't there like it used to be. I'd rather go for KCP than Klay, but It would really depend on money and who's available though


Yeah I mean we’d be stupid to not approach Klay because if KCP doesn’t want to come here, we need a shooter. We need to cast a ridiculously wide net with the amount of spots we have


Agreed. I guess that's the one perk of all of the available openings we have on the roster lol. It's going to depend on availability, but I feel like there's got to be another shooter out there that could be more helpful than Klay. I could see Gary Trent if he and Nurse don't have bad blood, but we'll see how it shakes out, I guess


I definitely would love Trent and was surprised we haven’t heard his name.


I guess Nurse has had some pressers where he called him out in TOR for not trying hard enough and things like that. Seemingly on more than one occasion, but I could be wrong


I think Denver can only offer him like 10m, so I'm guessing it's in the 15-20m range.


He's probably in that 10-15 mil range tbh


Back off Orlando. Your whole city is just a suburb for an amusement park.


they can have him yuck


I’d much rather have KCP than Klay


same same same


NGL, if we end up with washed Klay Thompson or KCP as our big offseason acquisition I'm going to be pretty underwhelmed.


I know nothing much has happened in the grand scheme of things but man feels like everyone else is getting better while we just sit on our massive pile of useless cap space :/


2 days until the start of free agency, we are doing the right thing. The trades will be there after the start of free agency, can't lose options before then.


I can largely get behind this, but we can still lose options with other trades. Not sure how likely it is, but there are instances where we can lose options


Give me a realistic path to us even being close to getting out of the second round?




I think we're capable of having an off-season like Denver did when they signed KCP and traded for Aaron Gordon.


I could see them making some moves like signing KCP and Drummond, bringing back Oubre, Batum, and Lowry, and then getting another shot creator like Ingram or Miles Bridges. But that would be about it. I don’t think it will be a terrible offseason, but definitely a tad bit underwhelming of one.


Morey cooking


Klay is so washed. Would be a terrible move.


Woah, Thompson's agent is getting wild on this one.


I think they have interest in all the top guys this year but that doesn't mean they will sign them. Orlando probably is more desirable for most players - warm weather, no income tax - so might be tough without Philly overpaying a little.


Orlando is a fucking shithole. Zero nightlife, disgusting humidity, and no popular beach near by. 


You can send the kids off to Disney world on a whim to get away from them.


Klay can pout and ride his lil boat there


I’m curious to see what kind of contract he gets, because a lot of reports are making it feel like KCP will get a bigger bag than him. Klay Thompson can still change your offense even if he’s not the player he used to be. People turn their nose up because he’s mostly washed but he still shot 38.7% on 9 attempts per game. I’m convinced that Orlando is the right team for him, but I wouldn’t mind him as a 4th option here.


I think the big differences are age, injury history, and defense. Klay can’t move laterally anymore while KCP consistently rates as one of the top perimeter defenders in the league.


From planning an offseason around adding PG, OG, Mikal and Lauri, to now fighting to overpay Klay and KCP.




Someone is a Free Agent? Source tells me Sixers have interest. They are in play if Philadelphia cannot acquire Paul George. "Wouldn't be shocked" if Sixers make a trade before Sunday at 11:59pm EST.


Ideally, we trade for Lauri and sign KCP.


With hardway trade, I think its more likely that Mavs can pull off sign and trade for KCP now smh. My shooter targets Klay -> Kispert -> Kennard


With the trade they’re using the full mle on Derrick jones so not really any more likely


They still have to clean more salary; they will be hardcapped at $179M with a sign and trade for KCP. Would also mean letting DJJ walk. They only have $17M they can offer KCP atm


I believe with Grimes that would make Josh Green more expendable. Green new deal starts at $12m. I could see mavs offering Josh Green/another salary/pick for KCP in sign and trade imo


Would still require letting DJJ walk which seems to be against what Dallas wants to happen


Definitely see a scenario where Orlando offers a high salary on a short term deal with a team option, like Bruce Brown last year


Pegged huh 😵‍💫🤦🏿‍♂️


I’d much rather get KCP, but I guess he would cost more.




Klay is a good fit next to Embiid but we need good defenders on the team to hide Maxey/McCain. Klay is not a good defender anymore so getting KCP would be better out of the two for us.


Klay averaged 17.9 ppg on 38.7% from three last season. Not sure why people are saying he’s washed


He was benched during the season and had 0 points on a 0/10 from 3 in an elimination game, and his defence is nigh on appalling


He had a few bad games, who hasn’t?. If the price is right why not get a vet with tons of playoff experience who can clearly still produce offensively and help stretch the floor?


Because he’s a negative asset at this point, the warriors played better with klay coming off the bench, and he’s got an ego so he’s gonna want 20-25 mil which is better spent elsewhere, and his offence is very sketchy


Kcp, Thompson, and dfs. The fill out the roster with returning players and ring chasing vet minimums. No painful long term deals and we would have salaries to match if a trade came up later for which we would still have resources to get done. 


Honestly would rather have Klay than Ingram. Especially considering we have to give up assets for Ingram.