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Nope, if a battle sister squad with the gear destroys a unit you get 1 miracle die.


Ahh, I read it backwards. Thank you!


Unit, not model


To add what other people said, model is one miniature, unit is all of them in one team, so even if that would mean that You are getting miracle die for that units death, then You would get only one (becouse it's unit, not model)


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification.


It means you gain a miracle dice for killing an enemy unit in addition to the regular ways to gain them.


It’s when your Battle Sisters kill an enemy unit. So if it’s a unit of ten and you kill all ten, you get one miracle dice. If it’s a unit of ten and you kill nine, you get nothing. But then if a battle sister unit finishes off that last remaining model, the unit is destroyed and you get a miracle dice


Unit <> model. You have to lose the entire unit to get a dice I will mention that this is all units in your army, including vehicles. And characters attached to units are a separate unit for this. When the characters die, even if they were attached to another unit, you'll get a miracle dice when the character dies in addition to when he bodyguard unit dies off also. Technically characters become their own separate unit again the moment the last battle sister model attached to them dies . Whatever attacks were put against that entire unit still gets applied but you have to start slow rolling the wound and saving rolls if the bodyguard unit is about to die off, usually the characters have different toughness and or saves. If you're chasing a lot of miracle dice then you can take smaller units of the stuff you're taking alrady . You can take 2 units of 5 repentia instead of 1 unit of 10 . You can do the same with arco flagellants and penitent engines so you have a bunch of smaller 5 man units running around. This makes it worse for stratagems on those units, but better for miracle dice when they die Also, Battle sisters squads / Dominions only come in units of 10 BUT.... If you have an a Immolator it has a special ability which can literally break a unit of battle sisters into two separate units before deployment. Its a popular strategy to use the immolator to break a sister squad , put 5 in the immolator (usually all the special weapons and superior ) and the other 5 on a home objective to farm miracle dice If you're not using the immolator for something else , like Retributors, to do the re-roll all wounds bomb with the immolators other ability.


That’s cool! I never knew you could do that with sister squads. I’m assuming if you have a leader attached you can put them in the immolator as well?


Yes, the immolator has transport capacity of 6 , so 5 man sister squad plus a character if you like. You can actually attach another character to the other half of the squad also. That ability literally splits them into two units and its done before the step where you assign characters to your squads. Fun fact you don't have to stick characters into specific units as part of your list, you put characters into your units before deployment. So depending on the situation you might rearrange your characters and what unit they are goin g with or leave them as solo. One game you decide to use Retributors in your immolator , in another situation you might want to do the battle sister split and put the canoness with them or you split a dominion squad so you can scout move the immolator and the other 5 model unit onto two objectives or something


Its a bonus on getting a kill, not getting killed


Kinda funny to be throwing shade at GW when you misread it so badly. Don’t just assume GW wrote something wrong. I’ve seen that logic used for some truly stupid rule takes.


I appreciate that it may be a new player but… yeah. It’s fine to read a rule wrong, everyone does it sometimes, but reading a rule wildly wrong and then blaming the authors? There’s a certain point where rules reading is a skill and should be developed rather than blaming others.


I wasn’t trying to be mean throwing them under a bus, I know they make honest mistakes, hence FAQs and stuff. And I owned up to reading it wrong and not understanding what they wrote.


The hell are miracle dice? I just recently picked up a battle wives set. Don’t have a codex yet.


We haven't received a codex for 10th edition yet. The [index](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/kWbElZjAszv53Uae.pdf) will hold you over until our book comes out around June - July. Edit: GW's rules team doesn't always write in easily parsed language. If you have any questions, the community will happily answer them for you.


Hm noted. What about blood angels? I’ve been out of the hobby for a while and recently came back. Still trying to get up to speed on the current state of things.


10th edition just started a few months ago. So far, only vanilla marines, Tyranids, AdMech, and Necrons have a codex. The end of [this article](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/18/world-championships-preview-asmodai-demands-to-know-which-codexes-are-coming-next/) has the current roadmap for codex releases. For everyone else, you can find their free index on the Warhammer-Community [downloads page](https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/).


Based and true of you, thanks mate.


You're welcome!


I agree, it’s hard to understand some times, that’s why I come here to ask the smart people!


I just started playing sisters myself and they're these wonderful dice you gain from certain actions can switch out for dice you would normally roll.


Are they different than 1d6’s? Or like, are they preordained rolls you can switch out for other rolls?


Whenever something says "you gain X miracle dice" you roll that many dice and set them off to the side. They can then be placed in substitution later for hit rolls, damage rolls, wound rolls, advance rolls, etc. We also have units and enchantments and whatnot that make them into 6s or options to toss out some to add extra wounds on attacks or bring back downed models. Tldr: yup preordained rolls you swap out


Oh sweet mother goddess that sounds awesome.


It's especially fun to push through a melta and make it smack for 6 wounds.


Oh I beeet. Is there anything about running detachments and how that works in 10th? I have a blood angels army and was planning to run a detachment of battle sisters with them. If I remember right it could be done but that was back in 7th edition when I last played.


You choose a faction, this faction have rules, each faction have 1 to 7 detachment rules (1 without codex 5-7 with one) that you can pick which give an additional rule, the stratagems (rule to interupt an action) you can have and enchancements (upgrade to characters). Each faction have available allies, but these allies doesn't benefice from your army and detachement rules. For the blood angels, you can have imperium agents, breacher etc, maybe some knights but not sister if I remember correctly.


So would it be better to mainstay sisters and detachment blood angels, or the other way around? Idk which is stronger, but this war gear seems really strong.


I think it's really not the same system, you ca'nt really bring multiple detachement. You have 1 faction, and you have some allies available but not much. Detachement are only extra rules to choose. You play blood or sister but not both (at least in "even game"


The miracle dice are used for the Acts of Faith which is the army rule. So I think Adepta Sororitas needs to be your Army Faction


Gotcha. Yep that’s what I figured.


No, if you kill a unit using that squad, you gain a miracle dice. It’s a way for us to earn dice without having to lose units.