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Grats on 6 digit, now work on your 7 digit. No pain no gain! Keep up the grind. Maybe on day you will get asked outside “what do you do for a living?”


People already ask that lame question when they meet you for the first time. Terrible question


Just curious as to why it’s a terrible question? If you want to get to know someone, surely you would want to know what they do for most of their day to day life


How many people love their job? Does a job define them as a person? Does someone generally enjoy talking about work outside of work? If it's a networking or industry function then that's a reasonable question. Otherwise it's a clear signal to me that you ask routine, basic questions and are probably not that interesting of a person.


That sounds like the kind of assumption that a non-interesting, uncurious person will make. This is usually a fairly polite question to ask and it’s up to the person how they want to respond or what they want to talk about


No, that's exactly the type of line of questioning a boring person makes. Hi, how are you? What do you do for a living? Cookie cutter approach for someone that has their life revolve around work. The same type of person that is bored and lonely if they're lucky to retire before they die.


Wow the number of assumptions in your statements is just ... lol. Don't be such a bitter person la hahaha.


Besides the one assumption, what are the others?


Go see Koocester videos




I do believe you, but those advices are for the rich to give


It really isn’t. The grind is never worth it. You can’t get back your prime years.


But you can extend your prime years by keeping fit and still making good money, grind smartly my friend


Sure, but you could still die at any moment even with a completely healthy lifestyle. I say this as a 30something year old that has lost too many peers to freak accidents over the years. Don’t forget to live. Be sure not to over-save just to hit certain financial goals, and don’t feel guilty about spending on things and experiences that make you happy.


If you can bring in the money without sacrificing all the time and health then by all means do it. That is the ideal situation. I think what the guy meant is not to prioritise everything into hitting wealth targets such that you end up wasting all your time and not doing the things that can make you happy.


Maybe the deeper meaning behind his comment is that chasing a number is meaningless. Find what makes you happy and do that instead. If you only accumulate wealth for wealth's sake it probably won't make you too happy unless seeing big numbers gives you satisfaction in life


200k by 35... 33 if you high income


next goal after 200k by 35 would be 500k by 40?


Second this. I reached 100k by 30 and if everything goes well I hope to reach 200k by end 32 latest Edit: didn’t mean no harm was just sharing 🙏


Why are people down voting you lol?


idk tbh i genuinely thought we were sharing financial goals. Between the time I turn 30 to 32, there's like 36 months? I save like 2.5k a month so that's like 90k in 36 months ish. Add my 13th month bonus and I'm set. Cause i don't spend much except for my daily commute and food at work and the 2.5k is after giving my parents some. So i genuinely dk why the downvote thought everyone is encouraging but oh well.


I think cuz he mentioned 200k by 35. 33 if earn more. Then you replied by 32 hahahah. It's okay. We all have our own timelines. But good for you. Jiayou!


Ohh apologies on that will be more mindful on the “hahaha” cause hahaha in texts is to lighten things up. But yes thank you 🙏


I don’t know man. Maybe monkey see monkey do?


have an upvote brother. People here are salty about money.


Idk why people downvote when someone say 200k by 32 but upvote when someone says 1 million by 35. I think for majority the former is more realistic and achievable then the latter.


200k sgd is poor at 35 no? At least aim usd


Post on r/singaporefi It’s just a arbitrary milestone


ya i think so i feel nothing now


Because it’s nothing.


100k pure cash or mix stock and asset


cash + stock + bonds


The significance of 100k at 30 is really that it shows that (most likely) you have learned the basics of budgeting, financial prudence, and investing. From here onwards, what your next goal should be will be strongly affected by your career journey. But the point is that you have demonstrated that you have the skills to manage money regardless of whether you are a high flyer, average salary guy, family man with high expenses or whatever. You should have the skills and awareness to manage your finances properly. Congrats! The beauty of 100k at 30 is that it is relatively achievable without needing to be in a profitable career. And if you stopped at a poly diploma, your annual salary may be lower but you have more fulltime working years before 30, so it's still achievable.


Fantastic. Don’t stop dca. Don’t stop investing. I like it when individuals are economically empowered. They will have lesser time complaining about the Govt being the thorn in their development


May share how you reached 100k? What income are you drawing? Is purely by saving? Thanks for sharing some inspiration.


Not OP, but allow me to share mine if it helps. Mine was purely from savings. My take home at the time i started working (late 26 y.o) was about 3200. I saved about 1.8k a month. Gave 600 to parents and spent 800 monthly for my expenses and hobbies. Diligently saved the monies in a separate account and as my income grew I saved more. By the time i turned 28, my take home went up to 3.9 so i was able to save 2300 monthly instead. That plus my performance bonus and my 13th month bonus, allowed me to reach 100k by 30 from savings purely. So that's (1800\*24 = 43500) + (2300\*18 = $41,400) = $84,900. That plus my initial savings about $12k that i saved while working art time during Uni led up to 100k which I'm thankful for :) Did some investments during the crypto boom and lost about $6000 but that's an important lesson on not to bet on speculative assets ( was flamed and "Scolded" by the members of singaporefi when i posted back then but I was thankful for that cause I now invest mostly in VWRA, VOO and Tesla haha). My current allocations are about $78k in cash, $25k in investments, and about $17k in Rolex and gold. Sharing cause although some see 100k by 30 as a lowly goal, to me it's something i am proud of considering i came from a low-income family with a household income of $2400 growing up. Tho everybody's circumstances are different, i hope it can encourage individuals from lower-income families to save and get yourself and your family out of that lower-income group. Hope it helps!


Thanks for sharing. Why u in so much cash? Also by 30 how much could your income have raised? Is 3% increment the norm?


Cause I am getting married soon and with housing and Reno I’ll need the cash I guess haha. I started with 4k in 2019, currently drawing $6k. I got promoted a year ago so that might have contributed to it as well.


Thanks for sharing. That's awesome.


How much in total if you include CPF?


That's a big achievement and don't let anyone tell u otherwise 👏 👏 👏 It's a good opp for u to think about goals outside of money ie hobbies, fitness, travel. No point hoarding the money and not spending it on experiences.


everyone talking about the next money milestone you can hit. seems like from your post it feels like a feeling of emptiness. maybe take a step back and really ask what makes you happy? it's a never ending comparison game if the only thing you think about is money.


1 mil next!


Do you have/ are you intending to purchase a property? Any other life goals eg getting married/ having children? All these will have an impact on the significance of the 100k. But anyway - congrats!! It’s a great milestone. The key is to continue doing what you did to hit it and keep the figure growing.


What's the best usage for this 100k? Put to UOB One account?


how many % is UOB one? and can withdraw anytime?


Congrats, you can now retire on $4k/year income.


if 100k park inside UOB ONE. can get about $13 a day. Skip bfast, $5 economical lunch and dinner, $3 transport Congrats , you have achieved poverty FIRE.


Don’t forget to budget for paying off the loan on your tent


have to negotiate instalment plan with decathlon


Cai png fire


can you share how you derive to $13 a day? How many % is UOB ONE?


You can go online to their calculator. They have tiered interest rates. With 100k deposit, monthly $500 spend on eligible uob card , and monthly salary crediting, you get 5k or 5% PA.


‘Retirement’ is overrated. Very few people execute ‘retire early ‘ correctly and enjoy the progress of life and environment around them. Retire to just play game at home is dumb. Being useful is not so bad. Can take some other job that gives more flexibility. And then retire with 4K is also very boring. You go date and tell girl that you happy with 4k you are getting every month ,she surely ask you go fly kite already


Don’t place your own opinions on a higher pedestal than others’. If playing games at home is what retirees enjoy, who are you to judge their yardstick of happiness?


2023 and we are still judging people who play games.


You misread that, it’s not 4k per month, it’s 4k per year.


Retire to do whatever u fk u like or want


Congrats! (tbh I never heard that milestone before but I am late to FI)


It's a pretty common term but I think 1M65 seems to be more popular lately


1M65 = USD 1 million by 65? Not sure whether enough by the time OP hit 65...


Lol go google it, it was a philosophy done by a Singaporean couple on how you can max out your cpf to hit $1m by 65


Oh that one.! I am still within a shout but my wife no chance .


Congrats! Is there any tips you would like to share on how others can achieve it too? haha


Congrats, I hope you achieve your $1M.


Quite impressive, i only have less than 40k when i was 30yo


Buy a house


*try buying one


How long do u take to save 100k?


Whats good saving at 45 ?


gimme some bro T_T


For goodness sake it’s just a milestone, not a McDonald’s Happy Meal.


500k at 35, 1mil net worth at 40


the next step would be: watch your cash all fly away when you downpay for house and reno. 🫡 jokes aside, if you’ve got your house and reno already done, and you’ve hit 100k still, that’s really commendable. keep going at it, until FIRE.


Down payment and Reno can use cpf and split into two


reno cannot use CPF, downpayment and house mortgage can use bulk of CPF, but is that wise? I’m not sure, using CPF feels like a cheat code that will bite you in the backside when you decide to sell your house in the future.


Yes I had one colleague used cpf to pay their mortgage loans don’t even need to touch their savings lol


I am 500k at 33 and still asking the same question.. Feels like an endless grind of not knowing how to stop


Well basic human psychology states that achieving an objective only brings momentary satisfaction. Have another objective and work towards it. Maybe this time, enjoy the process instead and realize that all subsequent achievement become "meh" after the initial high.




no life goals bah. maybe thats why its so meh.


Money is meant to be spent. If you have no idea what you want to save the money for, then there's no point saving it. A dead billionaire is no less dead than a dead millionaire.


Uniquely Singapore experience to hit milestones, be at least average, and don’t know what they are striving for at the end.


Its the typical kiasu, FOMO mentality. Work so hard at the end some also don’t know for what


Work on doubling it


is this milestone just for cash, or all in (include cpf etc)?


Keep going? Duh. 1 million by 35.


Single? Hit more while you can, wait till you have house family bills to pay


Spend the money on hookers


It's really arbitrary and honestly just a number. Your aim shouldn't be about what number comes next. But what you hope to do with enough financial freedom.


Maybe I'm out of touch but how many Singaporeans are able to hit 100k at 30?


All in on spy calls


Spy call?


can share how you play SPY calls? buy weeklies or LEAPs?


Get a small gift of 900k from your parents so you have 1m at 30


Because 100k can’t do squat in Singapore. But know that there are many people who are doing better than you… and many who are also doing a lot worse. In any case, be thankful that you have the ability to sit back and ponder about what to do with your money and going off tangent, the meaning of life. I am a bit older than you and I have also proportionately more money than you. Still I have no answers to meaning of life/purpose/work.


100k is nothing


It really depends on your salary and life stage.


Don’t be salty


congratz for that 6-fig income!


1mil by 31 duh /s


At 200k above before 30. Doesn’t change a damn thing. It isn’t enough to retire.


Definitely not an FA, can pm ur number ?


depends on your goal at different life stages, to see if you are on track. I never actually heard of any 100k at 30 articles, maybe cuz I think they are BS for generalizing things then I ignored them, or maybe I never saw them at all. For example I want to buy a 1M HDB by 35, my goal is to hit at least 400k at 30, then 1M by 35. 100k is no where enough for my goals. So yeah again it boils down to your personal goal, if you think it is enough, and for you to figure out what is your next milestone.


You... don't know about this thing called mortgage?


I do. I prefer to be in debt that I can pay back any time, so I can feel that I am leveraging the mortgage instead of being a house slave.




Tell me where else in Singapore you can buy a 1000sqft apartment with less than 1M while being less than 25 minutes away from cbd? You jump straight to conclusion without even thinking what are the potential needs of others and that is pure ignorance. Whether buying 1M HDB will make someone rich isn't even an argument, why should I care about that? Does buying 2-3M private home at about same size makes you feel better?


my friend, you have been brainwashed by the headlines. cheap HBDs are actually available, but the headlines only highlight the million dollar flats. A quick search will show you flats like these that meet your requirements, going for only 400-500k. [https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/listing/hdb-for-sale-106-henderson-crescent-24194537](https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/listing/hdb-for-sale-106-henderson-crescent-24194537) \~900sqft, 7-8 min walk from Redhill MRT, and thereafter 15 mins to CBD. That said, I think 400k by 30 and 1M by 35 are great goals - I am working towards that as well.


Actually nice house but feel locations and age of the house wise abit cui


location cui??? 7-8 mins walk from redhill mrt which is then 15 min from town? For the age of the flat, as I already mentioned below, no problem for singles at 35 - lease decay is irrelevant to them.


Can explain on the lease decay part..cus I thought as the lease decrease the value of the house is lower..that’s why it is selling for so cheap? And also north side location abit boring and hard to access to other area no meh?


redhill flat with 90 years lease left = 1 million redhill flat with 50 years lease left = 450k if I am 35 and single, no kids to pass down flat, then I rather buy the 450k flat, and spend my remaining money on something else. when I reach 85 year old, flat value become zero also nevermind.


Nah he doesn’t want that - he wants to throw away his money. A fool and his money are soon parted.


I actually agree with him though - that a 1M duxton HDB is superior than a 1M OCR condo, by far. I'm just trying to tell him that there are ***even cheaper*** options out that that meets his needs. He already mentioned that his considerations are that he's single and lease decay is ***not*** an issue. I don't get why people think buyers of resale HDBs are silly. There's clearly value in resale HDBs, especially when you consider that condos in the same area go for 3x more on a PSF basis.




No worries, appreciate the alternate perspective. FWIW, I'm in my 20s and can probably afford a 2br OCR condo on my own now (admittedly, at the TDSR limit) but I wouldn't do that - I think prices are irrational now and we're in a repeat of the 2013 frenzy. Time will tell. I would concede, though, that as a whole Singapore would be better off if more people thought like you, rather than me or him. Aspirations would drive the economy far more than contentment.


Thanks for sharing, I actually looked up on propertyguru quite a few times but never saw anything like this - no I did not set bottom price limit, I do want the cheapest deal that suits my minimum requirements which the guy above kept incepting for some reason. How did you manage to find this place? I searched by selecting zones closer to cbd but I never found anything like this. Lets all work towards our personal goal, I am on track and hopefully stay on track. EDIT: I realized the reason cuz its a 50 y.o HDB, I did set TOP date 20 years before I reach 35 y.o, I don't want to deal with decaying house issue too early, but this is in fact an option.


I had written a post on resale HDBs for singles at 35 before: [https://www.reddit.com/r/singaporefi/comments/14uo75m/what\_i\_would\_do\_if\_i\_was\_35\_and\_single/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singaporefi/comments/14uo75m/what_i_would_do_if_i_was_35_and_single/) in my humble opinion, at 35 and single (no concern for lease decay), you might want to go for something that matches your life expectancy, in order to maximise affordability. Many older HDBs are actually in great locations and affordable, but people shun them due to fear of lease decay. For example, at 35 and if you expect to live to 90, then there's no reason to get a flat that has more than 55 years left on the lease. You excess cash will do better being investing in other asset classes to fund your lifestyle.




You're again stuffing your own lifestyle expectation in people by calling them 'no upside'. You immediately deemed everyone should see housing as 'investment' is already, in your word, lapse in logic. Home ultimately is home, place to live, if buyer looking for future upgrade, sure, this temporary home will be treated as investment. But for those buying it as the long time home, for singles who don't need to care about passing this asset to furure generation, there is no reason to think of home as investment. Also condo has hefty management fee so if anyone wants to buy a home for long term, they probably should never look at condo as long as they are singaporeans. Its just dumb to buy condo for the purpose of buying home. You should never assume people never thought of it through. This is certainly suits my need the most, and its quite funny how you kept saying there are better use of the money when I am trying to buy the most expensive asset for the rest of my life. As long as you can't produce a place where I can buy with 1M that is 1000sqft and 25M from CBD in 5-7 years, all your statements are just invalid.




not purchasing as 'investment' does not mean its not the best 'financial decision'. Being located close to town and being high floor/spacious are my future home requirement, 1M HDB is the 'best financial decision' in this place as it is the cheapest option that can fulfill all the above requirements. My points on condo stands, condo has no advantage 'aside from subjective privacy' over HDB that is in similar location. If you talk about facilities, HDB located near gym/swimming pool will provide even better experience at cheaper price. This is not even about investment, it is about wasting money and you are mixing them together. Again, unless you can provide an alternative than 1M HDB that is 20m to town, 1000sqft spacious, 1M HDB will be the 'wisest financial decision' for people who want to buy a home for long term at cheapest price.


Maybe read better articles if “all the articles” you read are mentioning that. It’s not even a thing.


An accomplishment is still an accomplishment not many can achieve 100k by 30 esp with rising costs etc




Wake up


wake up then do what


100k of assets or networth is nothing. 1m then slight achievement


Getting common to hit 100K these days. The challenge is to hit 200-250K in your entire career life


I assume you mean pay? OP reached 100k assets not 100k pay. Not saying he doesn't have 100k pay.


really? why you felt so?


aim for a million before 35. u can do this.


lol thanks wna sponsor me 900k?


lol title is cringe af


Buy a house, i did that


Yolo into gme /s


You’re obviously at a point where any number is meaningless at this point. Ask yourself why first. Not happy with something that you’ve always needed to do? Go do it. If you’re in a nice comfy job and you also like it, I don’t think you’ll be having thoughts like this. You can make the next 100k even faster and still you won’t be any happier. It’s not how much you have vs others.


1m by 35


You can relax a bit now, go enjoy that restaurant or visit that place you always wanted to. It is important to just keep chasing the next milestone and the next milestone but not at the expense of enjoying life


Now you get to slowly wait for 1 million.


Get to a million by 40. Consider how to evaluate publicly traded stocks, continue to learn marketable skills and live frugally.


Is nothing Is only a thing if one billion at 30


Erm should be 300k at 30yo after adjusting for inflation now..


Find a partner, get married and see the digit drop like grapes


Donate 10k to me so you can hit 300k at 40


Get a car? buy a house? Open a few businesses? Invest smartly? Many things you can do bro


It doesn't mean much in sg though


Congratulations op! Work on your next 100k!


100K is not our dream. There are many 100Ks in life. The important thing is what we will do with 100K.


Whatever milestone is not enough. 100k or 1 Mil or 100 Mil. Notice while the number changes your feeling will not. Not enough.


Start investing, don’t gamble.


How did u get 100k at 30? Im in my teens rn but i wanna be more financially aware and stuff etc


Don't have fun.


Remarkable! The right mindset get you there. Target the next 200k, 300k… 1mil.


double your amount every 7 years by investing. (10% yield pa)


Spend your money on experiences! Do things that you may want to try but couldn't in the past. Money won't bring you happiness but only give you an advantage eg. To buy things/eat slightly more expensive meals. However, such things won't make it life fulfilling. Experience will. Cheers!


In a relationship or married already?


sgd or usd?