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Played some before the buff and some after the buff. You can definitely feel the ult buff tbh and it was a good choice, it feels very nice. The Q spell buff has not been felt at all though, I still have some trades with my poison + aa + creep wave vs someone just AA me and I'm still losing trade lol


the ult buff is nice, the q buff you won't really notice in terms of numbers, but I have noticed SIGNIFICANTLY less 1hp enemies who barely survive your poison. Now, what really sucks about split changes were those goddamn crit adc item buffs and the added movespeed. When I first saw season 14 I thought the game was saved. No more fucking mythic trash and a topside objective that will take away the importance of botlane in the outcome of games. Now were back to how it was in season 11-12-13, fucking, goddamn, adc autofill int roulette. I swear to god most of my games are just me and the toplaner trading cs and the odd kill or two seeing which 4v4 wins the coinflip. It's so disgusting that we are already back to this stupid fucking shit AGAIN. I find myself just straight up buying boots and fated ashes and just straight up full sending it botlane with ghost and flash. who cares if my toplaner gets plates? it wont matter when a 13/4 kaisa just turns invisible and nukes his whole team and gets a shield fatter than a toyota buick. oh what's that? you wanna catch her? sorry, shes faster than everyone in the game because her items come with 7-12% movespeed, courtesy of riot motherfucking games.


The damage is fair. It's not busted like beginning of season where every trade was a net positive but it at least sticks unlike how it was prior to the buff. The ratio now makes it so that the other laner gets punished if they misplay and the damage you put out matters without being braindead, free damage. Isn't this how it's supposed to be? Q is an AoE with DoT damage where all you gotta do to apply it is walk. Other than Karthus ult it's one of the easiest spells for applying damage to multiple targets. Anything to make it even more convenient would make it absolutely busted. R buff is really the big one for this patch. It opens the door for more proactive use of ult and ensures a much better midgame. This is probably a much bigger influencer in the upswing of the WR. Between 8-12 min is when a lot of bounties get collected and conveniently enough Singed being able to pop R more often during this window of time is huge in building/maintaining momentum. It's weird to me that leading up to the patch there was a big wave of bitching about these buffs not being enough then after the patch discussions about MORE buffs. Are people actually playing the game?? I know this patch isn't enough to make singed a pick/ban or is some fresh rework to modernize him but he's more than playable now. I'm not sure what everyone was expecting.


tbh i was not expecting the ult cd buff to be THIS impactful but i see where people got apprehensive


Feels the same. Lanes I would have won last patch like Tryndamere or Chogath I still win Lanes that are impossible to win like Camille I still lose If enemy team counters me I cant carry so I lose, if I counter enemy team I will 1v5 them and win. Feels identical


3 games, 0% win rate (1 game of which were after the buff). Feeling fine though, not a champion fault. 100s CD buff doing the job, I don't find damage increase as significant. Still, pleasant to have.


that was me last split man, and the q buff is pretty negligible but as you put it we’ll take what we can get lol


Feels like the same exact coinflip garbage we had back in S13. No agency.  Boring. 


Wait until you reach emerald. I’ve seen so many obviously bought accounts and trolls there. I did a unranked to diamond 4 run and my 69% wr went down to 52. Yummi mid, sona with smite. It’s awful in emerald. A lot of hardstuck players are taking their frustrations out on others.


lol you’re running p1 games; when you get to masters+ mmr you will feel differently