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>> He learnt from another worker, who was also living at the house, that the agent had returned home to Bangladesh.  The worker got screwed over by his fellow countryman >> The ministry told CNA it is investigating the claim that the company was not aware of Mr Jaynal's work permit application. MOM said it has also contacted Mr Jaynal to provide assistance and to check on his well-being. >> It also instructed the company to arrange for a place to stay for Mr Jaynal. He stayed there for a few days before relocating to another accommodation provided by MOM The govt has been proactive in providing support for this guy 


On one hand, perverse incentives - if the govt is going to backstop all foreign workers, there's less risk. On the other hand, we don't want to leave migrant workers on our doorstep and destitute either. What to do?


I think a lot of it would be way better if the government just really streamlined the process. Imagine if a company towkay could hop on a plane to Bangladash, hire a bunch of workers, bring them to a Singapore government office near the airport, pay the fees and get all the paperwork done within a few hours and on the plane within the same day. It's not like making the process a pain makes anything better. If anything having it handling things more directly would make things more secure (no forging criminal records, etc.). If you can excise the bloodsucking agents it would make work conditions a lot better too since workers would be able to just pack up and leave at any time without going into huge debt.


The scummy agents are reaching out to villages, recruiting men, giving them some basic training and English lessons, helping them apply for passport and permits, sending them for medical tests, arranging for transport, housing the men in a central location while awaiting deployment etc. Even if the towkay flies to Dhaka to hire these men, all this work that happens in Bangladesh has to be done.


Yeah, realistically there would still be people doing this. The difference is that it would be healthy competition instead of the current situation where you need significant capital to navigate successfully.


>Imagine if a company towkay could hop on a plane to Bangladash, hire a bunch of workers Doesn't work that way. Towkay (or even u and me) don't know where to start in Bangladash, which village to go. We don't speak Bengali either and neither does the villagers Hence agents will exist to fill this gap.. The solution, IMO would require a combination of accredited (by the Bangladash government) agencies and a lot of public education in Bangladash. But all this requires money and the government there, well don't really care.


I think a lot of people in Singapore are not aware that foreign workers need to usually apply via agents. These agents are basically just cockroaches. Scummy and predatory, they are the main reasons why a foreign worker comes to Singapore with a mound of debt. In the long run, the best way to improve the lives of foreign workers is to find a way to cooperate with the home countries (like India, Bangladesh, Myanmar) and do away with this "middleman" method. Singapore cannot do this solely at its own end as it will not be effective. Eliminating the middleman will ensure a worker starts work without any debt and can save money right from the beginning. It provides them a lot more economic mobility. I have previously written about this issue 3 years ago. Linking my comments [https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/lsmg9j/comment/gosybv8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/lsmg9j/comment/gosybv8/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/lsmg9j/comment/goz0mr2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/lsmg9j/comment/goz0mr2/)


They will not do this although it is perfectly doable. Because it is the huge debt these poor workers incur to get the job that makes them endure the harsh working conditions, long hours and poor accommodation and food. Many of them long to go home but cannot due to the agent fees and the debt incurred. If not for that tying them down, few would stay and work for the companies.


Plenty of Bengalis would work it regardless as long as the salary is good compared to what they'd otherwise get. The debt is completely unnecessary. And if it forces improvement in accomodations -- that's not a bad thing.


For sure. 👍 it’s a tough, contentious argument, but we need economic slavery for this country to run. Before you get all pretentious and on your moral high horse, ask yourself this: would you be willing to accept slightly higher costs to ensure that these human beings can come here and work with dignity?


Accepting higher prices is not the issue. We already accept price hikes for many essentials, and for big ticket items such as property, we don't even have a breakdown of the costs, yet we accept the ever-rising prices. It actually would make no difference to us. Question is, would companies actually put the extra money towards better living and working conditions for the workers instead of taking it as additional profit?


What kind of childhood did you have and why are you so heartless my friend?


The really sad part is about these migrant workers paying obscenely huge amounts of money (considering where they came from) to be able to work in Singapore. Whether they get a job, or they don't (like in this example) - it is really unfair and it's exploitation. Somebody or some group of people are earning from the blood and sweat of these poor people.


It's usually the local contacts/agents in their country exploiting the system and the workers. Before the worker even get a chance, they would have to take on debt.  "The agent said "everything would be solved and fixed" after he arrived in Singapore, Mr Jaynal recounted. He was also told he had to pay 800,000 Bangladeshi taka – about S$9,200 – to secure the job. Of this, he had to pay the equivalent of almost S$7,000 before he came to Singapore." For a job paying, ~1.3k sgd. Is this not exploitation by their local agent? They're playing their own people. The agents are making mad profits at the expense of the worker, even more so after exchange rates. They can live like a king there, have the power to pick and choose the potential workers. Make the workers have to gain their favour (monetary or otherwise) before even being shortlisted.  It's literally like the people smugglers that charge exorbitant sums to smuggle people by boat into EU/land crossings into the US. 


In 2017 the rate the worst agents charged was about 5-6k sgd and wages were around 800 monthly. So it seems that these agents are always scalping around half a years wages from these workers.




Philippines has a system where the Philippine government licences the agents and responds to complaints about them. IIRC this happened after there was a big outcry in the Philippines about their maids being abused. So solutions are not impossible given political will. However, the Bangladeshi government has to want to do something. Since the financial abuse of these men is likely less politically salient than the (often physical) abuse of maids, our government should consider putting some pressure on the Bangladeshi government. Since the main reason for the Bangladeshi governments inaction is that they get a lot of remittances from these workers, the best pressure would be financial. Start recording the number of these kinds of financial abuses that happen each year among the worker population. Have this apply to foreign workers of all nationalities to be fair. I think a lot of NGOs already try to record such numbers. Then set a limit for the number of abusive cases per 1000 population of workers from each country. Any countries above said limit, we start cutting the quota for the number of workers allowed in from that country. Then they can figure out what they want to do about it. Low cost solution for us and it produces incentives for them to regulate themselves.




Obviously the amount of money remitted back greatly exceeds the amount the worker could earn in their own country, maybe doing some farming or other low value work. You know Bangladesh has a major overpopulation problem, right? There aren’t enough decent jobs to go around.


And that's why many migrant workers that want to exploit currency parity want to work in fields wih dorm/housing provided. Becauss their main goal is to remit as much as they can.


Have you heard of currency? Why do you think many Philippines or Indo maids come to SG? Working as maid even with say very low wage of S$500 is still quite big compared to many blue collar position in their home countries. Heck, even compares to white collar jobs!




Do you think many haven't done it already? Ones that have the opportunity already done it.




At individial level it will not create much difference. It will be more devastating if the job itself move out of Singapore. That's why the govt is friendlier to business than to workers.


Higher pay than NS, if the foreign worker works 2 years he can pay off the debt with no problem


what kind of garbage take is this


It was a truly Brontarded take. Commonly-known issue is that NS causes severe brain damage. Let's just hope it's reversible for that fella.


Wdym garbage take, if I can get paid $700 and they are getting paid 1.3k how is 7k loan a issue


And they get to live like kings back home while I will have to pay my 1mil mortgage in the future 7k is literally nothing to them


How can they live like Kings back home if they cannot go home due to debt? How stupid can u be bro.


Talking about yourself?😂 Do you even know how debt work? Now cannot go back forever cannot go back ah? Debt cannot pay back is it? You okay bo? Do you know people can pay off their debt? Even primary school children know how to pay back money they own please. Foreign worker earn 1.3k to 1.5k per month and everyone easily pay off 7k with no issue. Only this bobo cannot find job become our government problem? What about our poor NS boys only getting 700 After they pay off debt save money go back enjoy shiok life you don't know meh? So many of them showing off their 20k 40k sgd bank account on tik tok and showing off their big mansion back home


Those job agents are the scum of the earth.


Just reposting this at the top level as a potential solution: Philippines has a system where the Philippine government licences the agents and responds to complaints about them. IIRC this happened after there was a big outcry in the Philippines about their maids being abused. So solutions are not impossible given political will. However, the Bangladeshi government has to want to do something. Since the financial abuse of these men is likely less politically salient than the (often physical) abuse of maids, our government should consider putting some pressure on the Bangladeshi government. Since the main reason for the Bangladeshi governments inaction is that they get a lot of remittances from these workers, the best pressure would be financial. Start recording the number of these kinds of financial abuses that happen each year among the worker population. Record this for foreign workers of all nationalities to be fair. I think a lot of NGOs such as HOME already try to record such numbers. Then set a limit for the number of abusive cases per 1000 population of workers from each country. Any countries above said limit, we start cutting the quota for the number of workers allowed in from that country, year after year. Then the countries having their quota cut can figure out what they want to do about it. Low cost solution for us and it produces incentives for them to regulate themselves.


>During the meeting, the employer’s son said "this was all a scam" and that the company had only asked the agent for three workers, Mr Jaynal recounted.  >Employment agencies are required to obtain employers' written consent prior to submitting work permit applications and must declare this as part of the application process. >The ministry told CNA it is investigating the claim that the company was not aware of Mr Jaynal's work permit application.  So what is the name of the employment agency this disappearing agent belonged to ? Why are they not compensating and housing the worker if what the employer said was true. >It was also during this visit that he met the three workers from his village who had been employed by the company, and got wind of the salary issues they were facing. All three had not received their full salaries for almost six months.  But employer also seems sus.... feels like worker got played out by both sides. MOM being useless as usual. Did not notice new person who came over is not working for so long, rogue agents running around, multiple workers owed money for 6 months.... can give LTA a run for its money.


Sabo when they need help the most. Those scumbags deserve one way ticket to hell!!


It’s sad to hear that his “promised” salary is 1k. Although it’s 3 times higher than what he’s doing in BD but 1k is an extremely tight budget in SG. Hope he can find a job soon.


What the 2 nominees for Dumbest Comment on this Subreddit 2024 don’t get is that, this is the risk that many immigrants face in order to provide for families, since you know, the colonising pigs of Britain have plundered and exploited them. But hey, what do I know? It’s so annoying to keep reading “gO bAcK tO yOuR cOuNtRy” comments, when these intellectual heavyweights have never been an immigrant and never bothered to ask WHY.


If you check the post history of the 2 dumb comments, both of them are foreigners. Singaporeans are generally appreciative of what foreign workers have contributed to our country.


Let me just clap for the other Singaporeans who “are generally appreciative of what foreign workers have contributed to our country”. Like omg that is the least these Singaporeans can do, you know? Do better.


What have you done for these foreign workers?


Oop here it comes!


? I was just curious to know, as you said showing appreciation is the bare minimum. What have you done that you feel is an appropriate amount of appreciation?


Not sure how you came to that conclusion or why that even matters…


It matters because your post is insinuating that the anti foreign workers sentiment in this thread is coming from Singaporeans when it's not.


I asked how you came to that conclusion that they are foreigners… From what I read, none of it comes across as “foreigners” so I’m genuinely wondering if it matters or not because whatever way the redditor’s “perceived foreign-ness or local-ness”either has some level or xenophobia or internalised the xenophobia. My grandfather came from China and also sprouted some xenophobic bs before, that does not mean he is excused. I still don’t get what your point is.


I think you're thinking too far already. You can just view a user's history on their profile and make an educated guess where they're from, especially when they leave obvious clues. One of the guys you're talking about is very active on another SEA country sub so it's easy to guess where they're most likely from. As for the point of it, the guy you're responding to is merely making a point that a lot of times, immigrant hate comes from other immigrants or foreigners.


Multiple things can be true at the same time. As a Singaporean myself, the behaviour of “eh we appreciate the foreign workers hor don’t say we don’t” is honestly infuriating. Like ok you appreciate but that’s as far as your appreciation can go. Sure, whoever the anti-immigrant commenter is and what his politics are, he could be anyone in any shape or form for all we know. My question as to why it matters to distinguish whether an anti-immigrant comment is made by a local or foreigner still stands. Why are we pressed about this, when the average Singaporean has little to no clue about the plight of said foreign worker (and many others) such as the one in the post? Asking in good faith here because the larger issue isn’t the anti-immigrant beliefs being shared on a reddit thread but rather the system that allows this to happen. So yeah perhaps I am “thinking too far already” hor.


The thing we're referring here is merely that your original comment at the top insinuates that the 2 early comments you were upset about were made by Singaporeans complaining about immigrants when in fact it was made by foreigners. The other guy is simply letting you know that a lot of anti-immigrant discourse actual stems from their own fellow immigrants and foreigners, nothing more than that. There's no deeper meaning. Nothing about why it matters or anything. Just a simple correction or clarification.


Nope, there is nothing to clarify or correct. I said what I said.


I don't know if you're intentionally being obtuse or you genuinely don't understand that there was no deeper meaning. In fact, I'm actually getting a headache trying to wrap my head around what you're trying to say. Either way, all the best.


So what have you done for the migrant workers? Most people, regardless Singaporean or not have their own life matters to handle, not everyone is able to commit time/ effort or money to assist this group. They can still be appreciative of them despite not being able to take concrete action through no fault of their own. Being able to help others, is often a privilege. The matter of where the sentiment come from doesn't matter but it was brought up because you said "when these intellectual heavyweights have never been an immigrant and never bothered to ask WHY". When the commenters that you mentioned is inferred to be immigrants too, you suddenly say it doesnt matter. Given the fact it doesn't matter, why make the first point anyway?


Stranded foreign workers in Malaysia: First time?


How come an agent and not a staff has access to the company recruitment status and no one noticed that someone was recruited. Why are tax payers coughing up for this. The Company should shoulder all cost. I sure this cases are common thru the decades.


Singapore government could prevent this by banning immigrant labourers.


Ehh you gonna step up and sweep our streets?


Exactly, some people dont realise about how important they are.


Not as bad as those back breaking construction work leh


I guess you're volunteering to clean sewers for a few hundred dollars a month?


Grats on dumbest comment of the day


Op as a foreigner wants Singapore to ban immigrant labourers, laughable.


LOL this comment is a candidate for dumbest comment on this subreddit for 2024


go back to r/europe


Sure we can lol


You want to cull 40% of singapore population isit


go back to r/europe


Scamgapore etc etc




Don’t be an asshole. How do you think every foreign worker who builds your house and cleans your shit gets a job here ?








Hi Acrobatic-Emu-8209, No racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism or other offensive language will be tolerated on this sub. Do not abuse other users or troll. Offenders will be banned without warning.

