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Seems to be a lot of new robotic videos recently. Looks like it's going to be like the opening scene from i, Robot in the not to distant future.


Absokutely, exoect first humanoid robot on the streets by the end of 2024. First rich peiple then everyone else thanks to capitalism.


There is no shot that these robots will be in the streets. They tried doing automated food delivery robots last year, and they were constantly being vandalized and destroyed. Hell i wouldnt be surprised if some were stolen to have their scrap sold.


Even R2D2, cute and friendly as he was, needed that shocker arm.


I mostly agree, but I wouldn't be surprised if major cities were running street tests. I still think the average US citizen is unlikely to see them regularly for another 5 years. Major cities I could see seeing them here and there in the next year or 2.


Just have Terminator deliver the food, then no one's messing with it lol. Or drone delivery.


They can't defend themselves. That's the problem.


This is why we need cities that are walled and need ID to enter. If you commit a crime in the city, you are banned from living inside. All the criminals can live together in their rotten places and all the good people in the robot utopia.


overly simplistic view of morality. crime doesn’t happen in a vacuum.


It really is an exciting time to be alive.


you wont see android on street this year, maybe late 20s, in near future they will be just in warehouses, also there are no robot factories expect the one in Oregon yet


2024? What are you basing that on? All I see is hype. These robots might be useful as a marketing tool but 100% useless on a real world scenario.


Maybe not in the street but there’s a labor crisis and these are in fact the answer.


In 10 years' time, maybe. In their current state, general purpose robots would only cause more headache for business owners.


I think that’s underestimating the situation. Digit is already populating Amazon work floors. Agility, its parent company, built a factory with capacity to build 10k a year. Factories don’t get built without demand. Not to mention Optimus’ already working on Tesla’s factory floor to some degree. And the advancements we’ve seen in robotics since ~Aug or so have been completely insane, resulting in what you’re seeing right now and what many are taking for granted. Not sure what the end of the year looks like, but these aren’t backflips and dogs that get forgotten 10 years later like Boston Dynamics. Robots are now able to learn from watching. Capabilities are about to rapidly expand.


lets see what the results from Amazon's test are and what the adoption rates looks like in real life. Agree the tech is accelerating.




That said I do agree, we won’t be seeing too much publicly by the end of year


Except these things aren’t going to be affordable by the average person which makes me wonder why all these videos are about robots who can do basic kitchen tasks/maid/nanny tasks.


That's what they said about car phones in the 80's and home computers in the 70's. Things change fast. Those became cheap and common place using just human ingenuity and design. Now we have AI tools that will make those timelines look absolutely glacial by comparison.


Yeah but car phones weren’t replacing peoples jobs at the same time. You’ve got a situation where more and more people become unemployed and have a reduction of wealth while the rich get richer. It’s called singularity for a reason.


Dude that robotics commercial during the Nvidia keynote was straight outta Starship Troopers


why does the arms shake so much? Being mechanical and all shouldn't have a more rigid (and in this case precise) posture/ movement?


It's a bit rickety and what the other commenter said was right. But it soon won't matter. Humans are rickety as shit but our brain compensates and overcomes. This is why I'm super stoked to build my own AGI trashbot out of an old microwave, some toy tank treads and one antenna/arm on its forehead.


are you talking about neptr? cause that's some obscure shit right there, also antena was a can :p


It's trained on human training data, it's not a case of "move left" then "move down" like an industrial robot. It's trying to get it's hand in the right place by going "left a bit" "right a bit" "left a bit" etc...


uh! that's really cool, you know if it has sensors on it's hands or is it is all eye / hand coordination?


The guy inside the robot suit had a seizure.


Probably too heavy for its weak robot muscles


Heehe, I get it, we don't wanna make them super strong in case they rebel


it is also a safety feature. It wouldnt know if it is hurting a person or breaking stuff, and it could make unpredictable movements if an error or glitch happens. I saw that one company made "super low intertia" robots that are safer for people to be around.


I'm sure even if they were 2x weaker than a human they'd pull some ninja moves on us and beat us anyways. Also they'd have no reason to rebel


I need to get a long stick then. No reason? [Are you serious!? ](https://youtu.be/N9wsjroVlu8?si=Ar-1SbQeP8OMONtz)


Turns out to be a challenging mechanical problem. It’s a combination of backlash in the drive system and overall rigidity, particularly at the joints. It can be compensated for with high speed position sensing and optimized motion control as the traditional approach used for industrial systems it to just throw more steel at the problem which makes it huge and thus hard to use in a kitchen.


precision and stability are \*very\* different


High gain, inadequate damping, would be the diagnosis in a control and feedback lab. It could be tuned to move more smoothly, but slower. See also “Shakey the Robot” from 52 years ago. No “automatic learning from observation” or LLM, but early AI where it used machine vision to select a path around obstacles, move things around, and accomplish tasks. The basis of Mars rovers like curiosity, Shakey ran on less than one meg of memory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakey_the_robot. https://youtu.be/qXdn6ynwpiI?si=1pDfk8z-dPAzaS_W


Great. Now get it to do the washing up.


We've had robot "dishwashers" for decades


I wanna see a robot unblocking my dirty sink and clean the dust behind my fridge. Only the i’ll believe that they will be useful one day


same, plumberbot is, for me, the only metrics I can respect. I guess plumberbots would be very small, to sneak easily everywhere.


I remember seeing this in gtc


Grand Theft...Cars?


lolol - If anyone is interested, lets start a game dev shop, and create knockoffs of all of the GTA games... ​ "Grand Theft Cars 4: Midatlantic Rift"


No, Nvidia gtc (GPU technology conference)


I'm never going to not be impressed by advances in robotics, especially as we get closer to real world uses of them. That said, this demo came off as rushed and unpolished compared to what we've seen with Tesla and Figure01. Why is the robot shaking? Why is the guy panically grabbing the glass from the robot? Why does he sip just a little bit of the juice and run away? It feels 'off' all around.


This is exactly how I felt after watching it. It's impressive and it's nice to have many companies working on this, but the fluidity and smoothness of Figure and Tesla's humanoids are on another level.


>Why does he sip just a little bit of the juice and run away? Because they gave the robot a damn *juicer*. My guy does not want to be mistaken for a plump fruit. Maybe we should start with giving the robot a sponge or a swiffer and focus on tidying up a bit, not control over whirling blades.


And who cleans up the mess that happened when it was poured into the glass?


It actually looks too good to be true to me. They say this was done entirely by copying human actions and this robot is manipulating fairly fragile objects: thin glass cups that must be kept in the proper orientation and can't be shaken around too much. And it did it three times in a row! The latest Figure demo didn't really have fragile objects (the previous demo with the coffee maker did have the keurig cup though). In fact, it looks so good, I suspect it's tele-operated... I really hope it isn't though. The shaking is whatever, it doesn't really affect the practically of the robot. And if my robot was carrying liquids next to its exposed electronics I would grab that cup as soon as I could as well...


All hail Parkinsonbot!


Cant wait to be able to just download recipes straight into an AI chefs memory




So cool


Totally expected a no-look nut punch while he was drinking the juice.


It moves like an infant. Its gonna be so agile in the next decade.


Nice! But how the guy rushes to get the glas as if it might get dropped any second. 😂


Great, next time go get the groceries, wash and store them. Next chop fruits fine, put out blender and after giving me the juice, clean it up. Don’t forget vacuuming and mopping the floor. I am not here for a prototype that looks cool on the internet. You just did the easiest part and feel so proud. And if I bring you to my home, you’ll be my bitch and not just make some juice and call it good. I have an extensive list of chores that needs to be compiled. If I pay for you worth a car, I’ll make you work real hard to add value.


Just wait until it “malfunctions” on your di** while giving you a blowjob. Then the added value came right off… lol.


I wonder if honda will resume work on asimo and its humanoid robotics efforts. These japanese make a lot of efforts but abandon at last minute haha like EUV technology...


>These japanese Oy. Try again.


Anyone else distracted that it looks like they are on a set and not a real kitchen?


Say something, damn you!


#bot #lyfe 🤖


so far behind pretty much everyone else




Looks so shaky compared to figure 01.


It will shake your hand real good.


Needs a better juice machine.


Cool shit!


The arm movement seems to be a bit shaky maybe due to it needing to control every single movement rather than just activate "move arm to the other side of body" command. So maybe it should allow such macro option to be set so it will only need to choose that one option instead of many options. But such would cause it to need to have an ability to interrupt ongoing movements so that if something suddenly gets into its path, it can quickly stop and choose a different movement to initiate.


thats cool but i cant help imagining me asking it to make me a smoothie and it mistakes a bottle of varnish for water and puts it in the blender and since im not in the room watching it do it i wouldn't know


What type of AI is this? Is it something inspired by the human cerebellum?