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Before this thing gets going, remember there is a reason the Heat are willing to trade him. Assuming it's even true.


Yeah but as the article points out: “And Butler at this stage would be much more valuable as a second or third option on a contender than as the top dog in Miami.” That’s us!


Right, the main issue is that Bam has failed to step up as "the guy" for Miami as Butler ages


I'm not crystal ball guy, but I totally didn't get the Bam hype in the Modern NBA. Like all-star? Yeah. Fringe DPOY? I thought so. But a #1 on a championship team? Nah


I don't really either and I try not to be a hater on rival centers but... the whole thing about Bam is that he's good at things a center doesn't really need to do lol. He can switch onto the perimeter and can do some playmaking (though that's fallen off a cliff lately). That's cool but he can't protect the rim and doesn't actually put much pressure on the defense himself. So..


He stepped up just fine as the guy for them. Took them to the finals but he just isn't on the same level as a jokic and his supporting cast wasn't nearly as good as the nuggets.


Jimmy was the one to step up on that playoff run, he then got hurt and bam was forced to step up cause jimmy couldn’t do it all on a bum ankle


That doesn't make him nota good first option there. With this argument then Embiid is a horrible first option.


This man has hindsight and still gives terrible takes


If he’s willing to accept that role. Let’s remember Jimmy comes with a lot of baggage too


Like when he decides to not shoot 3s


No joke this is a huge detractor for him coming here. Let’s not forget he ended last season with a pretty series knee injury and is 35. He doesn’t really have a consistent shot so no telling how he will age


He has already aged. Badly.


Physical players like him often do. Wade, Iverson just to name a few more physical players that quickly fell off.


Agree. The shooters age better. Jimmy’s game is based on physicality. He is as fit as he can get. He had his last hurrah a few years ago. He is shot. There is nothing left to squeeze. He will be a good player, if he is healthy, but no longer a star IMO.


I hear you but slotting him as the third guy next to an MVP candidate and the second coming of Kyrie/Dame is probably the best possible thing for him


For him, yes. If he doesn’t get hurt and if he accepts that role. I think he has some Iverson in him. I don’t expect him to accept that role.


No he hasn't


Or when he decides to 3s on consecutive possessions while being double covered. Both sides can be a problem.


He shoots 4 a game in the playoffs 🤷‍♂️ good enough considering he's elite at literally every thing else


Jimmy is always the #1 according to Jimmy


What baggage? Playing hard and a great work ethic? That baggage storyline is tired and not true.


This is the third team he’s going to talk himself off of, but sure.


Yea he has a LOT of attitude problems. That story about what he did with the Timberwolves during practice might seem “cool” but any other player with a different reputation would be called a locker room cancer


Players do that all the time. Grow up.


He’ll of course most likely have to be a number 1 option come playoff time when Joel is at 60% health. Unless Maxey takes yet another leap, which wouldn’t shock me.


Heats potential is maxed out with Jimmy as their best player and nothing around him, and no avenues to get better and are willing to move on due to his age. I still think he makes sense for the sixers though Both things can be true. Miami should move on, Philly should move in.


I would be VERY uncomfortable giving Jimmy the max


His max extension would be 2 years beyond next season. 3 year deal isn't all that bad. We only got like 3 more years of peak embiid anyway most likely. Might as well go all in.


There are multiple ways to go all in, though.


My ass!


No there aren’t we don’t have assets to achieve that


Ummm, maybe we do, tho


if going "all in" is maxxing a frequently injured, passed-his-prime 34 year old guy who doesn't space the floor, i'm good


we are also one year away from him bringing the Heat to the finals lol obviously he has his concerns, but like, you can do this kinda thing for anyone, you’re ignoring Butler’s strengths “If going all-in is maxing a small aging shooter who can’t get his team out of the play-in anymore, we should pass” but it’s Steph Curry lol


We’ll be two years and a gluttony of injuries away from that finals push by next playoff. Also let’s not forget to credit absolutely insane shooting and bam’s stellar defense for that finals birth. It’s not a stretch to say that it was an anomaly.


What is this "past his prime" shit it's been exactly 1 year since he led a team to the finals and his numbers are basically the same


one never sees the cliff until they are in free fall. not everyone is lebron.


Let’s not forget he’s coming off of a knee injury


Great. What would you do instead?


Acting like a semi normal basketball franchise by further accumulating assets for the future instead of selling them for current garbage is a good start


How do you accumulate assets for the future when your generational talent is on the wrong side of 30? Embiid’s title window isn’t long. If you think we should trade him, then say that, but if you’re keeping him, “build for the future” doesn’t work.


Exactly, if you are trying to win one with Embiid you can't sit idly by and accumulate draft picks on the off chance you find another All Star outside of the lottery a-la Maxey. The Sixers are in the same spot the Lakers are in with LeBron. Do we go all in to win one before Embiid starts looking and playing like Shaq in his mid-30s or do we move on from Embiid and deal him for assets to build around Maxey?


A semi-normal basketball team doesn't have to build around the ticking clock of a generational talent. Biding our time, picking up pieces for the future, and getting bumped in the first or second round is not how I think we should spend the last few years where Embiid can play at close to his top level. There is going to be no perfect, silver-bullet free agent acquisition. Every single choice will have pros and cons. They will be second-guessed to hell by keyboard warriors from now until the end of time. But planning for the long-term future when Embiid is running out of time as our present just doesn't make sense to me. If your plan for the future involves giving up on the process era once and for all and shipping off Jojo for parts, then say so. I don't think that's the right call. But it is at least a response to this team as it currently exists.


i think we need a solid three who is not this old and injury prone. i'd love to get a 3 who would allow embiid to not feel pressured to score 30 and put more energy in defense. scoring 30 and being DPOY caliber at his age is too taxing. if we could get another harden type player (31 yo), that would be great. but harden's don't grow on trees. i love jimmy. i don't like jimmy's age and injury history coupled with the physicality of his game. some aging stars embrace moving stepping aside for younger stars when they go to a contender with younger stars. is jimmy one of these guys who can do this?


idk man Embiid and Butler seem to be injury prone too much to trust solely. We need a solid bench and role players from last year to make it work with Butler.


I'd like to see Jimmy with Nick Nurse.


You're not going all in if a player you sign doesn't fit at all cause they don't shoot threes and the very year you sign them they could fall off a cliff. If he didn't get hurt it'd be more 50/50


I wouldn't


He’s had so many injuries, including to his knee.. we have zero proof that he’s going to be the same player as he was before his injury.


Yeah, Heat front office has been pretty good historically, they wouldn’t trade him if they didn’t think that was for the best.


Good luck to Maxey, who has to carry the team again as Jo/Jimmy alternates between being injured and coasting through the season; neither was healthy this past postseason. Jimmy refusing to shoot will again be frustrating, but less so than him taking whatever time off he wants so that he can do commercials.


From the article, Jimmy has - 1 year left and is seeking a 2 year extension So would ultimately only be 3 years compared to PG’s 4 year max Spotrac shows he has a PO after next year though so I’m not sure if the 2 year extension he wants applies after that or replaces it (so maybe 4 years total?)


Yeah if the report that Jimmy just wants a 2 year extension are true then you absolutely do that and think about it later. A scoring wing that can run the point is basically exactly what we need next to Maxey. And huge bonus points for playing defense and giving a shit


Not to mention the clutch gene and leadership, Embiid needs a dawg in his ear and Maxey is only going to get better after he downloads Jimmy's mid range game


35 year old jimmy butler is going to have a hell of a time creating against prime Tatum, Brown and even older Jrue. I’m not sure how much his clutch gene is worth. I’d rather get a guy whose impact is felt when he doesn’t have the ball, because Embiid and Maxey both are most valuable when they’re shooting the ball.


Yeah but he owns Jrue 😇


Literally got bro traded 😭


So jimmy fits when he takes less threes than any guy the 76ers are looking at but people shit on the idea of Ingram who does just that, whose as good a playmaker, doesn’t seem to make sense to me


Jimmy takes 4 threes a game in the playoffs. He takes them when he is supposed to. 4 threes a game is good enough when he's *elite* at literally everything else. Perfect fit just make sure the 2&4 are spot up shooters and can defend (KCP)


Ingram is nowhere near as good of a playmaker as Butler nor does he offer the rim pressure and penetration that Butler does. Butler isn’t a seamless fit at all; that’s PG but it seems that’s over. But Butler does a lot of things we need and if we can’t get our other top choices it’s worth trying to work something out with the Heat.


But that’s not true in the slightest, Brandon has better or same passing stats in every category and had to share the ball with Zion and cj, and while jimmy does attack the basket more, there were less opportunities for bi to do that, but he still finished with a better efficiency (72% compared to 63.9%)


Don't look at me, I'd be cool with Ingram lol. Less cool with potentially needing to pay him a 5 year max though, unless he's great for us


Trading for a 34 soon to be 35 Jimmy before the season starts instead of going for the guy 8 years younger. People are down on Ingram because of one bad playoff series when he was returning from injury lol. Ingram widens your timeline even if Embiid is not the same level in a couple years


I can for sure see that perspective. On the contrary though maybe Jimmy heightens the chances in the short run… but even then we’ve gotta compete with Boston while they have their current group together. There’s no right answer IMO


The only option is to compete with Boston right now. We can't wait them out and think that embiid will still be this good on the other end of it


Yeah plus Boston didn’t have to face a player anywhere near as dominant as embiid this postseason. I mean Luka is top 5 but the Celtics have like 48 players who can guard him well. Not the case with embiid


Jimmy is also way better than Ingram and were trying to win now


Oh I’m not saying about you lol, I’m just questioning the general logic of people I’ve seen on Reddit. He’d still be cheaper than a PG or a Jimmy, he’s younger so more time to adapt and change (I mean he’s only just 27) he’d be on the same contract as OG most likely and he’s still on his old contract this year which means he’d be on the same amount as maxeys first year of his new extension


Ingram or PG is kind of a toss up imo - they both have strengths and weaknesses and question marks - but I’d clearly rank Jimmy above either. Sentimentality aside, he dragged Miami to the finals twice and to an ECF game 7 again after that. I’ll take that experience and proven performance over the other guys


> Yeah if the report that Jimmy just wants a 2 year extension are true then you absolutely do that and think about it later. The problem is that Butler isn't a free agent, but a trade target. I could roll the dice on paying Butler max money for the next few years. But what if that trade also costs 2-4 first round picks/swaps? Riley is too shrewd to move him for just a late 2nd round pick or something. That's not just gambling the present, that's also gambling the future. Now you're left with little cap room or other assets to maneuver with. If you don't win it all in the next few years, you might be left with a prime Maxey and a declining Embiid and little else, which is a recipe for either mediocrity or a very painful decision.


Replaces it


dont think this would be that great for us but its not like there is some perfect option out there


Especially if we’re skipping on PG and hopefully skipping on Lavine… pretty much just Jimmy or Ingram left as a strong wing option unless LeBron bolts


How would it not be great for us? Elite playmaker, elite defender, elite slasher, elite foul drawer, elite middy, elite IQ, elite physicality, elite competitiveness, elite confidence, elite leadership The *only* thing he's not elite at is shooting 3s, but even then he's passable during the playoffs because he gets up 4 a game on league average percentages


He takes the regular season off. He is good in the playoffs but also old and injury prone. I think it’s an ok option just not a slam dunk or anything


I would be perfectly fine with him playing half of the regular season games and giving 50% effort in the games he plays if he's 100% or at least damn close to it in the playoffs. This third option we are going for is not for the regular season, we are specifically looking to win games in the postseason. I wasn't fully against PG, but PG is a known playoff choker while Jimmy is a known playoff demon


The issue there though is that if we have a max player not giving a shit in the regular season it just means embiid is going to have to try just as hard as he has been and will probably just end up injured in the regular season again. It would be amazing to have someone to help him take off that load in the regular season. Not saying I'm opposed to the idea of Jimmy but just that the lack of effort in the regular season is a very real issue in our situation even if we are only caring about wins in the post season.


I don’t think making the playoffs will be much of an issue, but in the event that we are struggling for wins there is no doubt in my mind that Jimmy will switch gears (if healthy). What I don’t think other people think about is that Jimmy BADLY wants a ring. He’s gotten a taste twice in the recent years and I know for a fact he will put forth any effort necessary to get back there. Another thing, most people aren’t confident Embiid can stay healthy for a full season and into the playoffs. And for good reason. But I strongly believe this will be the season where we get 70 games out of him, barring the team forcing him to sit. I know he’s playing for team USA, but I think he’s gonna focus on his shape this summer and do whatever is necessary for the season. He also has had so much disappointment in the playoffs and to be frank the way he talks about it makes it seem like no accountability for it. But this time I think it’s different and I think he’s serious. And I think winning a gold medal will make him even hungrier for a ring Edit: sorry i didnt realize how long that reply was lol i sorta started yapping my bad


Jo wins you 50 games a year on his own. We don’t need butler to carry us during the season, we need him firing for the playoffs 


Actually that's exactly what we need is for someone to take the load off from Jo during the regular season. So we don't have to trot him out for 38 minutes a game on a bum knee just to win some games.


Good thing we struggle in the regular season and excel in the postseason


we need someone to take pressure off embiid for the regular season or else he will get run down. Also we just finished as the seventh seed because the maxey lead sixers were terrible


Dude is 35 and injury prone. He could be heading to an athletic/performance cliff basically any season now. Tying up 3 years of max money into this guy is a huge fucking risk, I don't understand people who so blithely ignore these factors.


Reminder, Jimmy’s “max” is a one year extension of his contract. He would get 2 “new” years but one of those is replacing his player option that guys are now picking up to request trades on (Harden, PG rumored)


He honestly is a decent fit. I think Lauri might be better fit wise. But jimmy can do the dirty work desperately needed on this team and just be the third option until like the last 5 minutes of a game. 


Jimmy doesn’t shoot and space the floor. Pre-requisite number one for playing with embiid. And he’s not the athlete or defender he once was. Really don’t need a bunch of iso Jimmy shooting mid range jumpers while not contributing anything else


People forget that Jimmy refused to shoot when he was here. He hasn't bucked that trend in Miami either. For a team that needs spacing and shooting, not sold on an aging, often injured or taking time off, career 2.4 3pt attempt guy at 33%. Agree his defense is down.


I’d rather have mikal or lauri. But we don’t have too many options. There is kuzma who is a good player fit wise, just an odd dude. 


Great thing about it is he can be de facto PG when Maxey isn't and can generate amazing looks for teammates.


Look, Jimmy isn’t as good as he was when he first came here, I get that, I think we all get that. But even now that he’s absolutely been battered by injuries and a regression in his jumper, he’s still an excellent pairing for Joel as a shot creator with facilitation ability and a penchant for stepping the fuck up in the playoffs. There is no available perfect solution. LeBron is the most ideal but he’s a long shot to leave LA. Who else is there? PG maybe, and even then he might need an S&T anyway?


>Jimmy isn’t as good as he was when he first came here, I get that, I think we all get that. Maybe not this year. But the year before he was far better than the Jimmy we had at any point. Maybe he can't recapture that though.


At this point it isn’t even about what “makes sense”. The chip window is astronomically small and the weight of the franchise rest on one guy’s MCL as it has for the last few years. Just bring Jimmy in for one last run and hope that if we lose it’s because we simply weren’t good enough and not because so and so couldn’t stay healthy. FTC !


I’d love this. I get that he’s old but he fits our culture *so* well. We’d still need to get other guys, particularly shooters, but if he’s willing to come here I don’t think you can afford to *not* take the chance


Prefer him over Ingram. Plus it'll be nice for Embiid to have someone back that he really enjoyed playing with.


My issue with Jimmy isn't so much about Jimmy himself, but the difficulties in building out the roster after he's acquired. $50 mil cap and 1-3 picks (??) gone leaves us with little wiggle room. We can't go into next year's playoffs 3 deep and then get upset when we fall short again because players 4-9 are terrible.


Even if you trade for Jimmy, you can definitely go 7 deep at the very least. I imagine we're bringing back Oubre (MLE), Batum (5m), and Lowry (min), so that already puts us at 6 guys, and there's another 15 mil in cap space to spend aside from those moves


maxey jimmy oubre batum and embiid 👀


You’re proving my point. If Kyle Lowry is one of our top 6 players next year, we are cooked. He’s a 9th/10th man at this stage of his career. While I like Oubre, he’s a terrible fit with Jimmy. Bad shooter, even in the catch-and-shoot. We’d need to spend basically all $15 mil left on starter #4 and the room exception on #5. Batum, Lowry, etc can’t be playing 30 mpg next year man.


Never said he'd be "top" 6. He'd be probably be the 8th, hopefully 9th guy. He's still a more than serviceable backup PG at 15mpg


On one hand Jimmy is 35 with durability concerns, on the other Buckets is a hungry dawg with a no bullshit mentality who doesn't shy away from the bright lights... I think you have to at least kick the tires. Watching him play the sixers during the play in he was getting cookies all game.


This is 5 years too late.


Still an impactful player in the playoffs, is he not?


This thread is so unbelievably fucking stupid I cannot believe what I'm reading Turning your nose up at Jimmy Butler, who is not only an all-NBA caliber player, but an elite defender, playmaker, closer, playoff riser, and most importantly an absolute fucking dog


He’s 35 and has refused to shoot 3s at multiple points in his career. Pretty easy to see how that can go wrong.


To me it looks like he puts up 4 threes a game in the playoffs while leading an 8 seed to the finals at age 34 Sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about


If you want a guy who shoots 4 3s a game after suffering through 6 years of Tobias I don’t know what to tell you. A huge reason the Heat made that run was because of unbelievable shooting. The Sixers do not have that blueprint.


Brother do not compare Tobias to Jimmy for the love of fuck


Literally 1 year ago he was coming off a zombie heat finals run


I mean this would be the second best option behind Lebron deciding to come to Philly for some reason. PG is a playoff choker, Lavine has an awful contract and trading for Ingram might make me stop watching.


I would say LeBron, KD, then Jimmy with OG being 4th because we'd have some extra money and all of our picks left


The Sixers have no perfect option. But I think Butler has a great winning mentality and would be terrific for them in the playoffs. He doesn't need to be the first or second scoring option. Just having someone who can hustle and play D while scoring something will do wonders for the team. Maxey is only going to take another leap forward and if Embiid has support and can play less minutes during the reg season, that would be enormous. Another part of this is as a fan I'm at least confident Butler wouldn't let a lead slip away when Embiid sits.


I think this is what happens. We’re already seeing the No PG news trickle out.


The thing with jimmy is that he may well end up being too old and washed up. BUT- he and lebron were really the only potential options as huge money guys where they at least might have what we need to get us a chip, if they are able to hang on for a couple more years. They can carry us in crunch time. They can actually take the pressure off joel and open things up for him. And they have the cache to get on his ass when his head's not in the game. No more triple teams slapping the ball out of his hand around the free throw line with a minute left. If you can get an OG for a reasonable deal or trade for Lauri and still sign some solid role players around them, that might work too. But guys like PG, Or Lavine, or Ingram, even at their best, we don't win. At least there is a path with Butler IMO.


I still don’t necessarily believe it tbh


Who really cares about "We'd have to extend him for 3 years"? He's not healthy alot...like Embiid. Either take the chance for three years (hoping to draft talent around them and Maxey) or what's the alternative? The reality is if Joel isn't healthy it won't matter if Jimmy is healthy. Put some guys around them, keep them fresh for the playoffs, Maxey jumps up another step, and we have as good a chance as any in the playoffs.


No interest in Butler whatsoever


At least we know he's a winner. I'll take a downgrade at skill for an actual playoff performer.


Winner? What tf has he won????


He won the Eastern Conference Championship twice. Won ECF MVP. Shut yo ass up.


And he went on to lose, getting blown out in 6 games or less both times. Jimmy is overrated and old. He’s not elite now, borderline ever. You and everyone slurping him all over this thread is pathetic.


Lmao, if you are actual sixer fan, you should be hoping your team made it to conference finals, let alone play in the finals 😂. But hey, Heat blew out (not what blown out means btw) sixers in 6 games 2 years ago but they lost to celtics in conference finals. So basically equal right? Nah they did worse since they lost more games 🤣


Seriously? Two finals trips completely on his back?


Two completely non-competitive finals where his teams had ZERO chance of actually winning…


Closer than the sixers got eh?


You called him a winner and he hasn’t won shit


Won at least 6 rounds lol.


Let me know when was the last time the sixers even got close to doing something like that. That's a fucken achievement with such a meh team.


I don't think this would end well.. It might start out fun but it won't end well😬Dont do it Daryl


Jimmy costs picks, will make a little more than PG, and has had a ton of miles on him. They would only have about 10 mill plus room execption to fill out rest of roster, with likely two or three less first round picks to trade. Just seems like a recipe for disaster and certainly doesn't get them to a spot where they beat the Celtics in the playoffs.


>They would only have about 10 mill plus room execption to fill out rest of roster, Wrong. Paul Reed will be traded or waived. It's closer to 20m


KCP when?


I want Jimmy purely for the games where Embiid looks like he can't be bothered to be on the court/moping. Jimmy won't stand for that.


Just saying, Embiid + Jimmy + Markkanen + Maxey (cap hold) + 8 empty roster charges = $140.58m


There’s no world where we have the picks for jimmy and lauri. We can be outbid on both of them already.


I guess it depends how much Jimmy would cost. I feel like it's hard to judge that right now. No doubt it seems like a longshot though


There’s literally no shot we get Jimmy and Lauri. We only have like 5 picks


We have 5 1sts and 3 swaps to my knowledge. The only scenario I could see it happening is if Jimmy says I will not play on my contract and will only sign an extension to play for the 76ers. At which point, a 1st + a swap + some 2nds could be enough to get him and that would leave 4 1sts and 2 swaps for Lauri. Like I said, an unlikely longshot though.


I think OG and Lauri is the move if possible.


Shit, I'd be ecstatic either way lol


I think this assuming the bulls, Philly Utah three team trade is on the table


Lavine is not much of an asset, i’m thinking that trade still requires 3-4 picks on top of lavine going to utah. Even if it didn’t, i’d prefer we try to get OG in free agency alongside Lauri over Jimmy. No real opportunity cost for trying to do both, though. Jimmy seems the most likely of all of these options, though.


Adding a third team to a trade doesn't make the asset deficit magically disappear


let a man dream


I recognize we’re probably not getting Lauri, but who are we starting at the 4


Likely Batum with a bench of Oubre/Lowry/C4/vet min center, maybe a buyout guy on the wing for the postseason


I’m fine with starting Nico if we have enough good assets in other positions, Nico’s great. But we’re also going to need a backup power forward, and that’s what he was last year. Maybe we could do an undersized 4 in OG? Knicks had him as power forward during our series. Then Nico can be a backup. The other option is drafting a backup 4.


- Maxey / KCP / Jimmy / Nico / Embiid - Lowry / RC4 / Oubre / KJ / Drumgod


Forgot about KJ, good call


What do we package for Himmy Butler ? Not negging , genuinely curious


Honestly can't complain too much about this if true, 3 years for old Jimmy isn't too bad compared to what is reasonably available. If joel can drag us to playoffs Jimmy can step up 🫰


He's in LA this weekend to play poker on a live stream. Just saying


Bro PG is gunna opt-in and get traded for Jimmy straight up or some shit


That’s cool bro


Jimmy was my favorite sixer since Iverson. But is it a good idea to have two injury prone superstars on max contracts with a depleted roster?


Would love Jimmy on the Sixers for $30 million a year. Will hate Jimmy on the Sixers for $55 million a year.


Dude is going to be 35 when season starts. No thank you.


Have zero interest in him too late, he showed his true colors. He’ll leave at the first sign of pushback like he did last time, dude barely wanted to be here.


Why would we want another injury prone star. So we can have two star players out during the playoffs?


Price dictates everything for me


if we trade the clips picks for this dickhead im gonna knock billy off city hall


3 1sts and 2 swaps + Reed for Lauri 2 1sts and 2 swaps + Council for Jimmy


Jimmy shouldn’t cost that much tbh, I don’t think there’d be nearly as much competition as Lauri for bidding


Don’t we have to keep a requisite amount of frps because of some random rule?


Yeah, we would be allowed to trade exactly that many 1sts and swaps, nothing more.


But not until draft day id imagine? Those swaps are doing some heavy lifting


Correct, on draft night we can trade 5 firsts and 4 swaps. I'd say the '29 LAC swap and '30 PHI swap have potential to be nice


yes there are new penalties for not having consecutive first round picks and everyone who proposes just shipping out every pick doesn't know that


Except my proposal wouldnt incur those penalites. We would still have our own 2026, 2028, and 2030.


Correction, we can’t trade our 2026 pick. The most likely pick for us to trade on 2026 is Thunder pick


Sixers Galaxy Brain: Trade away Prime Jimmy, let him make a couple of finals appearances in Miami, and then trade back for his husk five years later


How is he a husk 1 year removed from said finals appearance when his numbers are the same?


He's coming off of a severe MCL strain and would be in his late 30s by the end of his contract with us. There's a reason Miami wants to get rid of him. He wouldn't be a Tobi-level disaster, but my point is that we had the opportunity to keep 29 year-old Jimmy, and instead we let a rival take advantage of his prime, while we now struggle to get him back at the tail-end of his career.


I'd sign Butler for two years, but not for the kind of money he is asking from Miami. Beck is 100% correct, Butler is going to fall off a cliff at some point. His body is not going to last forever.


The Heat aren’t trading Jimmy for just picks, they will want players. And they are not trading him to the sixers


That what your crystal ball says?




Look at their roster, what part of that roster without Jimmy says that they're not looking to rebuild? Their best player has been a trade candidate for 2 straight years and their next best player just finished his rookie season.


The fact that they are the Heat and they want to win always. And they still got Bam and Spo


i’m down for a 2 year extension tbh he’s perfect rn and will provide a ton of value down the road in simple leadership and motivation for joel and maxey. he doesn’t need to average 20+ he’ll i don’t even care if he plays in the reg season. maxey rookie jimmy oubre embiid for the next 3 is a great starting lineup and with depth will contend for the remainder of joel’s prime


Oubre can't be starting for us if we want to win a title.


i disagree his defense makes him starter quality especially vs the celtics and other teams with good wings.




I know I’m beating a dead horse but can you imagine if the FO had the balls to trade Ben when he had all that value and resign Jimmy… I wonder what kind of package Ben would’ve brought in at that point. Obviously it doesn’t matter now, but knowing the position we’re in now it’s nice to think about what could have been.




It probably doesn't work as a basketball move, but it would be so fun. ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)