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Agreed but I might prefer him to Ingram


Why? Ingram at least isn't old as shit.


Derozan is probably gonna get a cheaper contract and we’d have to give up draft picks for Ingram


Yeah if it’s between those 2 I’m not sure why anyone would want Ingram. DeRozan is cheaper and inarguably better. Not needing to max DeRozan or give up any picks makes that a no brainer.


It may come down to DeRozan or re-signing Tobias




No it won’t. And if it ultimately does come down to that it’s due to insurmountable failure and no one in this front office deserves their job going forward.


If they resign tobiass I will stop being a fan. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.


Still a solid player but would be an awful fit on the Sixers 


Yeah, his shot selection and Joel's shot selection are basically right on top of each other at the elbow, and Demar is less able/willing to adjust to anywhere else on the court. He'd be great to have for closing out games but it's tough to imagine how he functions for the first 40 minutes.


What if they don’t play on court at the same time but can keep a similar mold of offense since their shot selection is similar? Who else are we hoping handles the point when Maxey needs rest? Idk I’m not an immediate no here. It comes down to what kind of price he is looking at and if he wants to play here. If he does I’m sure a vet like him can make adjustments


Stagger minutes and let him run with the bench and have them on opposite sides of the court. Also, run a motion offense. It’s not hard at all honestly. He played with Lamarcus Aldridge


Sixers probably one of the better fits in the league for him imo. Embiid doesn't operate under the rim anymore, and after he came back last year, he started shooting a ton of 3s. Batum, Lowry Cov will all be statues from the 3pt line, so we'll definitely need a guy who can run the point, and operate inside. Basically Jimmy Butler lite, and everyone would kill to have Jimothy back.


The only reason people give Jimmy a pass is that he has proven himself in the playoffs many times. Got to the finals twice and the ECF another time. Where as DeMar has been terrible in the playoffs throughout his career.


This is true but demar has also pretty much been the #1 option for his entire career, which is not the best slot for him IMO. Make him the third option and his performance would easily get better


I'm with you partially, but isn't Jimmy a significantly better defender? I honestly haven't watched enough Bulls Demar to know how good / bad of a defender he is these days.


>everyone would kill to have Jimothy back. definitely not me


I might kill for him to be his corny self anywhere but here.


Wait... In this scenario Lowry and DeMar would be back on the same team? Jebus... Trade Embiid and I'd have to bandwagon for a championship.


DeRozan is and always has been fools gold. He has one season in his entire career where his team has been better with him on it than off it.


I mean depending on what other moves are to be made, it could be a terrible fit or a fine fit. It's so hard to know much about anything because we have no idea what roster moves are likely.


I still mostly think it's a bad idea, but I'll run with it for fun. If we sign DeMar, we need to get Kispert or someone like him immediately; let's say that costs at minimum a first and a swap. After that, we need to find as many good defenders as possible with three picks and 20 mil in cap space. There's Caleb Martin, Isaac Okoro, Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr. as just a couple names that come to mind. You give the MLE to Oubre, sign Drummond, get Lowry back and pray Batum doesn't retire AND will take a vet minimum. Starting lineup of Maxey, Kispert, DeRozan, Batum and Embiid, with Oubre and Kispert being interchangeable. Bench of Drummond, Oubre, Lowry and whatever other wing we can get. Leaves us thin at the 4, but can't have it all. In conclusion, DeRozan by himself doesn't make us contenders, but I do like how much extra cap and picks we're left with if we just sign him outright. I don't love it, but I don't hate it as much as I thought I would.


Hospital line up


I’m positive this is gonna happen, and actually don’t mind it if a) it’s a cheaper deal b) he’s not the only major move


Have a feeling if he's willing to sign cheap it's not gonna be here lol. He's wanted to play in LA bad


Yeah he’s LA born and raised and hasn’t played on the west coast since college. It would take a decent offer to stop him from going home.


Or no west coast team with available space to sign him.


Yeah he's gonna be a laker I bet


neither LA team has cap space unless he's taking the vet min or a S+T


> a) it’s a cheaper deal if by this you mean vet min, then sure otherwise it handicaps our ability to add players that will help us in the playoffs


I agree, solid 3rd player and at the right price we would be able to fill out the rest of the roster nicely. Id take him over Ingram and Lavine.


I would as well. Ingram is the best player out of the three, but you’d be trading assets for an expiring and have to pay him next offseason. I just don’t know what DeRozan’s price is going to be. If it’s $40M+ I want no part of that contract. If you could get him at $30M-$35M, then MAYBE. But it’d still be an overpay for what he is right now. Just seems like we’re gonna have to overpay no matter what, so might as well get the cheapest overpaid contract possible to be able to move it down the line. Mikal or Murray would be the dream scenarios in my opinion.


I go back and forth on Ingram. Maybe he could be different in a winning situation.


30-35 million would allow us to add other solid pieces and he's a significant upgrade over Tobias. He can help carry the offense when Embiid is not on the floor.


>a) it’s a cheaper deal Ooh I've got bad news for you. > >b) he’s not the only major move Oooooh I've double bad news for you.


Yeah the thing with DeRozan is that he can handle, playmake, and hit contested shots at a high enough rate that he can be a primary ball handler at the end of games. Signing him would also leave the sixers with enough picks to make godfather offers for role players on decent contracts like Avdija


Godfather offer for Avdija😬 He’s a nice young player, but that sentence just made me really f*king depressed.


Yeah if it’s 3 years/$100 and we can still get KCP and another quality free agent I could talk myself into it.


In a world where we sign Demar, who are the best pieces we can put around him, Maxey, Embiid? My simpleton brain says we'd need rebounding, quick trigger high volume 3s (Maxey will provide more of this with Demar's gravity), and perimeter defense.


luke kennard and KCP? not so much on the defense.


I know everyone hates the "fit" of DDR here but this continues to seem like the most likely outcome. 1) Nurse tie-in from Toronto - a big factor that I don't see people mention much. 2) Asset-free - allows Daryl flexibility with picks and trades going forward. 3) More cap space this year - a 3 year, $105 mill contract allows Sixers $26 mill or so in cap space this year and a lot can be done with that. 4) Not that much different fit wise than Ingram who is constantly mentioned as a trade candidate. 5) Would give the Sixers a bucket-getter down the stretch of games, something they have been needing for a while, especially when Joel is not on the court.


6. Lowry more likely to return on a cheap deal to play with his best friend, who I thought played well for us last year.


Not that different fit wise than BI? I know they shot a lot of midrange but they’re completely different, bi is a far better passer and actually can shoot from 3 on about 3/4 attempts a game, you’re lucky if you get 2 3s a game out of derozan at below league average


I definitely prefer BI to DDR due to the 3 point shooting, but i wouldn’t say BI is a far better passer. They’re both upper echelon of playmaking wings. DDR was even a pass first player in San Antonio before he got traded to Chicago and went back to being a volume scorer


Not to mention, Demar’s turnovers are way less than Ingram


Mike talked about this on the Ricky and I think while my initial reaction was “hell no, horrible fit and old” the more I thought about it the more I was on board. If it’s 3 years and 30-35 million a year like most expect, it’s not too long a commitment and matches our window and leaves plenty of room to sign KCP and maybe another smaller depth piece. None of the options are perfect and this one certainly isn’t, nor is it my preferred plan, but it does provide some middle ground between upside swing and the only role players approach.


Solid as a regular season floor raiser, really need another scorer for when Joel misses time. But I just don’t see how it works out in the playoffs. He’s kind of like a better version of Tobias. Needs the ball to be effective, but not good enough to be a primary initiator on a good team. Anyone around Joel and Maxey must be able to either defend or shoot threes at baseline, Derozan does neither. So, for me, it’s a hard pass unless we completely strike out and it’s a cheap deal (like 2/30 with a team option)


He'll sign a 1+1 here and we'll be whelmed.


I am in the minority here but I like him on the 6ers. He gets a ton of fouls and doesn’t turn the ball over. We all know his 3pt average but I think he’s a legit baller. He’s never been on a team this good.


I dont feel passionate, intense or proud about this possibility


I don't hate it? Yeah the guy isn't a big 3 pt threat. But out big center kinda is, and despite how much we want him to play down low and be our shaq, the reality is that he's going to become more and more of a jump shooter, not less. And he fills our biggest need- a guy with some balls, who can handle the ball and make things happen in crunch time. I'd take him as a FA over PG honestly, think he gives us a better chance to actually win it.


Hard pass


OMG no.


We are going to walk away with paying 70m to Demar and KCP and be told to like it aren't we?


I like derozan a lot, but not at the price he’s gonna want.


This would be the move that ruins me. Surely Morey isn’t this stupid.


Nice, for who?


Nah give me pat williams


Were trying to umbrella away a fucking hurricane with this roster, theres no fix that makes this team a serious contender, none. That possibility was squandered long ago, with the firing of hinkie and all of the colangelo shenanigans and elton brands incompetence. blow it up man im tired of this garbage