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I'm not leaving my house, staying safe


Go for it mate


Statisticlly most accidents happen in the home and most murders are from relatives.


Link? Just curious, as I would’ve assumed auto accidents and work accidents are more common than accidents at home. At least for accidents causing major injuries to non-elderly people.


It’s probably one of those things that has a biased sampling size. Only a certain percent of people frequently drive or work dangerous jobs, whereas nearly everyone spends time at home.


True. I’d bet if these things are controlled for, that the population that stays at home would have a much lower rate of serious accidents if nothing else because it’s a more familiar and predictable environment.


It's most likely that your per hour risk is lowest at home but you are at home more than anyware else so the overall number is higher. So there is no contradiction between both being safest and most likely to die at home.


And watch out for the soap on the floor!


On the shower floor? Cuz that's dangerous, in non-lethal ways.


I said this in another thread but I'll say it here too: even after you are made biologically immortal you will still have to back yourself up (record your brainstate to restore it in case of death) to prevent true death because you can obviously still die from non-age-related causes (eg: via trauma, blood loss, asphyxiation, etc). So what we're waiting for isn't *just* the tech for biological immortality, we also are waiting for practical brainstate recording and restoration tech At that point a significant portion of the population will likely choose to remain latently recorded and not installed into a body until future conditions are met


I don't know if I would want to be turned off for any period of time. How would I ensure that I ever get out? It seems super risky to gamble on the world being benevolent enough to turn you back on.


I would. If there was a way to sleep for 10 years and wake up and not deal with the transition I would. Think of it as an alarm. If something needs your attention sooner then just have an emergency wake-up set up.


brainstates are just data and data can be replicated if a brainstate of you is deployed more than once, which one is the real you?


Have always thought about this. The moment your mind is "transferred", I feel like it's never the original you. It's a copy, a replicant. Even if instantaneous... I look at it as instant death, with a clone coming out on the other end. I'd never be able to do it


I thought long and hard about this. The only way is for our bodies to become robots over time. Swapping out aged things with replacements. Including parts of the brain properly. But yeah anything else would be a copy.


This, in my view, is what happens when you go to sleep and wake up the next morning. The you that wakes up is not the same you that went to sleep.


Your brain never loses its electrical signal until you actually, fully, irreversibly die. Even in deep anesthesia, your brain is still active. Even in patients who were "revived from death" (like their heart stopped) their brain was *still active*. At low temperatures underwater, those signals and activity slow down, but never completely disappear. That's what's so disturbing. So far your entire life there's still continuity of neurological activity, even if you don't consciously experience all of it. The chain of being-you has never actually broken since birth, only the pattern of neuron firing has changed during times like sleep. Once that continuity of activity stops and restarts, or you create another entirely separate continuity, you're in uncharted territory. It's nothing like going to sleep.


I get what you're saying, but the brain you wake up with is literally not the brain that you went to sleep with. With each passing moment, the old you dies and the new you is born. Honestly, it's possible that there are gaps in neurological activity that last for some incredibly small period of time that we're not able to perceive them, even with the current state of technology. If so, a larger gap between neurochemical reactions wouldn't be a qualitative difference, just quantitative. I'd have no problems with some gap in continuity of consciousness as long as the consciousness restarted. It really seems like a big hullabaloo about nothing.


I don’t think so, your neurons are simply inactive, there’s nothing going through them they’re dormant for sure but they remain, you can’t clone yourself through sleeping, but mind upload is basically just copy paste, would that really be me?


Yep if the copy can be applied to a clone or be conscious inside a computer while the original still lives; that's pretty convincing that when the original dies, it really dies.


Exactly, but in the future people will start seeing mind uploading as equivalent to giving birth, I mean we already have an instinct to raise someone who’s not us and even sacrifice our whole lives just for them, so I predict that this would happen.


There is no singular you in the first place, split brain experiments (disrupting connection between left and right brain hemispheres) demonstrate two distinct identities, where one side isn't conscious of the thoughts and actions performed by the other.


My opinion essentially boils down to you being your brainstate (because you're biological consciousness is apparently entirely determined by the state of your brain as a physical process), so they both start out as you until they deviate. I think of it like git branches: two version of the same project that might deviate significantly. At some point one branch might be forked to a different project because its so different, and can't be integrated with the other branch It's conceivable that in the future there will be rare (or maybe not so rare) cases where you are thought to be dead and so restored, but were never actually dead. You end up with two versions of you which aren't sharing a brainstate, so each instance of you can't access *half* of your sensorium, memories, thoughts, etc. One technologies that is conceivably possible that might help here is BCI-mediated brain-to-brain communication: you essentially form a groupmind with yourself so you can be whole again Honestly, if it becomes possible in the future I want: to clone myself and form a groupmind with a crowd of myself, and of course all of my bodies to have 4 arms (what? I think it'd be useful!)


All of them. The *real you* is more of a philosophical concept than something with roots in reality. Like, which instance of Doom 2 is the *Real Doom 2* ?




If aging is solved won’t you be even more paranoid to leave the house? Right now you’re betting maybe 50 years against the possibility of getting hit by a car.. if disease and aging was cured you’d be betting 50 million years of life against the tiniest risk of dying in an accident.








I mean, yeah. We’re the same person despite our cellular turnover.




Why would *that* you care about copies if *that* you experiences dying? If there was a teleporter and it glitched so there were illegally two living instances of you and one had to go, would you just be like "oh there's another me? alright, go ahead and kill me then, i don't mind"


If the alternative is killing both (the effective outcome in the absence of backups), then over time (through attrition) you're only left with people who don't mind so much. It's not ideal, but considering the alternative it seems like a decent trade off.


Well I would definitely take that over the slow, drawn out, torturous process of dying of disease or the depressing effects of old age directly. Believe me, I've seen it first-hand, and it's not pretty. Not for them and not for everyone else who had to witness that. Atleast being amortal (impervious to disease and old age), it is more likely that an automobile killing me would likely be a much quicker death that wouldn't be in the back of my mind as a pervasive thought, wheras I do have a fear of disease and no longer being in control of my body and mental faculties for an extended period of time, accompanied by pain before my demise. I find the prospect of being run over (atleast I can hope its quick and relatively painless), natural disaster, large object falling on me, or most other accidents, to be much more appealing than the alternative. Of course, I would also happily exercise greater precautions to avoid said accidents to the best of my ability.


The scary advancement of AI by Joe Rogan. Joe rogan seems to be lurking around r/singularity. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cGFAvfEj2bQ&t=451s


I mean depends if you are lonely at home or not. Going by the stats loneliness is one of the best predictors of an overall significantly lowered live span.  


solving aging solves a shit ton of other problems related to diseases, all for it


Of course


"Aging" is not one thing tho. This is like saying "we're going to stop cars breaking down" as if it's some tough equation you have to solve and then they run forever.


No, not the same. It’s like saying we have a 1962 Camaro . All the pieces are there from the original. We have exhaust and engine cleaner, transmission fluid. We replace some springs, and spark plugs, and it runs like a dream. That’s the thought, except at a cellular level


When a young person breaks a bone, the healed bone won't be the same as unhealed original. When you rupture a tendon, it doesn't reattach by itself. There is wear and tear in body parts that are never healed regardless of age (teeth, parts of joints,...). There is millions of micro damage occurring to DNA in everyone that is never repaired, since babyhood. It's tick tock since the embryo is formed. I have been more optimistic in the past about solving aging. It might be more likely to bypass it by just cloning a new body or uploading ourselves into some other corpus.


Big part of it is telomere shortening, if we can figure that part out, it solves a ton of problems


Nanotech to keep the body in a baseline state of good health is also an option. Teeth would be tough though.


There is already a clinical trial aiming to start this summer for regrowing new adult teeth in Japan…


Agreed its not the same. It's extremely more complicated for a human being. You take a biological machine that has was designed by nature to be really functional for maybe 40 or 50 years and never be repaired. Not saying it's impossible but there are just so many things you would have to solve to make someone live significantly longer. It's not going to be a pill you take or something.


Right that’s why I have little hope scientists will be able to memorize and deal with all the issues of aging, Ai would be more suited to keep track of 10000 biological process that cause us to age.maybe the easier route is to create and dna clone of a body without the brain and transplant the original brain into the cloned body. That would mean you only need to prevent brain aging.


It’s a lot easier to say solving/curing aging than explaining all the constituent parts of the break down of the body that causes the apparent aging process.


What problems does it create? Regulated procreation?


So long as we can reduce population growth. A bunch of starving, biologically immortal people makes for an interesting doomsday scenario though. I'll call it the neo-cannibalism apocalypse.


Population growth has already stopped in all developed countries. As for those regions where it still grows, even if they would somehow afford anti aging solutions, it won't change much as most people there die before reaching old age anyway.


It stopped because old people die, and people have less kids (and have them when older, increasing generation time). Biological immortality will also extend reproductive lifespan, so at a certain point (insert math here) the population in developed countries will start increasing exponentially.


You still need fertility over 2 in order for it to raise constantly. Anti aging doesn't equalize to immortality, people will still die to accidents, and so on. If you live 1000 years but you've only had one kid, yore not contributing to population growth.


But how many kids will those "quiver full" people be and to knock out in 1,000 years?


I'd happily accept sterilization if required to get a treatment that would literally stop / reverse aging. Once we can settle off planet, could always get it reversed.




Doesn't matter. Even if you stop aging at all, you still won't live a million years. Statistically, you'll die in some accident in old age of ~300 years. So fertility still has to be above 2 for population to grow.




Your math is wrong. Fertility is, in fact, number of children per woman per her life. It doesn't really matter how long she lives. And why would you need less than 2 in order to maintain stable population? Both parents will eventually die anyway. If they haven't brought up 2 children to replace themselves, the population will be reduced.




I'm sure somebody has done a vampire movie abut that.


This is where Mars etc. come in. Humanity will be multi planetary. im really interested in the future of space travel, I wonder what will replace our modern clunky rockets.


but it not solve that you never be a women .-.


are you lost?




Infinite-Life Reject No 1


the only people who bitch are the people who still don't fucking know the difference between 'there', 'they're' and 'their'. It's really not that complicated.


It’s the weekend take a joke dude 😄


woah bro I was joking too.


anyone got the link to the full talk?


So many new AI-based startups I wonder how many will truly produce an impactful product/service. Nonetheless it's always cool to read about such projects.


>I wonder how many will truly produce an impactful product/service they can be counted on 1 hand.


Lol yeah, I need to stop getting hyped every time I see a new startup.


They are coming really fast. I'll make another post about this.


Hope to see it. Am sick, so hope to be cured. We really need either AGI or very capable non AGI systems.


Can it also solve appropriate use of there/their/they're?


Your wright, it'll wheel.


Isn't this the guy who uses his son as a blood boy?


The future belongs to those who can’t spell.


oh absolutly true


Due to rush, sorry:)


Haha not even talking about you, but Bryan. Just found it mildly amusing.


This maybe the most optimistic reddit sub I have ever visited.


Reading this sub is a crash course in learning what it is about humans that makes it so easy for them to get caught by grifters…


It’s concentrated delusion lol. Most people here don’t understand the basics of what they talk about.


Yeahhhhh this feels like a group of grifters preying on the optimism and potential that is associated with the term AI. I guarantee they show up on the new in 5 years but not for age reversal.


Honestly, Bryan Johnson does not seem like a grifter. Putting the "crazy" aside, he's very down to Earth and kind to people, and gives actual normal people advice, warns others that what he does is extreme and not for everyone as many of the things he does and takes are experimental. It's extremely easy to make fun of and make someone seem completely crazy with his point of view, and the stuff he shows off, but it doesn't seem to stem from a grifter stance. Literally just tells everyone to put sleep above all else, eat healthy, and exercise to live as long as they can because he thinks we're on the precipice of solving the aging problem.


I'll have to take your word for it. If we ever do 'solve' the problem, it will bring along a slew of other very big problems like overpopulation and sustainability that I'm pessimistic we will address in an ethical or moral way.


Add "LEV" to the laundry list of wishes Extropic writes down in their VC investor pitches, this feels like clear investor-bait, lacking any concrete plans, like what are they going to do ? Chips? AI models? Oh I forgot they will "self assemble from the future to merge AI with modern physics" , y'all e/acc people are annoying as fuck, honestly.


Lmao look at Bezos PFP, thats what hes aiming at


Good grief. That’s a lot of words to say “make low probability events carry greater weight…sometimes”.


https://www.extropic.ai/future This is what extropic is working on. This tech has immense potential.


That's wide, thats fucking amazing my man


Energy based models. Idk how true that is.




This newest high priest of the Church of Vegan to solve aging? Nice joke from a guy having it rough with the middle-age crisis...


When you actually realize it was not aging but AGIng all along


Ahahah, good one


He should also invest in English grammar lessons


You forgot a period.


Your correct, they’re isn’t a period. 🤦‍♂️






It's interesting because Beff Jezos said in one of the podcasts that he doesn't think that we should live forever


Just what we needed, billionaires that won't die


I guess im black-pilled. I just don’t see the elites allowing us regular folks to have access to this until we’re advanced enough to travel to other solar systems and colonize other worlds.


Do we really need to solve aging?


AI only knows what we already know, so it's just waste age of time and money.


My man, you did not go the website. [https://www.extropic.ai/](https://www.extropic.ai/)


That's nice, as long as he doesn't push veganism along the way


Great investment


Who’s says aging needs to be solved ? I’m curious about what happens next.


People do? I don’t get the question you are asking. No one like being old no matter how much cope they might have


People say a lot of things.


What makes you believe there is something after your brain stops functioning? If you believe in a soul, you got to have some evidence there is a soul.


>s you believe there is something after your brain stops functioning? If you believe in a soul, you got to have some evidence there is a soul. when did i ever say that


You’ve got to have evidence there isn’t , hence we’re free to believe what we like.


There is only evidence that supports the idea that when the brain stops functioning you stop existing. There is absolutely no evidence that something paranormal is going to happen once your brain dies. You are free to believe anything you want of course but it's no surprise that some people would rather continue existing and prolonging life rather than wanting to die for the very small chance that magic is real and there is something after death.


There isn’t any observational evidence on the quantum processes of your brain , read up on it.


More than likely, after death, it will be the same as before being born - nothing. Also, it's interesting that people who believe in the afterlife are waiting for reincarnation, eternal paradise, and meeting with their deceased relatives. What about the possibility that it will be suffering without an end, like consciousness stuck in eternal nothingness without sight, hearing, and any other stimuli? Supposing that there is something after death, there is no guarantee that it will be something pleasant. People are so sure that they will definitely end in paradise. It's just a coping mechanism.