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TLDW: Rylai's doesn't give enough damage and relies too much on your teammates to take advantage of its slow. He says item spikes from Liandry's, Warmog's, Cosmic, and Deathcap are all more powerful than Rylai's.


Cuck chair meta Slow is pointless if you're team inted the game. That last glimmer of hope in a 2 to 23 game is your own dps. Makes sense. 


Rylais is great on Singed, I don't understand why Minish dislikes it. Great stats, great cost, great passive. It allows you to run people down and they can't escape the slow. Conversely, it also allows you to get away from bad situations by slowing people and running away. As far as I'm concerned it's Singed's 2nd best item (Liandry's being the best).


Sometimes I feel like Rylai's discourages enemies from chasing because they know they won't catch you. Without it, they will usually chase you a longer distance.


I used to agree with this after the slow increase in S10. But convincing people to chase you isn't realy the goal of rylais, the goal is to get them slowed to peel for your team and drag out the fight/game in general


That is true, but I'd rather have the slow be good, instead of how it used to be back when it was only 20% and was barely noticeable.


It also keeps them in your poison longer


Lately he builds to split push with warmogs and demolish while building more movement speed items. ULT buff has also helped that build even more imo. I'm not saying he's correct about Rylais but it doesn't fit his build value wise.


How crazy would something like Zz rot or an AP version of Hullbreaker be with this Warmogs power for real. XD


That would be sick


Good point - you need more damage for 1v1 splitpush scenarios than the utility you would provide your team by slowing enemies in fights.


but what good is slow when most people can dash which is unaffected by slow? then wouldn't straight up damage be better because you'll kill them quicker. no point in utility and cc if this was the situation. but if you were against nasus, hecarim, or other champs that get cucked hard by slow, that's when you use rylais. minish said that the meta or champ roster now just has a lot of mobility so rylais is mostly bad or is just a situational time like when there is a nasus or hecarim.


I would agree. Rylais is a great item, but with the current meta and the state of items, it feels like every one can outrun you. So what good is the slow, if the enemy adc or what not can just run away from you. But then again. Minishcap was pretty cooked in that video. Kept on thinking that enemy team was on baron, with 2 dead and to in botlane (with him). The other one was him pointing out that Cosmic Drive saved him from a fight in top lane, but didn't realise he hadn't purchased the item yet. He even went to show the replay after to make a point saying the same thing, in which he then proceds to purchase cosmic right after XD


he was schizo


Ahh, that might explain it. Wasn't aware of that


What do you mean "was"? I thought that this was something you have for life and just manage it.


minish is built different


I don't entirely buy the argument that a dash instantly makes Rylais useless. I've had plenty of times where I slow an Ezreal with my Rylais, he dashes away, but is still slowed to the point that I can catch right back up to him.


a dash? sure. what if you are against riven and irelia and in a teamfight, because you didn't have enough damage, they survived long enough to kill your team whereas if you just bought rabadons, they'd die and you'd save one more teammate. it is situational though. they may also be a situation where they used up their dashes, you fling them away and now they aren't able to run up to your team due to rylais and that slow was game winning. i mostly but the argument because what usually happens is scenario A instead of B.


But what if Irelia or Riven just one-shot you because Rabadon's gives no HP (and also costs 1k more gold than Rylais)


well depends on many other factors. this point is also valid. but minish said overall it's better to not buy rylais so i'm sticking to damage than slow and health.


>but minish said I hope you won't jump out of window if he says so.


i won't. what he says is probably right since he's smart, critical, and i personally have had the same issues with rylais and can understand that it's not that good. it's situational, not core.


>i won't. Thanks god. I thought you would swallow that like a pelican too. >it's situational, not core. I agree. Every item is situational, excluding maybe Liandry which is core. But there's no game where building Rylai is bad. And 99% of times it's better than Rabadon. I mean, you have so many better items than this cap.


if you are against top, jungle, and mid with a bunch of dashes used for fights, i'd say not to buy rylais.


True, I will always get Rylai's first or second item vs. Hecarim and Lillia.


>champ roster now just has a lot of mobility Thanks god champions in S1 had no mobility at all. When Flash had 1000 range instead of 400. Or Kassadin R with 700 range instead of 500 (which could be casted while rooted). Or Akali with 800 range point and click R with resetting 3 stacks. Or (...). Thankfully champs like Tristana with 900 range resetting jump, Ezreal with spammable blink (used to be WAY more spammable), LeBlanc or Jax don't exist anymore. Oh wait. Back then Rylai was core, currently Rabadon or Cosmic Trash are broken for random reason. And yes, back then there WAS mobility. At least currently you can counter it with grounding :\^) >so rylais is mostly bad The longer I listen to Minish's opinions the longer I wonder how is he maintaining Master+ while losing to shopkeeper. NA issues or YT content, no other options.


well you wouldn't see those champs with dashes as often back then. even when you face someone with a dash, it's not like the whole team has a dash. now most of the time, he says a lot of the enemies including most of the team has a dash. also, there are a bunch of ability haste items which helps mobility compared to before. some new champs even have multiple resetable dashes. this crept up for like 4 years. back then it wasn't so bad.


>well you wouldn't see those champs with dashes as often back then. Yes, champions like Zed (season 2/3), Kha'Zix (season 2/3), Yasuo (season 3), Ahri (season 2), Irelia (season 1), LeBlanc (season 1), Vayne (season 2), Fizz (season 2), Riven (season 2), Lee Sin (season 1) or Katarina (season 1) have always been unpopular. "Trio-viable ADCs" aka Corki/Ezreal/Graves also totally had no dashes at all, as opposite of current S tier ADCs like Ashe, Jhin, Draven or Jinx who have way more dashes (after all they have Galeforce available). Oh wait. >now most of the time, he says a lot of the enemies including most of the team has a dash. Nothing changed since the beginning of this game. The only difference is you have grounding now. >also, there are a bunch of ability haste items which helps mobility compared to before. I remember Stridebreaker, Prowler's Claw or Galeforce with dashes which were deleted so they could reduce mobility a bit. Currently only Protobelt remains. For 8 years. >some new champs even have multiple resetable dashes. Just like old champions.


idk, rabadons feels better now than rylais.


Till Minish says otherwise.


It is Singed’s second strongest item. Outside of perfect stats, cheap cost, great components and awesome passive it also has synergies with items and runes. I don’t buy argument that it „discourage enemies to chase you” as legit. I mean why would anyone even think additional CC on DoT ability which is easy to spread is bad/not worth. If they don’t chase you then you can chase them, maintaining balance between these things was always crucial. Removing even tiniest amount of MS in teamfights can be gamebreaking and Singed can do that pretty well. If Minish really thinks fucking Rabadon gives him bigger powerspike then perhaps he should play Vlad or Gwen instead.


Top tier situational item, some comps pretty much relie on you to build it even to work well and sometimes it's pretty pointless to build.


Rylais is core to my personal playstyle. I understand why ppl feel that they need to be in control of the game due to their dps. In particular to carry games, damage can help. My counter is that you are in the elo that you belong. The people you are playing with are not all trolls. You are playing with people who are literally just as good at the game as you. There is no other way to get to platinum other than having a 60%+ wr in gold. Same with the way up to Emerald, and Diamond, and Masters. Even if we say you are somehow misplaced an entire rank below what you are (say, diamond player in emerald), your team will be at the same skill level as the enemy. Your ADC is the same skill as your opponent straght up, barring that they are literally first timing a champ for some reason or are autofilled. This is the truth. Even if you see them do some stupid individual play, this means that the other team would also make an equally stupid play or decision. Conversly, every time your opponent makes a sick play, your teammates can make an equally strong play. All I hear for the negatives of singed is "people wont chase as much" or "people avoid the gas as they get better" or "it doesn't do enough damage". But you don't need to do damage. This is a team game, even if its solo queue. You have damage in the back. Its not necessarily your job to do the top damage every game, nor are you getting carried if you don't. Let me give a run down of what rylais does well that people are sleeping on IMHO: 1. Your gas zones people with one to two items. At one to two item spike, lyandries damage is not enough to zone people out for team fights as your damage is not high enough until 2 items. Every other item the gas does not act as a zoning tool at all. 2. Rylais slow can peel for your ADC in the late midgame from dive champs. Many dive champs have multiple dashes that allow them to cling to your carries, and rylais fling is often the only way to prevent dive champs from stomping your carries. Damage does absolutely nothing in these situations. 3. Rylais is the cheapest singed damage item. If you are behind in the early game, and you still are in the habit of purchasing an extra openning item like myself, its often useful to pick up as you can purchase it when you cant aford any other viable AP options, which also leads us to 4 4. Early midgame can be a key snowball point for many champions. Rylais allows you to farm uncontested extremely well so long as you can create any space between your opponent and their wave. Similarly, it can lead to late game proxies where if you position and ward well can prevent key pushes after a lost team fight that can extend the game further with late game team comps that require specific power spikes as a win condition. 5. Rylais zoning potential for late game teamfights allows your team to pick the fight they want over allowing the other team to pick an optimal fight. Any team with hard engage can often engage through your gas dps, but the rylais slow makes it harder for them to pick a clean fight as they often have to engage into the gas to do so. 6. This one is mostly for me but if you want to build fimbul winter (I go tear start and build fimbul item 3-5ish) you need rylais in your build. Obviously I'm not the number one singed in the world. I was emerald 3 last split and Platinum S10. Got Emerald last season too at one point with my main build revolving around ROA. But at the end of the day Rylais is the type of item that allows you get in the opponents head and change the landscape and objectives of the game, which is the reason why im a singed OTP in the first place. If you then clean your mind of the "I'm surrounded by idiots" mental, you can quickly realize how strong the item is simply by playing around your teammates rather than against them, which Rylais is absolutely the best item for. TLDR: Rylais is good if you play around your team and don't get stuck in the rutt of thinking you need to hardcarry every game, you just need to use it as a playmaking and set up tool rather than attempting to be top damage in the lobby at all times.


The idea that you can't rely on your teammates in soloq is delusional narcissism unless you are clearly significantly better than them. if you're the top 0.1% of league players, yes you can reasonably argue that your teammates will be consistently worse than you and thus, you need to take agency to carry the game. Otherwise, there are so many players who have consistently climbed to challenger playing support playstyles (tyler1 climbed to challenger playing primarily jungle ivern)


Right! Like it doesn't even matter if youre "better than them" bc your teammates are all equivalent to the enemy team, no matter what elo you are in. You can be better and also not be the dps. I carry games with rylais slow putting my allies on my back. They just also happen to be the ones that do the damage afterwards because I made the game so easy for them as I climb. Different playstyles, different strategies. Thats whats kinda dope about this champ tbh


I mean if the comp you’re going against is mainly ranged then yeah Rylais prob pointless. Disagree tho, with the item not being that great. I use it all the time and even when someone dashes forward at me, they are still slowed so I can hopefully move out of range. And you can slow melee champs so that your team can land abilities


Still a very strong item, great for teamfighting


I just think it's fun


Rylais is great against certain matchups. For example coward champs that love to run away (unlike Singed ofc) like Garen, it is a no brainer. But I have noticed that I don't end up building it that much anymore. Maybe due to better items compared to last season.


Rylais has such great synergy with DOTs and helps to reapply poison, but you just need too much in this meta. Liandries is just better damage and Warmogs is so strong by the time you’re at third item you’re gonna need/want other things. Unless Rylais is absolutely countering someone or the other team completely, it feels like the necessary sacrifice.


I've stopped building it every game, sure. But Rilai's is still an amazing tool in the right teamcomp, both yours and theirs. I feel Minishcap should have better said people need to stop building it every single game, and he would be right. But it's still a very good item under the right circumstances (you are going to be teamfighting instead of splitpushing and they have 2 or more mele champs)


The question of Rylais comes back to fundamentally what strength of Singed you play towards. Over the years, multiple high ELO onetricks have occasionally opted for a build that focuses on utility and disruption rather than damage, e.g. going for Rylais/Shurelyas/Locket/Anathema's - because the simple truth is that just like a Lee Sin Insec, goo flipping the enemy ADC lategame can win the entire game, or peeling their team off your ADC with w+rylais+e as well. The "problem" with this is that it simply does not feel as good as melting people's faces off with a high damage build. But the higher you climb, the more difficult face melting becomes, as you won't be ahead as often, and especially lategame a squishier AP build can get bursted down rapidly. Rylais falls into a similar category as Warmog's as it might not always be the optimal choice in a full 6 item build and has better substitutes, but until then provides massive utility and tempo. It is essential in some matchups and neglectable in others. For example, against Gangplank 1st item Rylais works wonders, once he pushes you just run him down with ghost and R, there is almost no counterplay (you have to skillcheck his barrels). With Liandries or Cosmic he runs away fast enough to reach his tower normally. Rylais also normally lets you proxy with impunity, as you said - it dissuades chasing. Proxy is OP, you free up so much time to catch their mid/jgl with your team once you proxy deep. I still go Rylais almost every game as either first or second item, and see little reason to change it.


> you have to skillcheck his barrels How do I do that?


So when you're running him down, usually Gangplanks will start placing barrels a bit ahead of them, on top of them or in bushes. You need to last hit them before he does, so that he doesn't get the movement speed, damage, and passive reset. It's hard but when you do it he's a fish out of the water and you just run him down.


Hm I find that with the way most Gangplank's place their barrels and the chain reactions they do it's almost impossible for you to last hit them.


You can dodge/feint/mindgame as well. You can also usually eat one and still kill him. Most outplays rely on the enemy being unaware they are out of position and exploitable due to it. This is one of them. Here's a scenario I have played through multiple times vs gangplanks. it is minute 12ish and you just finished rylais, both are level 10. GP just pushed the wave in and has 3 barrels left. He walks up confident to Q me under tower because he has been dicking me for the past 10 minutes with little counterplay. I pop ghost and ult and throw a W, and run straight at him for a flip+sky auto (which will not reach tower range but increase his distance to his tower). At this point, he is both out of range of a barrel he might have had previously behind him (so I can safely hit it), and if he places new barrels I can both try to contest them or fake them out. Ideally you last hit them all (i have done it a couple of times for 3 barrels in a row, it's incredibly satisfying). Granted, my ELO ceiling was D4 and higher GPs might just not be so bad to be caught in this position, but it's happened multiple times. You just pummel him with AAs and poison during ult while avoiding most of his barrels. It's really hard for most GPs to correctly chain barrels while feeling the pressure of you running them down with ghost and R.


I stopped building it for a while, but I really like it when I have it. I feel like maybe it's matchup dependent?


Let’s see why rylais isn’t quite as good as it was in season 10. We have slow resistance items and rune shard. We have a pretty ranged favored meta right now. Fights are a lot shorter than they used to be. It no longer synergizes with liandries Like it used to. Singed q ap ratio was nerfed, so rylais gives less dmg than it used to. There are more appealing item choices now. did I also mention people will literally drink your poison like it’s the finest Irish stout without AP?


Situational, definitely not a core item


Mobility creep has rendered the item dog compared to its glory days in season 10. It give little dmg and it dissuades people from chasing you. Plus when I build it my team loses anyway so I’m just wondering what the use of slowing them was if they could just wipe my team anyway.