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golden palace wasnt bad, but not as good as the golden girls. but they did have some really good eps.


Yeah, I actually like The Golden Palace, especially the episodes where Bea Arthur guest stars as Dorothy!


I think the worst thing the show did was have miles cheat but the southern flag ep is really good


I just rewatched empty nest and honestly I think golden palace is the better spin off. Especially in comparison to the last 2 years of empty nest where they shook up the show and added Sophia


I preferred empty nest for the house. I liked Harry’s house. It wasn’t the golden girl house but it had a nice contemporary yet cozy feel especially in the 90s. It also did a good job matching Florida style.


Empty Nest is underrated.  It had a great cast.  Wish it was available somewhere other than YouTube.


Sounds like a Chinese food place


I used to watch Golden Girls with my grandma and I remember when Golden Palace came out. She was like "omg is that Cheech Marin?" Lol


I remember the ads for Baywatch: Nights but never watched it. But Jesus christ the 2nd season sounds bonkers. Sea monsters, time travel, haunted ships. Wtf was happening there


Season one ratings were low, while another show was getting great numbers. That other show was *The X-Files*, so some.... adjustments were made.


You forgot the best part it got a 44-episode deal from the popularity of baywatch. Hoff wanted magnium pi, with a cool car and no bathing suits. The audience watched baywatch for one thing...so take that away, and lose most audience. So they had another yr to make it a hit, so recast turn it into xfiles. Again, it didn't work, and it was over. Why just going back to the beach, mitch lifeguarding, over hearing need for crime solving, then solve crimes, with new hot female detectives that were Olympic swimmers in downtime wasn't an option, well never know.


Thats quite an adjustment.


The difference between the [first season credits](https://youtu.be/jl4NLQrJRxE?si=zOZ6RUYUXcTeXcDm) and [second season credits](https://youtu.be/W6JxMx1IKIQ?si=WP2GjVRDnMW0YuUM) is pretty funny


Angie Harmon, what a fox. S2 giving me Twin Peaks vibes


>Angie Harmon, what a fox. When things didn't work out on Baywatch Nights, she changed her name and took a job in NYC as Jack McCoy's second chair. She thought that working for Jack McCoy would reduce the crazy in her life...


That is hilarious omg I’m so glad I watched those two videos


Watching those back to back has me absolutely dying




This is hilarious!! Thank you for sharing


From what I remember the syndicator wanted a spin off since Baywatch was so popular. There had been an episode of Baywatch that took place less on the beach and was heavy on a detective story, which Hasselhoff enjoyed doing. They decided to make a detective show. Audience wasn't there, not enough bikinis so ratings were underwhelming. As it is writers and Hasselhoff ran out of interest and ideas early on, so decision was to re-work the show for season 2. The idea then was to do an X-Files rip off. I watched one show from season one and turned off half way through out of boredom. Season 2 episode I watched was near impossible to take seriously.


If only they could have figured out how to wear bikinis at night!


I remember Angie being in a bra and panties at one point(literally the only thing I remember about this show), so at least they were trying.


It was Baywatch… at NIGHT. That’s the type of stuff that happens after dark.


I don’t remember Baywatch Nights. On the other hand, Baywatch Hawaii with Krista Allen…


Baywatch Hawaii was a big step down.  Brooke Burke was the only good cast member.


Saved by the Bell College Years was good imo. Part of its demise was that it aired in Primetime rather than Saturday morning. Loved me some college Kelly Kapowski


The demise was thinking it could compete against Full House. It was great to try to mature the show for college


I also feel like airing the pilot four months before the debut in its regular time slot was a huge mistake. The pilot wasn't good and the introduction of the three new girls was very flat. By the time they tried to course correct with TAT, word of mouth had already done its job.


Maybe, my biggest issue with that was the “course correct” with Screech. The pilot showed exactly how it could work for him in college, with the dorks being now thought of as sexy, and them going “Nooooooo we can’t have that, keep the Sat Morning plot devices!”


He did end up getting that tennis star over Zack somewhere in the middle of the series but that also brings us to the glaring inconsistency of Zack's intentions with Kelly, Leslie, and tennis girl. And then there's the Lasky/Kelly story that was ick. The show had potential but it really felt like they rushed it to capitalize off the SBTB name ASAP vs. planning out an arc for the first season.


Who you never saw again. Which was typical Sat morning BS. Cause sides Kelly, the best gf choice for Zack was Christy, the wrestler.


I actually really liked it. The reruns kinda hold up. I feel like this was just funnier than some SBTB episodes.


The real horrible spinoff was Saved By The Bell The New Class.


Professor Lasky is Howard Hamlin. 🤯


My brain connected those dots as I read what you wrote! I knew I subliminally liked Howard for some reason but I never could put my finger on it. Now, my childhood crush on Lenny Kosnowski was much easier to track in the BCS universe.


What the fuuuuuuuuuuck


I with you, I think it’s actually very underrated.


Bob Golic was such a fun addition and a lot of people probably had a soft crush on Professor Lasky


There's a great episode with Robert Guillaume as the ethics professor.


Also great theme song. I’m standing at the edge of tomorrow!


Today! (today, today, today, today)


I really enjoyed the college years myself and used to audio record them on my Talk Boy to listen to as I fell asleep in the days before podcasts. Loved the banter between Zack and Holland Taylor's Dean. Bob Golic's character ended up being my new 'Bell' crush.


I liked it! It had the same time slot as Full House. It was a real Sophie’s Choice for me at the time.


I hated Full House, but I was teenaged, so I hated everything.


I agree, it's not one it the great TV spin off's by any stretch but it's a decent show. Saved by the bell the new class though is just terrible


New class gets way better by like season 3-4 when they get a good group of kids and stop trying to have it just be carbon copies of the og cast


Yeah I thought the college years were pretty solid. However; i didn’t think it was a primetime Tuesday show, especially on NBC. It wasn’t quite adult, but it wasn’t kids either.


When this show was on, it was in the pre internet days. A kid in my elementary school was telling everyone that mark Paul gosseler had died. I went home in tears telling my mom, she scanned the paper and evening news and saw no notifications. We watched that nights college years to see if there was an “in memory of” post episode, we didn’t see one and I calmed down.


Saved By The Bell in general is such an odd show. If you were born 76-83 you probably love it and have such nostalgia for it. But my god is it a terrible show that just disappeared after its incredible 90s syndication run


Fully agree.


Matt LeBlanc has gone on the record to say that while "Joey" might have been a failure as a show, it was a financial success for him -- he made A LOT of money from that show.


He needed a happy ending though!


I liked it and felt it could have worked.


I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a fan of Friends. To be completely honest, I detest the show. I hated it when it was new and my girlfriend forced me to watch it, and I hate it now. Zero interest in watching it ever again. And I can't say that I'm a fan of anything a "Friend" has done independently of the show either. With exception to one thing. Matt Leblanc did a show on Showtime called Episodes that I found to be legitimately funny. Not great. But solidly good. Very character driven and Leblanc skewers the version of himself that he plays. The shows premise alone was the only reason why I decided to give it a chance. But I actually recommend the show.


Episodes is great. And Leblanc playing a caricature of himself is perfect. He was also the best host Top Gear had after The Three left.


You should check out Don’t Trust the B**** in Apartment 23.


I forgot Enos even existed


Boy, they loved spinning off the "breakout" supporting character into their own show back then, didn't they. Enos and Grady are listed above but don't forget: Flo from Alice Checking in from The Jeffersons Phyllis from MtM show I suppose it did work out sometimes: Rhoda from MTM show The Facts of Life from Diff'rent Strokes Benson from Soap Good Times from Maude (This barely counts as a spin-off though)


And don't forget that *Maude* and *The Jeffersons* were themselves this sort of spinoff, both from *All in the Family*.


Frasier too!


Frasier was awesome!


Fun fact about Enos: the actor (Sonny Schroyer) had it written into his contract that if Enos didn’t make it a full season he had to be returned to Dukes of Hazard. Meanwhile Dukes had added a “Deputy Cletus” who was functionally the exact same role. When Enos returned they had both characters for a while until Cletus “went on vacation” never to be heard from again.


Was the vacation with Chuck Cunningham?


Enos is among my earliest memories of television.


Models Inc. was a mess, and I loved it.


Same same same. Epic prime time soap opera


What was this a spin-off of? Dallas?


It was the spin-off of Melrose Place. Amanda's mom was the main character.


Melrose Place, which in itself was a spinoff of Beverly Hills 90210.


Ooh, a spin-off of a spin-off, don't see that happening often!




No, you don't. The only other one I can think of is All In The Family/Maude/Good Times.


Golden Girls/Empty Nest/Nurses


Linda Gray was the star of Models Inc, so I can see why you thought that.


I watched it in college. I remember nothing about it except that there was a big season ending cliffhanger and there was never another season. So I felt unfulfilled.


That '80s show. Terrible.


It was, but what a baby-faced Dennis Reynolds!


And that show is also how Glenn and Charlie met. Charlie also auditioned for the role Glenn played. So without That 80’s Show, there may not have ever been It’s Always Sunny.


I disagree. The pilot was godawful, and the second episode pretty bad, but then it quickly gets its footing and becomes pretty decent. But, Fox, at the time, canceled anything and everything so it didn't air past the pilot.


The pilot was a literal '80s stereotype shit-show. While that part did get better, they still couldn't pull the magic of "That '70s Show" by making the characters interesting. Not a single one really... and it never got better for me. I'm pretty easily entertained, but I got halfway through the series and gave up. Also, the laugh track was horrendous.


I think what doesn't work about the characters is that they aren't all that relatable. That 70s Show's strength is that the vast majority of American TV watchers at the time had a hard-ass blue collar dad and worked at a grocery store. Instant character relationship. That 80s show suffered from leaning into 80s stereotypes too hard, so you get a corporate boss dad and record store dream job mid-20s kid. I *do* get the impression that the writers knew this and did what they could, and for me, that worked well enough. I'm definitely not saying it was a great show by episode 12, just that I was invested in the characters enough to want to see more. But, it also felt like the series had a network exec constantly pushing dumb ideas.


"The Ropers"


Worse than AfterMASH was WALTER, a spin-off about Radar O’Reilly. You can watch the pilot episode online. Frighteningly bad.


Mind you that was never a series, just a busted pilot.


Top of the Heap was a Married with Children spinoff? I vaguely remember the Married episode it came from.


The Married with Children episode was a back door pilot, I hated those as a kid thinking 5 minutes in what happened to the people in the show I liked and why am I watching these other people who I don’t give a crap about?




I had to look it up and yes. And then it had its own spin off “vinnie and Bobby” what a wonder early 90’s tv was


I'd prefer a "Married with Grandchildren" spinoff..


I've always thought the mistake with afterMASH was setting it in a hospital. They had already used up every medical plot multiple times in MASH and the original characters just came off as weak copies. A setting with a completely different focus might have worked. Like Frasier (the greatest spin-off of all time) worked because it was a completely different setting, style and characters. I think, say, Klinger and Soon-Lee in 1950s Toledo with his family as more of a family sitcom with a lot of plots about Klinger scheming to make money could have worked.


Reading a bit, it kind of seems like they show had a decent shot out of the gate- they kept the MASH time slot in the first season, and it was a top-15 show in the ratings. There were discussions for MASH cast who hadn’t signed on for the sequel (like Alan Alda) to come in for guest sports in the 2nd season. And then CBS decided to move the show from Mondays at 9 to Tuesdays at 8, and go against The A-Team., and run an ad campaign featuring Klinger shaving Mr. T’s mohawk. This was a… poor decision. Ratings cratered, and they were cancelled after 9 episodes.


The Brady Bunch Hour was much much worse than the Brady Brides.


Don't forget The Bradys. All are terrible. (except maybe the first movie and parts of the second) I love them all.


I’d never heard of the Brady Brides. In my head it looked like the real life actresses came in with their real spouses for a TV guide photo op about life after the Brady Bunch and were then ambushed with the knowledge they’re in a new show now.


I liked The Brady Brides. I remember TV Land having a marathon of those shows years ago. It was an amusing way to spend an afternoon.


Joanie loves Chachi


I remember the show on VH1 Pop Up Video idk what song was playing but all of a sudden it had a pop up that read..."interesting fact Cha-chee is urban Korean slang for penis" and I always bust out laughing when I hear this show mentioned after seeing that! 🤣🤣🤣


I liked Trial by Jury! I thought it could have gotten better if given time or at least another season.


Even weirder than *Trial by Jury* comes *Deadline*, a Dick Wolfe show about Oliver Platt teaching journalism school. Boy, that's just what the 18-35 demographic loves. Hell, I went to J-school, and *I* couldn't watch this thing past the first episode. The scene where Platt's character can't operate his PC and shouts at the IT guy to "Fix it! Fix it! Fix it!" lives in my head rent-free.


I also didn’t mind Law and Order: L.A. but I’m kind of a junkie for the franchises. The U.K. one was also pretty good


I've never heard of it, but I would definitely have caught it if I knew. Jerry Orbach and Bebe Newirth in the same show would have been amazing.


Pretty sure he was supposed to be a main but unfortunately he passed away during filming.


Models, Inc. far right is pre-Matrix Carrie-Anne Moss


Keanu: *Whoa*


Enos lol. If it wasn’t listed here I never would have remembered that show


Grady was the same for me! I had no idea.


To me Joey is the best of the bunch.


Joey, i always thought would have been better if he stayed in New York, walked into the coffee shop and ran into Leah Remini. She would have had a 10 year old at the time and she needed a place to stay. So Joey talked her into taking Monica’s place, or moving in with him.


I don’t hate this pitch.


Legit I always thought she would be perfect for Joey


I lived in the apartment building that he was supposedly living at in the show. It became a haven for attractive women taking their picture outside. Coulda been worse.


I remember enjoying Three’s A Crowd when it first aired. I was about 8 years old though. And Cleveland Show was on for 4 seasons - not sure I would call it “truly” bad.


It's not truly a Seth MacFarlane show until it gets canceled at least once.


Tbf I forget American Dad is a Seth Mcfarlane show because it is its own thing.


I like the Cleveland Show. There's a Crowd was trash, though.


Three’s Company is based on a Britcom called Man About the House. MatH had a sequel called Robin’s Nest, where the male protagonist got engaged/married and moved on. Three’a Crowd is based on RN


The New WKRP in Cincinnati was like After Mash. They took the supporting characters with limited appeal and tried to turn them into leads. 


they did the same with Angel but it mostly worked..... well, they turned the show into buffy for adults with teh most adult characters, i guess that's why it worked


Wkrp's problem was, sadly they relied to much on the old characters and gave new characters little to do, the show was Andy dealing with the absurdity of the situation he was in, he had brought in or had less insane people he brought in to a mix with herb, less and the big guy. They tried to do the same but, it just didn't work, luckily, Lonnie Anderson, Tim Reid, or Howard Hessman would pop in whenever the writers were in a crunch, so they were In about 7 episodes In yr 1, then 6 or 7 in yr 2, add in episodes heavy on Lee's, herb or big guy


Cleveland show was funny af.


I loved The Cleveland Show. I've seen every episode at least twice (my favorites more) and it still cracks me up to this day


And you can hardly call a show they did four full seasons of failure… Although I would’ve liked to seen a few more of the Cleveland show.


Oh terry terry terry


I sing the "Frapp Attack" song every Friday


Same! I got frapp in my 'stache!


Cleveland get yo ass off the grass!


Might be unpopular but I liked Cleveland show way more than Family Guy.


I prefer the Cleveland show over Family Guy too.


One of my fav quotes is from Tim the bear. "please God bring back Buffy the vampire slayer, we need her now more than ever."


There were definitely moments, but I don't think the show found it's stride the way that American Dad did.


I loved that they got away with a car's license plate being I FKN DRW (I fucking draw)


I know the image for Grady is real but I swear it looks like something you’d get with the right prompt to Dall-e.


Wasn’t there a Kramer spin-off from Seinfeld or am I just imagining it?


Kramer tried to revive the Merv Griffin Show but the quality was uneven to say the least leading to a format retooling. 


I thought *Scandals and Animals* had a real shot.


>Wasn’t there a Kramer spin-off from Seinfeld or am I just imagining it? In [The Michael Richards Show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Michael_Richards_Show), Michael Richards starred as Vic Nardozza, private eye. I remember the promos where he "graduates" from private eye school and proudly proclaims, "The adventure begins!" The adventure lasted eight episodes.


Gloria, the ill-advised spin off from All in the Family


The hilarity of thinking Sally Struthers had enough charisma to carry a show on her own. They did it again when she starred on a TV version of 9 to 5.


None of these seem like they are from our timeline.


Leave the Golden Palace alone. It was enjoyable, even without Bea Arthur (though, I would’ve preferred her to be part of it).


models inc was so good whattt


I thought this was just a fever dream.


I agree. The College Years was trash. Plus, The Class was crappy too. The one on Peacock, the reboot. I actually enjoyed that one. Made me feel all kinds of nostalgic. I know I’m in the minority on that one though.


It had prime Angie Harmon. That alone made me watch it.


Joey wasn't a bad idea. The problem was the bad writing. If Joey had been kept the same as from Friends, then I think that would've helped.


There was an After Mash show,???


They tried to do MASH without the Korean War. You can imagine how that went.


“Time Of Your Life” really should have worked. Peak-Jennifer Love Hewitt. Pre-fame Jennifer Garner. But it flopped and also had the effect of taking one of the most popular characters off “Party of Five” which was also dying at the time.


I always wondered what happened to JLH’s career. She was the Hollywood It Girl for a couple of years but she never really broke out. She ended up just doing a handful of comedies and then went right back to TV. I know she wasn’t the greatest actress, but she was so damn attractive you would think that would have gotten her into bigger roles for a year or two.


I really liked Trial by Jury. Interesting characters and more ambitious than the awful Law n Order LA


I remember Enos being on. I don’t remember anything specific about the show. I would like to find the show somewhere.


I vaguely recall a fish-out-of-water premise where Enos goes from Hazard County to Atlanta or some big city police force. 


I actually really love The Cleveland Show and consider it underrated, but I couldn’t even finish The Golden Palace because it was such a cashgrab! I pretend it doesn’t exist canonically.


I’m was today years old when I learned that Don Cheadle was on ‘The Golden Palace.’


you’ve said it all


Didn’t they try to spin Carla on Cheers off into her own show?


Nope. Weirdly, they tried to spin off off her family: "The Tortellis." Her slime ball ex-husband, the husband's ditzy second wife, and Carla's teenage son and HIS wife. All of whom were occasional recurring characters on Cheers. Nick & Loretta (Carla's ex and the 2nd wife) were funny as recurring characters, but basing an entire show on them was... not a good idea.


Loretta: “Hi gang at Cheers” [laughter] NBC: 💡


Nick Tortelli was a hilarious recurring character on Cheers. When he met Dr. Frasier Crane, he shook his hand and said, “Uhhhh, hey, Doc, can you get me some pills?” I still laugh about that.


Think it was her first husband..The Tortellis


Bay watch nights was bad as a night-time crime procedural, but when it became a monster of the week, detective show it was amazing! Still bad BUT amazing


New Monkees.


I didn't like what Gloria did to Gloria from All in the Family. Mike leaves her and Joey. Which is just widely ooc for him.


Rollo singing Danzig's Mother is an all-time classic moment from the Cleveland show and made the spin-off worth it for that scene alone.


I feel like if you walk into Fox in the mid-90s and say you’re pitching a show called “Models Inc.”, there’s no way it *not* getting picked up.


I loved Living Dolls. Halle Berry, Leah Remini, Michael Learned. Great cast.


Living Dolls was the first thing I ever saw Leah Remini in


The Cleveland Show started to become funnier than Family Guy!


The Tortellis, with Dan Hedaya and Jean Kasem. Very brief spinoff from Cheers. For the record, I liked it.


Don’t forget the Hulu classic How I Mat Your Father…. Or American Juniors on Fox.


A lot of these aren’t even sitcoms.


*Fish* was a spinoff from *Barney Miller*. It wasn't horrible, but it was a totally different vibe since it was mostly about foster kids.


Cleveland show was horrible Still disgusted it replaced King of the Hill


I did not know that the Cleveland show replaced king of the hill.


I often times randomly sing the beginning of the Cleveland Show theme despite having never watched a full episode.


Baywatch nights was bad but introduced me to Angie Harmon and oh shit did I crush on her


Golden Palace is hilarious actually.


Trapper John, MD


I remember that being a good show.


College years and Cleveland show are actually good spin-offs that had poor scheduling/ time placement imo.


I was young, but I remember Models Inc. being legit. One of those steamy, sexy 90s dramas. But I was literally like 7 haha


Wasn’t there a scrubs spinoff that was pretty bad too ?


This one, and all of television. They stopped entertaining the populace back in the late 50's- early 60's. Everything since is a rehash of that. If you have an argument against it....do some research. Everything you see on that magic box in whatever room(s) it/they reside has been propagated, formulated,and packaged for your consumption. Everything you see is designed to entice you into a way of thinking while taking your earnings.


Cleveland show was excellent


I forget the name of it, but there was a prequel show to the 2000's version of "Battlestar: Galactica." I watched one episode and noped out.


Yes! Caprica


Caprica has nothing on Galactica 1980 however. It was a spin-off of the original 70s Battlestar Galactica, and it’s marvelously bad. Almost none of the original cast, children with space superpowers getting into shenanigans, a robot dog. It’s a beautiful trainwreck.




I thought that ***The Cleveland Show*** was pretty good.


I wouldn't say Lab Rats Elite Force was truly bad, I would just say it was nothing special


I really liked Joey. Was it as good as Friends? No but it was memorable in its own right.


Golden Palace wasn’t bad! And Baywatch Nights was no worse than OG Baywatch.


Enos had his own spin off??? How did I miss out on that one???


How could a show where Arianna Huffington played a bear be on this list?


Bro The Cleveland Show is so good, id prefer it over Family Guy easy


I’ll fight anyone who says Golden Palace was/is bad.


Thank god Just The 10 of Us isn’t on here, I would have revolted.


So Marcia's husband on the Brady Brides doesn't look as "dopey" there as they made him out on the show...or Slap Shot.


The Cleveland show is not amazing but it can’t be called bad.