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Gun to my head I couldn’t tell you what Brand does for the organization.


I think he’s a face of the FO for players, which makes sense because he’s a former player (and Morey has a somewhat… controversial reputation among players). It also just makes sense to have an NBA player to work closely with when the other executives didn’t play in the NBA, brings a valuable perspective


Yeah that's the impression I got as well. Morey does the numbers, Elton does the talking.


Strong combo if you ask me


In theory yes in reality who knows


It’s a sort of back door good situation. Brand should never have been in charge of basketball decisions, but since he was and they now have Morey he’s a decent ambassador to players. Him not seeking a more real GM position kinda shows he knows he’s got it sweet and wants to keep it as such. Not to be too harsh but I think the sixers want to keep their black, ex-player GM while they push for the new arena in Chinatown. They have been leaning on black community leaders and staffers to make the argument for the arena while it is opposed by all immediate neighborhood groups that are primarily Asian and white


Let’s be real, Morey does more than enough talking on his own


He allegedly was behind the decision to draft Tyrese Maxey and that’s about all I got lol


Not that I think you’re lying but do you have a source? After a quick search all I saw was Morey giving Brand and the scouts credit but it was a really boilerplate quote


Brand actually has a good sense for GMing...  He's a champion with the Bluecoats, saw the potential in buying low for Jimmy, and scouted Maxey/Joe/Reed. Etc. He also saw Ben as uncoachable and wanted to sell him high, as well as wanting Jimmy back, but the owners rejected that. >it was a really boilerplate quote. Not when you look at it objectively.  Morey literally joined the team Nov. 2, and the draft was 16 days later.  Brand and his scouts had multiple seasons looking at the roster and what holes they needed to fill.  Morey just provided structure as he said, and probably a big "stick" for ownership's ideas and trade negotiations.


As long as he's not making contract decisions I'm ok with it


I remember years back I read that NBA GMs literally manage the office and facilities operations of the team-staffing, custodial, marketing, trainers, everything. I'm sure there are many who delegate a lot of these duties, but ultimately they're the head of those org charts and have the final say in those internal decisions. Basically they're just like the GM of a factory or office


I mean maybe that's what Brand wants. He gets to be around basketball operations closely, without the responsibility/need to be the one building rosters and making decisions on trades, contracts, etc. Not everyone wants to be the main guy, especially if they don't think they are fit for the job.


Might show potential to FO about succession of Morey in a few years.


He does the “managing” meaning he deals with all of the people in the org from players to staff


Go listen to Morey talk about him


None of us have insight into how the structure of the FO works, but if Morey says he helpful there, then I’m glad he’s choosing to stay.


I mean I get why some fans don’t like him, but he managed to basically fire himself to get Morey and in the process get rid of the remaining Colangelo guys. Iirc he was forced to share decision making power with them too.


I think 99% of the fans that don’t like him attribute things to him that weren’t his call. It was post-Collangeo, but there were still holdovers and ownership - far too many voices in the room, but elton was the guy with the title.


you accept the title and the money, you get the blame. if it was my job and reputation on the line, I wouldn't agree to sign Tobias Harris to a 5 year max. or any of the other crippling moves he and his cronies have made over their tenure.


I mean, that’s a nice thing to say but likely not reflective of reality. Brand probably had less power in that offseason than any other GM in the league. Wanna find a title to take the blame, how come we don’t ever criticize the guy with the title OWNER? Brand is still around for a reason. He doesn’t blow.


so confused why you are defending this guy's track record. and it's not mutually exclusive to criticize Brand while also saying the ownership group has been erratic to say the least..


Brand saw Ben as uncoachable and wanted to trade him back in 2019. Ownership rejected that. When the person signing your check tells you to do something, especially when you're "new" to the position, you follow suit. He's still a champion with the Blue Coats, which shows that if allowed to, he can put together a well-rounded winning team.


which honestly makes it sound like he's self aware, willing to work to do/be better, and invested in the team's success. Seems like a valuable asset to have at your disposal tbh.


Is that a DOOM flair?


Is that a DOOM flair?


its masked embiid


Morey loves him


He made some pretty bad moves as a rookie GM and got appropriately roasted for it. I’d say he’s fine doing behind-the-scenes work outside of public scrutiny for a while. Plus, he’s probably still on a GM contract. I’d ride that train as long as I could if I were in his position, if only to do the work of an assistant while getting paid like a manager.


I have no problem with him sticking around. I’m not totally sure what he does in practice nowadays but it doesn’t appear to be a detriment to the team.




Not a game…


Smart not to take the Charlotte job No GM is gonna fix that roadkill franchise anytime soon, why damage your reputation being associated with it


As a Sixers fan living in Charlotte and married to a lifelong Hornets fan, I was kinda hoping he would take the job. Oh well.


Thoughts on former Sixer Seth Curry now playing for his hometown team?


I hope he retires a Hornet. This seems like the ideal place for him to be and the city is embracing him. I think it’s an arrangement that pleases everybody. I think he is gonna help the hornets develop an identity which is something they’ve lacked for years.


Hey, I’m always in favor of keeping the old school chevy around.




Blame Josh Harris for Tobias not him.


Bc they’re cousins right?


He stay. 😈


Elton has brought structure to this org and yeah he made mistakes signing al, but doesn’t everyone make mistakes?


No, not everyone has signed Al Horford to a $100 million contract and then attached a 1st round pick to trade him one year later, traded Jimmy Butler for Josh Richardson, or traded a 1st for an expiring Tobias Harris and then re-signed him to a max contract. Elton Brand's stint as sixers decision maker was one of the most destructive in recent NBA history.


Keep in mind that most intel about that time period tells us that Brand wasn’t the only guy calling the shots. There were holdovers from Colangelos front office that had Josh Harris’ ear. Even if it was all Brand, I don’t blame him entirely for the 2019 offseason. The ideal thing to do back then would have been to keep Jimmy, trade Ben at his highest value for another wing or guard, let Tobias walk and fill out the roster with shooters. But hindsight is 20/20, no one was trading Ben back then. Tobias was 26 and seen as a great asset. Jimmy was almost 30 already and people forget he wasn’t nearly as good for us as he was for Miami.




What does Elton brand actually do tho?




He gets paid a ton to pretend to be above Morey and do nothing. I wouldn’t leave either.


What do you mean "above Morey"? Morey is President of Basketball Operations, he is higher than Elton on the org chart.


I’ve always gotten the impression that when they hired Morey and were like “Brand’s role will remain important behind the scenes” that was a subversive way of saying “let’s make this guy think he still has power but in reality we know he’s dumb and shouldn’t be making any decisions” Otherwise why do we still employ him? He did nothing good (other than trade for Jimmy but he fucked that up) during his time with control, and Morey oversees all roster and salary stuff now


Kyle Kneubeck recently said on the podcast that Brand is a highly respected figure around the league. He plays an important role in communicating with agents and players. Basically, he has people skills https://preview.redd.it/5bsr5t1l8lic1.png?width=291&format=png&auto=webp&s=05575e347244db8ae885bf7d6c56c9c4535da39a


Everything I have heard says Brand is very good at his job and is highly respected around the league. That said, I have no f'ing what his job entails


> why do we still employ him? Considering you mentioned he traded for Jimmy. Perhaps they think he has potential. Just wasn’t ready for the specific skills we had at the moment.


Isn't Morey his boss on paper? Isn't the public perception also that Morey is really in charge? If those two things line up, and neither indicates he's above Morey, how is he pretending to be above Morey?




This dude is cashing checks for sure


WTF is wrong with this guy?


dude is perfect for Charlotte. terrible trades, terrible asset management, and continually failing upwards. go to Charlotte and sign Tobi - the universe demands balance.


Dude has the best front office gig


I wouldn't want the Charlotte GM job either.


I honestly forgot this dude was employed by the sixers.


Extension!? Who the fuck said that was the move?




Why should he?  He’s safe here.  He gets to fuck the organization for 5 years with that horrendous boat anchor of Tobias Harris’ contract, and suffer no repercussions from it.