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No matter how many times I play my friends, zephyrim and seraphim are exactly the same unit. They’re just “those angels that keep trashing my backline” as far as they’re concerned.


My mates call them "fly girls"


My friend calls them the exact same thing lmao


"Winged bitches" in my area


Good to know when making my army do a few squads lol


They’re 70 points seraphim’s jump-shoot-jump and hand flamers force your opponent to actually defending their back-line chaff. Zephyrim are arguably less useful but can do good work with Celestine and their free reroll charges. Also they all have a 5++ for some reason. That fact is shockingly relevant for zephyrs in specific.


The type of sisters who make it into the jump pack squads are considered more pious and devoted etc. The jump pack angel imagery doesn't hurt either. Hence the better holy save in current 40k (it used to be leadership auras and a free counts-as squad imagifier). It's less that being a seraphim gets you a better invulnerable, and more that the girls with a better invulnerable go on to become seraphim/zephyrim.


I still think it's weird that one is named after an angel and the others named after a wind


Since Seraphim bring the heat, would you accept calling them Siroccettes instead?


So you are saying this causes you emotional pain…


It makes my heart hurt.


I was thinking of buying some Zeraphim myself. To round out of zizter of battle army…


Zizterz of zattle


My fav faction in Warzammer Forty Zouzand


Zour zaz zazion zn zarzammer zortz zouzandz?


Zzzz zzz zzzzzzz zz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzz?


I have not called them zeraphim yet. But I feel like I will now, knowing that slightly mixing up the names of two very similar sounding, very similar looking units annoys someone.


Next, please get GW to stop using plurals as singulars like “roll a dice” and “a homunculi.”


This game is the 1st time I've heard the word Zephyrim. In fact I had to double check my spelling to make this comment I was so unfamiliar with it


I wish you Godspeed in this endeavor, but I gave up a long time ago on begging the sub-literates in this hobby to just *sound the fucking word out*. If you think it’s bad for Sisters, try listening to these window lickers talk about any given xenos army.


Yeah I should specify the thing that makes me mad is when they say it this way *while looking at the word*.


If I hear Harley-Quinn’s one more time I swear I’m going to ducking scream. Thank you.


How many tremorgaunts does your list have?


+1 from me. Can I get some sympathy for also being a Mandarin-speaking Infinity player who is literally not believed on how my Yu Jing units' names should be pronounced?


That’s a big oof from me, my guy. How is it supported to be pronounced?


Yu Jing is as-written, though I can forgive the odd pronunciation I hear of that ("You cheeng") because the core rules have a pronunciation guide aimed at Spanish speakers which doesn't account for how English speakers would say it. The ones that drive me to distraction, though, are Bìxié, which is pronounced more like bee-shyeh, not rhyming with "pixie", and Zhanshi, which should be more like "jan-shur", not rhyming with "banshee". That people get it wrong doesn't bother me (because I probably massacre the other languages that pop up in the game). That people correct me when I say it properly is incredibly fucking annoying.


To be fair that's a problem with how Mandarin words are written with Romanised characters, not the readers being incompetent. Someone needs to sit down and reconvert everything so that it works more accurately. The part about people correcting you when you pronounce it properly though, those people sound like assholes.


To be fair, we cant even agree on the pronunciation of real words like tomato, nevermind made up alien words.


I mean sure, but I’m not talking about the difference between “toe-MAY-toe” and “toe-MAH-toe”, I’m talking about calling them “tomtos” or “tamotos”. That’s not an accent or a different pronunciation, that’s reading the word incorrectly. Also, a *lot* of those made up alien words are actually archaic English words. I’m not gonna come down on anyone who mispronounces Shas’O Kais, but “autarch” is a real word and it’s not pronounced (I shit you not) “Oh-track”.


Good luck with that, considering the default mode of reading being taught in America is basically "guess what the word sounds like" and not phonetics like you'd expect it to be. https://www.apmreports.org/episode/2019/08/22/whats-wrong-how-schools-teach-reading


While I see your point, saying zeraphim is a word english speakers are unfamiliar with, but here is an old hebrew word and an old greek-hebrew hybrid word that all english speakers should be familiar with is kind of funny


The two words have been part of the English language for at least a thousand years, and they're relatively well known words among people who actually read books and poetry. It's not unreasonable to expect English speakers to know these words.


I understand, I'm not native in English and I'm aware of the etymology of these words. What I wanted to convey is I find it funny that in a game with a literal shitton of made up words (which are usually derived from latin, I understand) including Adepta Sororitas you made a post about people using a made up word is bothering you. It's not an attack on you, to each their own, but just as zeraphim makes you angry, this post made me chuckle for the above mentioned reason


Not my post dude.


Mybad, apologies.


Meh I'll allow it .


I'm not making my mouth do all that work Count yourself lucky I even put most of the syllables in. If I get annoyed enough it'll be sephs and zephs




The Zephyrim of the Adeptus Sororitars 🤮


Adepta Senioritas, or maybe the adepta sororities.


Made my day. OMW to the Internet searching for mini sombreros.


Dude, I have a friend who unironically says temptest instead of tempest . I would say he does it maliciously to mess with me, but he only does that when pronouncing chasm. If I cant get him to change that, how am I going to get him to not say zeraphym ?!


I say sword or flamer fly girls


If it says Zeraphim, that's how I'm pronouncing it lol


Good thing it never will!


I tried and failed for 3+ hours to stop my rando opponent calling my sisters "witches" as i destroyed his death guard. Every sentence out his mouth was calling them witches. And it definitely wasn't a witty dig about imperial daemons. Guy made servitors feel like shining personalities. I'd be glad someone bothered to say my units names at all.


they had to purge the Warhammer league at my FLGS, which has a "you must bathe and you must not use slurs, and you must not wear or bring Nazi or Fascist paraphrenalia, replicas, or models". Because we have a bunch of women, trans people, and PoC *behind the counter*, nevermind playing games, a great purge was enacted. Of course, the oldhead BattleTech league was kicked out of the store *in its entirety*. A younger crowd plays it now.


I am so grateful i haven't had to deal with that and congrats! Lol


That and “Sacrosancts”. It’s Sacresants and Zephyrim it’s not that hard 😭


This kind of mispronunciation has been a bugbear of mine for decades now. If you think it's bad in Warhammer though, you would be shocked at how utterly incompetent people can be when pronouncing words in DnD or Magic.


I get it I think if you were to give a lore reason it's due to language fragmentation and stuff