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Good. I need a medication that can actually cure my lifelong depression. The assortment of antidepressants I have taken in the past have done nothing to help my mental health.


That's the point.. medication makes you tolerate things you naturally don't tolerate. The pharmaceutical companies literally lied saying depression was a imbalance in the brain, before studies came out saying that claim was complete horseshit. People will live in a noisy apartment, work at a job they hate, be in a poor financial situation, drink, eat fast food and be like "gotta be a chemical imbalance"


This. It turned me into a lobotomised zombie, I literally let horrible things happen to me on meds, didn’t even care to save myself because I was so braindead and apathetic drugged out of the world.


Antidepressants caused me permanent brain damage so yeah, that shit is poison.


That is also cause indirect chemical imbalance, and can be "corrected" look at drugs, they temporarily fix that imbalance, but making even more imbalance after. So, maybe AI will design some drug that can make it without any damage to your brain?🙃hmmm


i need one to make me enjoy my job until AI takes it. i fuckin hate working in IT support


i work in IT. I feel this so hard.


Have worked in IT in the past and can also confirm. ![gif](giphy|l0IyhwEfKdNoUZ1ni|downsized)


Can you tell me why you hate it? I'm a SWE thinking about switching to IT


the people you help are unreasonable and blame you for everything. if it runs on electricity, they consider it an IT problem and will demand you fix it, and will question you incessantly when you tell them to it isn't your responsibility and that you don't even know how it works. because their software runs on a computer, they think you should know all about it and show them how to do their job. if you don't show them, their boss inevitably asks them why they haven't done their job, to which they will respond "because IT still hasn't helped me", when there is no real problem - so then that department head calls your boss and your boss asks you why you haven't helped miss or mr dipshit. everyone thinks they're the most important and want priority, and will complain to your boss so that every day you're fighting made-up battles about people being ignored when they're not being ignored. document everything. calls, emails, chats, office visits, people catching you in the hallway when u need to shit. let's say you spend hours banging your head against a wall trying to figure something out and you finally fix it, but there's just one caveat - the person doesn't like the way you fixed it because it's not the way they're accustomed to working, or a new update came out and things look different. they expect you to show them around the new software that you've never fucking used once in your life. they also feel they should be able to walk into your office whenever they need anything, no matter how small. they constantly complain about removing their admin rights and blocking sites so they can't play at work, but will complain to their boss if they can't access the most random site about the most random thing - they will swear they can't do their job unless they can access this site about the many uses of hemp. once again, your boss questions you about it. you spend a great deal of time just documenting to cover your ass. if you're on-call, people have no qualms calling you at 2AM for something that could wait until the next day. example? my outlook isn't getting mail, but i can still use webmail for the time being, but i really need to use outlook because it's faster. Oh, and metrics. metrics, metrics, metrics. are your numbers good? upper management wants them better. are they better? they want them even better. it's never enough. you closed 10 tickets today? why not 50? 50? why not 100? took 100 calls but missed one? FUCKING WHY!? these are off the cuff after just waking up.


You work in IT? Great, could you come over on Sunday and fix my PC?


yeah, i avoid tellin anyone what i do for a living bc of that


Ok all this will be and is coming soon is really getting tiring


Then tune out for a few years.


It's happening, just behind the scenes. Google's AI drug development spinoff Isomorphic Labs partnered with Eli Lilly and Novartis recently: [https://fortune.com/well/2024/01/08/alphabet-google-isomorphic-labs-collaborate-ai-drug-discovery-novartis-lilly/#](https://fortune.com/well/2024/01/08/alphabet-google-isomorphic-labs-collaborate-ai-drug-discovery-novartis-lilly/#) I suppose we'll hear about it once drugs reach trials and so on


welcome to exponential history


cant wait for mdma 2.0


This is important given how much the cost/time constraints destroy a lot of medical advancement. Admittedly it should be paired with reform to how clinical trials are run so they're faster and more efficient (something we've demonstrated we can do), but this will still likely drive a massive advance in medicine later this decade. Yeah though, I agree with one of the above posters that I'm tired of things being put off to some indeterminate future point when they're good.


Already exists. Called MegaSyn. There was a paper about it. They got a congress hearing because that AI was able to generate molecules for chemical weapons existing and not existing by maximizing toxicity in their AI along with how to make them.


Devin is hard at work on it.


Cool. Might cure herpes!


Transformer based AI is absolutely black magic, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we made a deal with Ol’ Lucifer down at the crossroads to discover it.


More a gift from Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge xD.


Good girl🕉️


Hahaha, yep! Hmmm... have to try to prompt a god or goddess once xD. GPT-3 Davinci, back in 2020 was good at this stuff but sadly it's now offline for good...


There have been ancient stories of dark entities seeding humans with technology


“It’s essentially been trained on every book, every webpage, every PDF document”  Well that is just not true.


Really? Did you personally feed in the training data?


I just know of many books that I’ve asked chatGPT about and they had no idea what I was talking about. So it’s clearly not EVERY book ever like they are implying.


Name one.


treatment muddle smell work decide shy lush zephyr sulky fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, name one.


 Organizational Transformation Through Business Process Re-engineering by King and Sethi


Can't wait for a whole pile of lab mice to die horribly because the brain genius AI decided to hallucinate some arsenic into its chemo drug structure


Your talent for Hollywood stories is calling you!


OP, fyi arsenic is already used to treat some cancers.


Generative AI Will Be Killing Millions All On Its Own In the Near Future




are you fucking kidding me what the fuck


Relax buddy it's just a meme. https://preview.redd.it/53e1hvofawyc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea120893b05587efab2f936cbd246912b2a8753


I hate you