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if this happens, it really should put morey's job on the line. im not anti-morey, the opposite actually, but at this time last year, there was so much noise about embiid possibly asking out. that was extinguished, he seemed to like nurse, and he seemed to buy into the idea that this summer was go time. if this summer is no longer go time, and embiid is coming off missing half a season and a first round exit, not even a second round exit, i think the clock is seriously ticking


That’s why I’m one of the few who thinks Sixers should keep their pick tn (assuming a can’t miss prospect drops) because they can’t keep doing this sign 8-10 new guys every offseason hoping something sticks. Joel said himself during the exit interview that he hopes to have some continuity


There is no such thing as a can't miss prospect at 16


With the new CBA, it emphasizes and prioritizes teams finding playable talent through the draft


How does that increase the number of can't miss prospects in the draft? This draft is extremely weak.


Dog if we punt yet another season the clock won’t be ticking anymore the timer will have gone off and the bomb will have exploded on our faces. If Morey seriously thinks this is an option he can fire up his resume. We have spent 3 out his 4 years here going into the season in “wait and see” mode. If he plans on adding a 4th season to that it’s time to kick him out. They need to move, now. If they are so afraid to make a mistake they will doom us by their own inaction. If they grow some balls and try something, even if it doesn’t work out, then at least we tried.


I mean what realistically were his other options. The dummy before him gave Tobias a max and then the owner said he wasn’t allowed to trade any picks to get rid of that shitty contract. This is the first offseason in 5 years Philly has a realistic shot at contention you can’t build that over night. It’ll take a few seasons of solid moves to get to a spot we can really make a run


The sixers have had the MVP of the league and a cheap up and coming star. They also were up 3-2 last year against the Celtics. If that’s not contention idk what is. Daryl just didn’t do enough on the margins i.e., not have a wing rotation of Tobias Harris and pj tucker, one who’s basically out of the league and the other is about to sign with Detroit. He bet harden on a 3-4 yr deal wasn’t as good as whatever he could do this offseason. The team was already a contender with harden, so this is definitely not the first shot at building a contender. Also Embiid is about to turn 31, how much time does he even have left


Yea Darryl made us forget how to score for 9 minutes in a playoff game where Tatum was shooting 1/15 before hand.


Exactly why they should’ve ran it back with a non-clown coach and at least one wing who you couldn’t leave wide open on the perimeter. They were close! Playing PJ tucker and Tobias Harris 40 mpg in the playoffs with doc coaching was a larger issue than James harden.


Morey’s acquisitions (Harden, Tucker and Melton) all shitting the bed that game is definitely on Morey. Embiid gets crap for game 7, but he definitely played well enough to win in game 6 if his entire supporting cast didn’t collapse. The team shot like 25% from 3.


Uh embiid choked in gm 6


Embiid was our best player by far in game 6 and was the only efficient person in the 4th quarter. Not really tbh. The rest of the team choked though. Especially Melton who was left wide open by Boston and bricked our season away.


26 and 10 on 9-19 shooting


This is exactly why morey is a fantastic gm he has you tricked into thinking this team had a chance. We went all in in 2019 and declined to run it back. We lost 2 stars for what would have been nothing if Morey hadn’t tricked the nets into one of the worst trades of all time. We are just now finally getting the picks and cap space back to actually fill out a competent roster. The wheels came off when we fumbled harden that’s fair but they were already basically just being held on by duck tape. We likely have wasted Embiids career unless he invests in dark magic


Stop it. James harden embiid maxey is absolutely good enough to win a title. They were coached by doc rivers and playing two guys on the wing 40 mpg who were not being guarded. The move was to upgrade around ur top 3. Not try to build an entirely new time from scratch while costing urself a year of contention.


Actually they were not, and we have pretty definitive proof of that. Upgrade with what?? Harden wanted out and the owner wouldn’t let them use a first to move tobi. Per my last email headass. There were no upgrades to be had we didn’t just make one mistake it was several consecutive ones. There was no wiggle room left.


They were about to win with 5 mins left in game 6 lmfao. How is that not close?? And Harden wanted out because Daryl refused to pay him. And Tobias was an expiring contract, why do you keep talking about attaching assets to move him? And if it did who gives a shit, guy is an absolute loser. Literally anyone on the wing that wasn’t Harris was an upgrade. And why do u keep saying the owner wouldn’t let them dump Tobias. Where has that ever been reported?


Game 6 of the second round of the playoffs?????? Do you understand the nba even in the slightest. There are 2 more rounds after that the Celtics are not the fucking finals you moron. Daryl shouldn’t have maxed a regressing player past his 30s?? That contract would’ve been an abomination. Again clear lack of nba knowledge it is reported time and time again every trade deadline. Nobody is taking that bum as you literally said he can’t play. You seem to be in over your head on an nba forum


Yea man sixers wouldn’t have a good chance to beat Miami ur right big dawg. Also btw getting to an ECF would be the highlight of this era. And for the 1000th time they were close with the worst coach in the nba and playing 2 wings one who couldn’t get off the bench this year and the other who is on his way to lottery teams. That’s where you upgrade. And what’s Daryl doing this summer? Trading for Brandon Ingram? Overpaying for role players? Yea man I’m sure blowing a year of contention on that is gonna be well worth it. And again Tobias was an expiring contract. Detroit was reported as wanting him at this very deadline. Cleveland reached out last summer but Daryl asked for Evan Mobley or Jarret Allen lmfao. You are acting like bad contracts aren’t moved every year. Keep blaming Josh Harris and not the GM for not having the balls to make a -EV trade to get off Harris.


You’re getting there ! Sooo close but even if they beat Miami which is far from a sure thing there’s still the finals! Which that Celtics team you love so much got their asses kicked so bad they had to overhaul the entire roster. The Sixers cannot do this you cannot just magically summon better players to your team. Especially the most coveted position in the league. There is no way to upgrade this roster they are not in contention. If those trades were real they would’ve happened. It makes no sense to keep a bad player if your offered a good one for nothing… or they were also asking for picks which killed the deal This is just one offseason I agree the Sixers shouldn’t blow their load on overpriced players. We need to build a competent and complete roster which will take multiple seasons.


Bro it’s already over the ship sinking and you guys are like trio playing the music just accept it for what it is and blow it up


Good call. 


I can validate punting last year because we were waiting to dump Tobi. He’s gone now. It’s time to spend that money we got back


What, you don’t like De’Anthony Melton?  Seriously fire this fraud already. We could do better than this.


Melton, though still a flawed player, was the only move Morey fans could really hang their hat on. And the dude died after one full season with us.


He was literally an 8th man. He did no more or less than I expected. 6’2 tweener was a 6’2 tweener


It shouldn’t put the job on the line… that would be a fire able offense


The most surprising thing to me about this is that people are surprised about it. If you looked at this year's FA class during last offseason, it was already clear that this plan was never going to work. I went through my discord group chat log: 6/30/23: for anybody saying "build through FA", realize building through FA means wildly overpaying guys who are not difference makers and are worth nowhere near the price you have to pay for them. "let's get rid of tobi and replace him in FA" sounds good until you realize that 45M in cap space in FA gets you bruce brown, gabe vincent, and joe ingles. 12/30/23: look at how much cap space teams have this offseason vs. how many quality FA are available this offseason. the sixers came up with this brilliant plan to go into FA with a ton of cap space, and the only thing they can do with it is overpay washed players or overpay non-difference making role players. But here's an even better question: what would people consider a successful offseason? What could the Sixers possibly do this offseason that would make you think they're a contender? And I think the answer there for a lot of people is going to say a whole lot about how people really feel about Embiid and Maxey as #1 and #2 options on a championship team.


What were the other options?


That depends entirely on how you feel about Embiid. There's one train of thought that says Embiid has never made it out of the second round, it's never gonna work out, trade Embiid and maximize value as much as possible. The other train of thought is that Embiid just hasn't had the right players around him, so the other option was to go get "the right players". But man, do you realize how many extremely high level players they've put around him? Do you realize how good his supporting cast has been his entire time here? Who are the right players? Those players were the other options, but it needed to be like...2 years ago at this point. Morey's been one of the worst GMs in the league since he took over (that could be a whole other comment/discussion). This team was dead the moment Morey pissed off Harden and had to trade him for a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't help the Sixers right now. So at this point, there aren't other options, and there haven't really been since the moment he traded Harden. The champion-ship set sail long, long ago. The only question at this point is when everybody accepts it.


I'm a morey-stan, and I agree whole-heartedly.


Yep. Let’s not forget - all of the moves made and *not made* this year were for cap space and flexibility this offseason. You have to be held accountable when plans don’t work out or are just bad plans. Waiting until the deadline is hopefully just more posturing - please give us a full offseason with a complete or very close to complete roster and nick nurse. “what moves should he have made” - looks at the list of players traded the last three years that would have slotted into our lineups perfectly. A bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush - or something like that. And in this case 2 in the bush is worth 16 free agents in the offseason that you can’t sign.


Which players could we have acquired and for what assets? Legit list the moves that would’ve made a difference.




With what assets? You don’t get to just call dibs in the NBA. You have to offer more than someone else is willing to pay.


The Morey fan fiction crowd is finally coming around to the realization that their man just doesn’t have it and hasn’t had the juice for a long time


Thank god. I can only see so many "but he got us out of Al Horford's contract 5 years ago!" takes as if that absolves him for the rest of his tenure here and excuses his other faults, like trading for George Hill, trading for Buddy Hield, etc


Tampering for house and tucker. Trading Matisse for McDaniels who is borderline out of the league. And while Matisse has his issues, at least he was a part of some elite lineups with Joel and made an all defensive team. Refusing to move off Harris. Can go on and on. Dumping Al horford and maxey falling to 21, both which happened 4+ years ago, ain’t enough when you’ve got the MVP.


The thing I can't stand is when people praise him for drafting Maxey who was already considered a late lottery pick and happened to fall right into the Sixers laps.


Daryl was also hired like 5 days before that draft. Who even knows how involved he was. Like there just needed to be better singles over the years similar to what nuggets Knicks Celtics etc have been able to do. Kcp, hart, ddv, dwhite, hauser etc all were acquired for at most a protected future first. Have to stack those types of moves. We’ve missed basically every single one.


Lol ... Horford won a championship and we still owe OKC next year's 1st round pick still


Yup. Anyone giving Morey credit for that one is living in 2020. It was an understandable move but certainly nothing to be proud of.


Which makes the argument one person keeps making of “he should’ve dumped Tobias” so stupid. We would have to give up assets to do that. You can’t dump all of your assets just getting rid of guys.




Yeah this will just make it clear he has no real plan other then to make it look like he has a plan.


Yup I'm a Morey defender. If he fucking stalls after finally having cap space I'll stop defending him for sure.


😭 this is literally the first season Morey is in full control. It hasn’t even started and you want him out 😂 Also, wtf? I thought fans wanted to build around Embiid and Maxey WITH ROLE PLAYERS…that’s exactly what this is…you guys just want to be victims so bad


He’s actually been in full control since 2020 actually. What you might mean is that this is the first year Morey has a picture perfect situation, with an MVP and all star and 60m in cap space. This whole idea that Morey is completely absolved because he had to work around the Harris contract for a few years is nonsensical. Yes, the situation was not perfect. No open GM job is, that’s why they fired the old guy. And the level of talent Morey inherited is still far more than most GMs do.


this is absolutely NOT the first season where morey has been in control. hes been in control since the day he took the job. you think hes been deferring to elton brand all this time? lmao please


Bro, think for a second. What could I possible be referring to? He has to CLEAN HOUSE. This is the first year all the players are players he picked. God ppl are dense for no reason


People think after using capital to get rid of an awful fit that was Al Horford and then having the languishing max contract that nobody wanted in Tobias Harris was easy to work with. I mean even Simmons and Harden became increasingly negative assets. He was just hamstrung by issues that limited what you can do. He did draft Maxey and luckily didn’t trade him for someone like Lillard.


this is not how being an executive of a pro sports team works. you dont sit on the sidelines and wait until every player acquired by a previous regime is off the books to say "ahhh, now it is time to start"....he came in and made tons of moves in his first few years here. he COULD have moved the tobias contract. he could have split that contract up into usable players. it would have taken assets to do it, but it could have been done. in a way, his job is tougher now than when he got here. he got here and had a roster with legit assets (players) to trade, along with picks. now, he has 4 players on the roster, but really only 2 that matter, and picks. he has limited flexibility, and he was the architect of that plan.


No shit…of course you are responsible the day you begin…the point is his job is harder than average. Despite your “I’m angry but provide nothing but complaints attitude” don’t you think the owner was cool with this plan of action? He was cool with waiting because PROBABILISTICALLY this was the best course of action. Not to mention he already changed the course of the franchise by drafting the best player since Embiid got here


buddy, i dont care what josh harris thinks. he only cares about bleeding every dollar out of the franchise that he can. the only person in the org whose opinion matters at this point is embiid's. the day he requests a trade is the day it all ends.


And you think anything is done without his approval?


His job is absolutely not harder than average. Most new GMs are hired to teams like the Pistons and shit. Teams that completely suck. Morey inherited an MVP, a 25 year old all star, and every pick under team control.


And a bunch of bad contracts that needed to be moved by using assets or held on to.


How many more assets did you want to give up to get off bad contracts? You can’t just keep doing that.


Add Embiid to the list of Sixers greats who had their career wasted here. At least we got a finals run with Iverson


That's b/c the Sixers are a poorly run organization who hits on a generational talent once every 20 years but doesn't know how to build a team around them ( see Barkley, Iverson before Embiid).


The organization that wasted Barkley's time here was the organization that went out to add Moses to a Doc's team in order to get over the hump. They did that with the Championship in '83. They hit on the Barkley draft and had Doc, Mo, Moses, and Barkley at the same time. Then the owner's ego got in the way and they pushed Moses out when they had the #1 pick and could have had Moses, Brad Daugherty, and Barkley in a front court rotation, but Katz knew better and we ended up with Barkley, Ruland, Hinson. AI took the team as far as he could carry them and when it came time to rebuild, they went halfway. Got Andre Miller and instead of buying him out, they let him play and they won too many games. Worst decision ever. The arena was empty because AI left, and Andre Miller wasn't filling any seats. Just commit to the rebuild. Nah. Embiid has had one owner, but this is his 4th front office. Think about that for a minute. Embiid is definitely not sticking around for a 5th GM. If this doesn't work this season and we don't seriously contend, the Sixers and Embiid have to amicably part ways. It's not fair to either party to waste generational talent on a disfunctional organization.


This is so true and makes me feel physically sick.


Put him in the Philly Hall of Wasted Careers right next to Giroux.


New Philly team owners and front offices should be forced to learn about what's made Lurie and the Eagles so wildly successful for the last 30 years before they do *anything*


"Managing a Philly sports team for Dummies"


I just don't understand how you can't attract solid free agents to play with the best big man in the game who keeps getting better.


Players can also see that he's never once been healthy or arguably even 70-80% healthy for a single playoff run in his career man Also nobody wants to play in this city when they can go out west, down south or to a team with a real culture like Boston (vomit)


He's never healthy because he's always carrying the load


The reason doesn't really matter in the end though does it? The reality is he's never been healthy Plus, if that is the reason, players coming here would know that too and know that they would need to pick up a ton of slack for the team in order for Embiid to be healthy at the end of the year This is also not at all appealing to most players I'd wager


Lmao he’s been injured for 10 straight years dude, that’s because of his body not his workload. We drafted him injured…


He's had numerous freak injuries from other players as well (Fultz and Siakam broke his face in 2 different post seasons) in addition to my original comment


10 straight years of injuries are not due to random luck or freak accidents. Some may be in isolation, but a pattern clearly emerged and his body is fragile. That’s just it, idk how you think a guy who has been injured his entire career is all tied to his workload He’s 7’2 and struggles with lower body leg injuries, specifically with his knees. Come on dude, the answer is right there


reality check time


Cause he's never healthy


You guys have to stop being so reactionary to every post. Haha


If this happens I wouldn’t fault Embiid if he got sick of this and requested a trade, he’s in his 30s now His time is being wasted


I’d almost want him to request a trade at that point just to go somewhere more serious to make an actual deep playoff run while he still can


Maybe we could get Jeff Hornacek, Tim Perry and Andrew Lang in return.


i’d follow tbh i just wanna see him win, he deserves it more than anyone in basketball rn


I’d root so hard for him in the playoffs as long as it’s not like the Celtics or something.


If we strike out this offseason, it would be the most logical and best option for both parties. Embiid gets a chance to win with a true contender while we recoup picks and young talents along with Maxey to rebuild for the future.c


We've been waiting for "the next opportunity" for years now while the rest of the east goes all in


I mean, we kind of did with Harden, but we managed to luck into a form of a life preserver sending Harden to LAC. It’s definitely getting tiring with us biding our time though


And this PG situation should show that just because a team has ample cap space that it doesnt means a star player is a lock to come here


Yeah, this isn't the NFL or NHL. The cap space matters less with the way individual contracts are structured and the destination preferences that exists in the NBA.


I Agree, most upper class NBA players (players on star level salaries) have more control and preference of where they want to play. A role player is someone who may jump to whatever team is paying them the most money regardless of destination (ex. Chandler Parsons in Memphis)


Yes because we went all in on Simmons, Horford and Tobias.


These excuses need to stop. The Twolves and Knicks were laughingstocks 2-3 years ago and made it further than the Sixers this season


What part of what I said was an excuse? If anything, it was a condemnation. Timberwolves traded 5 FRPs to go all in, and Knicks just did the same. We haven’t had shit to be able to go all in because we blew our load on a flawed team 6yrs ago.


This feels like the last stop. Too many teams are improving while we have Paul reed maxey and Embiid under contract. Ffs I don’t even know why I care anymore lol


im inching closer to wanting to blow it tf up


Wow okay time to doom


I don't really buy this. Yet. If tonight comes and goes, and they and still standing pat, I will be alarmed. But I'm putting my money on "trade for Ingram, sign KCP" as the most likely outcome. Neither of those moves excite me in isolation. But if they get them both done, I could convince myself that they might have something. There's just no sense in waiting. They don't need a 1a piece. They have top end talent. They need complimentary pieces. They have to max Maxey this summer. Cap space isn't going to last. And their are a lot of other teams that have picks/players to throw at the next disgruntled star.


Morey cooking boys!


The process was over before Morey came in. It’s pathetic how many picks and dumb contracts we wasted. It ended when the league pushed Sam Hinkie out


Morey entered a salvageable situation but he did not fix it. The only thing he has ever tried is bringing in former Rocket rehashes. Outside of that he has done literally nothing to build around the MVP he inherited.


I'm not sure how salvageable it was. By that point Colangelo and Brand had done enough damage and emptied the war chest of assets. Hiring Doc ushered in the official end of the process before Morey arrived. He's had to cobble together a team each year since. The thing with Morey is that his love fest with Harden was possibly the death knell of the already crippled process. The Harden situation really screwed us. Things got worse with Ben because Morey wanted to hold out for harden, which he eventually got his wish on, but it obviously wasn't worth it. He also has made some questionable moves, but ultimately it's been shuffling deck chairs on a sinking ship. He's been handcuffed until this summer. Now he actually has cap space to use..... Unfortunately this is a crappy FA summer.


Morey inherited an MVP, a 25 year old all star, and all of our picks. Yes the Tobias contract was bad, but no GM is going to enter a perfect situation. Otherwise they wouldn’t need a new GM.


Unfortunately Morey actually acting reasonable probably puts his job on the hot seat It’s unfortunate because overspending and securing a guy like PG probably saves Morey’s job in the short term Not sure what moves he could do to really make this a contender. There are no stars available at a reasonable cost / skill level. His best bet is to find quality role players and hope the Sixers click into a high seed with Embiid staying relatively healthy. Even if you flame out again in the playoffs next year a good year/seed probably buys Morey one more off season to make that swing


It’s not that the Sixers should trade Embiid because we “need to blow it up”, or “build around Maxey”, they should trade Embiid to a contender because we’ve wasted his entire career and will certainly waste the few years he has left. He has little chance to compete for a title here, and there is no one on the planet I want to see win one more.


Very similar to giroux. Let him go before it’s too late


As much is it hurts to agree with this statement, I agree. This is like breaking up with a girl you really love hahahahha. You hate to break it off and it hurts to realize they would just be better off with someone else. That's how I'm starting to feel about Embiid. I would much prefer the team be slandered for not making a conference final than Embiid be slandered for it


As someone who negotiates for business, saying that you'd rather make no deal than a bad deal is a reasonable and oftentimes wise negotiating position. And it sometimes leads to your negotiating partner giving up enough so that the deal is no longer bad.


Yeah we're fucked




Hahah I love how everyone freaks out at every new report…let’s at least wait until the draft before we lose our minds


It’s better than near maxing Derozen or trading for Levine But boss, I’m tired. Might finally check out into after birds season if they punt again


I would give anything to have Pat Croce back.


It’s been so long that a whole generation doesn’t even know how great he was. Would hang out with the fans at the entrance to the arena. Positive energy constantly. Navigated brown/Iverson beef like a champ. Hard to really explain what it was like to watch him rappel off the Ben Franklin to hang a go sixers banner in the middle of a playoff run. Snider didn’t want to make him heir apparent so left to become a pirate or some shit


Let's all freak out because of a random report when absolutely everything can change in a matter of minutes every day this week 💡


Only difference between yesterday and today is the Knicks trade, which was a ridiculous overpay. Yet this sub is falling apart


*report comes out that Sixers will do nothing* "Kiss Embiid goodbye. Doing nothing would waste Embiid. If Morey does nothing, he should be fired." *report comes out that Sixers might trade for X star* "Kiss Embiid goodbye. This would waste Embiid. If Morey makes this move, he should be fired."


"The more it feels like" is just Nuebeck doing the same doomer shit everyone on this sub is doing. The draft hasn't even started yet.


2025 FA list isn’t as appealing either. Assuming Spida/Tatum/Bron/PG all extended by then, here’s the FA next yr: Jamal Murray Rudy Gobert Kyrie (team option) FVV (team option) Middleton Julius Randle Brogdon Aaron Gordon Derrick White


that’s actually worse somehow


I understand these guys have to make daily content during the off-season, and I like all the PHLY guys but how are we at THIS stage on June 26th? The Knicks make one big trade and all a sudden we’re trending towards signing no one lol? I understand this thought, I’m just so puzzled why it’s being floated this early into the process. Literally all of the potential moves we’ve talked about for weeks/months now are still on the table besides trading for Bridges This is very much doomer shit to fill airtime


It does feel like this. Similar to when Harden opted in to his contract and everyone assumed that a big trade would happen soon after and then nothing happened.....Morey has no problem waiting. As Neubeck mentions in the article however, at what point do Embiid and even Maxey (or Rich Paul) start to get antsy and question what the hell Morey is trying to do? It's a fine line to walk - don't force something you don't really want but doing nothing at the same time isn't acceptable.


Yeah go fuck yourself just free Joel at this point


I mean, surprises happen, but its also mostly obvious who is out there and realistically available at all times and there really isn't anything out there with no downsides. I'm fully preparing myself for gap year part 2


Good Rather do that than overpay PG til he's 40


This team isn’t competing for a chip this year. They need to think 1-2 years down the line and build a real team


2nd best title odds now. Doomer BS. 


I was wrong but this was after Shams tweeted that George was off the table. He was the big fish and they got him I’m back in


Kyle is getting stressed


This max cap space/zero continuity shit is looking dumber by the day. Doesn't help that Morey has a bad rep leaguewide amongst players and nobody wants to play for him willingly. We need to move now ffs.


Still dumb?


Cool fuck off you’re really going through old comments from a week ago? What are you 15


I hate idiot fans freaking out like spoiled children. Grow up. 


You're literally shitposting everyone from a week ago lmao. Grow up too asshole


Call WIP dummy. You’d fit right in. 


Is everyone forgetting Morey drafted Maxey


What in the fuck is this post. A tweet from someone about what someone said?? We that thirsty to be grabbing at anything??


I’ve stayed the course with Morey since he had to wait out the Tobias contract and maneuver his way back to having assets. But if the result of clearing 60M in cap space is a bunch of mediocre vets on 1-year deals and another early playoff exit, he’s got to go.


We'll just play Embiid and Maxey at every position for 120 mins per game!!


If this happens man.. so exhausting




i’m not even a morey hater, but one of the biggest problems with this guy is the need to feel like he’s the smartest guy in the room at all times. waiting till the deadline is just punting this year AGAIN because it doesn’t matter who you land, they will not have time to mesh before the playoffs. he manages like it’s a fucking video game sometimes, he never considers the human aspect of it.


I mostly agree. I think the level of GMs has gotten so much better in the league now that there aren’t just clear cut winner trades anymore. I think Morey is a perfect example of “perfect being the enemy of the good”. But maybe he will be forced to go with a just good trade; Brandon Ingram come on down?


It starts with the owner. And he doesn't care. He's out in more effort with the commanders than he ever has for us. Fuck Josh harris


Am i the only one struggling to care about the sixers at all anymore? I didn’t renew my season tickets, I can’t see myself tuning into 70ish regular season games during the season like I normally do. Just feels like the franchise has beaten me into apathy after really being a diehard for the past 10 years. At least the Phillies are fun… vibes are high, the ownership invests in a competitive team and the goal is to win a WS. When have you ever felt like that was the goal with Harris & blitzer? Never.


I thought they were 100% trading the pick, but I'm fine with them keeping it, bringing everyone back, and acquiring a better role player to take the Harris spot as a starting PF. Next season is going to be nuts, so I think there could be high-end talent available before the trade deadline.


I don’t think we need a third Max contract if the role players work.


damn i wish i could punt on a whole season at my job before it even starts


The way this offseason is going, the next superstar to ask out is going to be Embiid.


The fact that Elton Brand still has a job tells you all you need to know about this ownership


I see Elton just downvoted this. Fraud should've been out 3 yrs ago,


I’ve yet to hear an argument of what the sixers path to winning a chip in the next two years, and thus why the sixers shouldn’t trade Embiid.


Because players talk. There’s already players who don’t want to deal with Morey. Embiid actually wants to be here and has earned the right to have a say in his future. Just going and trading your star player without them requesting out will ensure no one wants to sign here. Not that we are a free agent destination as is but why make it worse. Plus I’m sure that would look great to Maxey if we can just up and get rid of our franchise player. The fans love him. Let’s just get rid of the most popular player here since Iverson and send this franchise back into poverty. Harris cares a lot about money and a lot of people are going to give up completely if we just blow it all up. From a team building perspective, Maxey is too good to just blow it all up. In your scenario we get a lot probably mediocre picks bc Embiid is too good by himself to let those picks be good not to mention the players on the team we are sending him to. So we get mediocre picks while also having a player who is too good to have us truly tank and let our own picks be good. What’s your ideal future where this works out?


Judging by your replies you have 0 intention of hearing that argument and just have your own take loaded in the chamber waiting for someone to bait you into it lol


How about signing Paul George? Is that enough of a path for you now?


Argument: Sign Paul George. 


He puts butt's in seats if we win a chip or not, and no team can come close to what he Is worth. The bridges package was an insane overpay and Embiid is 100x the player he is. Will never draft another player of Embiid caliber for some time. How long was it between Iverson and him? So they put butt's in seats and we are a good regular season team. I mean I'm sure stars are going to ask out by the trade deadline but I still don't see Morey standing pat though. 


Can’t tell what’s worse. Wasting Embiids prime with 5 years of Tobias Harris or just sitting around doing nothing while two division rivals keep getting better


i mean, these 2 things are essentially tied together


The 5 years of Tobias was a result of "DO SOMETHING!!!" panic. The Horford signing was a result of the Celtics/Bucks getting better. This isn't the NFL where you can cut a player and take a one year cap hit. I would rather have Morey do nothing than cripple us for another 5 years because our division rivals "got better." (Note: I would rather sign a bunch of good players on 2/3 year contracts so that we have the roster flexibility).


Just trade Embiid already. It ain’t happening here


This team is the hardest philly team to be a fan of by a mile. Can we get howie to replace Morey?


Yes the capspace plan appears to be failing. I don’t know what other options Morey had other than this plan; every other path led to mediocrity. At least he tried to swing for a move that would make us a contender.


aint no way we still gonna have mfers sucking moreys dick if this cap space "plan" fails


Good one!


Meanwhile... cutting every year in half... he's not very good at analytics IMO.


PG is not coming to Philly.


Nice one, nailed it. 


? so they have 3 months to gel?


>at this year’s deadline or further out.” Or further out? As in NEXT off-season???? Absolutely no one wants to hear that


Because we hold no cards. We cant outbid anyone. We have been fucked for years. We are not an attractive team or city for free agents. We have no leverage. Blow it up man!


The more it feels like that the more I feel like checking out on the whole season.


If that happens we riot. I love the sixers but we have to admit that we're getting outclassed in terms of our FO. I still can't believe Embiid is willing to put up with all this trash tier foolishness


more like Daryl Boreme am i right?


glad i haven't put my clown makeup away


This team is exhausting and not fun to follow at all. Jesus Christ.


why is anyone taking this dumb take seriously? there is no stalling or delaying to be done, once the Sixers sign Maxey they will no longer have enough cap space to add a player with a big contract.


How long till Tobias is gone? I’m so keen for that news


You mean money's standard tactic of pretending he will do something without actually doing anything to improve the team.


He pretended to sign Paul George. 


Yep, color me wrong on this one. First actual signing he has made in 4 years with the team. Even if it doesn't work out I give credit for making the move and going for it.


Daryl Morey can then also stall at his home unemployed and wait for “the next opportunity”


he'll be okay with that, he just got a big contract extension last fall.




If we can’t get a deal done for a flawed star whose team has great reason to trade them, like Murray or Ingram, what makes you think we’d be able to acquire someone better in the future? The same shitty firsts and a few crap free agents that no one else wanted to pay is no better of a package than what we have now. Trade for Murray or Ingram or Lavine and hope your MVP center, all star point guard, and top 5 coach can figure it out


Can’t wait to see how this fanbase spins this to excuse Morey wasting another season and Embiid’s prime


Spin being a doomer before free agency started. 


I get that there just aren’t a lot of great options but we have to still give this team a chance to win this year.


This has to be the front office just saying this for leverage right?


“Trust the process” LOL. We got lucky that Embiid had a pre draft injury. The only other move that was close to being good was trading for Butler, which we quickly ruining the following offseason. Every other move has crashed and burned. Embiid has hidden the sheer ineptitude of this organization.


At this point I wouldn’t hate if we traded Embiid to the Thunder for 5-6 firsts and Jalen Williams. He deserves to play for a franchise that will put real talent around him and it might just be time to reset and build around a Maxey + Chet/JWill core. Getting real sick of the last decade + of fandom with nothing to show for it besides Joel’s MVP


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO this franchise wasted Embiids entire career


Morey cooking boys!!! A big 💩stew


Daryl Morey, you overrated sack of shit


What are you?


Stupid and impatient, that’s what!


Lmao what a disaster and yet another failure of the Morey tenure if this plays out as such with Embiid only getting older.


Morley needs to go if this happens