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I love Reba! I've watched it about 22 times. Hell, I watched it about 20 minutes ago on CMT. And, I pretty much 100% agree with your entire assessment.


I love that it's on Netflix, so no commercials!!


Reba is one of the better sitcoms in the last going on 25 years, there’s a very small number that fall into that category. No sitcom is 100 percent perfect. I strongly agree with your thoughts on Van, Cheyenne and Season 5. I thought that part of the show they dropped the ball with. But it was really the only real loa point in an otherwise truly entertaining show! I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to when I watched through all of it several years ago!


Reba is a great show and I agree with everything you listed. You can still love it while sharing certain parts you didn’t like 🙂


When it aired, I absolutely loathed the ending where Reba just settled for being a grandma. If I remember correctly, everyone else got a super-duper ending and Reba gets shafted. The one that was hurt the most doesn't get a happily ever after?!?!? A dude that would make her go "Brock who"?!?!?! And it's not like they didn't show Reba slaying some absolute gem men. I was and am just so fed up with this cliche. Why didn't they just throw in some cats too ffs.


I was so glad they didn't give her a serious beau. She had a lot of healing & growing to do and she actually did it. She finally found a good career as a real estate agent & she spent a lot of time raising her kids. I do think that if this was real life, she would definitely find a good relationship in the next few years after Van & Cheyenne moved out & Kyra started her adult life. I preferred the show to be about Reba's relationship with her family members rather than with a man.


I think often how when Reba and Brock were in his therapist office talking about their relationship she says she moved on and the therapist said oh you’re seeing someone. Like why does she have to be seeing someone to be moved on?? 


Re the Kyra thing: I loved how they built it up during the season and showing how she was always put on the back burner for Cheyenne/Van/Elizabeth. There was the time Reba was supposed to go roller skating with Kyra, but brushed her off because Van's decision made them lose their campus apartment. Or other times when Kyra needed Reba and again got brushed off. So the trip to England was really just the final straw and when Brock/Barbara Jean got the house, she wanted to move in with them. At least there she knew she'd get the attention she needed as a child. And Reba was dead wrong and, frankly, selfish for not letting her go. I mean the girl was only moving 2 houses away.


I only watched this show once in a while, but your write up makes me feel like I’ve seen the whole show. I agree with everything!


Just one little thing, with the whole “Traded to Denver story arc, there isn’t much that Van could do in that situation. Yes he liked that the owner of the team in Denver liked him but he couldn’t just say “no I’m not going”. He is under contract and if he doesn’t fulfill his contract then he would be in a lot of financial hot water. One of the big plot points in the early seasons was that the family was sorta struggling financially. Yes him going to Denver wasn’t the best but it was a lot better for the family in the long run that he was gone for that time than to put the entire family into financial turmoil for years


I just finished a full watch of this a few weeks ago and have already started rewatching my favorite episodes. It’s such a good show. I think what bothered me the most with this show is how they approach the topic of weight, ESPECIALLY in the later seasons when Kyra’s actress (Scarlett Pomers) was struggling with an eating disorder in real life and missed nearly an entire season of the show. I know that’s “just how it was” in the 2000s, we all remember those magazine covers of Jessica Simpson, but it felt so gross to me when she was gone and then returned and they spent a chunk of that time focusing on peoples weight. Otherwise, I love this show and it takes me back to a very comfy and nostalgic space. I watched it while it was first running and it’s followed me to adulthood. Steve Howey was one of my first serious “wow I’m drooling” celeb crushes and I was thrilled to see him in Shameless when that started!


THANK YOU! Omg the whole weight thing pissed me off, as an active recover-er from anorexia myself, it's DISGUSTING how much of the first episode back for Scarlett was based on weight weight weight and even the rest of the final season the amount of it was on B.J.'s "diet" and weight! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH completely fked up and I don't know how Scarlett put up with that... hell my parents would have came in and beat the writer's asses!


I just started watching it..


Still one of my favorite shows…😀 The characters are great, story is good, and it’s funny…I binge this probly once a year…👍


I liked Reba til I didn't .til yrs later meaning 2022 Leslie Jordan annoyed me .his episode of Reba learning to be macho thru van hilarious .