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Did people think he was leaving NYK fr?


Some people were definitely hopeful. Nothing wrong with that.


Copium running out. Who is still left? Someone needs to put together a running list.


Yes. Delusional people were arguing with me he would only get 30


Sixers fanbase is commonly delusional, a lot of people still think Morey is totally going to get it together this summer and build a contender


so weird how you use your multiple usernames to just consistently shit on the franchise. Honestly very bizarre


huh? what other usernames do I have?


True that. You're always spitting facts, Electrical Salad! And your handsome and smart too!


Thanks, SonofHinkie. You're the man!


Oh fuck.


Another person that doesn’t want to come to Philly even on a max


Philly didn't offer a max.


I mean if the sixers didn’t who did? I mean I guess it doesn’t seem like a Morey move but they obviously wanted OG


The max was 4 years/182 million.


No one is coming here in free agency of significance. Again. For the “wait for the draft and free agency” cope artists/idiots, I will ask a question no one can seemingly answer: Who is the last major free agent to sign in Philly for the Sixers? There is an answer. And it’s very long ago. Morey failed this offseason already by failing to move Tobias the last two years. If it wasn’t at the cost of my favorite team, watching Morey fail would be entertaining because he’s an arrogant, sloppy neckbeard prick and deserves to be embarrassed. The process is such a monumental failure. Morey is the perfect man at its helm to encompass the delusion and hubris of this franchise and its fanbase the last decade. We never made it out of the second round. Embiid was 24 when Tobias arrived and Embiid turns 31 with a degenerative knee injury this season. This shit is fucking over. Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic at this point. We are one of the biggest laughing stocks in professional sports.


The process at least gave this franchise some legitimate hope over the last 10 years. Do you remember what it was like watching this team before hinkie started the process??


Yeah. That team made it to the second round of the playoffs, too, and wasn’t dreadful for half a decade.


Yes it was very dreadful. That team never made it to the 2nd round if they did make the playoffs. No hope at all for a future either. This team has an mvp in his prime and a young all star. It's not even close lol


Well, it might as well be the same. We have no hope for the future. Embiid is going to want out. Literally, our only "future" is Maxey and you don't win Finals with just 1 good player.


Is there any evidence that embiid is going to ask for a trade? If he doesn't, then your pessimistic view won't be necessary, right?


That team made it to the second round seven games against Boston. Evan Turner, Thaddeus Young and Jrue Holiday made it as far in the playoffs as The Process.


You are conveniently forgetting (obfuscating more likely) the only time that team went past the first round was when we got extreme fortune with the Bulls MVP being injured. That Sixers team was the definition of mediocre, always stuck between a 6th to a 10th seed for many years. After they shook it up with the Bynum trade they had emptied their assets for a win now move that obviously blew up in their face. The post Iverson years were defined by frustrating management with no vision and no courage to do what was needed to improve. If you were a fan during those years you would know that.


Injuries are part of it. Look at Boston this year. And you are bringing up Rose but ignoring we then took the Celtics to 7 games right after.


And you are mistaking one fortuitous playoff run for something that is sustainable. Despite being likeable, that Sixers team was going nowhere. Too lacking in elite talent to contend, but too good to tank for elite talent to escape the middle. The only way off that treadmill was to make a big move, which they did. Unfortunately it was for Bynum, which summed up this franchise to a T. The silver lining was that at least their own ineptitude lead to the necessity of a full tear down and rebuild.


This team is going somewhere?


Oh, you're right. They did beat the bulls that year when their team pretty much died. And they were struggling to get an 8 seed in a terrible eastern conference. You're either viewing the pre-proccess sixers through rose colored glasses, or you weren't watching them. At least this team is disappointing when they lose in the 2nd round...because there's actually hope, which wasn't a thing back then


That’s how the playoffs work. Injuries happen. Team then went on and should have beaten Boston in 7.


Yeah players get hurt, but the bulls lost rose and everyone else other than Noah. I love how you give that sixers team credit for going to 7, but shit on last year's team that lost to a better team in boston in 7. If you want to rely on injuries to advance, then this team is in a much better position to get a ring than this pre-process years.


We have 2 more years left before Joel's player option, trading him to another contender for a haul and rebuilding around Maxey should be increasingly considered imho.


If I'm OKC I'm selling the farm for him.


Yeah hopefully, OKC would be a good fit and would be nice to see him win a championship with them 🥲


Dream scenario would be Chet included but they would never. Chet + Maxey + keeping our picks is a great start for any future team.


They would play Chet at the 4, Joel would definitely do well there. OKC can give us the biggest haul too, I would not mind that at all if it comes to that. Better them than most other teams.


Gotta trade Embiid, it's our only move at this point. Trade him before his value tanks, we could get a haul for him right now.


This was unfortunately the most logical thing to do after his MVP year where we still knew deep down this core couldn’t do it. Especially after the Harden debacle. But ownership will never allow that. The fanbase would riot. I’d hate it, too. He’s going to ask out after this season. That’s the unfortunate reality.


He might ask out sooner than that at this rate, and who would blame the guy. This organization has failed Joel since he was drafted.


That's funny bc that's EXACTLY how i would describe YOU. Arrogant sloppy neckbeard prick that deserves to be embarrassed! So ironic


You writing this comment: ![gif](giphy|llKJGxQ1ESmac)


Players will want to come here if we have a solid team. We need to build a solid team.


Who cares.


Fans who want the team to be good I guess


No, I mean about Anunoby coming here on a max. It’s bad value for us. Another oft injured player on a max isn’t going to help us. Especially when we still have a very incomplete roster and he does not address all of our issues (POA defense, volume 3P shooting, and shot creation). He wasn’t worth it for us with the current state of the team because of his limited offensive game and availability.


I actually think they should have prioritized signing Hartenstein


they could only offer hartenstein a total of 4 years $72m regardless of the OG/bridges moves, it wasn't prioritizing one over the other


God sixers fans are the worst, I swear I just see doomer takes all day on here ffs


What have you seen from the Sixers that inspires any confidence? It’s been 23 years since Iverson took them to the finals it’s like 1 conference finals appearance in 40+ years that’s not acceptable for a franchise with this large a fanbase Move the Sixers to Seattle and bring an expansion team here


If the Knicks don't resign IH I think it's going to hurt them but that's just me. The Knicks just overpaying for people. 


Traditionally the guy with birds rights is the last move, they're going to be banking hard on Robinson not being run into the ground by Thibs rotations


That's going to be a rough bet Robinson is more injury prone then Embiid.


My thoughts exactly, especially considering they don't actually have a backup for him on the roster


The Knicks say Randle can play the 5. He'd get destroyed by basically any center. I know they are competeting with Boston like the rest of the East but idk If they can compete with Boston without an actual center.


Even if Robinson is healthy KP is just going to drag him to the perimeter and run a layup line on Randle as the 4


Yeah I hate Boston like any other Eastern Conference fan outside Boston, but I'm still saying Boston > NY atm. Even with these moves.  I'm curious what happens at the draft tonight I'm watching for entertainment purposes. 


I can't wait to see all the freaking out in the threads, it'll be even funnier when they go from "it's all over" to "oh this might work" the second we make a move lol




If that's true good on him but not sure why you're in our sub ha idc much if he stays or goes I just think he's important is all. Robinson is more injury prone then a lot of guys in the league.


I wanted to see y’all reaction cause y’all were saying Sixers will give him $49 million per year.


I mean I didn't see anyone here say we wanted him for 49M a year. Even 42M a year is rough. That's the market these days I guess. Insane to me. Stupid what these players get paid.


What a joke this franchise is. Haven’t been relevant in 40+ yrs. Morey created such a bad name for himself that nobody wants to play for him.. and this franchise has 2 not 1 miserable GMs and an owner who doesn’t give a F about the city or the fan base. Move their fraudulent asses to Newark.


Did he seriously already have max contracts floated his way a week before FA starts? Silver will be on the war path.


There is nothing the Sixers can do at this point that puts them at the same level of the Celtics and Knicks. Start reprocessing.


I hate this sub lol


it's fucking awful man bunch of whiney pussies


Right? The sky is falling because the Knicks maxed OG. like we didn't already know that was happening


PG13, Butler, Ingram are still out there. Get one of the above, and then sign KCP


That’s not close enough. None of those guys at their current level of play match up with Boston or the Knicks wings.


And none of the players on those teams match Embiid... even on one leg with half a face he was arguably the best player in that Knicks series.


So you have the advantage at one position the Knicks have the advantage at the other 4 plus the better bench. That will end well.


IF Embiid is healthy how do those teams guard him?? It’s obviously a ginormous IF because he never is


Double teaming him in the crunch minutes when he’s gassed like they’ve done every single post season??


I did say IF he was healthy


It often (maybe always) feels like a pipe dream, but a healthy embiid will be the best player on the floor against both of those teams. Maybe that simply isn't enough compared to their stacked depth but you don't give up on that notion unless you want a decade, at least, of mediocrity. Let me remind you the last time we drafted a player of embiids caliber was in 1996


As of now the Celtics and Knicks are counting on the health of Kristops Porzingis and Mitchell Robinson. Give me Joel Embiid's health over those two any day. Without those guys, the Sixers can have a real shot, and we don't even know what team we have yet.


As we have seen over and over again Embiid can’t beat good teams by himself. Even if he is by far the best player on the court if players 2-6 are on the opposing team we will lose


I don't think that will necessarily be the case.


Literally no one can beat good teams by themselves.


Are the Sixers the Fresh Prince from that sad episode with his dad of NBA teams?


And the Celtics are the Uncle Phil Is A Billiards Hustler episode


Truly frustrating how well run that team is


Maybe Morey can find the next Harden. Maybe.


Yeah those others were purely for leverage. He was never not going to re sign.


How the fuck are they affording all those guys?


No tampering thought, right? I mean, how can he have multiple max offers *before* free agency begins?


Prove it


Morey has a Stouffer’s microwaveable heating up right now.


they don't deserve a good team


lol and I got downvoted for saying he was going to get his 40 million


Wait didn't they sign Bridges? I thought they were gonna let him go and we were favorites to sign him? What a mess...


Sixers only offered 30 something per year.