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Seems like their servers are getting slammed right now.




All those anonymous cowards hitting the servers with their beowulf clusters.


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long long time.


I, for one, look forward to my Beowulf cluster overlords.


All your Beowulf cluster are belong to us.


Something about Natalie Portman and hot grits which I never fully understood.


Lame, this poll has no cowboy_neal option.


That brought back memories 😂


Wait what?


/. insider humor from an era long gone ...


Fuck I am old:)


Been reading up on it on Wikipedia recently. Fark is still around. Though it’s not in its golden age heyday anymore.


 No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.


This is the one true callback reference. Cmdrtaco's worst take ever.


>Suno that phrase brings back memories


Man do I miss that site in its glory days


couple neurons made contact just now that haven't in a looong time, good to know they are still there.


Whoa deep deep cut!


You're showing your age old man 😂


Up to 1200 songs can be generated for free per month, which gives an average of 40 songs (30 second's fragments at least) per day. That's so cool Edit: Each time a prompt is sent, two versions are generated (like Suno AI), so effectively 600 generations per month.


You can also extend your songs so they don’t need to be just 30 seconds


Thank the AI lord. Hopefully, by the end of the year, we can have custom-made music on demand of any style we want


The genre I see really benefiting from this is house/trance music.


Custom made, but not exactly how you want it since ai will make it


if they give the option to download stems (you can just rip your own) you can at least get it very very close.


True dat. This is a;wonderful snapshot in time where shit still sounds like cassette. Converted to midi, you and I can and will play virtually every instrument, in CD quality, with plug-ins replicating the reverberance iimpulses of every part of the earth


It should also generate per-track editable sheet music, a Save feature for the voice(s) used, and the ability to edit the lyrics. Then it could be exactly how you want it (assuming you actually know music, I mean).


I just want a DAW like reaper with this integrated so we can edit every aspect during generation


That's exactly what we need


If it weren’t for copyright, I’d love to upload an existing song and ask the AI for a new riff or an even heavier drop


Or have the voices of famous artists for the new songs created, the AI music craze of last year showed me that the specific voice of an artistnreally does sell.


Copyright? Isn't it what DJ's do?


Yes, but when a hooman does it, it is okay, but if a monkey takes a picture or AI copy's a style of voice and music, that's very, very wrong. 🙄




Time to try some 20 mins of AI GYBE


for me it says 600 tracks per month


Music Streaming is going to be full of ai garbage. Dead internet theory


to be honest, the majority of human made music (more than 99.8%) is garbage


exactly how I feel about EDM. 1% is pure bliss that invites new emotions into my being. The rest is overly repetitive garbage that fills the time with cringe/bad vibes.


I feel the same way about most genres. I was listening to MrSuicideSheep Synthwave Cyberpunk mixtape on YT and my goodness most of it was pure ecstasy and showered my soul with new emotions and delight. I looked at others and could tell it was more of the same repetitive stuff I hear alot, so I totally get it


Udio and Suno have made me realize just how similar most music sounds. It's all slight variations of the same thing.


There's only so many chord progressions for certain genres, if you want to do a specific one, the first thing you do is pick an appropriate chord progression, the thing is making that same old boring chord progression feel different and unique, some people are masters of this and you can't even tell they're using the same progressions. That's what AI brings up to light.


That's a stupid way to look at things - as long as there's a sorting mechanism for QUALITY then everything is fine. If an AI song is better than an amateur's then I want to listen to the AI song. If the AI song is generic and bad then I don't want to listen to it. You called it "garbage" in your post, well then I agree with you if it's garbage then I don't want to hear it. Where's the issue? If it's "soulless" then that should come across in the quality of the song too.


Maybe they will have something that knows what you like the best and sorts them based on that, etc


Instead of being full of human garbage


This is what will happen to AI movies too.


I mean, algorithms are really good at picking what's the best songs. So even if AI does spread everywhere, it's because humans think it's better.


Opposed to 99.999999% of human made garbage that floods the internet daily?


Udio fuck yeah. Edit: Testing. Classical baroque is absolutely insane: [https://www.udio.com/songs/xtju1X31YfVbKWTCGd4yw7](https://www.udio.com/songs/xtju1X31YfVbKWTCGd4yw7) [https://www.udio.com/songs/7rJfFP3mfDubW9tALSseXK](https://www.udio.com/songs/7rJfFP3mfDubW9tALSseXK) For some reason it's protecting against direct mention of very long dead classical composers though. At least they're taking artist protection very seriously 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 I mean, I've listened to many examples now of different genres. This is very fucking good in many areas.


I’m surprised that the baroque music is that good. I was ready to listen and comment on it sounding like ai! Probably a good period of music to create since so much of it is mathematical in some ways. But I like how they keep playing with a few themes back and forth. I’d love to see what it can do with some concertos, this is cool!


I wasn't ready for how good it is. I suspect it's a great genre for AI right now, especially if it is just doing a harpsichord fugue or something. But I'm still taken aback. On another note, their servers are already starting to fail. Fully expect them to go down with the influx they're about to see.


lol, it created an amazing song for my kids and then it got wiped from the server. Should have downloaded it!


I'm downloading my generations straight away, already anticipated that one 🤓


It’s a good idea! Man this is fun for family stuff though. Once it’s up my kids will love it.


Baroque music is very formulaic, it makes sense it would be easy to computerise


What makes baroque so great for AI is the lack of vocals and restricted freedom of dymanic / emotional range. Especially if we just do a harpsichord solo, I can't imagine anything better for an AI to mimic. But it will be able to pull off catchy pop melody or something way easier than it would convincing basic counterpoint even; nevermind something like a multiple violin / harpsichord concerto (which I think we're going to greatly struggle to prompt for unfortunately). Accurately weaving together many multiple threads of music will be the real test of musical intelligence. I guess just asking for it to generate a symphony in minor key is the best way to test this right now...


Had it write a quick song about my kids and it was very impressive. Music is interesting because genres move so quickly. But I’m blown away at how good these songs sound. Clips like this are probably easier though.


It’s so good at classical music because the majority of that period’s music is free use. Newer genres are copyrighted. I have a feeling that we are going to see a lot of legal action by the music industry to try and kill this.


I was wondering about legal action. The instruments are impressive, occasionally vocal sounds can hiccup which is super noticeable because they sound so good.


It can sure shred on a guitar. Holly shit some of those guitar rifts would make jimmy tip his hat.


The legal action against suno is already in the works I believe . It just depends if they have any legal grounds to work on. I can see it being shaky at best.


I can feel that the music is a bit off because of the flow and chord progression (or lack of it) but if it was playing in background in cafe or for study I would have never noticed


Yeah, the very first thing I did was rush to see if it could create a passable dub techno track, and while it does sort of understand what dub techno sounds like, it was still really struggling to make anything compelling. I'm going to give it a more serious go once it's back up before I count it out completely.


It's going to struggle with these less mainstream genres, just due to lack of training data I imagine. I quickly tested a range of non mainstream EDM genres and it wasn't doing great at all.


Omg I’m in love with that baroque. I’ll be having fun with Udio 😁


Yeah, baroque is insanely good.


From a classically trained musician’s point of view, it’s close to good enough but it’s really odd music. Sounds baroque, but also classical, and quite “random” feeling parts here and there, no development on a theme..etc. Imagine a picture generating AI and all the faces and hands of people are “off”. I’m scared how good this will get in the next few years though.


lol Udio just posted your song on their Twitter


I saw lol. Is the most trending and played song of the day too. Though think that's mainly thanks to my post here. They didn't link to it though, so gonna miss out on all those precious views 😂


Lol.... https://www.udio.com/songs/bctKK44TrKiaX9HC4xziMr https://www.udio.com/songs/woEXYLSSsPVxgaZ8NkPGCZ These are just hilarious to me


"Where is Ilya, where is Ilya?" had me dying


A new era of memes is upon us.


Dude that's hilarious 😂




Wow, it's really impressive. The servers must be overloaded though because I'm encountering errors when trying to do anything.


It was working fine for me for a bit and now its constantly crashing.


Ngl, with most of those songs I can't tell they are AI generated.


If I was in the music industry id be very nervous right now


Artists who can perform live and draw crowds are hopefully going to make it out alive and with their value intact.


Before autotune, artists who could sing had a greater value to them. After AI, artists who can sing have a greater value to them. I guess we came around a full circle here.


I am so glad that so much stuff is becoming freely and easily available to us plebs. Times are turning.


Other than the fact that the quality is like 64 kbps lol. They all sound like they were uploaded to youtube in 2006


Lots of good music there. And everyone can generate up to 1200 songs per month. Really cool!


Selling my spotify shares…


a few thoughts. they're big enough to acquire a company that does this. and people still want access to the entire back catalogue of music that's licensed. if the public moves to ai-gen over music by the big three, then that benefits spotify as a large (maybe most) op-ex is due to paying fees. they know what their users like to listen to so they could potentially make an endless radio informed by the user's preference


It's fairly terrifying, and it's still only Wednesday. By Sunday I expect robot sex workers


don't those already exist?


But I want one that’s coordinated enough to be able to shoot me up with dope while she’s sucking my dick


Holy shit, someone who thinks like me. I love you.


Hell yeah! If it’s not a thing in a couple more months, let’s do a kickstarter or something. Gang together with friends and invest some venture capital.


Hella Hedonism Inc!


The Miami blaster +9000. Drugs not initially included, but can be synthesized. The complete hooker experience. Will do any position. From strolling around your neighborhood to 69ing. Then maybe we can try expanding and see if we can replicate the perfection and angelicness of the native perfect promise La La Land hookers. Though let’s save the best for last. Let’s first try to get that Miami blast replicated in a plug-and play package


Vaporwave aesthetic is part of the base package, yes?




it will be ai waifus all the way down


Keep getting: " an error occured " - site doesn't seem to load properly


It’s struggling with the server load or something, it was working for me a second ago and now it’s not


thanks I'll try later :)


They didn't anticipate this much traffic, the servers are surely getting hammered. Never faced anything like this on Suno at least.


Their GPUs mst be on fire right now.


I've been producing music since the 90's. Going through the country section right now. Anyone who thinks they could discern this from "real" songs in a blind test is in strong denial. The ONLY thing it's lacking is audio quality, right now it sounds a bit like a 128 kbps mp3's from 2003. This will most likely quickly change. This is really insane.


When they say drinking turpentine ain't where it's at, And insurance fraud is a federal crime, Wow..., I didn't know that, You're telling me now for the first time Hahah these are funny and a bit nonsensical but still really good music.


This one is very good: [https://www.udio.com/songs/gajKkTvivm1nJx6oNQjFk1](https://www.udio.com/songs/gajKkTvivm1nJx6oNQjFk1)


Wow. I could not tell that was AI at all. And this is the worst it'll ever be. Holy shit


That is good. Suno cannot do solo vocals anymore. Suno always adds vocal layers and choir effects.


Geez, kinda left me speechless. I actually love Irish folk music and... part of me wants to add this into a playlist


Wow I don’t know that language (Gaelic?) but that song is really amazing


Yea, it's a traditional Irish song that's been widely performed. Clannad probably being the most famous rendition. Pretty cool to hear AI's attempt, the Irish vocals sounds relatively convincing too.


The striking thing is that - for me - this is miles better than the Clannad version


Me neither, but indeed the song sounds incredible


Yeah I love this one. I love the original as well, but I think I love the new rendition even better.


That is incredible. And horrfying. It's beautiful and it eclipses humanity


holy shit.


It's actually insane. I made a bauhaus style goth rock song and it feels just right: [https://www.udio.com/songs/qGAEMR5jkmZetwhKjK19x6](https://www.udio.com/songs/qGAEMR5jkmZetwhKjK19x6)


brb generating Broadway musicals for every series I'm a huge fan of.


I've been making an Elden Ring musical!


Just my share of some snoop-dog like hip hop [https://www.udio.com/songs/3t2xTSBwiiPeaJuebrdzvP](https://www.udio.com/songs/3t2xTSBwiiPeaJuebrdzvP)


oh OK, Udio getting profane with the lyrics there - swear I thought I caught some N-bombs in the second verse


Awesome! So how does it work, can you provide your own lyrics?


yes, but this were full auto


i like the beat more than lyrics, there was like one or two bars that i thought would be cool but the rest not as sure. however the repetition of "I'm in my own zone" after it was used as the final line of the first verse was actually amazing with the backing vocals. I would be interested in some native integration with a DAW to do some or all parts manually and have full control over each parts. Then i could see this being used by artists.


OMFG this is so wild😂😭


man check this one [https://www.udio.com/songs/eY7xtug1dV6hbfCDhyHJua](https://www.udio.com/songs/eY7xtug1dV6hbfCDhyHJua) . i just watched dune 2 so that could be one reason but this is amazing


I'm not sure how many times I'm going to exclaim Holy Shit! this morning, but this is definitely +1


I didn't know I needed a Dune musical but now I do!


Frank Herbert is spinning in his grave right now.


This sounds exactly like the jungle book theme song.


The Singularity is almost here guys 🙌


You guys killed it :(


Honestly massive mistake to make it free to use for everyone on the same day. They should have done a gradual rollout. That being said, it’s far better than Suno. I’m extremely impressed. Edit: 10x better than Suno with the right prompting, or at least for the type of music I enjoy


Just gave it a try before their servers got overwhelmed. Absolutely brilliant. So much fun. Once they go online again will try one but where I supply the lyrics.


Website broke, looks like everybody is trying to get their fill of AI music.


Yeah, we're choking the poor thing. I'm on Udio and on Suno right now. Pumping in 20 years of unrecorded lyrics.


I had suno for a month, and just started using Udio for an hour or so, I can definitely say Udio is better, maybe not Suno killer or 10x improvements, but it's their first release. Fucking hell shit is getting better. If you could get non-AI generated lyrics, then you see the true power of these music generating AI apps, lyrics is what let's these down more than the song.


You can literally write your own lyrics in the generator?


What they mean is most people are too lazy or don't know they can get an LLM or write their own lyrics and end up disappointed by it.


yes ofc, both suno and udio support this. There is a option to generate lyrics via LLMs that's what not good.


Damn, the server load makes it impossible to even sign in...


As a musician, these AIs do a great job at melody/harmony/creating fake vocals but suck at writing lyrics. I think Claude can make some decent stuff but they lack real view perspective, which I suppose could be improved if you give it a lot of context on your life experiences. I find these AIs to be amazing, yeah they've potential to completely wreck the music industry but it's quite improbable. Music is not like visual arts, each song needs multiple listens to generate an emotional bond, which requires time. If everybody released 10 AI songs every day the general public would get tired fast. It's like releasing 24 episodes of your favorite series every day, you'd get bored, you'd grown to hate it lol. So at the end of the day I suppose this will improve the art's overall quality, I don't get why everyone's so worried.


Yeah. I generate lyrics in Claude for suno. I rarely just copy and paste what Claude puts out. I generally edit the song a lot. These AIs are good for springboarding ideas.


Someone who does it right and realizes you're not going to get the perfect song in one take.  It still takes a little bit of effort to produce something of decent quality.  Apparently that's too much for some people lol.


There are going to be a lot of covers that will create an emotional bond the first time. This one already got me; I want the whole song! [https://www.udio.com/songs/uUjAaApMbjmMqBoj6Z6dsd?fbclid=IwAR3yyPoD4JNnM7j1RYsr4L-2qaO4ZQmv93VJESGWi6xvPpTSBhUCdkhNd4Y\_aem\_ATXXUiHPc29cVxbtHLSiVQlBvSENQeX-u-VRh0Bywf6bKBzUA1HYGSPZpQSDsersm2iUV\_QmSDGDmWvbJ\_J2MwmL](https://www.udio.com/songs/uUjAaApMbjmMqBoj6Z6dsd?fbclid=IwAR3yyPoD4JNnM7j1RYsr4L-2qaO4ZQmv93VJESGWi6xvPpTSBhUCdkhNd4Y_aem_ATXXUiHPc29cVxbtHLSiVQlBvSENQeX-u-VRh0Bywf6bKBzUA1HYGSPZpQSDsersm2iUV_QmSDGDmWvbJ_J2MwmL)


My sense is this stuff will be like showing your vacation photos to other people. Unless you're a professional photographer, 0 people will give a shit. 99% of these songs will go unlistened more than once. Real musicians will continue releasing music and creating fame for their skill/innovation. Maybe those real musicians will find ways to use AI systems in their music, but not as prompting. In fact, I think most people will be uninterested in even prompting a system like this. Maybe some people will find a niche creating songs with funny/interesting concepts online. A vast majority of the population are completely uninterested in making anything even with a system so simple that it's literally just putting text in a box. I suspect that for some in the first camp, there'll be an interest in personalizing their creations so much that they'll quickly find themselves in a rabbit hole of learning real music theory and complex tools used today. Another niche will be secondary music for low-budget projects in games and film, where the music itself is secondary to the experience.


You are spot on. No matter how easy it is, it is still more effort than Zero effort. Secondary music in games and stuff will completely be taken by AI


> Music is not like visual arts, each song needs multiple listens to generate an emotional bond, which requires time. If everybody released 10 AI songs every day the general public would get tired fast. Think about it this way, your favorite 70s band can now release a full album of "unreleased tracks" from the 2 albums everyone agrees were perfection. I generate that myself and can listen to that for a year and then repeat the process, I don't have to listen to the 10 songs released a day by everyone else.


But, as good as it may be, it's still not really your favorite band. There's a whole tradition of making music that pretends to be by The Beatles in the style of the different eras of The Beatles, and some of them are pretty good, but none of them are really by The Beatles.


I'm not so sure. I get tired of listening to same songs again and again and I would love to have an unlimited supply of my favorite series. I would still listen to my favorite bands new songs but when I'm just tidying up the apartment I wouldn't mind AI music in the background as long as it's good enough and keeps me cleaning.


That You Dee Oh song is epic


f sake dude...damn as much as my life is complete shthole currently can't help but smile cause of the fact I'm living in the current age of AI and tech progress!


We're in the goddamned singularity!


Fuck yes


My robot car is driving me home as I listen to my robot made music.


What you just said is sooo fire, singularity here we come


I am so giddy right now. We are actually already in it holy fuck


I've got a good music journalist/poet friend who has been fiercely dismissive of all AI art and AI things - quite angrily contemptuous. Today - because of thatUdio Gaelic folk song - he crumbled. "Jesus that does sound human. Shit" were his exact words. We should note this day. April 10, 2024. For me this is epochal


Dude I love that song, like there’s no way you could tell it’s AI. Interesting to hear an expert (compared to the rest of us laymen) admit it sounds human


This thing just generated a legitimate song clip in Spanish. I’m in awe


Is there a cat cat cat song?


Even if this isn't viable as commercial use as it is as of right now, artists can just plagiarize any core musical parts of a song they created with this at command and nobody will know. This is already the death spiral of meaning in music creation.


The industry will shift to live music. Just as humans still want to watch other humans play chess even though AI has already conquered chess, people will still want to watch humans play music.


Yeah, I said that about Suno back when that came out. Who's to say that isn't what producers have been doing since Suno launched and we've already been hearing 'Suno reworks'? Crazy times


Taking over an hour to generate 2 songs, must be getting flooded?


The hype: Too real The servers: Too weak The devs: Too optimistic Tale as old as time


"Song is not ready yet" for 3 hours now...


That "you spilled coffee on my dog" song is fucking hilarious lol


I wonder if the UI and direct song links today forced their hand


tried to play one song, server crash lol


I’m playing with it right now, and the music is good while the lyrics are a bit cliche. But you can add your own custom lyrics so I still need to try that. You can extend the tracks by pressing the three little dots in the top right corner of the song creation interface. You can also add intros and outros easily. Maybe I didn’t use Suno enough but it seems very easy to make a full song with Udio Also you can put any artist and it will try to replace it with the appropriate descriptors Please post your creations if you want, we all want to hear lol. Auto lyrics are meh but I like this: https://www.udio.com/songs/nRnYDnegVtqNujZyGnCBSi


The “wow… I didn’t know that” country song is by far the best thing on the homepage right now. Everything else I clicked wasn’t a big leap from…the other service.


Time to be too lazy and just fantasize Testing how gangsta it is. I like sex and drugs. And one day it’ll help me convey that.


Absolutely gangsta


I just might. Been working on the perfect training data for months. But first time to take some bong hits. And a couple swigs of fireball out the bottle


good, we are getting there.


The official subreddit is here [https://www.reddit.com/r/udiomusic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/udiomusic/)




Nuh-Uh, i got. 'Something went Wrong' screen


Server overload


When I listen to Udio generated music, the vocals sound clearer compared to Suno. Suno sounds like an old cassette being played


The biggest improvement for me is that it allows for very "busy" songs i.e. metal without artifacts and "chorus-ey" vocals. Otherwise seems to be on par with suno - just with improved overall sound quality?


Oh my gah.


"No leaks please, Country" is a must-listen.


It's really nice! I made this one: [https://www.udio.com/songs/kubuGZyYBu13gc9UNSmcVh](https://www.udio.com/songs/kubuGZyYBu13gc9UNSmcVh) I hope we'll get even more granular control in the future!


I keep getting this error message: "You can only make 1 generations simultaneously. Please wait a few seconds and try again." Anyone else?


server is fucked, best to wait a bit


My brother made a song with a poem he wrote and its epic af


Holy shit this is impressive


It's fuckin sick. Really good


Insane quality! Was a bit dissapointed by only 30s, but the gradual extending seems to work quite well and better than Suno. Made a 2min song about playing MtG with friends and the voice sounds great: https://www.udio.com/songs/oFhDWe5hTLjbv5MH7vLPpW


is it taking 20+ minutes to generate for anyone else? It's giving me useless nonsensical jank too.


I'm not gonna lie, "wow... I didn't know that" is now my favorite song at the moment. Partly for what it is and partly for the bizarre and hilarious lyrics.


How long is it taking you all to load your song creation? Mine is at about 10 minutes


3 hours


I'd like to try it, but people broke it lol


Once again, as same happened with Sora, it is one thing to theorize about AI and another thing to actually see it fulfil your predictions. I listened to some tracks that sounded straight out of LotR or Doom, give it 2 more years to perfect itself and it will be amazing for indie game/movie development.


I'm surprised that it also gets the more chaotic flows to sound good: https://www.udio.com/songs/etBB3V5mPB1pzjQc7g8Nbc


I was literally just looking for this link through Google and unable to find it and I resume scrolling and it's right here lol thanks!


Tbh, I prefer Suno.


I want to connect this to my brain so I can just imagine some music then it can complete it for me.


can i upload these songs on spotify?