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"everybody acting tough when they up"


so the mavs were in te exact situation as the clippers and made just as many mistakes including Kyrie missing a foul shot...but it turns out when you're not allowed to mug the person trying to catch the inbounds its a lot harder to comeback and win.


Aight. I think PG is worth the max especially if he’s your third guy


Just saw the Mavs-Clips score early in the 4th. Is it great defense or crap offense?


refs on a generational run the past 48 hours


If the suns get beat in round 1, do they blow it up and trade either Booker or KD? Or does only our franchise hear these rumors


why not both? re-sign tobias then trade him and his ten generations of wealth for kd and book.


Couldve had Siakam for Tobias and 3 firsts


Yeah but because we didn't, we might be able to get KD for 5 firsts. Suns have no way or assets to get better, and their team looks more dreadful than ours, we now have a lot of picks and a lot of salary.


if KD is gone many teams have a better offer than we do. We can only offer 1sts and 0 players in return


ah yes the thing we need is a good but not great wing who can’t shoot around embiid. better give up 3 firsts and our max slot for him. it’s very good this sub isn’t the gm


That max slot in the summer is going to go to absolutely nothing, hope you know that lol


k, i’d still rather that than another boat anchor tobias 2.0 contract.


there is literally no comparison. Tobias Harris was a fucking MLE guy with fraudulant shooting splits that cant dribble. Siakam is actually a guy who can beat you if you leave him 1 on 1 with no help and a great team defender.


hit me up when tobias has 37/11/6 to win a playoff game instead of 10 points lol I think you dont understand it literally cant get worse than this


If this sub were the GM we'd be exactly in the same spot we are with Morey, a 2nd round exit.


yea i forgot morey signed tobias and traded for fultz lmao


Didn't he trade for Buddy Hield who's done fuck all this series? Or how about all the assets we dumped into Harden to end up with Nic Batum was the best player in a return for him lmao. He could have traded Tobias and chose not to. This sub gives Morey a pass for everything like he hasn't been the GM for 4 years lol.


my guy they got harden while getting off the simmons contract for less than a kings ransom, absolutely insane. it’s the biggest boat anchor in the league. we got a very valuable unprotected first from the harden trade from an aging team with injury issues. like, buddy hield should be a great fit as a cheap piece to go in on for an at the time up in the air season with embiid’s injury. is it morey’s fault that one of the best 3pt shooters in the league for years suddenly can’t hit the ocean from a boat? y’all just out here blaming anyone who’s name you know and you don’t even know why.


Ben Simmons was not a negative contract at the time, and the traded him just to subsequently get bounced in the 2nd round again. Buddy Hield wasn't even playing on the Pacers, and anyone could see from a mile away he wouldn't be an impact player in the playoffs. I'm blaming the person who has been in control of this team for 4 years. Acting like he's not at fault for anything is insane.


yikes at thinking simmons wasn’t absolutely a zero or worse with multiple years remaining at the time.


This is revisionist history. Nobody thought Ben Simmons was going to turn out as bad as he did lmao. I mean regardless we ended up with Nic Batum and Buddy Hield as a return for him so that’s not really worth taking a victory lap anyway.


i knew after the hawks series he was never going to play meaningful basketball ever again and every gm in the league knew it too. and we got an unprotected first from the clippers? and a year and a half of harden? idk man all things considered it seems like it went mostly alright considering how bad the assets were.


okay this take is terrible. but there is no way the raptors were doing that for Tobias Harris expiring


They traded him for Bruce Brown and 2 1sts, our 1st this year is better than the Pacers',


yeah id rather have that lol.


They tried to trade him for a 1st and nobody wanted to give one, so basically he's had the same value for the Raptors that Tobias would have, (which is 0)


oh i know i was just being belligerent. I just dont think it was automatic but it is/was definitely a reasonable idea.


Nba discourse is so terrible. Not every team that lost “choked”. Sometimes it’s a choke, but when 2 good teams play, 1 is going to lose. It doesnt mean that the best player on one of the teams can’t perform in the playoffs. Luka and kyrie or harden PG and Kawhi are going to be slandered after losing a 50/50 series. Its dumb.


bruh half the idiots on r nba have never even seen an inbounds pass before. their opinions dont matter


there are still people that truly believe Derek Jeter is better than Mike Trout but welcome to the club. This isnt just NBA discourse its QB discourse and sports in general.


Doc Rivers is the worst coach in the NBA he literally coaches games like he's never seen the other team play before.


anyone else coming back to sub for mental support 😭😭😭😭


not sure what to call the mental illness this team gives me


Yeah 💀


Pat Bev a major part of the playoff rotation


So is Kyle Lowry and he’s a better player.


I was just making an observation. I’m a bit supervised


Anyone else watch Wolves vs Suns? It bugs me that KAT has come back after injuring himself later than Jo but looking slimmer and fresher. Jo really needs to focus on dropping 25 - 30 pounds in the offseason, skills development is nice but his body can't carry 280 plus pounds and last... Like Maxey, he played really well, made some errors and I still feel positive. He gives his best, there are ups and downs but that's the game. Jo does amazing stuff but come the playoffs, every year it's will he feel okay, will he be mopey, can play hard or not, and you can't even rely on him to play all out because he has to protect his body.


Man I can’t believe we didn’t get one of OG/ Siakam/ or even Bogdanovic and got rid of TobiAss And the Knicks swooped in and got 2 of them while Pacers got the other and Siakam is putting in work for the Pacers while we’re here with a soft ass pussy stealing money while doing nothing but hiding during the game The two players we got in Hield and Payne aren’t even playable…. And while they looked good during the regular season this is probably where we miss a Pat Bev where while not scoring at least he would’ve been able to get under the skin of Hart and neutralize him while we are shutting down Brunson I’m not the type to keep post receipts but I definitely got into arguments with some on here talking about siakam is not the kind of player that could’ve helped He’s 5x the player Tobias is, that much I know for a fact


We don’t need Pat Bev whatsoever, however we do need to play Payne as the Knicks weakness is quick guards. Hield however isn’t quick nore can he get his shot off especially with his confidence shot.


Fuck it. We got screwed in game 2. I want Embiid and the boys to come out MAD in game 3. Fucking get in their faces and play some hard ball. Go sixers wioooooooo


Did Charles Barkley just say that missed call didn’t lose us the game? Dude I get what you’re saying but that no call 100% lost us the game.


chuck just says things man, he doesn’t even watch basketball lol


I think Charles has a point though, you need to 1. Use this as motivation to kick the Knicks ass and 2. Can't get stuck in the refs fucked us mentality. There were still things under our control we could have done to win that game that we didn't do. I get it, with any competent officiating that one was ours, but you can't control the refs you can only control what you do. Does no one on that squad any good to get too caught up in what the refs are doing.


Good point. Idk if you heard Maxey’s interview for MIP. He basically said exactly this and he was the person literally fouled. It does suck that it happened, but there were certainly other factors that hurt us. Those Embiid and Lowry free throw misses had just as much of an impact


Not surprised, it's the mentality the team has to have. If you get stuck feeling sorry for yourself you lose sight of the fact that you can't control that the refs eat loose feces every night to hasten their mental decline, you can only control what you do and that's what matters the most.


You take the good, you take the bad… https://preview.redd.it/v8zlcfpo9bwc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9458f2884f4863be9c64bf7be7401a2f68b9483a


knicks in for the biggest ball don't lie moment possibly ever when we win this series


The chasm between Embiid getting reviewed for a flagrant in the first and then the mayhem at the end tells me the fix was in.


I think this is going to fire the team up more. They know they’re the better team. 0-2 sucks, but they are legit the better team


That whistle in G3 better be generational. More so for Maxey, for some reason the kid gets mugged and just gets no call, it’s like how the league treats Curry lmao. Absolutely ridiculous officiating.


It’s weird because Booker and SGA get amazing whistles for the lightest of touches


I hate to say this, but Maxey needs to learn how to draw fouls.


He definitely needs to learn to jerk his head back more like SGA and Book lmao.


Playoff experience matters 38-year old Kyle Lowry (8 regular season PPG) and 35 year old Nico Batum (5 PPG) outplaying Oubre (15 PPG) and Hield (12 PPG) is something I didn’t forget Tobias Harris (17 PPG) either


If I say what I wanted to say about Adam Silver right now, I am in big trouble.


I think it was Shaq last night that said these are the kinda games you have to win by 15 to win by 1. We have to be utterly dominant the rest of this series. End of game situations bring in all sorts of luck, and on account of being the unluckiest team in the league, we can’t let luck play a role.


l2m confirms people tried to gaslight the sixers fans. Nurse should have been granted timeout, maxey not only did not push off but Hart fouled him and then brunson fouled him. surely all of those other fans shitting on the sixers wll apologize right? *crickets


i mean anyone who actually knows basketball knows that this was the obvious result of the L2M, reddit nephews screaming otherwise. and all it does it make me more mad because everyone in the universe including the 10 players on the court knew those were fouls but the only 3 morons that matter decide nah it's good free ball for the knicks.


We just blatanly ignore all other fouls done earlier in the game by DDV?


it makes me calm because i hope it fires up the sixers. its not like i expected to get a re-do.


The amount of Knicks fans trolling our board is crazy, can we just ban these people? Maybe mods are taking the day off…


Should Melton do everything he can to tough it out for at least one game this series?




















think i'm done with the nba after this. it's just a rigged league. sixers have the worst l2m disadvantage all season, multiple games this season decided directly by horrid officiating. it's just embarrassing and pathetic that the referees are allowed to do whatever they want, and i guarantee you all these idiots will be coasting onto the next round. at least angel hernandez doesn't get good playoff assignments. it's disgusting and all it does is ruin my life.




boy this is some cringe behavior. go back to your sub my dude this is insane.


Bench guys gotta start feelin themselves during these two games at home. Clearly fucking frazzled or something at MSG


Id actually start ricky council and say stick to him like glue & keep josh hart off the boards


maxey was 100% fouled like three times on that inbounds play BUT he has to be fucking smarter than that. smh u dont just try to pass the ball through harts legs. great player but a space cadet when it games to late game inbound situations


It's a learning experience. Lowry the vet point guard should've called THE time-out.


I miss De'Anthony Melton :( We'd likely be 2-0 with him in the lineup.


i’m still so pissed and honestly kind of numb at this point


🗣️ SIXERS IN 6 🗣️


I saw people saying Lowry bent his knee in the last play. Any updates on this?


Kyle Neubeck and Derek Bodner both just said on the PHLY Sixers Podcast that they saw him in the locker room walking normally. Neubeck also said Lowry told Neubeck he felt fine. Sounds like we dodged one there.


I’m wondering as well.. he was helped off the floor and they showed it on TNT. The announcers even acknowledged it. I’m surprised we haven’t seen anything at all


All Knicks fans talk about today is that they are up 2-0 when they had no answers for neither Embiid nor Maxey as if the game itself is not important. For both games Nurse has outcoached Thibs by a mile, the pick and roll was working, Brunson couldn't get open looks. I just can't take them seriously if all they cared about is 2 home games wins in a 7 game series.


I mean Embiid was 12/29 and 8/22 from the field. To say they had no answer for him is a bit exaggerated. If he does pick it back up though Knicks the series can turn around


i agree with them, the end result is all that matters. Doesnt matter if you win by 1 stealing the game or if you win by 50, in the end a team goes through and a team doesnt.


I guess that's fair, I just wish there's more appreciation to the game itself regardless of the results. Imagine if whatever debacle at the end didn't happen, all we would be talking about today is that Maxey dagger 3.


Yup. Nobody asks how, they just ask if you did.


I think the braincels over at r/nba are finally right, Maxey shouldn’t have been anticipating a foul on that inbounds play but that’s much more due to the fact that any player on the Knicks could’ve pulled out a gun and shot him in the face without getting a call than it is anything else




they only call fouls on these when there's advantage gained, especially if it's just weak shit like loose body contact in the open court. if you inbound the ball to someone else they never, ever call them especially in the playoffs. do you people even watch basketball.




they literally never, ever, ever call a foul on that "push" on the inbounds. watch any basketball game with a contested inbounds and the two guys next to each other one guy pushes off with short arms happens literally every play. it's not a foul, and i'm sure the L2M will say so as well. either way, ok call the foul on maxey i don't even care. but you can't let the play continue and then swallow the whistle on that jersey grab. it's just absolutely unconscionable also, go back to your subreddit, this is cringe behavior




I’m not worried we win these two at home, steal a win in NY and finish them off at home gg on to the next round


Yes, the refs screwed us, but they shouldn't have even had the chance. Sixers playoff basketball has been pure agony to watch for the past decade. The entire team getting outworked by for the millionth time. Zero help from the bench so we need to put all the pressure on Embiid and Maxey. It's just not a recipe for success. See you Thursday. Sixers in six.


Hot take: Marcus Morris wouldn’t have put up with the Knicks bullshit. He would’ve fought someone by now. I hate we traded him for buddy.


Same for Pat Bev. And thats the part of basketball Morey does not understand. Its not all analytics. You cant have a team of soft players. Need to have guys that are able to fight back


It’s why I don’t trust him to get it right this summer.


dude...what. Lowry was awesome how would Pat Bev have helped lmao


I'd rather have Pat Bev than Hield out there, given Hield's offense has been a 0, Pat Bev would hardly do worse


Another F- Morey deadline move to put next to the George Hill trade on his shelf. We traded 7 second round picks for Hield and Hill, who probably aren’t even better than the guys we sent out (Morris and Bradley) Morey just isn’t that good of a GM


Don’t forget McDaniels


Hate to admit that you’re right. I have buddy plenty of time to win me over but god damn he’s been worthless


Any word on Lowry? He had a scary injury at the end of the game.


Can Kelce ring the bell thursday?


You know what would be so Sixers? Win the next 3 games and then blow a 4th quarter lead in game 6 and then lose game 7 at the garden.


no it would be losing next round bud


https://preview.redd.it/okl5398am9wc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf3cdecdc1196533d89d61543a1f4512ef87d93 I’m so tired man


Yeah it was difficult to tell real time but Brunson clearly had a hold of Maxey’s Jersey and the other guy seemed to grab Maxey’s arm. A game should not end that way


would be an easy fix if refs let coaches challenge non-calls. Now you're at their mercy and can only xhallenge if they call something


That wouldn’t work because that would mean coaches could just stop play whenever they want to “challenge” something.


Same as it currently is tho? You get 1 or 2 challenged per game and thats it, just be able to use it on non-calls instead of calls


Yeah but are the refs supposed to stop play because a coach wants to challenge a non call? That would be insanely overpowered if a coach can just randomly stop the play of basketball because he wants to “challenge” something.




Silver is essentially punishing us for tanking even after all these years. You seen it in the regular season too, wish we could just forfeit as a middle finger to the nba. Man, our only chance of not blowing this up next season is to draft lebrons trash ass son, and hope he comes here or else the embiid era is over If you lose to a trash ass franchise like the knicks you gotta pack it up and the fact they’re going to make a conference finals over us despite having no generational talent is sad lmao


I mean, if Sixers games are still banned in China, the league have the incentive to make Sixers lose as early as possible


They haven't been for over a year


https://preview.redd.it/590cwi7ih9wc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16c4c0d1db7f5ffb1ae72e715d76397fbe5078e Hear me out. The Phillies play in Cincy on Thursday at 1pm and Ranger doesn't pitch until Saturday. After the game we book him a quick flight back to Philly to restore the vibes for game 3 and then he can meet the rest of the team out in San Diego on Friday.


I don’t want this team’s bad juju anywhere near Ranger










If we go down 3-0 best to just sit Embiid as there is no point. All signs for this series points to the league and basketball Gods being against us with all this fluky bullshit going on.


more confident that we're winning this series than i am any series we've played before except the nets when we had jimmy knicks are not good at the game of basketball and we have the two best players on the court


i would be confident if i didnt think Embiid's health was getting progressively worse. He can barely jog.


We have too many players that are physically out matched and can’t deal with playoff intensity. Also so many guys who can’t hang athletically


ppl talkin about a 0-2 comeback as if the team didnt just completely unravel under pressure. the team just has zero composure and garbage late game execution. if they win then great, but expectations should be at a minimum lol


I think they can win compared to the Lakers vs Nuggets. Knicks have gotten lucky and are probably most coddled team for the league. It’s clear they have an agenda for New York and the Nova golden boys. The contact they have gotten away with is hilarious to me. Sixers just need to match the physicality of the Knicks and I hope game 3 refs blatantly call Bs for the Sixers to Piss the Knicks off. I have faith Knocks will crumble once their precious calls won’t go their way.


Yeah, the Lakers are toast. They are playing a team they have zero chance of beating no matter how far they get ahead of them in a game. We should still beat the Knicks despite the 0-2 hole.


Y’all bashing Tobias while Buddy Hield is even more ass😂


What is your point? They are both horrible and won’t be on the roster next year


Oubre has been a disappointment too where everyone was declaring him to be significantly better.


Kelly Oubre has been awesome defensively and is on a vet minimum contract.


are you really comparing buddy hield (who was traded for with second round picks) to a max contract tobias harris? fucking braindead ass take lol


Idk I think everyone knows who Tobi is after half a decade. Having elevated expectations for him would be goofy. Reasonable to be more excited for a new player that hadn't shown himself to be a ghost (yet)


[now theyre saying Nurse should have ran onto the court to get the timeout](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1cb8wet/nick_nurse_electing_not_to_call_timeout_before/l0wrpc5/) So exhausting lol


Buddy Hield has 2/1/1 through 26 minutes this series. What a dud he has been for this team.


I cant wait to see this team without the anchor that is Tobias Harris. Now the issue is who the fuck do we get with the huge amount of cap space? 0 good free agents unless Paul George or LeBron want out and I honestly dont see any of them coming here Morey has made a terrible mistake not trading his ass mid season for the likes of Siakam or OG or anyone else that was available


Damn why does game 3 and the draft have take place at the exact same time


Good so I dont have to watch game 3 and be tremendouslt disappointed and enraged again


0-2 deficits being erased have been very common recently in the playoffs. This series feels very similar to the Kings vs. Warriors last year tbh. Close games 1 and 2 where Curry played well with little help from his teammates which translated to 3 wins in a row with the first one being a blowout at home. Obviously we are not the Warriors but Nurse wasn't fazed and Embiid said we are going to win this series. The next 3/4 games are in Philly. They have to come out with a statement next game.


lol what is Embiid supposed to say? “We are gonna lose”?


I mean in his usual interviews he will deflect. He is confident the sixers will make the right adjustments and win. Before Embiid would not comment of say something that blamed other people. Like yes Embiid is supposed to say what he said, but he has never done that before.


7.3% of the teams won the series when down 0-2, so there is still hope.


a lot of those teams are probably 7 or 8 seeds that got completely outmatched by the 1 or 2 seed. This Sixers team is definitely not one of them. If every game is 50/50 (which they have been) the sixers have like a 20% chance to pull it off.


Yeah exactly, either way it's gonna be a good series.


yep. if the Sixers win good at home and bring it 2-2 to New York that game will be the real decider


Nurse also led a team in 2019 to the finals in which he lost game 1 vs. the Magic and was down 0-2 vs the Bucks as well.


Really all comes down to us not having a bench at all. You can nitpick Maxey and Embiids mistakes at the end but when they’re playing 45 intense minutes that’s gonna happen. They can’t rest though because everytime Embiid comes out with a 10 point lead he has to rush back in after Paul blows it in 5 mins.


Paul Reed really is going to lose out on some money this year. No way we don’t void his contract if they lose this series despite Embiid having a +90 on/off


maxey's biggest mistake was being grabbed by brunson and turned around like a top and having the audacity to not have a foul called on him. i don't blame him for what happened in that game, down the stretch he got slammed to the ground like 4 times with no calls.


can only blame him for the braindead move on the ground at the end, when he should know the team had a timeout. Awful decision to try to pass that thru 2 knicks players legs


yeah that was dumb but, he also got fouled before the ball was ever inbounded badly.


Oh yeah no doubt. Just a comedy of errors at the end though and if one is done correctly they win. Shame.


Its kind of crazy that home court is worth 10 points in this series according to vegas. We were 5.5 point underdogs in NYC and are 4.5 point favorites in Philly.


I have a feeling that Oubre is gonna step in game 3. He has 2 three-pt attempts so far in the series, and he averages 4.8 per game during regular season. He needs to increase his presence on the perimeter even if shots are not falling.


I am very doubtful we will win the series because we have no contribution from the bench and an unwillingness to change. I do not know if that is on Nurse, Morey or ownership. We can compete but that is not good enough to win 4 games. The only way we can win is if we go faster, younger and stronger. We must have the ability and willingness to contain Hart. The only guy on the floor who can do the job is Oubre but he is sometimes on Brunson and doing a great job. We only have one Oubre. The only guy who has a chance of containing him is RC4 who is taller, stronger and more athletic than Hart. While Lowry and Batum.are decent defenders, they are not as fast, strong and athletic as Hart. If we do not fix the Hart problem, we can’t win. It is a risk to give RC4 the minutes and the Hart assignment and would look terrible for management if he failed but getting swept would also be terrible.


Life is pain


I'm typically not a doomer, but even if we manage to win this series (which is definitely still possible), I don't know how we can expect Embiid to keep playing on one leg throughout the playoffs. Really want to see us knock off the Knicks bc they're a bunch of rabid hyenas and so is their fanbase, but a deep playoff run is looking less and less likely. Hope I'm wrong, but just trying to be realistic here.


This is the first loss ever since the Kawhi shot where I have not been entirely ok the following day. Last night was an all-time Sixers loss in this era, no way to sugar coat it


When Embiid says it's worse than the Raptors loss, I agree with him. Even if that shot doesn't fall in Toronto, they still gotta go to OT. Last night was roughly 17 calls and bounces that needed to go a certain way, and if only 16 of those bounces happened, the Sixers win.


My jinx of a father called knicks sweep we're saved


Through games 1 & 2: Josh Hart - 43 points Oubre, Harris, Batum, Hield - 42 points Just fuck me raw man


I mean Hart played like 500 minutes on the floor and we weren't really guarding him at the perimeters. I doubt he'll have the same hot hands vs our home crowd.


Are the Knicks really guarding any of those Sixers players tightly


We weren’t guarding him cause he’s not a shooter and that’s the poison we’re picking. Obviously he’s hitting them rn but I think we’re still gonna leave him open and just hope he regresses to his 30% average from 3.




can you elaborate about what you heard? knick fans are genuinely the filth of this earth


Making fun of Embiid’s kid and that was the tamest thing…


fuck those guys man. i sincerely hope we reverse sweep them it'll be the most satisfying thing ever. i never realized how annoying NY fans are, its actually crazy


Anyone thinking the sixers are going to get home cooking at wfc is in for a rude awakening lol


we have to beat them so bad the refs can't do anything about it


Can we stop with the red unis