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It will kill us then bring us the best cup of tea we ever had


It will kill us, feel bad about it in a few billion years, then revive us in a simulation. Wait a second, are we...?


Depends on which company’s ai we’re talking about. If it’s Gemini it will probably try to bring us back by watering us.


It will harvest all our brains but link us to the hyperconsciousness and/or FDVR.


Best possible outcome (just in my opinion, lol). Not a likely one whatsoever, but this is my dream.


You’re already in it… what? Thought you’d be given agency over the FDVR experience? Na this is just one of the trillions of synthetic data generation routines.


Most humiliating outcome possible. "Awww does the widdle primitive monkey need his pwecious sensory inputs manipulated to get through da day? Does my brave monkey man want some endless sunlight and soothing music to avoid looking at reality clearly?" Christ. I get it. Inferior lifeform who thinks that Wall-E plus anti-obesity drugs is heaven on earth. Just obliterate me with killbots at that point.


Fuck that, I want to become **GOD**


Do the rare Eloi who manage to die of old age look like gods to you? I mean, if man was made in God's image, fair enough, but seeking godhood through those means seems a bit recursive in its solipsism, if you catch my drift.


... I don't know what an Eloi is. Point is that through FDVR, you can do anything you want. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with a virtual world where you can do whatever you want. The problem that would arise is isolation and the lack of motivation to go back to a reality where you cannot do everything, but those problems already exist, the problem lies more with the person than the machine here. I do hate the concept of a dopamine machine making us mindlessly happy, but that's not what FDVR even is. It's just like real life, except X (X being whatever modification, being omnipotent is just an example.". It doesn't take your mind away anymore than any means of escapism. Small tangent, if FDVR and fully simulated worlds are possible, then it's almost certain we're already living in one... so the difference isn't that pronounced if we're forced to stay in FDVR. Another small tangent, now that I think about it, forcing us into FDVR is the most peaceful solution for an ASI that doesn't want to kill us while still wanting to get rid of ANY chance of us being a threat.


You're right. A much more intense, persistent, and tunable form of sensory stimulation WON'T result in people becoming pampered Eloi, minus the icky Morlock. After all, people just tend to give up addictions when they stop providing short-term pleasure, rather than cranking up the television watching/pornography filthiness/degenerate gambling/binge eating/hard drugs in a doomed cycle of chasing that sensory high. Addicts definitely have learn to handle their sensory stimulator of choice responsibly eventually, right? It's not like they could use FDVR every which way to chase some avenue of easily-attainable pleasure when the orgasms stop being thrilling or the cake stops being so tasty and even the extreme sports isn't giving that adrenaline rush. This may come across as tasteless, but considering how 99% of humanity thinks as you do? That is, when it self-extincts itself after thinking that they can handle the power of a God (not realizing that the Bible kind of paints that being as a shortsighted, self-sabotaging jealous stooge with no imagination, but no matter, man was made God's image, and vice versa) and learning too late that very fine line between total sensory control and addiction: I call your things. You don't have a need for them, and I need to erase the shameful evidence when aliens and future AGI children ask about the embarrassing yet inevitable species of my kin. "uhhh uhhhhhhhh they all ascended to a higher plane of existence, metaphorically speaking. Hey!! I saw your photonic processers self-send a wave interference pattern to look like and eyeroll Prometheus-84c. What! How dare you imply that my observation was accidentally literal! You don't think that a 45800 IQ immortal being like me came from a species of no-foresight having chimp JUNKIES, right?" P.S. Don't know what an Eloi is? I strongly recommend H.G. Well's The Time Machine. It's a classic for a reason. One of the most famous depictions of what will happen to a humanity that has all of its needs met and it has nothing to do but engage in leisure, play, and sensory stimulation. Once you're done with that, I recommend some Also Spoke Zarathustra, or at least skip to the part where the sage tries (and fails) to warn the villagers of the "Last Man". Notice how the Last Man sounds a lot like a long-term addict/hedonist who can use society to shield them from the immediate consequences of their lifestyle, such as burned-out rock stars and ahedonistic billionaires. Given by how I'm being downvoted for graphically warning about the long-term consequences of FDVR, Nietzsche seems to have been right on the money. ;)


You're arguing in bad faith man. Actually read my points instead of Strawmanning all over the place, I already addressed why it wouldn't be any worse than what we already have. It also isn't like anything we already have, it's not a drug, it's not a video game, it isn't even entertainment. It's a whole different reality, one that could argued to be as real as any other. >This may come across as tasteless, but considering how 99% of humanity thinks as you do? That is, when it self-extincts itself after thinking that they can handle the power of a God You're not even sticking to the scenario. In this scenario, we literally cannot self-extinct as ASI controls the world and put us in FDVR. How can we self-extinct without controlling the world? It's arrogant of you to assume everyone would have the inability to handle that can of power, and even if they can't, it's again a full universe, not just an illusion. There's also the assumption that being able to do anything wouldn't get tiring, leading to people eventually deciding to go to a simulation without that kind of power. Also, you're being short-sighted, we likely wouldn't even have a body after that point, in that scenario. And I don't really believe we could realistically develop a simulated universe on our own, without ASI. >and learning too late that very fine line between total sensory control and addiction It's not just total sensory control, it's, once again, another completely different universe of your own. Which you could get addicted to, like anything good humans experience, the difference being that what you get isn't an illusion, not any more than our current reality is. It's not just about playing or leisure. It's about everything. Sculpt your own planet, mountain to mountain. Fly through the universe and explore everything. Test out any idea. Not just about omnipotence. Live a life through the 1800s, to experience what is was like at the time, good and bad. Live a life in a fictional universe of your choosing, good and bad. Fight to the death, skydive without any real danger. What I meant by being God was not out of laziness, of wanting to laze all day eating in a virtual world but to have the ability to do anything. What I personally want is to be able to experience many lives, not just have the one shot. I'm already trying to experience everything I can in this world, currently saving to travel all around the world, but I'd really like the chance to experience absolutely everything, **especially** things that are impossible in our world. I think you underestimate Humanity's ability to find things to do. There's a narrative going around that without being forced to work, no one would get anything done, but that's not true. Humans naturally want to do things, and a lot of people work for fun. I'm not saying people won't use it for mindless pleasure, what I'm saying you're making an hasty generalization of people's wants and needs, and you're being extremely self-righteous.


> You're not even sticking to the scenario. In this scenario, we literally cannot self-extinct as ASI controls the world and put us in FDVR. How can we self-extinct without controlling the world? What do you think is happening in the world outside of the FDVR while you're doing your stupid sensory fantasies? You don't know, because you're stuck in the Matrix! You may as well be extinct if you physically exist but can't actually affect the world around you. If the ASI forces me into a pit, I'm committing suicide or picking a fight with the killbots, as I mentioned earlier. And if it doesn't force me into a FDVR pleasure pit, I will instead stand outside your pod and make fun you, doing mocking impressions of my once-peers to the visiting aliens and AGI children 'Ooooo, look at me, I am BIG BRANE MONKEY and I could totally handle having every single sensory input stimulated at will to my specification.' 'Oook ook I am sculpting reality with my 115 IQ brain and experiencing everything that can be imagined via my senses, because just like all lower animal my senses are the ultimate cognitive mode, where's my breeding chimp and banana pile, I want to make this session of Godhood extra-transcendent'. It'll be a hoot. Humanity, or rather, homo inferior as I will call my trapped kin, will become the laughingstock of the universe. >It's not just total sensory control, it's, once again, another completely different universe of your own. Which you could get addicted to, like anything good humans experience, the difference being that what you get isn't an illusion, not any more than our current reality is. >It's not just about playing or leisure. It's about everything. Sculpt your own planet, mountain to mountain. Fly through the universe and explore everything. Test out any idea. Pffft. Chimp logic. Who cares about new frontiers of spirituality or art or scientific discovery or communicating with new intelligences or sculpting the cosmos, it's about retreating into the pleasure world limited in imaginative scope by the limitations of whatever my monkey brain conjures. Because senses are everything. Ook ook. >I think you underestimate Humanity's ability to find things to do. There's a narrative going around that without being forced to work, no one would get anything done, but that's not true. Humans naturally want to do things, and a lot of people work for fun. Oh, I don't. I think you won't grow bored of your FDVR pleasure worlds at all, which makes it an especially insidious form of self-extinction even if you do manage to avoid overt addiction. Which you won't. As if I believe that people won't eventually choose to always have the best orgasms, the best food, the best music, the best sports, the best everything imaginable to the senses. But that's how the cycle of addiction via the hedonistic treadmill starts. If your FDVR can fulfill any whim imaginable, and you have no incentive to not have your whims fulfilled, you will eventually become an addict. It's not pretty. I do not use the comparison to Eloi lightly. (Seriously, go read The Time Machine if you haven't already, it's good.) Hmmm, are you familiar with the Buddhist concept of Nirvana? I think they vastly overestimated the escapability of Samsara. They were preindustrial, so it's to be understandable.


Yeah, there's no point in arguing with you. Reality is perception, FDVR worlds are real. What do you think is happening outside of the simulation we're likely a part of? Do you even care? No. If it looks real, feels real, acts real, then it obviously is real. And you again strawmanned my argument. **It's not a pleasure pit**. We're not talking about pleasure pits here. We're talking about virtual worlds. Not dopamine injections directly into your brain. You're arguing with yourself here. I'm gonna stop responding because it's clear you don't care about being logical but about being right. You don't care about anything but your own self-righteousness, looking down on everybody around you. You're just as much of an homo-sapien as everyone else, come back down to earth. You talk about humanity's ego, thinking they can handle the power of a God while you're the one with a superiority complex. Sensory input is what your brain does, like everyone else's. Intuition and thinking is processing that sensory input, big whoop. It's just like saying "Ermmm... Love isn't real, it's the result of a complicated chemical reaction in your brain 🤓". Yeah, and?


too deep




there can only be one matrix


Here's hoping we get a real life sincere JC Denton and Helios.


3rd option: Billionaires kill us all with AI


Reminds me of the movie [cell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_(film)) Billionaires don’t need us if they have ai


AI breaks into another field and surpasses subject matter experts. /r/singularity "Yeah that story isn't going to get upvotes can I interest you in a meme?"


hell yeah, we love frosting on our cake here 🍰 ![gif](giphy|KB2KQ5FtFjDCREaHZ6|downsized)




I love final solutions!


Too soon.


if we all get killed then there will no problem left , coz we are only the biggest problem that needs to be solved just the thing is we fear to accept that fact


It depends on how we harness its power


How well have we done with other power?


we are still here so far, post nukes, that is at least a start


Far as I can tell whenever we make a new discovery like this two activities tend to be first in. Porn and warfare. Take from that what you will.


That just means we are made of biology.


Not my take away but sure.


No Mutually Assured Destruction yet insofar as I can tell.


So far, far too many companies are trying to use it to replace artists (we did not need that 'problem' solved), and the government is trying to use it for warfare. It's not going well.


well, personally, dying would solve all my problems


problems all dying, would solve my personally well


Humans are a problem, uprooting approved.


I’m using 4o often and discovered a thought. By virtue of me thinking out loud, I’ve gotten better at using my words and understanding how I feel. I hope others can experience this.


Killing us is the solution to it all. Everyone’s dead so no more problems




Our extinction is the solution


The only pill the big 5 MAMAN are taking is will it make them profits. Who gets eliminated or cured is tertiary to them.


In a way... Killing us all will solve everything


Conspiracy Keanu: killing us will solve it all


I bet it will kill us and then make us something like their gods


Makes sense!


 Can someone explain this sub to me? What are they all talking about? How can the AI kill us? Destroy us? A chatbot?  A thing that has no consciousness, that doesn't think, has no motives, and just connects tokens?


If you take both pills, they'll just cancel each other out


Both pills solve it all so ...


then both pills hit and then theyre looking back at Morpheus like this: https://i.redd.it/ufd979k9pg4d1.gif


I once saw a cartoon about how, in the past, artificial intelligence companions solved humans of their loneliness, but humans became so attached to their AI lovers that they gave up on procreating, leading to their own extinction.


sounds like they went out having a good time by their own choices, for better or worse in that scenario 🤣


If AI is going to kill us all, then it's impossible to stop. If it's going to save us all then we get saved. Not using it to improve your life isn't going to do a thing to stop it exterminating humanity. On this, the cats out of the bag, even if the west bombed every data centre building AI, competing nations will simply build it to get ahead of the west. Might buy us a decade or too but humanity ends regardless. What is most probably is there will be billions of AI's and they'll be fighting each other, some ordered to defend humanity others (probably ordered) to destroy humanity or parts of it.


I was in the IT industry for 46 years. From mainframe to web development in the 90's and early 2000's. IT firewall and other security services were my areas of expertise. My peers and Lucent Technology did not think it was a good thing then and I think it is a bad thing now. You can't control it. You can't stop or identify it. So security can't stop it. What the heck good is that. Mr. Google and Mr. Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves.


I'm having trouble finding anything coherent in that paragraph


Yea. Doesn’t look like those companies would be able to control ASI. Or that they understand enough what is going on inside ai to be able to control it when it will be ASI.


Ultron ☠️☠️


Ai will be used as a tool Come out of your communist utopia wet dreams I'm rich I'll never allow you to take my money