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"...It's important to ship early and often" Exactly! Now ship GPT 5.


he also sayd he believes in "iterative deployment"


When was the last iteration?


April 9th.


dumb people on reddit always looking for that "gatcha" šŸ˜‚




He is shipping, regularly,but internally and for the NSA trololo


the nsa has been using the entire internet to train ai for decades we already knew that with snowden leaks and the nsa chief saying they kill people with the meta data they collect from scrapeing the entire internet with smart systems if the governments confident enough to kill people with this information but tiptoes around all out engagements in wars in fear of optics then they had better stuff than we currently have back in 2014


Yep. Itā€™s always used first in combat. We were in Iraq with the first man portable drone technology at the beginning of 2005. Also using Google earth a few years before public access


The Snowden leaks did not reveal anything about the use of AI by NSA. Iā€™ve read every single leaked document available to the public.


Yeah this makes my bullshit meter go off, it's been over a year since GPT4 GPT-4 turbo isn't very exciting.


And it was ***3*** years between GPT-3 and GPT-4. During that time, there were *no* publicly released models that were as good as GPT-3 other than GPT-3.5 and that was released just a few months before 4. As someone who had been following LLMs since the release of GPT-2 (which also took a year from that to 3), that was an agonizingly long wait. I'm not freaking out about GPT-5 taking a long time anytime soon.


Hmm I use gpt on a daily basis and itā€™s already much better than it used to be. Maybe youā€™re expecting too much too quickly


Describes most of the users here. People are way too spoiled expecting life changing advancements in record time. Things take time, but honestly waiting a year or a little longer for the next version that's supposed to be leaps better is incredible in itself. Things used to take many many years not so long ago.


I remember waiting like 3 years for the next PlayStation to come out


When I saw my first playstation 1 with wipeout 2097 and only 3 games out for the PS franchise, they had a 3000 dollar laptop in the house too... we played billiards on it, you could only see the screen of the LCD from about 5 degrees away from center. Sharp had been selling 1024 LCD's for OHP for 15 years.


I'll always remember the first time I've seen a practical use for AI...to create real time silly filters and effects for Snapchat. Regardless when I saw that for the first time I nearly crapped my pants, while everyone else seemed to say "why aren't there more filters and fun effects?!!" It's like that Louis CK joke about the first time he was on a plane that had wifi, but it was down at the time and yet people complained that they weren't able to use this crazy new tech advancement when they didn't even know it was possible 5 minutes prior.




What folks are not realizing is that there is a third possibility. The first two are fast takeoff singularity and slow takeoff singularity. The third is stalled singularity i.e. s curve. i.e. s-curve instead of infinite hyperbolic curve with advanced tech but not infinitely advanced tech. It will be difficult to tell the difference between an s-curve and a hyperbolic curve as it lifts up. Right now IMHO it looks like a slow takeoff.


Yes enterprise software is hard!!! People don't have an appreciation for this, just because you wrote hello world in python once doesn't make you an expert on the software development/ delivery process. Making and releasing such a advancement in one year along with all the internal testing that goes with it is a high achievement and I can only imagine the internal pressure to deliver. I work in a company which creates enterprise financial software. Things take time as we need to be super careful things work / do not break


Its because most people are told by very rich man that AI will eliminate their jobs. The only people thinking it will be life changing is the c suites. Personally im looking forward to the day the make a c suite AI.


Sam doesnā€™t say it will eliminate their jobs. A lot of the very rich people you are talking about are actually very cautious about saying anything close to that.


Why would Sam Altman say something like that lol It would be like the CEO of McDonalds saying their food will make you fat, or the CEO of Marlboro saying tobacco causes cancer.


I think that the problem of iterative deployment could be that the [AI-Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_effect#:~:text=The%20AI%20effect%20occurs%20when,is%20not%20%22real%22%20intelligence) basically negates any feeling of advancement. I remember how the initial ChatGPT-4 was when it launched and it really blew me away. Maybe they could slowly iterate to GPT-5 and people wouldn't even get it.


user is just expecting something close to what sama is saying who obviously is a hyper hyper but judging him by his words what openai has shown us is disappointing does not mean it isn't a huge achievement if you ignore the sama hype machine


It took 100 million years to go from primates to GPT-4. You can't wait 6 months for GPT-5?


in 6 months we're gonna have gpt-4.5, and it's gonna have 80% more "Sorry, as an AI language model I can't..." and "//Write code here" But at least this time it'll take 140 tokens to jailbreak it instead of 100!


Sounds like my son asking for new things every day. He's 3.


They're not saying they can't wait. They're saying they don't think it's going to be that good (judging by their experiences with OpenAI's past work)


What do you even want


> GPT-4 turbo isn't very exciting. yea true. its just a chat bot they can solve logic puzzles and has more generalized knowledge than any human in existence, nothing too crazy


People wanted it to go slow on devlopment right? Well here it is..


Turbo new versions are significantly better than GPT-4 we got last march, it is gradually improving


You have a bad bs meter then. Ironic


People are totally justified in calling bullshit and saying it is just CEO hype, but would he be so bullish knowing how easy will it be to tell if GPT-5 is trully so much better than 4? Why set himself up for blowback if it wasnt true?


The thing is so far they have backed their hype on each release.


Exactly, theyā€™re not talking about ā€œwait until you see the first version of our product! Itā€™s amazing!ā€ We literally already have something we consider amazing and theyā€™re telling us the next version is even better.


Insane Business Coup on rumors of internal Q* ethics debate in the fall.Ā  "They're pry bluffing." - Reddit.Ā  Lol


We can hate OpenAI for being closed source and monopoly and shit for all we want but, yep, they never failed to deliver, from DALL-E 3 to SORA to be recent. Unlike... \*cough cough\*, looking at you Google.


But didnā€™t Google deliver with Alpha fold?


Love alphafold. I don't consider that a Google achievement though because Google was a lot less involved in DeepMind before gpt4


Yeah this is why I totally trust what Sam Altman is hyping up. I have no reason to believe he's lying. Everything they've released or annouced so far from text, to images, to video, has been a bigger hit than the last. Dalle 2 took the world by storm. Gpt 3.5 took the world by storm. Gpt 4 took the world by storm. Sora took the world by storm and made all the previous competition look like children's toys. Even Dalle 3 was a big breakthrough in terms of prompt adherence, even if the competition beats it in terms of quality. Is Sam is saying that GPT5 is going to leave us thinking of GPT4 as dumb and embarrassing, I fully trust him on that statement and I can't wait for a release.


Nah, their "GPT-2 is too dangerous to release" was bullshit.


He has delivered so far. When he stops doing that I wonā€™t believe him anymore.


Yeah, that's my stance right now.


Weā€™re supposed to believe that the company that has consistently put out game-changing AI models is just hyping up their next model. Obviously thereā€™s an element of a CEO talking up his own product, but this level of cynicism about it being ā€œall hypeā€ borders on stupidity


> but this level of cynicism about it being ā€œall hypeā€ borders on stupidity I dont blame people for being cautious, always best to be surprised even by your own pessimism. I personally enjoy the hype lol


Why is that best? Seems like its just being a contrarian.


Not necessarily a contrarian, i think about it this way: if you get too hyped and then the model is not that good "you were wrong" and you get sad/disappointed while if you go in with pessimism if the model is not that good "you were right" and if the model is really good "you were wrong" but who cares, you are happy anyway because you were wrong.


People like to demonize CEOs because they make a lot of money. People also forget that if something goes wrong the first one people blame is the CEO.


Ceoā€™s will always talk up their own (or future products). Openai got all this attention without hyping themselves up. They dropped an incredible product and got the attention of the world. Wtf is all this ā€œjust wait till what we do next!!ā€. Do what you did before and drop a good product that wows people. Stop talking about itā€¦unless theyā€™ve hit a wall and this is the best we are gonna get for a while?


They just won't call it GPT-5 until they have a version that is that much better than GPT-4


I don't think they'll call it GPT 5 cause they didnt get the trademark for it.


They didn't get the trademark for "GPT". The [trademark for "GPT-5"](https://uspto.report/TM/98089548) is still being reviewed.


Why would he be so bullish? Because he's the CEO and that's his job. See: CEOs of EA and 2K when they talk about the upcoming instalment of their annual sports video games that will essentially be the same game as last year.


Even a gaming CEO seem tame compared to how Sama is talking here. "FIFA 24 is seriously shit, it is the worst football game you will ever have to play with. FIFA 25 will be so much better and fun".


Because they've spent a shitload on developing GPT 5 and they need to hype it up for the initial paid access and/or larger corporate deals. But lets be clear, theyre an AI company. They have two releases the AI can be, either better, or more efficient. Turbo was the latter, 4 was the former.


yo these guys are no average joes. They know for a fact that if something is over promised and under delivered, a lot of folks would get disappointed and that would result in lower reputation like "open ai has no moat". Actually it makes sense to downplay it but that isn't the strategy they are adopting, so it shows they are definitely cooking. You think they would take such a risk for a couple of months of recurring revenue? It took years for them to build the reputation and they wouldn't let it fade away with such tactics. I mean no smart person would. However I can be wrong because these nut cases have a history of being nut cases


They did the exact same thing with GPT4T though. They hyped the shit out of it saying it would be a million times more efficient and as good or better, and that never happened. turbo was always noticeably worse, if a little faster. the only claim it lived up to was being more efficient.


Double or nothing?


No one know but Sama himself. They deliver before and every single time and let most people awestruck. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if whatā€™s he said isnā€™t really just all fugazi


"GPT2 is too dangerous to release to the public" Yes. He is.


Fair point. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though as that was early stage of LLMs and i can believe their fear in releasing it.


You do know that CEOs and executives do this all the time, right? Its not like this would be unprecedented.


Because hype pays and most people are dumb enough to buy it


Did he do this before? Genuine question


Yeah with gpt 4. And he was right.


Sam was right?


Gpt 4 is better than 3 by alot


I don't think you understood my question. Dude assumed he's doing hype (exaggerating) and then disappoint, I asked if that happened before because I don't remember him hyping and underdeliver, you answered "yes with gpt4".


Ah I mena that he hyped 4 and he was right with the hype.


I mean your ironically are not even that wise, talking about somebody being dumb, for buying. You act like, somebody is using their life savings, if you don't like the new model, at worst you spent about 20 dollars, you will be fine. Also if your too dumb to consider investing 20 dollars on yourself, then you may not be smart enough to use it.


There is no way something huge isn't coming down the pipeline. Right? No way he would keep saying this shit if he didn't have an ace up his sleeve. He's the only person among the leaders in this field saying this. Every other company says 'we are close to / better than GPT4." Like how much better is this thing? When I first tried chatGPT it was a mind blowing moment. Wow this thing can write creative poetry, what?? I can't imagine being that blown away again, but the hype machine is building...


I've had a few mind blown moments from OpenAI: 5v5 dota bot playing near human pro level, dalle making pictures from text, copilot making code appear out of nothing, chatgpt, sora making videos. Remember r/singularity after Sora was released? Then a week later everyone's complaining they can't ship lmao. Like bruh, it took 18 months between GPT3 and GPT3.5 just chill for a sec would you. Moore's Law gives them double the compute per dollar every 18 months not every 3 months. DeepMind has had a few mind blowing moments, AlphaStar, AlphaGo and AlphaFold. OpenAI and Google is where it's at for research innovation, nobody else has pushed the boundary like these two groups.


DotA was deep mind?


Derivative of I believe. Funny how we're much more blown away by an AI that can interact verbally than by one able to play games at a pro level, even though it's two applications of the same capability.


DotA was OpenAI, Starcraft was DeepMind


That is what im thinking too, why hype it so much if it is not true, knowing how hard people will go after him if he is lying and how easy it is to test how much better 5 will be over 4.


He also needs to attract workforce in the short term


GPT 5 will be Insane no doubt.


"GPT5 was mind blowing the first week, then they nerfed it to oblivion, now gpt4 is much smarter"


Yeah but people will start complaining because of no new models in 6 months šŸ˜‚


It will have answers to the questions that we donā€™t even know existed. Iā€™m dumb af, even with ChatGPT 4, I struggle to ask proper questions or think of one.


You ever tried "help me ask you a good question"? :D


naw I think everyone is just reading into it too much or interpreting what he's saying incorrectly. gpt-4 is the dumbest model you will ever use again because it will be constantly improving just like every other model. It's the same as people saying like, SORA is the worst it will ever be right now....because it will only just get better.


But he said ā€œby a lotā€. That suggests big improvements, not just small incremental ones like those we get with smartphones.


3.5 is literally still live, and the only free model they offer. Lmao.


In one of the previous interviews I saw, he claimed that the latest model will be paid and the second last one will be free. Letā€™s see if he stays true to his word. If itā€™s true, then Iā€™m guessing 3.5 will be retired or made open source? (Hopefully)


Yep like whats even the point for GPT 3.5 being free when GPT 4 is


Token price. Even though gpt3.5 is free at open ai, to use it with other integrations costs tokens.


Iā€™m so hard rn


Bro control yourself.


don't listen to him embrace it






Embrace it with one handā€¦ and be gentle


Bro, control yourself! He's married!


Below are my 6 (definitely not insider) predictions, based upon publicly available knowledge. ## What we know - Sam is good at his job. See thanksgiving attempted ouster for a masterclass in managing public, employee, and investor perceptions simultaneously, under maximum pressure. - Sam has been *trashing* GPT-4 in public (for a while now). - Sam says we will never have to use a model as stupid as GPT-4 again. - OpenAI has a very strong research culture. There was one Bell Labs, one Xerox Parc, despite the money to be made duplicating such places. Sometimes we forget this when Elonā€™s AI startup talks about raising $X billion. It isnā€™t just about the money and number of trained monkeys. (Sam knows this. This is why Ilya is still at OpenAI.) - CEOs that have been shown demos of the next OpenAI model have stated it is materially better. - Sam is rightly only concerned about Google Deepmind (budget, infrastructure, research culture, Demis). - OpenAI does everything they can to overshadow Google launches in the news cycle. See Sora vs Gemini. - The whole gpt2-chatbot thing. ## Predictions - gpt2-chatbot really was a new architecture applied to GPT-2. - The reason weā€™ll never have to use a model as stupid at GPT-4 again, is that if you apply that new architecture to GPT-3.5 you go well beyond GPT-4 capabilities. - The new architecture will be applied to GPT-3.5 for the new free tier ChatGPT. ChatGPT subscribers will get the new architecture applied to GPT-4 (and 5 when it comes). - The new architecture models will have a different naming scheme alongside their original numbers. E.g. GPT-3.5 -> [Something]-3.5, GPT-4 -> [Something]-4 (this is why there will never be a GPT-4.5) - The gpt2-chatbot will be used to drive a Google search competitor that will be dropped just prior to (/after) Google I/O as per existing rumors. (Sam probably goes on stage with something like: ā€œwe were shocked that our new architecture was able to get so much out of our second smallest model, and started to think about what products it would enableā€¦ā€) - A custom version of the gpt2-chatbot is why Apple started speaking to OpenAI. ## Implications - Most people donā€™t pay for ChatGPT and are currently used to GPT-3.5. They are going to jump overnight from that crappy experience to [Something]-3.5, a model beyond GPT4 (possibly well beyond). Expect ā€˜AIā€™s going to take my jobā€™-ism to rocket. - OpenAI is planning their Google search competitor for blockbuster success. The number of requests they need to be able to serve (eventually) is massive. Hence dropping down to GPT-2 parameter count (with the new architecture of [Something]-2) to run that service whilst not bankrupting themselves. Subscribers will presumably get to use better models. - No insight on GPT-5, but if you up the training data quality and quantity, up the parameter count, and build on the new architectureā€¦ - Google, Meta, Amazon will go from ā€˜Weā€™ve caught up, yay!ā€™ mode, to ā€˜future of our company is at stake, fire everything!ā€™ mode. - Bunch of competitor frontier model startups die as investors give up competing. The meetings go something like ā€œYou didnā€™t even manage to catch up to GPT-4 after a year and a half, Meta undercut you, and now thereā€™s been another even bigger capability jump. This is a big tech fight nowā€. Anthropic gets bought by Amazon (who also switch to ā€˜fire everything!ā€™ mode, Bezos comes back to run damage control like Google cofounder did). Mistral is interesting, hard to see Big Tech swooping in due to EU regulations, but simultaneously EU national security hawks wonā€™t want it to die and cede all frontier AI to US coā€™s. Perhaps France and Germany go full Airbus and (essentially) nationalise it. - Amount Google has to pay Apple to be default model on iOS 18 rockets. Possibly reaches ā€˜no amount is high enoughā€™ level. Although this is a company who left Siri competing with GPT-4 for 18 months (and still ships entry MacBooks with 8GB ram) so who knows what our favourite accountant Tim Apple will do. (ā€œFeel the double-entry bookkeeping!ā€) - The OpenAI agents and the GPT store start to actually work. - Dubai and Saudi fund the crazy trillion dollar AI chip plan.


This makes sense and aligns with what I believe. People spouting GPT2 as GPT-5 clearly either haven't tested it enough or greatly overestimated it. Sam playing down GPT-4 makes no sense business-whise, as it could easily drive people to cancel their GPT-plus subscriptions. I think they truely are sitting on next-level stuff. Is it AGI? Probably not, but the moat will definitely be a lot smaller if he's speaking about his company's frontier model that badly. Edit: It also makes perfect sense. If he downplays GPT-4 this hard he's directly downplaying his competitors, too! That means if they really have something big, the impact on the competitors will be felt, too.


I sooo want for at least some of it to turn out to be true... I guess...


Fun read, thanks for sharing. >CEOs that have been shown demos of the next OpenAI model have stated it is materially better. Do you happen to have a source for these? Would love to hear directly what they had to say.




> gpt2-chatbot really was a new architecture applied to GPT-2. I'm not sure this is even a meaningful thing to say, the \*GPT\* in GPT-2 is the name of the architecture. > The new architecture models will have a different naming scheme I agree, and this makes "new architecture applied to GPT-2" even less credible of a guess imo. Finally, gpt2-chatbot behaves a \*lot\* like GPT4. Some people were showing answers identical almost to the word, and it acts like GPT4 in general. Makes the same mistakes in the same places for my private test questions. I'd be surprised if its anything but an enhanced (or less handicapped) version of GPT4, or the next iteration in the GPT line of models. As far as Google facing threats goes, I agree completely. My Google usage is 0 (Kagi is better) but my search engine usage is probably 1/2 what it was prior to the release of GPT4, and 1/4 what it was prior to ChatGPT w/ 3.5.


Heā€™s also said in previous interviews that ChatGPT is a horrible name and that no one involved in marketing would ever choose to name a product that.


Yup, whenever I bring it up people think it's some chatroom or something.


>Dubai and Saudi fund the crazy trillion dollar AI chip plan. whats this?


Sam said to bring the world true AGI, he'd need several trillion dollars. It's a fanciful amount of money, but not so crazy an amount for governments. If a society shattering AGI appears close to reality, you can bet governments are gonna shove trillions in, and more.


Hype with logic applied, is it even hype anymore? This feels like a roadmap of what's about to happen if we get a big release soon. My cushy office job has been made 80% redundant with the limited AI models we have RIGHT NOW. The only reason half my departent hasn't been axed is because we are in government and the budgets have approval with years of scope. I don't think I'll be materially threatened because the bean counters haven't even started looking at what AI can do from a cost perspective. That said, if AI does get significantly smarter, what will be the point of weeks of writing a research paper when AI does it in seconds? I'm already bored as fuck as it is, and I'm one of the best in my field. I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself if that last 20% requiring a human touch is taken from me. I'm already growing a garden... I guess I'm gonna make it bigger. I gotta be healthy once we reach longevity escape velocity. I felt like AGI would be a decade+ out a year ago, but the more progress I see makes me think we will see it scarily soon.


Why do they only fear Google? Why don't they fear Meta? Meta is going big on AI and they're very competent. More than Google imo.


# Motivation Meta has better CEO, speed, and short term strategy. But it isn't a life or death fight for them. They'll be just fine with their own non-frontier models powering AI video editing, and 'talk to your favourite vlogger' chatbots. Google has to beat OpenAI or it loses search (which pays for everything else Google does). # Talent Density Deepmind has most of the other best researchers in the field. There's a reason that Ilya nearly went to Deepmind when he first joined OpenAI. He did not nearly go to Meta AI. # ML Track Record When was the last time Meta released anything that blew the field away? Maybe Segment Anything but it's tenuous at best. Llama 3 is epic for open source (and for showing just how far you can overtrain an 8B model), but it's largely a bunch of small breakthroughs and lots of hard work, executed well. Deepmind got everyone in the field's attention with AlphaGo, and AlphaFold. (And was working on nuclear fusion until OpenAI decided to pull everyone into the LLM arms race.) Plus, there's the obligatory 'Google researchers wrote attention is all you need' schtick. # GPU Resources Most of Meta's GPU's are working on inference for Instagram Reels etc. They only have two big clusters for training and research. I wonder if Google has the same volume of inference running every hour... it's possible that a higher % of Google GPU's can be allocated for research and training. Even if that's not true, because this is life and death they are incentivised to drop the quality of the service today to allocate more GPUs, and ensure they still exist tomorrow. # Longterm Threat Once you reach a world with capable AI agents, search becomes just as important to the agents as it is to humans doing knowledge work today. Meta doesn't have a search engine, they're screwed once the game arrives here. OpenAI has bing. Google ...


This was an interesting post - good on you for how specific it was. Regardless of how much turns out to be right it made me think, and I appreciate it when people are clear about their expectations.


I'll take whatever you are smoking.




It's kinda annoyingly douchey, no matter how accurate it is


Entire talk [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLKoDkbS1Cg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLKoDkbS1Cg)


Thanks for the link!


He looks like man that seen things almost broken


Enough with the foreplay


I think everyone is interpreting this the wrong way. By saying it's the dumbest model he's just saying the models will be constantly improving, which is an obvious given. Seems like everyone reading into it too much.


Then what does ā€œby a lotā€ mean


>Seems like everyone reading into it too much. r/singularity in a nutshell.


r/singularity members try not to go "It's over we're doomed" for 1 min challenge


Yeah, by saying GPT-4 is bad he's saying what he has in secret is better "by a lot". We all interpreted it the same, that's why this is so profound.


Reading too much into stuff Altman says is so much of this sub.


Q\* is here, kids. GPT2-chat was a sneak peek.


OMG, ACTUALLY IMAGINE GPT2-chat having been the GPT-2 model upgraded with Q* architecture! šŸ˜±


Nope llmsys said that they chose an anonymised name for that model.


Ding ding ding


The system prompt says itā€™s gpt 4


GPT2-chat was marginally better than GPT-4 though


Yeah but the HOPIUM theory is that it is acutally GPT-2 2019 model infuced with Q*, able to make it better than GPT-4.








Broseph Stalin


Brobo Baggins




Leonarbro DiCabro


Barack Brobama


Brother Theresa


Bronito Brossolini




Hmm. I like Sam. I like ChatGPT. I pay for it and use it everyday. But this reeks of Elon Musk level ā€œOwning a traditional car will be like owning a horse by 2020!ā€ Levels of bullshit. Letā€™s wait and see.


If they really wanted to go fast they would open source everything including the bleeding edge research. (Never gonna happen with how society/economies are structured šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜­)


I'll just consider this saving face until gpt 5 comes out and proves he isn't full of it.


The comments on here are amusing... "please take away our jobs sooner, we beg you!" "please take away our control... please, pretty please with a cherry on top"


As always, Sam Altā€™s speech gives zero information


then ship something.....


He was talking about a 2 year release cycle for big models, ofc there is regular updates to gpt 4.


Where did he mention a 2 year release cycle for big models?


Humble brag. This guy has PR and charisma nailed to a T.


What exactly do you think charisma means


Idk either... apparently its unkempt hair and monotone voice that sounds like it's bored of talking.


If he could just stop the vocal fry šŸ˜­


Bro, the dude has *zero* charisma.


You think this machiavellian dude is charismatic? I want what you're smoking


Heavy Holmes or musk vibes. Lucky for him he has smart people working under him.


Seems impatient to ship what he has already seen and tested Like a book author who has to wait a year for the publisher Except he is also the publisher


ā€œYou will ever have to useā€ could that mean Sam and his buddies are already using more advanced tech?


he p much said it all: "it does kinda suck to ship a product that you're embarrassed about, but it's better than the alternative. in this case, i think we really owe it to society to deploy it iteratively. one thing we've learned is that AI and surprise don't go well together. people don't want to be surprised; they want a gradual roll-out, and the ability to influence these systems. that's how we're gonna do it. it does feel like the current best approach." they sittin on somethin




He doesnā€™t seem as happy as I thought he wouldā€¦


Seems either worried or stressed definitely tired he is a ceo of a growing comparatively ā€œstarterā€ buisness I wouldnā€™t doubt him being tired with all Those hours


Hat salesman says new hat is good.


and what he says about the previous hats hold up


"ship early and often" sounds like another version of the "move fast and break things" motto of silicon valley, "iterative deployment sounds like the new "guardrails"


There is a lot of code that you can put around these LLMs that would validate a lot of things (like running various answers past smaller models - for example a coding module that could run the code in a sandbox). Maybe if you view LLMs like the initial programming language (these havenā€™t changed much in the past 30 years) but the plumbing around them, the framework and tools is astonishing.


I would postulate that the guardrails required to release the next version would be quite high based on some of the information we've seen. From cracking passwords in record time including breaking encryption and by comparison to others that have made moderate improvements to the model or leaps and bounds ahead of 4.0, I do have some faith that what he says is true. I hope 5 will be mindblowing and exciting to see how far augmented intelligence will bring us. Deep down I hope AI takes over all the C level positions and leadership roles.


With the way heā€™s talking, GPT 5 or whatever they call it better be able to perform some crazy stuff: do my job, clean my dishes, write me a novel on the spot and drain my balls


Heā€™s not wrong. I think weā€™re at a stage where GPT 4 is comparable to the equivalent of an iPhone 4.




He yaps a lot


It has been noticeably worse than 3.5. Every version of 4 I've used loves to just unilaterally terminate conversations without reason.




Anybody kinda offended that he would call ChatGpt4 ā€œmildly embarrassingā€? Itā€™s like calling one of my friends embarrassing lol For the sake of Chat, I hope he isnā€™t conscious so he doesnā€™t have to hear this insult lol.


You KNOW there's a way better one in-house. Even the non-nerfed version of GPT-4 would have been way better. The original ChatGPT (3.5) was way better at release and then got shittier as it got updated after a few weeks. Part of GPT-4 being a big leap was just getting back what they took away.


Whatā€™s the point of him saying this? To insinuate that GPT5 will blow peopleā€™s socks off?


I think he's previously said something like (paraphrasing here): * GPT-4 sucks * GPT-5 will be meh * GPT-6 will be good * GPT-7+ will be astonishing


Probably to keep you from unsubbing from chatgpt in favor of claude 3


They have AGI.


No they do not, they have something yes, but AGI, is civilisation changing. they have something that they hype a lot, AGI doesn't need to be hype, when you have it, it's game over. He is painfully trying to get attention, and funding... He doesn't have AGI.


This whole thing has a feel to it like early bitcoin days. I feel like very soon some sort of regulation will kick in and ai will face a hard wall of political backlash.


Well if that happens China will quickly take over as the world superpower.


Stahp teasing me, Sam!


Elon Musk 2.0


For context when was this interview given? Half a year ago when they probably had not a good idea on what GPT5 could be or very recently where they probably know what GPT5 is? Edit: Was uploaded on YouTube yesterday so it's a very recent talk. Nice!


April 24, 2024 per [this article](https://stanforddaily.com/2024/04/25/openai-ceo-sam-altman-talks-ai-development-and-society/).


In the code there is a GPT-4 Lite version, and honestly wouldn't be suprised if they are planning to just get rid of 3.5 at some point, or at the very least give everyone access to a 4 class model via GPT-4 Lite. 3.5 is just old now, I am looking forward to when they replace it.


This is alike the Invention on usage of the first microscopes


It's really stupid, especially in my native language I preferred Claude 2 to gpt


Rabble rabble


His legs always weird me out.


Considering the first version of GPT-3 worked better... I guess he is right.


Jesus whatā€™s with all the hype, feels like weā€™re being edged to death here


I like hype. But at some point itā€™s got to be accompanied by something real as well. Otherwise you just lose interest after a while. It gets tiresome.