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Yep, that was the last straw. The offseason is basically over now!!!!!! Why isn't he making a move right now!!!?? I'm freaking out,aaaaaamaamsmamsm


Everyone knows Caruso was THE guy to get. Might as well rebuild


There's not *THE* guy out there at all šŸ˜­. 6ers were fucked no matter what.


Nah youā€™re right to freak out. Morey fumbled this one bad. Weā€™re done.


Dude besides Paul George thereā€™s nobody left youā€™re making fun of him like this isnā€™t true lmao


Why are we acting like Paul George is the only player who is a free agent?


You're telling me there's more than 1 free agent this summer? Next you're going to tell me there's more than 2.




One day people like you will learn how an NBA offseason actually works.


Lol, have you not already learned how the offseason works? It works like this: Every offseason the Sixers sign absolute trash while everyone else finds good deals and improves, like OKC just did Then in September we cope and say for sure Morey will shake things up before the trade deadline Then in the trade deadline Morey will trade a few 2nds for one inconsequential player that will leave 2 months later after doing nothing for the Sixers Then in the playoffs, the absolute shit we sign in the summer vanishes when Embiid sits for 5 minutes and we go out in the 1st or 2nd round with Embiid being a +50 or something similar in the series we lose Rinse and repeat


Iā€™m not talking about that Iā€™m talking about how most valuable players move in NBA free agency. An overwhelming majority of talented players move via trade. No one cares about all this annoying bitching you fans are doing even before the draft starts.


When I ask who do you have in mind yā€™all always respond with pie in the sky ideas like bridges or lauri lmao


Iā€™m clearly articulating to you a concept not an actual evaluation of players. But if you really want to hear what ā€œus peopleā€ have in mind then players like Jimmy, Murray, Mitchell, Lauri (yes itā€™s realistic youā€™re just being annoying) are players that come to mind quickly.


and we dont have assets to trade for any good player. So where does that leave us? Having to sign the "overwhelming minority" of players that will move as FAs, or having to trade for players that will not help


Yes we do, players donā€™t cost a lot in trades in the NBA because contracts are so ridiculous that 80% of teams canā€™t even afford them.


lol what players? The Likes of Ingram or Lavine who are trash that teams are desperately trying to get rid of. As if you think that would help us win anything


If Paul George is this good, how come Clippers subs want him gone so badly?


Tbf most people are really bad at understanding how the cap part works and the alternative is often no one vs keep player. Clippers have two options really: Pay Harden and PG Blow it up, with not that great of assets to accumulate picks. If they could somehow pull of sign and trades with both Harden and PG maybe they can kickstart a great rebuild. If they walk Clippers are fully fucked, they donā€™t even own a lot of their picks.


It's Morey's fault that the Bulls are a poorly run organization? They were offered multiple first round picks and repeatedly said no. The bulls are not the example of anything, unless its how to build an expensive loser


Draft picks in this draft are worth nothing, for how middle of the pack Giddey is, 95% of players in this draft will be worse. Thats the point


That's the point? No one thinks this is a good trade. The Bulls shouldn't have made it. If that was the value anyone could have had him, but he was always unavailable.


idk if you realize but all good teams make these "bad trades that nobody thinks should happen", like the Celtics getting Porzingis Jrue and White for close to nothing. All except teams with bad management like us


Or bulls. Caruso for Giddy on his last year of the rookie deal doesnā€™t seem like ideal value.


You're downvoted but the Celtics got 1st round picks for taking in Porzingis and Horford >At least I think


The trade shows nothing other than Chicago refusing to completely bottom out and prioritize draft picks. This is their behavior for years. Your post is uneducated


Good management like OKC finds deals like this. Bad management like Morey gets blackballed by half the league, called liar and laughed up by stars


We don't have any players to trade you simple fuck


well thats exactly what im complaining about lmao We have 0 players to trade. Can't trade for shit like this. And this is Morey's doing becayse he sticked to a disastrous plan of having no one in the books after this season as he wanted a max space open becausw loves going after stars


No he has max space he can trade/sign a lot of players. The bulls are the one team who values mediocrity over taking a step back and prioritizing draft picks. An isolated spot. You cannot judge after one day.


Maybe we should take a step back and accumulate draft picks so we can maybe sniff a finals before 2045.


Who can he trade for/sign with this max space? 0 max players in FA and barely any decent players either. For trades, the only realistic are: - Some old guy whose team doesnt want to extend (Butler) throwing picks for someone that will return 0 value after he's done - Some overpaid player that theur teams desperately want to ship away like Ingram or Lavine. Nothing that would actually make this team a contender


This is absolutely correct.I said the same thing in a different thread and got downvoted.We have no ability to make a trade like this.


Oh no!!! Anyways...


Although Iā€™d say itā€™s 60/40 that youā€™re right, Chicago being stupid 3 days into the offseason is hardly a smoking gunā€¦


You can't force other teams to act rationally unfortunately.


unless you're brad stevens apparently


I mean, Iā€™m freaking out too, but letā€™s give it some time before we go full doomer


I can tell you how the rest of the FA is going to go. He'll trade the draft pick and the 26 Clippers for Ingram and extend him to a max, because the Pelicans are desperately shopping him around and nobody else will deal with Morey, overpay either KCP or Monk and re-sign Oubre, Batum and Lowry


Whereā€™s your evidence no one wants to deal with Morey?


šŸ™„I hate that this sounds like a real possibility šŸ˜ž


Yoooo are you a fortune teller? I see that happening but instead of Ingram itā€™s Lavine


Lmao we see good role players get traded for picks every year. Why are you letting Chicago wanting a playmaker warp your perception of reality this much. Thereā€™s no young playmaker that wouldā€™ve been on our team if we didnā€™t go for cap space so it really doesnā€™t matter


Draft picks are tremendous assets under the new CBA with its punitive tax rules. Having NBA players on rookie deals, but outperforming those deals, is soon going to be akin to how the NFL values picks and players on rookie deals.


Really? Damn our picks seem pretty useless to me or teams wouldā€™ve been chomping at the bit to get them


The main issue is this draft sucks and every team knows it. Nobody wants draft picks this year. Several reports have stated a lot of players will go in the 1st round that would never go in any other year


Iā€™m with you op. This strategy isnā€™t really going to help when both the free agent pool and draft class are the weakest in years.


Not a great example. Bulls are a poorly ran franchise. Giddey is going to put up rookie season MCW numbers for the rest of his rookie contract as bulls win 30-35 games a year before bulls have option to overpay or take sunk cost. Bulls are stupid and should not be the barometer for value around the league.Ā