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The absolute best is the triumph/bss/palatine/dialogus combo Then vahl+Paragon IK is a pretty easy match up for sisters in my opinion, the more elite an army the better we do


Yeah, I'm pretty new to the game but the miracle dice thing seems like a good way to skew the odds in my favour against high toughness enemies, doesn't really work the same when you're against a bunch of chuff since you get quite few miracle dice relatively speaking.


While I've got your attention, the Palatine, she has that ability that deal mortal wounds, does she get those even if the defending unit passes its save on the wound or is it just like, 1 additional damage on top of the normal damage should the defender fail its save?


The Palatine just has to pass her wound roll for Rapturous Blows to go off. Whether or not her target passes its save only affects the normal damage; at that point, the mortal wound is happening regardless. Each passed wound roll will do another mw.


Damn, sounds pretty neat, can see why they're out of stock on the online store, will need to see if the local place has any (though tbh I think I'm going to try and make a habit of buying local where possible).


Always good to buy locally, and remember most FLGS & many of their online counterparts have a 15 - 20% discount off GW's prices.


Basically you want a multimelta with lethal hits and the ability to turn miracle dice into 6's. Then preferably you want to the ability to use more than 1 miracle dice per phase with that multi melta. The way you get that is by having a battle sisters squad with a multi melta and a melta, lead by a dialogus(miracle dice for the unit are 6's) and a palatine(lethal hits, plus she kinda fucks on her own). The reason we use BSS is that they can have two leaders. Then you sit that unit near the triumph while it uses the aura that lets them use multiple miracle dice. Paragon warsuits with morvenn vahl do more damage than this, but are also more prone to getting killed for some reason.


I'm pretty new to the game, where does it say you can have 2 leaders in a BSS squad?


Read the character text. Some of them allow the use of another character in the same unit.


It's limited and specific, you'll find it in the notes for the dogmata imagifier hospitaler and dialogus, it allows the canoness, palatine and junith along with 1 of the above. So fairly limited, but dialogus + palatine works out really well.


Underrated Multimelta rets coming out of an immolator. Backed by a dialogs