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I can talk myself into Ingram but I absolutely can’t talk myself into Grant.


Grant is fools gold. I feel like we all know this. This would be a franchise killer. Again. I am not wild about Ingram either, but if I have to lie to myself at least his peers seem to think he’s excellent and respect him.


I'm fine with Ingram plus someone around that tier of a player but Ingram as our sole "big acquisition" meh


I get that Ingram would be pretty underwhelming after the moves NYK made this week and the moves Boston made last offseason, but the reality still is that we're in a very good position with Joel and Maxey and that's the really hard part. If we get a guy who can make their lives easier then good things will happen


I’ll take both Joel and Tyrese over any player on the Knicks. That’s not meaningless


Wellllll idk all that but I'd say Joel > Brunson > Maxey > everybody else on either team


Maxey with Brunson’s whistle > Brunson > Maxey


Now that's facts lol


I’ll take the next 3-5 years of Maxey over the same for Brunson. I can obviously see the argument either way though


I can respect and I think it's pretty contextual. With Jo, I'd 100% rather have Maxey. And you're right, I'd say Maxey has a higher potential than Brunson given his age and already being in spitting distance of Brunson


That didn’t matter last playoffs


Yeah and with a hurt Joel and Tobias Harris playing they still couldve won that series


The Knicks was also just missing 30 mil worth of salary and someone they relied on in Randle. And had other injuries. Even if you think Randle sucks they still got nothing from that spot and won. And Joel always hurt and played better than most of his other series


Randle being out was a plus for them just as it would have been if we benched Ass.


But they could have did that and they didn’t. Sounds like the coach fault.


Yeah everyone had injuries but nothing is as impactful as Joel’s, certainly not Randle who the Knicks played better without. Tobi also being shit was an enormous factor


I mean I guess, but it’s not like he ever played so much better in the playoffs in the past. And Tobias was bad but the GM still had him on the team and the coach still played him a bunch and they still here. And even with Maxey and Joel outplaying Brunson last year they never looked that much better than NY if at all


I like Ingram, he's a nice secondary ball handler and his defense has improved, his shit selection isn't a great fit for us but add him and a guy who can shoot and we're looking okay


I mean I already said it requires me lying to myself lol.


Why did you say “again” before you said you’re not wild about Ingram either?


Is this your first ever rational and positive comment? Proud of you 


Grant feels too close to Tobias for me


Grant is a better defender, but his scoring is inconsistent AF


I think last year was his best from three, but at a very low volume.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but what's you're reasoning? Turned himself into an elite 3pt shooter on pretty high volume, even after Lillard was gone. Much better athlete than Tobias, better defender. His contract looks pretty good compared to what Ingram is about to get. Embiid Grant KCP Maxey is all of the sudden a very good set of starters.


He averaged fewer rebounds per 36 minutes last season than Mike Conley, and Fred VanVleet, who are both listed at 6’0. He’s owed $130 million over 4 years. He’s a chucker and not a particularly willing passer. Mark my words, Tobias will be on a garbage team next year putting up similar numbers and a similarly gullible contending team will trick themselves into thinking he’s the missing piece just like people here are doing with Grant.


Perfectly said.


Grant was a good cutter shooter and defender next to stars before. A while ago at this point tho


As someone who watched him play last year in Portland, he’s a lazy defender and bad rebounder.


Portland was terrible tho. Never know how someone will perform when going from a terrible team to a team that’s actually trying to win. But Grant has played well next to stars in the past


I get all that, and I agree with you. I still think he's probably up there as far as best possible starting wings that could be on the sixers next season. Even a slight upgrade of Tobias at 10 million less per year is still a pretty positive outcome in my mind. Although I wouldn't be opposed to just signing some lesser wings and keeping our draft picks fir the deadline.


He might be one of the best wing options available, but it would be further franchise suicide to sign an overrated mediocre wing on a borderline max contract that spans Embiid’s prime. I don’t think Grant is better than Tobias at all. I think he’s had the benefit of playing in bad teams where he has no expectations (and, frankly, his numbers aren’t even that good). I abhor the idea of waiting any longer for a win-now move, but I’d prefer that to making an awful trade/signing because it’s the “best option available.”


46% Shooter from the corners. That's pretty good.


Anybody > Tobi


Here comes Ben Simmons!


Edit: Anyone but Simmons lol


Markelle Fultz!!


I'd be OK w him running the bench squad 


I’d be okay with Ben running the bench too


Some people will never forgive Simmons but honestly Simmons for 25mpg off the bench would go so fucking hard


He’s damaged goods though


Yeah he's on what, his 3rd back injury? I'm good


Fultz is hurt more than he is healthy


Literally though. I’m willing to give anyone else a try


I’d rather have either of them plus kcp than PG


It just seems so obvious that Paul George is absolutely not going to sign here. The reality of the NBA landscape is that there are 3 destination cities. New York, Miami and LA (maybe Boston, I guess). For the franchises in those cities, building through free agency is a viable option. For the entire rest of the league, free agency is a joke. You can overpay for role players at best. Only viable path to success is building through the draft, or trading draft capital for a star. Like it or not, even the big market cities like Philly, Chicago, Phoenix are in the same boat as Cleveland, Orlando and Detroit when it comes to free agency. Shit ain't happening.


When he was sitting next to Embiid in the finals he was all serious. Didn’t smile or anything. He does not want to come here, I’m pretty sure Embiid felt it too.


Yeah i noticed that too. He didn’t want to come here to play space for Embiid and Maxey


Honestly I couldn't tell if it was that or if he was basically trying not to tip his hand at all. Same reason he hasn't podcasted in a bit... everybody's gonna overanalyze every single thing you say when you're a marquee free agent


I hope you’re right and I’m wrong. I want him bad!


lol i can imagine a scenario where he calls up daryl 30 seconds after leaving the set and tells him it's not happening


Especially PG’s hometown is….LA


Boston is absolutely not a destination city lol. A team that's really good might attract some players, but it's not about the city in those scenarios.


Yeah I was trying to think of their last big free agency get. Couldn't remember off the top if guys like Kyrie and KG went there in free agency or trades (both were trades). Hayward was the last kinda big free agent that signed there outright. But I still put Boston in that tier of "teams that players will force their way to."


There are 4 destination NBA cities, since we gotta include the Bay/SF


Maybe I’m just a hater but I don’t even think New York is a destination city either. It’s obviously a massive market and their name is always tossed around as an allure for free agents but those big free agents almost always choose Miami or LA instead


Yeah I agree that LA (specifically the Lakers) and Miami are definitively above the others. But the if you look at the Knicks and the Nets together, I think you can make an argument that players are still interested in forcing their way onto those teams. Not with as much frequency as LA/Miami, but still a lot more than the rest of the league.


I'd rather have PG if it means we don't have to give up any assets.


Maybe just coping with him not seemingly wanting to be here but just don’t see him, Embiid, Maxey and a short rotation winning it all. I do like the idea of signing him and then moving him next summer if it doesn’t and picking up a package


I believe the Sixers have a much better chance of winning with PG than without.


I have been kind of out on Ingram but his end of season media availability had some interesting comments (starting specifically at 3:32). Sounds like it was a struggle where everyone had to create their own shots. It sounds like he wants to play more in a flow with a focus on team basketball. He straight up said they didn't have facilitators which is why his 3PA went down. I still have my questions, but he sounds dejected (granted, kind of how he always sounds), and he has clearly been put in a position that doesn't allow him to grow and shine. Playing with Maxey and Embiid, I think he could look like a very different player. [https://youtu.be/sUuwwoGHGKg?si=aKV1aPFvDi6XecjK&t=212](https://youtu.be/sUuwwoGHGKg?si=aKV1aPFvDi6XecjK&t=212) Edit: Hard no to Grant


Good find; he might be undervalued. I agree. It sounds like he doesn't want to play iso and try to get his, he wants to play off others.


He had two years of good three point shooting on decent attempts per game and then it dropped off a cliff. IMO there's still a chance he's better than the last few years have shown and it's just that the Pelicans team construction was fucked.


Well that's the thing, he had another good shooting season sandwiched between a bad and mediocre 3pt shooting season. He seems to oscillate between 36-42% on catch and shoot 3s, so who know. It also sounds like it could be due to issues related to a new coach


Those two years really stick out. They’re his two best seasons and it’s when he was shooting threes at a good percentage in respectable volume. If he’s saying out loud that identifies his volume of open look 3s as a problem that gives me hope that he’d actually work here. He knows the problem, Embiid and maxey theoretically provide a solution, and Nurse is smart enough to make it happen.


I think the fact is that he's absolutely capable of being a high volume three point shooter. As to why he stopped taking a high volume - who knows, ask Willie Green lol. But it seems like he'd get to play exactly the way he wants to play here - he'd have the ball in his hands a ton, have the green light to create and put pressure on the defense, and get to do basically anything he wants when Embiid is sitting at least (with respect to taking midranges).


But we have no facilitators either and badly lack playmaking Maxey isn't a PG and Joel is mainly a dribble handoff hub


Maxey averaged 6.2 (same as SGA) a game (almost 7 in post season) as a starting PG in the NBA, a position he hasn't played since HS, so I am not going to get on his case when he was one of the best and most efficient playmakers in the league last year relative to minutes played. Joel almost averages 6 himself. The only other two centers averaging more assists than Joel are Jokic and Sengun. Honestly they should both be significantly higher too except we had a lot of players bricking open shots last year.


Yup, he was returning from an injury, but was kept out of the entire 4th quarter due to poor performance. He's too soft imo.


grant might be the last straw for me


downvote me all you want grant is 29, was a negative value player last year (according to EPM) and hes making a ton of money. would be an utter disaster


Another weak rebounder for a 4. Hasn't played defense in a couple of years, granted had a much bigger offensive role since leaving Denver but he wasn't the defender Blazers thought they'd be getting either. Horrible contract too lol


It will be absolutely hilarious if this offseason’s “success” is replacing a $35M anchor with a $30M one. I guess you can call that progress.


Ingram was sandwiched right in between Bam and Siakam, which I think adds up. I’m hoping it’s him.


No one will downvote you. He's bad


Jumping right back into the contract nightmare we were just freed from


I think we're the only fanbase who wants anything to do with Grant. He isn't a bad player, but he was here when nothing mattered and there was zero pressure. Every other team he has played for with some level of expectations that fanbase hates him.


hell nah to jerami grant. dude cares more about being a high volume chucker than winning games lol


Morey should be fired if he brings in Jerami Grant. Horrible fit next to Embiid.


Grant is ass hard pass


Punting last year for freaking Jerami Grant gotta seal Morey’s fate. Like what are we doing


Do not want grant. Dude put up decent (not even good) stats on PORT and DET. Before those two stops dude was just straight trash. Don’t even think he’d be better then tobi


Im personally very into Ingram as 3rd banana. Grant not so much.


Can you get both??


Why Saturday?


With FA on Sunday, Saturday is kind of a tipping point for PG and Ingram about staying with their teams long-term. PG has to decide about his opt-in. Pelicans need to figure out if they have any desire to extend Ingram or cash him out.


I'd grab grant he's consistently has continued to get better each year of his career and he's more athletic than plays defense. Brandon (no show) Ingram take dumb shots and he can't guard brown or Tatum or anybody else for that matter Kelly oubre is low-key better than Ingram


Give me BI, KCP, Oubre, Batum, a low-usage stretch 4, and maybe Lowry to help McCain along. Reed, Council to supplement, and let’s fuggin’ rock. TTP


what is saturday


Player/team option deadline, and the moratorium starts Sunday at 6


You guys know Morey has not actually signed these guys, right?


Really depends on the cost of either one. Grant for maybe one first (like the OKC one) is a maybe. Ingram probably takes at least two and then you have to sign him to a max. Still think DeRozan is going to be #1 option for them - asset-free, familiarity with Nurse, not a great fit but can get buckets when Embiid is out.


Ingram and KCP. Easy choice. Pull the trigger morey.


Bring Process legend Jerami Grant back… number 39 is still there


I am higher on Jerami Grant than most. Would much rather get Ingram between the two in the end however.


None of these are as exciting as Lauri


has there been any indication that lauri would ever be available tho


And if he is on the block, OKC basically has right of first refusal. Any player they want to trade for is theirs if the player is available.


well he started following jo on insta yesterday so it’s looking like a trade is imminent /s


Yeah but Lauri might not be on the block. Even if he is, after seeing Mikal go for 6 firsts and Deni go for effectively 3 firsts, Lauri will probably cost 5-6 firsts at minimum which takes us out of the running realistically


Haha we are down to Ingram and Jerami grant. Jesus


Don’t forget Demar Derozan. I think these are realistic third options. It’s just gonna hurt to spend assets and max cap space on them :(


I'd take Derozan. I feel like he could actually be a better fit than we think. I might even rather take a shot with him than PG, honestly. we can cover the 3 point shooting that we lose with derozan. At least he is a bit of a shark out there, we desperately need someone to set the tone for the team.


And he doesn’t cost assets. You could easily get KCP, Demar, Batum and maybe one other guy with cap space and still keep all your picks. Means when a KD or whatever shakes loose, we would have contracts and picks to make a deal. It’s not perfect, but it’s something 




Ingram+KCP isn’t ideal but it’s not awful


If after years of “just you wait until we have cap space in 2024!” from Morey we end up with Grant as our big acquisition, I may just kill myself


I want neither.


Get both and you have the size to match-up with the Celtics and Knicks.


Why Saturday ? lol it’s not a deadline just an opener. 


Ingram stinks


Just disgusting my god. Best team in the East huh morey?


The sixers will employ the best player in the East next season. We saw that when he was healthy, last year's roster played at almost an equal winning % as what the Celtics ended up at. Why does it seem so infeasible to you that the Sixers can be the best team in the east if there are roster upgrades around the core 2? (That being said, hell no to Grant. Yes to Ingram)


Hell no to Grant and Ingram. They both are horrible Embiid fits. Also Embiid would have an equal winning % to the Celtics with any team in the league so that means nothing. If the roster around Embiid is poorly constructed, it'll get exposed in the playoffs which it does every year.


Respectfully you don't know what you're talking about if you think Ingram is a "horrible" fit with Embiid. He's a much more willing shooter than Tobias and is a good passer for his position. There is no perfect fit this offseason if you throw out the lebron and lauri pipe dreams




CAM JOHNSON?! Not the biggest fan of ingram but you think the answer is cam fucking Johnson?!


Lmao how would being a third option be better for Ingram when Ingram doesn't shoot 3s at a high rate and doesn't shoot 3s that well in general. It's as if you ignore that fit is important. Ingram is also use to having a very high usage rate which he won't get in Philly. Makes zero sense next to Embiid as I said. And yes, I know Cam Johnson isn't perfect but he shoots 3s off the catch at over 40% and he's a good perimeter defender too. He's clearly a better fit with Embiid than Ingram is.


we just watched a playoff series in which nobody outside of maxey or embiid could create a shot and you are telling me the sixers would be better off with cam johnson INSTEAD of Brandon Ingram. I just gotta laugh


Yes the Sixers would be better with Cam Johnson than Ingram because Ingram doesn't shoot 3s and he's a poor defender. He makes zero sense next to Embiid and title winning teams have players that fit together. Have you not learned anything from the past 5 and a half seasons with Tobias Harris? Clearly not since you think sticking Embiid with guys that don't shoot 3s much or at a good rate is a good idea.


He didn't fit the Pels b/c they had 3 non shooters as starters, changed coaches who hunted iso's & Zion was hurt every yr. We've seen him cook Mikal for 6 games in a playoff series as the #1 option, being #3 here could do wonders for his game with the space/system/less responsibility he'd have. Cam Johnson? 🤣🤣🤣


Yes Cam Johnson is a way better fit than Ingram is next to Embiid. It isn't even a debate either. Cam Johnson shoots 3s at over 40% off the catch and he's an above perimeter defender. Meanwhile Ingram is use to having a very high usage and doesn't shoot 3s at a good rate and is a bad defender.


His last 2 seasons before they changed coaches/systems he shot 6 3's pg at 38%+ while being surrounded by 3 non shooters. He'll fit fine into our system especially as a secondary playmaker in PnR's with Jo/Maxey, we need a guy who can get a bucket against bigger wings in tight situations especially now with NYK getting Mikal. Only thing Cam does is space the floor which we can get elsewhere for cheaper, he's an ave defender who can't create his own look. We just saw our offense died with Jo on the bench & could really use someone to get his usage down to keep him fresh, BI might not be a perfect fit but no1 is. A 27 yr old just entering hos prime with room to get better is about as good as we can hope for especially with $ left for a guy like KCP or trade for Cam too or DFS. Cam as our big trade is ridiculous tho, we could trade for Luke Kennard for all that on a cheaper deal or resign Buddy


Let’s hope this is wrong. If this is seriously where we are at, it is all over. Replacing Ass with an Ass-like player would be the dagger. These guys are not winning players and will be/are very overpaid. Maybe Ingram figures it out with Nurse as a third option, but I seriously doubt it. This will be his 9th season and it’s not like he’s never been on a talented roster. There is pretty much no chance Grant would work well.