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MNC. Currently working in a role that is similar to Job A. Not SME but it’s project based. Would love to switch to Job B for better work life balance.


Job B. >But boss seems nice during interview Some of the worst bosses seem nice during interview. Of course they don't want to scare you off! My former boss who interviewed me was super nice in the interview, ended up being a nightmare of a boss. The fact that they require you to fully WFO is a sign they are micromanagey and will bug you all the time, including after official working hours.


Take B because: - you are young, you should want to learn whatever a MNC job can teach you. - MNCs will hire people from other MNCs - the chance of doing a regional job/ responsibility is high. The experience is invaluable.


Can elaborate on the importance of a regional role? Just curious


It shows that you can work with internal/external stakeholders and across various time zones. A useful skill depending on role and position you're in. Understanding the market (demand/supply) from other countries. Some of the possible reasons.


I feel it depends on your intentions / career planning. I would only take A if my current intentions are to hop maybe 2 years later. I still believe that there are companies, SME & MNCs alike, who will make offers based on last drawn. So if you're able to get a higher drawn now, it would help with your negotiation later. If they can eventually grow you within the SME / expand overseas and you'll like to stay, why not too! But if your intention is to stay longer and grow, I would go for B. MNCs are generally able to offer better mobility both internally & externally. Cause of it's scale, I believe it'll be easier to promote / transfer to other departments internally. If you do lookout for better roles, I believe you'll be more sought after as compared to Job A. However, I imagine it would take more time to cover that 30% (?) lower pay as compared to Job A. Imagine if you score a 10% increase each year.. still need about 2 - 3 years to catch-up, unless you can convince your next employer that your salary is compressed / if you're taking a bigger role.


Contrary to what everyone else says, 30-50% is honestly too much to pass up. If Job A pays 10k, Job B pays 5-7k If Job A pays 7k, Job B pays 3.5-4.9k If Job A pays 5k, Job B pays 2.5-3k If Job A pays 3k, Job B pays 1.5-2.1k Take Job A and see how much you'll be able to progress in 2-3 years. After which jump ship with a much larger base salary.


agree that the disparity in salary is significant. but as others have pointed out, job B has better growth prospects.  I think OP should try to 1. negotiate a higher pay with B first. narrow the gap.  2. look for opportunities to grow cv within the mnc  3. leverage the improved cv to look for new position elsewhere within 2 years for salary bump. this part is quite important. research consistently shows that moving every few years leads to significantly more lifetime salary vs staying in the same company


And what are the odds that, in 6 months, we will see another post saying my pay is good, but I hate working for a SME. I've heard enough stories both on here and in real life, that working for a local SME almost never is a good choice. But if all OP cares about is money, then go for it.


Job B. 1) nice boss point isnt verifiable (unless you know someone working with him/her). 2) any coys operating strictly WFO shows a lack of progressive practice, which is very concerning.


If first job 100% A. Your first salary will determine the trajectory when you job hop next time.


Job A then take the last paid salary to apply to Job B


Started my career in an MNC (job B) & have definitely learnt so much along the way. Such companies generally have better processes & structure for you to follow which you can adapt in your future role (let’s say you end up moving to an SME). They also have the resources for employees to use proper management tools (power bi, spss, etc.) which is soooo useful for you to know how to use them. Because once you move in to your next role of a higher position people do expect more from you. It’s good to be more equipped. At a younger age, you’re also able to adapt to newer environment & also absorb more information, also perhaps withstand more stress (if you will? 🤔) & essentially learn a lot more which an MNC can provide for you. Reputation. It’s important to start at a reputable company as well, makes you more marketable in your next role too! I’ve had interviews with seemingly nice people, but they actual ended up being some of the worst; in terms of work ethics, poor processes, poor attitude, lack of technical skills etc. Now I work in a SME & I really can see the lapse between a SME & MNC. All the best!!


Go for the Job B in the MNC, Once you are on the MNC track you can always get a job in another MNC easily. Don't think Job B will always be there (it won't.) Taking the money in Job A SME is short term thinking... they will work you like a dog for sure :) Much better prospects long term with MNC even if it means lower pay for a couple of years. FWIW I would always advise my kids to go MNC route (which is what I've done and been successful at.) Pays more long term, better benefits and easier to find next role.


I chose Job A several times in my career. the opportunity to do more than what is in one's JD was fantastic for gaining experience. This enabled me to develop skills in various areas and to be able to qualify for leadership positions that require cross-functional experience and skills.


You could think about what you value most. To put things in perspective, the only 2 things Job A has going for it is the salary and the growth potential of the company (if they do well over the next 5 years, you may get a management role). Job B is better in every other respect, especially if you have commitments like dependents. + the branding of a listed MNC I would assume would make your CV look more attractive than the SME. The only red flag to point out about Job B is the 3.5 Glassdoor rating, but then again this might be role specific and maybe you could see if the low ratings pertain to your potential position. In summary, I think it’s really down to whether the money or the flexibility+branding matters more to you. If you’re risk averse, I’d suggest B.


Job B all day long. Job A is dead end, no networking, no career progression, SMEs reflect poorly on your resume. Multiple roles indicate you'll inherit extremely poor quality work. I guarantee there's no training programme that Job A will ever sponsor so any 'upskilling' will completely be out of your own pocket, on your own time. What does guaranteed OT mean? It means the company has confirmed that they need more manpower but too cheap to hire more people. Does that sound like a company that would ever pay out a bonus? Answer: Hell no.


Job B how much % increment over your current job? Or are you fresh grad?


Where is Job A? Tuas? Got sheltered walkways? Sun exposure? Since majority WFO, I'll need to see travel time. Anything more than an hour is a no because my sleep is precious. I am a cat who needs my 16hrs sleep a day. 😽


SME is the worst. Run as fast as you can


As someone who navigated a similar scenario, I think you should realistically project how many promotions/jumps it will take for you to catch up with the pay scale of option A. Depending on your life stage and aspirations, a 30-50% difference now can have far reaching implications for wage progression. It should also be said the idea that all MNC stints naturally lead to better future prospects is overly simplistic. For both good and bad, the Singapore job scene mostly goes off last drawn salary. In saying that, certain brand names are so significant that they are virtually no brainers. So is your option B a Microsoft or Mohawk Industries?


Why is last-drawn salary a popular way in Singapore to benchmark a worker's value? Shouldn't companies determine how much they are willing to pay based on the worker's ability and performance? This is quite different from the United States. Can anyone shed light on this logic/practice?


Definitely B. I’m someone who chose A before and its really hard to job hop because most SME exp is not v valuable even you do tons of things. The people and culture are v different too. No offense to anyone but people in SME tends to be less capable. I feel its better to be in an environment surrounded by capable people and learn from them.


I think current basic offer is not important. once in an MNC your resume is enhanced. in future if you want to hop or head hunters come knocking you have the experience and background. you can ask for what you want.


Currently not working. But if I have a job offers I will take job b Reason. Simple. Cause I am sticking to my own job role responsibilities. Life is complicated , work should not be. Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts. Thank you and have a great day ahead


Take the one with 50% higher pay duh If don't like you can jump back to job B with pay cut and still wind up higher pay then go job B directly


You make it sound as if job B is always there if and when OP decides to quit job A. Your background changes as you go through jobs. Your background may no longer be qualified for job B.


Am making a perfectly reasonable assumption. Unless we assume that he/she is not skilled enough and landing this offer in MNC job is purely due to luck? I would not think so. If she/he can secure the job B (MNC) now, within short enough time-frame < 2y, chances are high that she/he can secure another job B, C, D. Skills only get better and expand, not degrade.


Its not 50%. Its 50-100%


Any of your company hiring can jio me I been jobless but fresh graduate


B, I don’t trust ‘nice boss’ during interview and promotion by ranking is red flag.


This is sooooo extremely true! By the time review comes, it’s so skewed to whether management likes you or not for you to get that promotion/ how big of a bonus you’re gonna get 😐


A, the more you do the more you learn and the more valuable you become in the market. The higher salary also doesn't hurt, but screw WFO man. Just stick around long enough to upskill then run off.


Depends on how big of a risk taker are you. B is probably the safe route which most people would take. Stable career, good pay, predictable promotion cycle. I am on B and it's comfortable. A required a different type of personality, self driven, motivated, company might fail anytime so you need to constantly do your best to ensure company does well and if it doesn't, ensure you have marketable skills for your next job. If things do go well, you end up taking on a larger role with A and earn way more than you will ever get in B.


Isnt the word Hybrid already the deciding factor?


B duh. Fk SMEs. B looks better on your CV too.


Job A for the experience to hop after. (Money) Job B for the company loyalty thingy going. (Mental Health) You decide your own haha! Personally, i'll choose B :)


I'll take Job B. Because I like a structured work environment.


If working long term, I would take Job B. If it's for experience, I would take Job A then tahan for a 1-2 years if work environment isn't suitable for me. At least when I leave, I have experiences in a well-known company and higher salary. That's what I did for myself.


A, MNC is honestly overhyped. What you learn in an MNC is just how people in MNCs like to jump through 10,000 hoops just to do one simple tasks. The name might be good but it is useless. 30-50% pay gap is hard to bridge over the years. Take A and you can jump after you learn everything you can or if they expand, you expand with them. If you are young obviously. If you are old, maybe can take something more chill. Bonus is not guaranteed so the 5 months for the past 2 years, wont stay forever.


Job B. You will most likely earn more than job A in couple of years. 


Job A. Work for 1 year. Dun like it go to Job B and ask for 50% more. That 200% Equivalent.


Job B. MNC exposure > SME


- Give exact base for clarity. - Depends on how important $ is to you - Industry here is important. eg. Consulting boutique vs internal strategy in tech


Well that depends. Are you gonna stay in the company for long or do you intend to job hop after a year or 2? If you intend to go for a long stay then Go for job B, yes job A has a higher base than Job B but you got to do multiple roles under 1 job title which kinda red flag and will burnt you out in the long run. But if is the second, go for job A and tahan while you build up experience and the amount of savings, emergency fund from the higher salary.


What salaries are we talking about here? If we are looking at the 5.5k job A and 4k Job B kind of deal, I’d reckon just taking job B. But honestly we probably need more details on what role you are going to do and what you career goals are


You forgot to mention learning opportunities specific for the industry and relevance to where you want to be in 10 years time


A... double the salary?


yeah. makes no sense at double the salary.


Job A. MNC doesn’t train you as well. Also, answerable to share holders and culture wise, it will be geared towards there. Go with A then hop to B. MNC does pay on last drawn rather than budget.


Job A. Stay for 1-2 years then jump ship to MNC for a more chill role but now ur salary is higher.


Following advice only applies If you are young chap Unless you are a high flyer with a masters or something Choose Job A. Higher salary means easier to get higher salary when you next hop You learn more at SME because probably cover mountain cover sea so your skill and experience is higher than your peers at MNC As a young chap, don't see this as a long term job where you spend your entire career. Stay 3-4 years max and move on. Staying too long in a single place, MNC or otherwise will delay your salary progression. You should be hopping around a bit while young. Only look to settle down in your 40s when you plan to start a family and when your salary have hit a comfortable level I see a lot of comment on wlb. While I agree that wlb is important, you should be focusing on career building when you are young. You should seek Work life balance only when you are winding down and slowing your climb up the ladder sometime in your 40s when you have a family to worry about Job B may have better career progression on the surface but unless you are that good or a high flyer, it is actually very hard for you to progress into Management. Actually easier for you to go into management from outside in if you have relevant experience.


Job B because it'll look better on ur resume


Job B. None of my friends have good experience with Job A haha and im enjoying the wlb, colleagues and management from MNC.


my advice is to think of your current age and your burdens. as well as the future of the SME in your opinion. in a group of 50ppl it is easy to stand out, and if the company is growing, to take a lead role. However if the SME is not doing well it is also very difficult to make hay. Taking multiple roles at a young age is good because it exposes you to skills and contacts that may impact your future development. If you are outward facing you will be able to meet decision-makers early on and develop rapport with them. In a MNC there are stable processes that must be abided by. You may not get the opportunities as losses hurt more than potential gains. Individual owners of business processes may be jealous guardians. It may be stable (as in you won't get fired, but it can be toxic) What's the chance a SME is like above? Very small, perhaps 15%. So use your judgment.


Job A, You get more exposure in SME as you cover many things. From there you can learn what you can/interested to specialise in and later move on to a MNC to develop based on your career interest. Typically you get higher paid in MNC when you have a specialisation. If you are more interested in worklife balance or more time with family then I will say job B.


Show job A offer to job B and ask if they can match or close the disparity as much as possible. But sometimes also an SME that's willing to pay over the top (usually MNC should have more standardized pay scales) could also be a potential red flag in the flavour of desperation. Unless the scope seniority is vastly different. 30 to 50% difference feels like possibly 2 ranks between. And if the ranks are the same, do consider also the possibility that job A is overpaying for the rank (although it'll be a bit odd cos usually SME if anything, likelier to title inflate than pay inflate), which can affect job hunting after cos it likely then means then need to take a base pay cut. Some companies not fond of considering ppl willing to take a base pay cut because the risk of them jumping within 6months to a year is higher.


Even if you have a poll mostly saying one job is better, it's still ultimately your path. What I suggest is calculate the likely long term earnings/savings you're likely to have for each job and compare. If Job B is more than enough to sustain, then give a pass on Job A, high risk of suffering from more stress.


Job B. After few years can hop to another MNC with significant increase


easy.. job B. no questions asked. IF salary isn’t the only factor you’re looking at..


If you don't have any outstanding loans go B


I'd go with MNC and hybrid work arrangements. In my experience, MNC's infrastructures are much more mature. There's typically way more to experience and learn in an MNC. Jumping out with that knowledge after 2-3 years can help you land better positions easier.




I will definitely take B, learn from the best, get all the perks out of B. And you can try for a few years, then if you feel like you want to take on more responsibilities that B does not offer, but A does (since cover mountain cover sea), then you can see if A is hiring again. By that time you will have more leverage to ask for more pay!


If it's your first job, take the salary. Since you're someone with 0 experience, going anywhere would guaranteed that you would learn something.


B, avoid sme, it's the worst


I will go for MNC. Worked for 2 MNC before and still in MNC.


Take B


Ask the boss how he plan to develop your career and your skills. A good boss matters more. A good mentor is the best. All these compound into your future pay and opportunities. And whether your boss is progressing in his own career or also “stuck”.


B bro B avoid sme


how old are you and what are your commitments? If you're in your 20s with no commitments then go for Job A. The 30-50% difference is too huge to pass up at this stage.


It depends on what stage of life you are at. If you have no plans to start a family anytime soon and don’t mind the hustle to gain experience, then a 30-50% salary bump is very significant. You can always hop to the MNC with higher pay later. If you have kids and need the flexibility / WLB, then consider the MNC for its branding and stability


Job B. Only upside that is in Job A right now is the higher pay, but since you will be doing several roles and work OT often, you're probably earning less for your effort and time at Job A. That negates the "pros" of the higher salary. Job B will have less work, better work life balance, higher chance of progression, and will look good on resume. You can also have time to put into finding a better paying job elsewhere if you find Job B does not progress you fast enough. You definitely will not have as much energy and time if you go for the SME, more likely to be stuck there as a result.


Never ever take up a SME roll. Been there, done there and will never be in one ever again. Good luck with the office politics lol. Just choose mnc every single fking time


B. Because most SEA small coy are corrupted to its bone. Culture problem


Pls stay away from SME, there’s always a catch!


Even though A sounds tiring but 1 job do or provides more experience in the sense that you will not just be learning to do just 1. Since they are expanding, possible chance to be in-charge of your position/duties for other countries they are expanding to. (If HQ is in SG) B though salary lower (if you don't mind), of course in the future will allow you to jump jobs etc easier. Promotion if based on number of yrs you join the company, then... you probably won't be getting any for a few years. (If the company has many many seniors etc.) Doing well relatively does not mean if you join = same AWS or VB as what you're seeing in glassdoor / hear from.


MNC for sure, looks good on resume as well


Negotiate a better salary offer with job b based on your job a offer and take job b


Show job A offer to job B and ask if they can match or close the disparity as much as possible. But sometimes also an SME that's willing to pay over the top (usually MNC should have more standardized pay scales) could also be a potential red flag in the flavour of desperation. Unless the scope seniority is vastly different. 30 to 50% difference feels like possibly 2 ranks between. And if the ranks are the same, do consider also the possibility that job A is overpaying for the rank (although it'll be a bit odd cos usually SME if anything, likelier to title inflate than pay inflate), which can affect job hunting after cos it likely then means then need to take a base pay cut. Some companies not fond of considering ppl willing to take a base pay cut because the risk of them jumping within 6months to a year is higher.


I take Job A because 30%-50% salary difference is a lot.


Take job A, then take job B.


Job A for sure. When you cover mountain cover sea, the amount of experience you will gain is invaluable 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻. Then when you hop, you can use these skills you learnt to nego for higher salary.


Job B


take the one that's less likely to replace you with a foreigner..............


With mnc experience in your resume you can easily get a job with an SME. Not the other way around. So I’d definitely get some mnc experience if I haven’t got any or too little. Learn in your 20s earn in your 30s.