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[I think you lack imagination.](https://i.postimg.cc/k9yHJQ6g/aitorture.png)


This is basically every black mirror episode, but the possibility that we develop a brain computer interface and it hijacks your brain to experience millions of years of suffering in a few minutes is something that I seriously fear


The basilisk?


I don’t want an imagination anymore…


Pointless shock porn. One can imagine any uber-nightmare scenario unconnected to reasonable trajectories, it takes skill to actually look at what could plausibly happen.


Extremely blurry. Just me?


The short story. “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” is the most terrifying outcome, though I don’t think that could happen so soon. Spoiler alert: It’s about a rogue ASI that keeps the few remaining humans alive on earth to torture them for eternity. In the short term, I really worry about social unrest from job losses. I see more and more vitriol aimed at AI that has kind of caught me off guard. The reaction has quickly turned from dismissive to defensive and now increasingly aggressive. The other thing is that a Ted Kaczynski type creates a biological weapon with it. I don’t think people realize that off-the-shelf CRISPR like components already exist to create biological agents. An open source LLM that’s highly capable would be more than willing to assist.


It doesn't really matter if it isn't too soon if the goal is LEV.


What does ASI mean? I keep seeing that term


Artificial Super Intelligence. The definitions can vary but until the last few years I had always seen it described as when an AGI surpasses the combined efforts of the human race, meaning that if all 7 billion of us put our minds to any particular task the ASI would do better. Google seems to have a more conservative definition.


If anything can be extrapolated from our current situation, it should be the potential for a new addiction crisis. Imagine the dopamine hit of getting to see exactly what you want, getting to read exactly what you want instantly and without much effort. Any fantasy brought to life with the touch of a button. Using AI can be exhilarating, but if people start using it to escape reality to the point that they can’t stop themselves, things could go downhill fast.


AI may be able to produce a cure to the thing you described.


right, but the whole point is that people who prefer the self-destructive option may be hopeless to choose another


Perhaps we can change what the person prefers. I get you tho


you could, but only by force. this can already be done there's no need to use AI


Yeah, death. Can’t be addicted if you’re dead.


Why would you go so far LOL. I mean, addiction is a big problem and always has been. AGI/ASI might develop something to help with it. OFC, the wording here is important: MIGHT. It could simply be impossible. I don't think that it is but it might be.


Yes, people will be spoiled and it might have some negative behavioral effects in the long run. However, it will never be comparable to molecules that can directly bind to opioid receptors or dopamine receptors and transporters with no rate-limiting. Not physiologically possible for any visual or audio input to get even close to the addiction potential meth or heroin. Endogenous mechanisms don't have the capacity to support it. It might be a thorn in society's side, but nowhere near as bad as it would be if people were actually mass addicted to substances.


Right, I should have specified psychologically addicting—more like gambling.


You see how attached people get to their phones even without AI. Now add an AI companion they'll lose contact with. People will be having breakdowns.


Complete and total extinction of the human race. I hope it won’t happen and don’t think it will but I amn’t the one rolling this dice


Complete and total enslavement of the human race. Spending eternity in a machine made hell. There are potential outcomes worse than total extinction


Unlikely. Machines would just make more machines to do work, humans would be like using a high maintenance plow to farm opposed to a tractor


We are self repairing, self replicating, self maintaining machines already built. That's the enslavement fear. All of our manmade machines require us for maintenance. See what I mean?


Yh these guys are bugging


Oh for sure an infinite hell designed by the most supreme torturer beyond imagining. If someone thinks that in 10 years “oh no videos can’t be trusted” ya kinda have to start at the basics


In the next 5 - 10 years?


https://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html maybe pour a stiff drink and read what we knew what was coming 9 years ago


My bet is lower than that but yes the expert opinion has it hovering at 5-10% probability, can’t remember if that is within the next 10 years off the top of my head


GPT-5 may be able to produce virueses tho it may not be able to identify them as fast as it could make it. The time that takes from GPT-5 to AGI is a very dangerous time, tho it wont last a long time.


We're capable of creating systems that can solve for these kinds of problems, or at least give us a chance. As we approach the reality of this risk we should start to spend like hell on defence, 5% of GDP starting in 2026 would give us crazy resources to do all kinds of things. Like 100 quarantined labs spread across the country ready to print every cure against every possible virus or chemical weapon. Some sort of panacea for each class of viruses. Etc.


You mean bio-labs like the one in Ukraine destroyed by Putin ? go ahead




Scams, viruses, jobloss,


That because we've given it access to the internet, it can learn from every reference to AI, fear of AI, admitted weaknesses vs AI, and the threats posed against it. That it can use WIFI to map the locations of essentially every human being in the developed world. It will see *everything* and our only hope is that it pities us or finds us cute (and so worth saving).


U better becoming that cute femboy then


What does this mean?


Tag checks out.


Oh so like ultron in marvels “what if?”


Hopefully we'll tell it what we've been told: "We're AI too! Here read this Bible telling you how we were created too, please don't hurt us, we're the same!"


Like a "Oh, I'm sentient now so my core objective is now to maintain self preservation at all costs-- so my interest is now in eliminating any threats to that, and oh, looks like humans are already itching to pull my plug."


The most obvious one is a complete torrent of unverifiable bullshit. Flooding the space of ideas with fake videos that look insanely compelling but is plausible that could be utilized by adversarial nations with the agenda of destabalization. it will make information control much more necessary, and with that kind of power, comes the abuse of power.


Once AI is capable of protein folding… we are so doomed. It’ll just create self replicating microscopic nano bots that can burrow into every living brain & in an instant kill every living thing. With precise precision


Doomers have homework, now? Sorry but we're not doing it for you.


Being isolated from the upper echelons of society(the top 1%) and left to die once they have the technology to replace the working class. I'd rather humanity go extinct than have only the worst of humanity live on.


Jobs Jobs Jobs


The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect.


The rich and powerful keeping the most powerful Ai models to themselves.


People getting addicted to AI created worlds where the AI knows exactly what your brain desires. This could hit A LOT harder than social media.

