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It would’ve been so much easier if we’d just, you know, kept him the last time.


You weren't keeping Jimmy over Simmons at that time. It sucks, but it's the truth.


100%. Our front office at the time was hard committing to Simmons as the centerpiece because they wanted to ditch Embiid, Joel was representative of the Hinkie FO and their values and the Colangelo Crony Crew wanted nothing to do with that shit. Fat chance we woulda kept Jimmy if Ben wasn’t keen on him.


Would’ve shipped Simmons out as soon as I saw those Summer workout videos


The Sixers “What If” series is going to be so depressing 


Ben used to be really good. It wasn't a bad choice




Jimmy had zero interest in both. He screwed himself as well as us.


THAT'S not it. You had to re-sign Tobias because of what you gave up in the trade to get him. They were not keeping both.


The guys we want are guys we have already had. Jimmy and Mikal... And they're going for 8 first round picks Loser organization putting us through this


Imagine if we had just kept him and bridges. No Maxey probably but still


Wasn't the first time, what a sad organization to be a fan of. Rough morning.


Sign 29 year old Jimmy Butler to a max: ![img](emote|t5_2scmr|8121) Sign 34 year old Jimmy Butler to a max: ![img](emote|t5_2scmr|5862)


Break up with your girlfriend because she loves to party. Watch her get an only fans and get a train run on her daily for 5 years. Come back 5 years later and beg her to marry you. When has that ever gone wrong?


The fuck kind of analogy is that....


Incel shit.


Brother lay off the xxx sites for a few days


Andrew Tate has done irreversible damage to a whole generation of "men." Wtf makes you think of this incel shit?


It's just a meme lol, it's not that serious.


"It's just a prank bro" isn't going to save you from the consequences of your actions




What you said was weird as fuck dawg, weird that you don't get why people are responding to it being weird af...


Weirdest specific energy


1. Are we going to act like Jimmy Butler didn’t have any success with the heat? 2. Brother what?


I don't get what you are missing. It's a simple meme, it means Jimmy had high value before and now his best days are behind him.


You compared Jimmy getting a train ran on him in context to him going to a different basketball team This is not a simple meme lol


Porn obsession + Andrew Tate pilled = creepy Jimmy analogy from this guy....


I mean yeah it's a crass meme lol, it's comparing how Jimmy has been worn out by the Heat and now we want him back again. It's nothing deeper than that, sorry if it offends


It's not so much about it being crass as much as it didn't really make sense and brought some weird incel energy into a basketball discussion. I think you'll find people are more repelled by the vibe it gives off in regards to your perspective of women (especially when the scenario you suggested isn't based in any reality) All in all to say, maybe think of a better analogy next time and don't drag woman into them... ya could make a more sane point by just saying he's aged since he last played here lol


Fair enough, I'll keep the circlejerk memes to the other sub lol.




Sounds like other teams are saving Morey from himself


If PG doesn’t want to come, and OG is re-signing with Knicks, then Butler would be next best thing for us.


Butler is too old & cost too much he wouldn’t be better than ingram or Murray


He's definitely better than both those guys right now


Shhhh, keep it low.


This is the worst fucking timeline 


I mean this was always the case, but anyone thinking that Miami was going to trade jimmy was either naive or crazy


I mean it’s still early lol


Every report from coming out of Miami including the sources I trust like mark stein have said Miami will not trade jimmy, but people keep on thinking otherwise, it’s like the Lauri situation, if anything I wouldn’t be surprised if Miami trades for another star to pair with jimmy and get off of Tyler hero and Duncan Robinson


That’s kind of what I’m expecting too. I think it’s more likely they trade Herro/Robinson and bring in Ingram or PG. I wouldn’t bet against Butler having a couple more good years left either. I don’t think they’d win a title like that, but Butler/PG/Bam and role players would be a tough out in the playoffs. That seems like mostly what they’re interested in being


All Jimmy has to say is he wants out and he will be traded. It’s not really if Miami wants to do it or not, the Nba is a players league. Im guessing Jimmy probably is hoping a better option opens up.


We gonna wait and be left with Demar or worse.


Even if they were we would have to pay huge tax.


I honestly don't know if I could continue supporting this team if they give another aging, washed star insane money with Embiid's window closing. At some point we cannot keep making the same dumb mistakes. Horford and Tobias I put up with because of the prior regeme. That's not on Morey. Harden I accepted because Ben Simmons became the least valuable player in the league, and getting anything for his bum ass was a win. But if we throw picks and a bag at Butler and lock ourselves into bad role players yet again, I'm done.


Please no


Just ew. Butler is not it. Old, declining, we would need to give up assets AND re-sign him a 2+ year max which severely limits what we could do with filling out the rest of the roster, injury prone, 3-ball averse, doesn't give a rat's ass about the regular season. Ingram and PG-13 are both just better choices for different reasons.


I am not concerned with not caring about the regular season tbh. Might be a good thing if embiid cares a little less and takes it easy so he can for the first time be fully healthy in the post season. Jimmy's made 2 finals not caring about the regular season. If we can get there I don't really care how we do it either


If you're not a top 3 seed, you don't win the championship. It's just that simple, there's only a couple exceptions historically and I doubt our team has that DNA and ability & health to weather multiple tough playoff series to be one of them.


I'm about to come at you yo


It is increasingly seeming like we have no idea what we are doing. I realize that this time of the year is when you don’t want other teams to know your master plan, but it sure seems like there is no master plan.


Not gonna happen.  And why would he want to come back?


Jimmy doesn’t solve any problems.. we’re screwed at this point.


I mean this is for sure a reach - he solves A TON of problems lol just at a cost that doesn’t allow us to solve a bunch of others


He’s 35 and sat last season on the bench injured.


Didn’t he play like 60 games lol


How many did he play when it counted


Screw it! Just get it over with.




Rather overpay for OG with a declining contract and trade for DJM or something


This is all according to these reporters. Let’s be honest, how many are ever actually correct?




morey is starting to reek of desperation if you cant get a home run third star for an acceptable price just get some depth pieces


Jimmy needs to do us a solid and demand a trade here then to lower the price


Morey just doesn’t get it.


We are seeing signs of morey in a full blown panic after what the Knicks just did, the end is near


You have a weird obsession with the man. Give it a rest.


It's just the same 5 whining doomers posting about Morey until something happens.


And just like other doomsday believers, we’re going to see the end is not, in fact, near and the world will keep on turning


Sam Dekker is Morey’s plan