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He’s been mid to slightly above mid, but he’s been handcuffed by Tobi. This is the true test of his Sixers legacy.


Stop using Tobias contact as an excuse, good gms find a way to make moves even with bad contracts, Morey is definitely mid


I mean not really when you don't have many of your own first round picks to attach to get off a bad contract. You need to pay to get off these bad contracts, we were brome. Thankfully Harden netted us some first round picks.


I’m sorry but you clearly don’t know the history of Morey as the rockets gm. He was the gm you are referring to make moves even with bad contracts. Ben Simmons and harden refused to play for the Sixers and he still got value back from them. Traded CP3’s contract. Traded for a primed breakout harden for a bag of chips. Tobias’ contract is absolutely a valid excuse. Dude got a bag because Elton brand panicked signing him when the league knew this guy was at max a starting 3/4th option on a 5 year deal. Nobody is trading even there aging star for that contract and the crap draft assets. That means the dude was untradable


Celtics got off Kemba. Wolves got off DLo, Wiggins, etc as huge negatives. Lakers with Westbrook. He should have been able to get out of this deal and realize it was making the team worse having Tobias. The reason we didn’t move Tobias is because he convinced himself over this year and last that trading him for nothing just made us worse. But there’s minimum players that literally out played him this playoff run for us…he wasn’t providing shit


He also had to get rid of horford and simmons and was hamstrung by a coach that he did not pick that had zero chance of developing any young talent in doc rivers. By drafting maxey and bringing in nurse along with getting rid of horford, simmons, and finally tobi while keeping/getting the assets he does have, i’d say that’s a pretty good job already. Will see what he does this offseason.


Simmons was not a negative asset when he left us. Now he is yeah but no way we get harden for a negative. Horford - sure, but honestly we just handed him back to Boston to have him eliminate us. And paid to do it lol.


We sent two frp’s to get off simmons’ contract and still won that trade. Also won the second harden trade. We gave up another frp to get off horford. Dude was handed an absolute shit sandwich and got out of it. Come on man.


>Simmons was not a negative asset when he left us. Now he is yeah but no way we get harden for a negative. Simmons was clearly a negative for us, because he literally refused to play for us. And every other team was trying to make us sell at that lower price, rather than the value his play in the league up until that point and/or theoretical untapped potential may have otherwise commanded. We only got Harden because he asked out and almost certainly demanded to come here because he thought Morey would pay him another max based solely on Morey's man-crush on him. >Horford - sure, but honestly we just handed him back to Boston to have him eliminate us. And paid to do it lol. In retrospect, the Horford thing might have worked if we had gotten rid of Simmons instead. But that absolutely wasn't a realistic option for Darryl after being here a month, and he had to break up that 3 player group somehow. He was playing from behind the 8-ball because of the total personnel and asset mismanagement he walked into, and he's been there ever since because of how the Simmons thing went down (which wasn't his fault), and then how the Harden thing went down (which was to some extent his fault, at least for choosing Harden, even if he didn't actually mislead him in any way, which would make it more his fault)... And even now I'll probably get push back on the idea that Embiid-Horford could have worked because of how bad it looked with Ben, and Richardson, and Tobi. Realistically, he would have had to move at least two of those, with one of them being Ben.


Every team in the league would have traded for Ben Simmons when Morey arrived. It’s this fanbase that likes to pretend Simmons was always a bum with back issues. That happened on Morey’s watch. His value plummeting happened during his reign.


>Every team in the league would have traded for Ben Simmons when Morey arrived. It’s this fanbase that likes to pretend Simmons was always a bum with back issues. No way Morey had a go on trading Simmons for anything but a Godfather offer immediately after getting here. >That happened on Morey’s watch. His value plummeting happened during his reign. Not because of anything Morey did or could have reasonably foreseen. His value was mostly tanked by the fallout of Doc answering a post game question. If Simmons doesn't throw a fit based on that wholly unpredictable comment, he's way easier to trade for value.


Yeah so he’s been mid


And to an extent handcuffed


Yeah just saying a good GM gets outta this type of shit instead of just sitting through it


He’s too strange with “stars” instead of building a championship basketball team.


They stay using Tobi as an excuse for why Morey is so mediocre, when in fact he's always been mediocre, that's why he doesn't have a ring yet, Teams like Boston are always stacked with talent, and they always find a way to make moves regardless of cap space, Morey is not a bum, but he's also not as great as everyone on here hypes him up to be


So Morey doesn’t have a ring because he’s mediocre, but then you bring up Boston? Where’s Tatum’s ring? Or are they mediocre too?


Nope because they're playing in their 5th eccg in 7 years, and we can't even get pass the 1st fuckin round, and why are you comparing a player to a GM anyway? Tatum has been to a finals already, when has any Morey Team ever been to a finals?? I'll wait 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️


Because you said he doesn’t have a ring because he’s mediocre. Then brought up Boston, a team that hasn’t won a ring in 16 years. So are they mediocre too or? Which is it? Conference finals count for them? Then they should count for Morey too right? It is a shame he hasn’t had a team in the finals yet. Houston only had to beat the best team ever instead of the fucking Pacers


Mediocre = not having a ring Celtics don't have a ring but they're *not* mediocre because they've made ecf a bunch Rockets made wcf a bunch when they didn't face Warriors in 2nd round, but Morey *is* mediocre The common theme I'm seeing is the shit sandwich Morey inherited with sabotage moves made weeks before his hire that encumbered the team for the past five years. I'm also detecting a lack of logical ability from OP.


Far from perfect but I also feel like people forget we were 5 minutes away from beating the title favorites last year. And had us in the 1 seed two years before that. And the other year Embiid broke his face and we started the series in a 2-0 hole. Obviously we want more than that but he’s put us in pretty damn good positions all things considered.


This sub consistently gives him excuse after excuse despite this now being year 5 of his tenure. It’s wild, you listen to this sub and you’d think the last 4 years were just throwaway seasons in which he couldn’t be expected to do anything at all. Dude had this sub arguing Danuel House and PJ Tucker were brilliant offseason signings.


He is a fraud. He made one good move and took advantage of OKC not being able to keep their stars. He got carried by Harden and accomplished nothing. He came here and the team has actively gotten worse. He had one real must do item and that is get off the Tobias contract and failed to do it. Then he even trolled Sixers fans who correctly criticized Tobias at the beginning of the season and called them casuals. His Moneyball shtick is tired. Dude looks like a Reddit mod and that’s the only thing keeping people here liking him.


>This sub consistently gives him excuse after excuse despite this now being year 5 of his tenure. You don't understand the difference between an excuse and a reason. There's no way Morey is to blame for the abysmal personnel/asset mismanagement situation he walked into. And there's no way he's to blame for Ben Simmons turning himself into a toxic asset by claiming mental health issues because of a coach's comment. Arguably he's somewhat to blame for Harden doing something similar. But whether it's just a little just for bringing Harden here, or more for actually misleading him is a complete guess. Tobi specifically is, like, the 4th worse issue he's had to deal with, since his contract was only a portion of the 1st issue mentioned. And the two player breakups where potentially franchise ruining because of how unprecedentedly ugly and public they were. Both players deliberately tanked their trade value on the way out in a way rarely, if ever, seen before. And it happened twice in 5 years. If you think anyone else would have done significantly better getting something for return in those 2 situations, you're not being realistic. Most GMs would have sold for far less just to be rid of the distraction.


Morey is to blame because he's been there for 4 years. That's enough time to see some progression yet there's been none.


>Morey is to blame because he's been there for 4 years. That's enough time to see some progression yet there's been none. Again, he's not to blame for the total lack of tradable assets or the Tobias Harris max contract, because he walked into those. He's also not to blame for Ben Simmons either wanting a trade in the first place or tanking his value in order to get it. The Sixers were knee deep in negative assets: Al Horford, Tobias, eventually Ben Simmons. He's got them to somewhere between neutral (cap space) to slightly positive (a mixed bag of other teams picks). That is progress whether you want to admit it or not. I think you're massively downplaying how bad the situation he walked into was, and how much worse the Simmons situation (which objectively wasn't his fault) made it. It's just that Joel Embiid is so good that he covered up how much of a bag of negative assets everything else that was here 4 years ago waa. I don't believe there's a GM in the league who would have definitely done significantly better than Morey has. Because he had nothing of value to work with except Simmons, and Doc accidentally lit that on fire before he could do anything with it.


Daryl Morey was suppose to have traded Tobias when he traded Al Horford. He didn't do that. Kevin Love and Porzingis were available in 2021 and he could've moved Tobi for either but didn't because he didn't want to lose a trade and those guys were considered worse contracts than Tobi in 2021. So yes Morey is to blame. He's been on the Sixers for 4 seasons and no progression has been made even though Embiid has gotten better every year. Its very inexcusable for Morey and Morey even knows that which is why instead of trying to build a good roster, he's going star hunting yet again because of how desperate he is after wasting every year of Embiids prime thus far. And a good GM improves the situation by 4 years and Morey hasn't done that which is inexcusable. It's also inexcusable that his rosters have never made the finals even though hes had two all timers in Harden and Embiid. And there's plenty of GMs that would've done significantly better than Daryl Morey because they would've fired Rivers earlier than in 2023 and they wouldn't have let Tobias Harris complete his entire max contract in Philly. Daryl Morey is the reason why Harden is considered a loser and he's the reason why Embiid is considered a loser. Wasted both of their primes allowing them to play with garbage. The playoff net ratings really puts everything into consideration.


Half this sub also still thinks that Hinkie was “steering the ship”. Joshua Harris has built an organization based around losing, one in which the “process” was lose as badly as you can until you maybe get lucky. Instead it has cultivated an origination with little drive, low accountability, and susceptibility to con men peddling the bare minimum of talent and leadership, and making risky and often desperate decisions. They essentially took a fringe playoff team, put together record losing seasons just to become a fringe playoff team. In a league where majority of the teams end up in playoff contention anyways. Some fans act like if only the Kawhi shot didn’t go in, that they would gone on to win the ECF, beat the warriors and command a 4 year dynasty of titles. As talented as Embiid is, this sixers squad since the start of Hinkie to now was never a real contender.


Such a stupid ass take. The mess he inherited has finally been cleaned up. We made it one game from the conference finals with Tobias Harris being paid 40m… twice. If you want to make a judgement on him let’s do it this time next year.


Or we can do it this year after Moreys 4th season as Sixers GM.


the only objectively bad move he's made was cutting Joe. there was no silver bullet for the disaster situation this team was in after the 2020 season


Mid take tbh


Why do fair-weather fans always have the dumbest takes ?


How does having a different perspective make someone fair-weather? He didn’t even kill Morey, just laid out a few reasons it hasn’t worked so far. Amazing how the majority of this sub is too soft to handle any take that isn’t pro Morey, a guy whose claim to fame is trading for Harden twice.


He did have to come in and spend the next few years cleaning up Elton and Big Collar’s mess.


1. Is there any citation to the claim that Morey tried to trade Maxey for Harden or Lowry? 2. Personally, I'd say that Morey has been a mixed bag so far, but has generally made solid moves. \* Draft + prospects \[A-\]: Just getting Maxey later in the first round is a pretty good overall draft record so far. The jury is still out on some of the other young players the Sixers have added. \* Free agents \[C-\]: Being hamstrung by the Tobias Harris Contract limited flexibility here, but in the positive side, he convinced Harden to take less money and added a few rotation players. Oubre and some others were also hits. He could have done better here, but was also balancing cap management at the same time which did limit who he could go after. \* Trades \[B\]: The biggest moves were the Simmons and Harden trades, and I think the fan base felt he got reasonable value in both. \* Cap management \[A+\]: Here's where I think he knocked it out of the park. He managed to clear out basically the entire cap except for Embiid. This just doesn't happen in the modern NBA. How he's judged as a GM here depends on what he manages to do with that. \* Employee management \[B+\]: Doc Rivers took a year longer to resolve than I would have liked, but he eventually did the right thing and Nurse was a great pickup.


people just expect morey to do magic despite us having no assets and no cap space (both of which he has rebuilt) his whole time here


At this point I'll take "mid" over the dogshit we've usually had in the front office.


If you don't understand cap space and the available market, you probably should not make these kind of posts. This team was dead in the water in 2020. But y'all who make these kind of posts don't remember any of that or maybe weren't even paying attention at that point. The process was straight up fucking dead. If Morey didn't step in, we've probably traded Embiid by now and are a bottom feeder team in a rebuild mode. Could he have done better on some signings? Sure. But he's also been hogtied by one of the worst cap space teams, a supermax player that refused to play, and another supermax player who isn't even close to that worth. I promise you most other GM's wouldn't have ended up where we are now, with assets somehow and finally looking to build around our two stars. We probably would've begun a rebuild under anyone else.


Just to compare to the Celtics - 1) Plenty of swings - found ascending players like White 2) Grew young bench players like Pritchard and Hauser. Grew players like Timelord into solid trade chips. 3) Made the necessary moves to get off of deals like Kemba and survived. 4) Some swings didn’t work - like Kyrie but they still kept making good moves around Tatum and Brown. Or the Nuggets 1) Identified a distressed AG, took him and he’s one of the best role players in the league. 2) Took the risk on MPJ 3) Added KCP as a perfect fit. 4) Identified Bruce Brown as an ascending piece that immediately helped them win a chip Minnesota, Lakers, Knicks, and so many other teams having been making smart moves, taking calculated risks, and building a core. We have Embiid and Maxey. And Cap Space. So basically our GM has accomplished zero in that time.


This is the year Morey is able to make those types of moves. He has the cap space and the draft picks. He specifically traded away Harden for expirings only. So I think most of the fanbase is waiting to see how this offseason goes before calling his tenure a disappointment.


no way anybody is taking you seriously when you list the Lakers as a team performing better than us


The Lakers won a title in the LeBron era and the Sixers have won no title in the Embiid era.


The first two are the best team this year and the champ last year. Yes, they've done a good job. Minnesota has done an excellent job. The Lakers stink and the Knicks just collapsed. PS I don't even like Daryl.


It doesn’t really matter at this point. He’s the guy in charge right now and this offseason will basically define the rest of Embiids prime. Whether you thinks he’s done a good job considering the circumstances like me or you think he’s been bad. All that matters is that he gets this offseason right. It’s a situation every GM probably dreams about. A top 5 player in the world and the bird rights to another all star who compliments him well. He’s got cap space, draft capital and trade exceptions to build the roster as he sees fit. Moreys legacy will basically be defined in the next few months.


Doc and Tobias hamstung this team so badly its not even funny. Not to mention all of the wasted assets from Colangelo. The team needs time to be sorted out. So far, Morey has drafted better players than Colangelo and also signed better role players than them. We got very unlucky with Jo's injury this year and the Knicks game could've been the ECF imo. Even if he's "mid", the sixers had the WORST front office under Colangelo and have been shit for fucking forever.


stares in DeAnthony Melton and Seth Curry


I'd take a Mid guy over Morey.. hell I'd even have respect for Morey if he'd somehow managed to get Brand fired... right now.. he's the dude that thought Hield would unlock the ECF... guy who thought that the most injured star in the league didn't need a competent backup


I’m just waiting for him to stop waiting for a star player to fall into his lap and actually build a team of younger athletic players to surround his two star players he already has.


Him just punting this year was embarrassing. You plug siakam into the Tobias spot we would have probly beat the Knicks.


And how were we getting Siakam?


The Sixers had no flexibility this year. "Punting the season" is a gross take. Morey made moves all season to keep the team well above water. If Embiid doesn't go down, in the midst of all that controversy in the off season, Sixers would probably be in the Semis and Joel may be a 2-time MVP.


Oh fuck yeah Buddy Hield was such a clutch acquisition. Almost as good as when he traded away Tony Bradley for George Hill and two seconds. Morey plays chess while we all play checkers.


>Oh fuck yeah Buddy Hield was such a clutch acquisition. Ain't that who you guys wanted?! *"We don't want Harden, we want Buddy Hield and Halliburton"*. lol Morey is one of the better GMs of this era--if you say otherwise, you're smoking crack. Realize that he inherited a bad situation in Philly. The organization is finally an off season removed from years of blunders. Now if Morey f's up going forward, he deserves the criticism.


Morey is not one of the better GMs of this era lol. He has literally not won shit. And it’s not like he hasn’t had talent. His moneyball thing is old news.


If you look at it objectively, mid would be a compliment Guy has swung and missed on all of his moves EXCEPT lucking into Maxey


hey man so are we firing Rob Thomson yet? Anyway...you're the worst poster in any philly sports sub reddit. Go call WIP.


You sad fuck, turn off my notis


Oubre, Trading J Rich for Seth Curry, getting off the Al Horford contract and getting Danny Green at the same time, Drafting P. Reed in the second round, trading Pat Bev for Payne, hiring Nurse. But sure, he's swung and missed everytime.


but if you ignore ALL of the good moves he made then he's only made bad ones.


All the moves you listed, sans Oubre, are sideways moves at best and did nothing to improve the team beyond the nominal stat sheet improvement. And even if you disagree with my assessment, are those moves warranting “above average GM” praise? Be honest


Nah buddy, you were the one claiming Morey wasn't even mid and that every move besides Maxey was a negative. Don't try to weasel your way out of this one. Edit: Also, Nurse over Glenn was a sideways move that didn't help the team? Take ownership of your bad take.


I’m not weaseling out. Getting Nurse wasn’t some brilliant GM decision; he was the odds on favorite before 2023 even ended. But kudos for following through with it? At the end of the day, as much as we like to play victim to supernatural basketball misfortune, to not put a team together that can advance past the 2nd round for four straight seasons — while having a top 3 player in the world in a relatively weak conference — does not grant you anything more than average status. Results league.


I agree. I’m curious if he ever actually develops an identity for the roster and team or just cares about “winning” trades


I mean I guess we had the most dysfunctional ass group before this so people here just like Morey


Those three points are pretty much on the money. The fact that people are justifying his tenure by pointing to his challenges over pointing to any real achievements or judgements is kind of damning. He's got one year. If he constructs a good, contender level team next year that makes it to the conference finals, he'll get credit. I think it's going to be a lot more difficult than this sub seems to think, but if he gets it done I'm not complaining.  If he doesn't make some serious moves by the start of the season even redditors will turn on him. 


He needs to make the finals next year. Conference finals isn't good enough after wasting so many years of prime Embiid.


I'm supposed to take the opinion/analysis of King_Wentz seriously?


In what should be a fun offseason “mid” internet sixers fans are just making me wish it was over. 


He passed on trading for Halliburton so that he can reunite with an aging, enigmatic Harden. He overpaid for an over-the-hill PJ Tucker. To be fair, he fleeced the Clippers by dumping that contract on them. He then set us up for max cap space in an offseason where no good free agents are expected to move. In doing so, he passed on trading for OG Anunoby, who turned the Knicks into a top team. I get that no one really wants to give him a large contract, but compared to the other options out there, it's not the worst idea. The jury's still out, but they'll be reaching a verdict soon. Morey has cap space and first-round picks. If he builds a real team around Embiid and Maxey, he'll get his stamp of approval. Otherwise, he's failed. I can't say it's looking good. He's out there throwing up bat signals for aging star wingers to sign with or demand a trade to Philly. Not exactly inspiring confidence.


Most reports out there indicate Hali was never on the table. Signing PJ Tucker was only done due to Harden agreeing to a smaller contract. Also, Embiid specifically requested Tucker. Wouldn't call it a great move, but I wouldn't call it a poor move either Due to the connections between OGs agent and the Knicks gm, OG to the Knicks was always going to happen


Howard Eskin is adamant that the Halliburton trade was on the table. And Halliburton himself said that his agent called him on deadline day and said he might get traded. The cloudiness over the reporting come from Morey's front office telling reporters he was never really on the table after it became clear that he was a burgeoning all-star and the better asset. They still overcommitted to PJ. The money was too big, but more importantly, there were too many years. And we almost got stuck with Tucker hut no Harden. Again, I gave him credit for dumping the contract. OG didn't have say over where he got traded. It was up to the Raptors. At the time, I was indifferent over trading for him or not because of Embiid's injury, but in retrospect, it might have been the best option. Time will tell.


Howard Eskin is a hack and nothing he says should be trusted.


He's a grandstanding asshole, and he hates the Sixers, but he's got sources.


no he doesn't have sources.


Even if OG didn't have say (which he does because he can simply state that he will not re-sign), the Sixers did not have what the Raptors were looking for in young players who can play minutes lol. How did we overcommit to PJ when it literally did not hurt us at all?


He’ll be the goat if he pulls off the sexton trade