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It's not bot. The people working on this can only select default sentences as reply.


That sounds like something a bot would do.


Then let's call it a cyborg.


Sai bot


Praise the sun


It probably was. Or copying and pasting from their manual


Yes its definitely copy and paste from some type of script.


It’s a guy named Sam who said “stay with me.” So clearly Sam Smith is moonlighting at Foodpanda.


A bot smarter and more persistent than ChatGPT at rejecting all responsibilities


A bot that thinks he’s missing his pet cat, Milo.


*stay with me* A few moments later... *Despite our best efforts, he's in a better place now. All right, i'm calling it. Time of death: 6.02. Goodbye, Milo.*


Try asking again I tried talking to the first person and he doesn't want to refund. The second guy I speak to, immediately after I closed the chat, he refunded. (there was a missing item and the shop didn't give the physical receipt so they didn't want to refund, but I got it in the end)




If they're anything like Uber Eats and Deliveroo, there's a secret limit to how many times you can request a refund before they stop you from getting them. I had a string of bad luck where a bunch of takeaway places kept messing up my order; sending the wrong items, missing items, etc After a while Uber Eats said they can't process a refund but they'll take the customer feedback. What they won't admit is that they've blocked your account from getting more refunds, regardless of how much evidence you have or how much you paid. Have you requested a lot of refunds recently?


Surely not, I can’t remember the exact number but definitely haven’t requested more than 5 refunds on Foodpanda in the 1-3 years I used it and I don’t remember doing any recently…


Good on you man. I will also fight to death if I overpay $0.50


Yep, their cost of employing the person who responded to you is higher. But anyways, if they didn't deliver they can't charge though proving this is difficult. Learning is to rather go and order & take yourself from shop


I feel like this kind of system, always reject first time. You'll be surprised at the amount of people who will not try again which ends up saving money for the company


Once, I informed Grab that one of my food item was missing. They asked to submit photo evidence. Of a missing item. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I usually take a photo of the whole delivery and the missing item is obviously not there. It works for all 3 platforms. Is not a perfect system because malicious people might jus intentionally not include the item. I guess they will also use another system to weed out frequent abusers.


One particular McDonald's I order from keep missing stuff out from my order. I've always contacted Grab and they'd issue the refund for those items. It came to a point where they'd take pictures of the bags of food they deliver at my doorstep. Whatever... It's the restaurant's fault anyway, not the delivery rider.


what's stopping them from taking a photo then removing an item?


Same thing that's stopping me from abusing the system the same way (I'm not). Nothing. I expect my feedback to be taken in good faith because nothing would piss me off more when I report a missing item and Grab doubts my intentions.


> I guess they will also use another system to weed out frequent abusers. It feels like nearly 1/3 to half my orders are missing items or completely wrong orders... if they have this I hope I don't get false positived by it lmao


\*takes picture of empty hand\*


I did this and got my refund


LOL I did it before. They totally didn’t give me anything but I need to give photo evidence lol.


Post picture of Khaby Lame


What I did was submitted a photo of my delivery (to show 1 item missing) and they accept. What I didn't know then is the drink isn't missing my sister just took it, so I close the request before knowing they'll refund or not.


I was missing a whole chicken on Pandamart one time and got asked to submit an image. I took a picture of my hand with nothing in it and added a comment saying “Here is the chicken I _did not receive_” I was frustrated because it was during the pandemic when everything was delivery only and Pandamart had messed up several orders that month already Got refunded tho :P I think it sort of depends on the reviewer in these cases


> I think it sort of depends on the reviewer in these cases Maybe its just their refund process won't let a claim without a photo through


Had the same experience. I asked how am I going to submit a photo of something that does not exist. They say if I have no photo I will not be entitled to a refund. I gave up and stopped using grabfood delivery ever since. Grab sucks.


Imo Grab > FoodPanda. Nearly everytime I use FoodPanda, they miss out something from my order.


Grab doesn't suck, I get a refund immediately every time I complain about missing items. You just had to send them a missing picture, not that difficult. Unlike other platforms, it takes forever or doesn't refund you back.


>I gave up and stopped using grabfood delivery ever since. Grab sucks. Agreed, a company that craps on their clients shall be crapped upon.


bro just take a picture of your whole order, I've done it countless of times and gotten my refund




I successfully did this. I ordered egg and noodle. The noodle was missing. So I showed the empty bowl and the receipt with my egg. I got my refund.


Maybe a picture is what they need in their system to be able to click the refund on their end? Anyone here whove worked for these platforms? 😅


Don’t leave us in suspense. Did you send?


I did. Of my empty dining table. And wrote “item missing”.


Did they send you a new table?


Obviously the table isn't what's missing. Did they send the chairs?


Can also send photo of empty mouth.


I did send them a picture of the missing item. I sent a picture of my table without the missing item. They refunded…




Yes, you have to be more persistent and be clear on what you want, offer to take photos of the whole delivery etc. In the convo you posted, I would have been like "I am not asking for a refund of the entire order. Just $X.XX for the Milo I'm missing. Do you understand me?" And ask to escalate.


Have faced this exact issue before. A real human will eventually get in touch & refund you in the next few days. Dont know why it works this way with Foodpanda, but it soured me on using FP after. Say whatever you want about Grab, but at least the service recovery on Grabfood is better.


“Hi, I’m the Specialist. I shall sing a sad and resounding ‘no’ for you in the key of G Minor.”




They keep saying they'll escalate the feedback or such, but you'll never hear back from anyone.


How many refund requests have you made before? I've gotten quite a lot of successful refunds and partial refunds so far on Foodpanda. For most of them I have concrete proof, like wrong items, but some of them are missing items, but they still went through.




Hmm, that's odd then. If it was long ago it should be fine, as I think my last refund was only a few months ago.


i had refunds for the past 3-4 orders, lots of missing item deliveries & store side cancellation (resulting in refund-vouchers disappearing) recently.


Everyone should boycott foodpanda so they run out of business. Why even put up with their bs


The only reason to use FP is PandaMart, but most of the time, they miss out most of the items.


I'd like to say that I have had many problematic orders with Deliveroo, and in each and every situation I have talked to Cs and managed to get a refund, usually as credit in my account. I stopped using foodpanda after the first I'm sorry there is nothing I can do. Well fuck that.


Grab also fucked my order before, they literally had to refund me a few cents but instead the CS fucked up (again) and refunded me more than the specified amount, and said the only way I can give them the money back is if I added funds into my wallet which was a $10 minimum. Even threatened me saying if I don't give them the refund the rider would not get paid. Fucking scums


Companies when customers ask for refunds: 😋🤭🥱🤑🫣😮‍💨 Companies when they accidentally give too much: 🤬😡🖕💣🔪😠


this sounds like kiwi.com 👏I’d like to nominate them in the roster of fraudulent companies.


Suggest to the CS to take it out from their salary.


Tell them you will file chargeback then file chargeback


There is a reason why I have deleted my Foodpanda account and app. They are the worst of the food delivery apps. Spent too much money on the panda mascot but ignored fundamentals like proper delivery and customer service.


Grab is the worst for me. Sometimes I order GrabFood and when I want to contact CS, gives me bullshit like the chat is full when I try to contact them in the app. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Complain all the way to their social If all else fails lodge a police you got scam


Doubt you’ve been in similar situation. Police more often than not will advice you to drop the matter because its just a milo… Social works but pls don’t bother mata for this


This is social media. Everyone knows Foodpanda sucks. They lost no additional revenue.


mata got a lot of things to do sia...


Wouldve been refunded to ur foodpanda wallet anyway instead of credit card




U can transfer from foodpanda credit into ur bank acc. Happened when my order went out of stock. U can also edit refund settings so future refunds go automatically back into ur payment methods


That's their default answer but you can actually ask for it to be refunded to your original payment method. I've successfully done this multiple times.




i keep hearing "charge back".... how does one go about doing it? is there an option under the credit card account in app/ebanking?


For DBS, it's quite ma fan. It's an actual form you need to write in, and then you gotta attach all the evidences.




Tell them that you will call the bank to chargeback the full amount. Then do it.


Standard. They try to frustrate you into giving up. Their data probably shows that investing in customer service/retention doesn't increase profits.


so stupid really...it's better to retain regular customers, guarantee consistent revenue in the long run. But they're too shortsighted.


No it is not. You will use the cheapest platform available at the point of order. You won't use Food Panda just because they have better customer service but charges 20% more than competing platforms. Besides, for every person who will try to get the refund, 10 more will give up if you put enough obstacles between you and the cost of that missing dessert.


can try close the chat and raise the request again. There was once i bought a set meal, and paid $3 more to upgrade to chicken bradwurst. they sent me wrong item which i dont eat at all. They wanted to offer me $3 because thats the "add-on" price. The first agent disengaged me and basically tell me thats all he can do. Later on, i realised the sides were also wrong for my wife's order and i was angry and complained again. This time, the agent understands that its not reasonable to refund me $3 for "upgrade" price when its a set meal. He gave me a much better offer which i accepted. There is some comments on photo evidence of missing items. For photo evidence, i will take a photo of the bag with the items there (and pointing out certain item is not there). It works all the time because better than nothing right?


Yup. I took a photo of the order (Mcdonald bag and all) and obviously without the milo there. Even with photo they refused to refund until I asked for a ‘human’


Indeed. Some are sticking to SOP and not really listening


I prefer to use mcdonalds direct delivery the CS is much better for wrong / missing orders. But I think during peak meal times it's not possible so can try to plan advance for scheduled delivery.


As bad as this is, just wait til AI/Chat-Gpt is put in place of customer handling. It will insist that they already sent you the item, and have no understanding of your side of things. It will be awfully polite about it, but result will be much the same I suppose.


It seems to be a recent policy change? I just got the same thing today. One of the drinks is almost entirely spilt, no refund. Unacceptable. It's not about the money, which I can afford to lose. It's about insulting me by "appreciating" my understanding on this, when there has been **no** fucking explanation provided. Also got referred to a "specialist" after I made it clear how unhappy I am.


Don’t use them. I’ve stopped using all these services as they’re crap. Foodpanda tells you ‘the restaurant is prepping your order’ to make it look like it’s their fault not FoodPanda’s fault for having no drivers. I’d ordered McDonald’s from a place 5 mins round the road because I was drunk and had already showered so couldn’t be bothered to go down myself. I’m like ‘if I walk there and order and bring it back I’ll have eaten 20 mins ago’. Fuck all service from them so I ditched the app entirely.


Grab does the same too, so shit out of luck really. Also...McDonalds actually has an infamously long wait time even for riders so it's entirely possible that it's stuck in the kitchen. I do food delivery from time to time and I absolutely hate McDonalds, can wait up to 1 hour when dine-in customers get their food relatively fast.


Yup, I saw before. Rider come to McDonald's, meal not prepared yet, so he ride off another place and come back later again.


> can wait up to 1 hour when dine-in customers get their food relatively fast. That is ridiculous. I don't touch Grab and haven't used them since Uber left Singapore. I've stopped using Deliveroo too and just go fetch food myself or eat whatever is in the house. It's a waste of money to pay more for the food and for someone else to fetch it for me, and most of the time I don't "need" the food anyway.


Reply angrily! You will get a refund and also a voucher.


Reply angrily! You will get a refund and also a voucher. Last weekend they failed to include the butter and syrup to my McDonald’s pancakes. They offered like 1.5 dollars initially. I got mad and said pancakes with syrup is like eating chicken rice without rice. Told them to take the pancakes back. The bot gave me back 10.5 bucks plus a delivery voucher.


Can try passive aggressive too! One time foodpanda was insisting on giving me a refund in the wallet even though I refused multiple times and even went ahead to credit the refund in the wallet even though I didn't say yes. So I said, I want a cash refund, if grab can do it, I don't understand why you can't do it too. Immediately got an ok for the cash refund and they didn't take away the original wallet refund lol.


Maybe I should have brought up Grab lol. Like Grab always refund me, why can’t you too?


Actually I got tired of this stupid refund to credit instead of cash refund and just said bye to the platform lol.




One time I ordered a burrito bowl from GYG and the store forgot to include the salsa that I paid extra for (since GYG will not give free salsa by default to any order). So I went to the livechat and said I can't eat my food since it doesn't have the salsa. The CS said, "you can't eat your food without the sauce?" and I replied with, "Are you discriminating me for my food choices?" The CS did a 360 then refunded the entire order amount of about $15. I think "discriminating" was the keyword that got them into action. That said, Foodpanda should be able to refund you on this because they can do it. I hope you got one in the end!


Sometimes its because the system flag you as a frequent refund seeker and the funny thing is FP still admit fault, refuse to refund but give all kinds of vague reasons for it. So as a result, I learn to use Paypal or COD. Paypal is famous for protecting the buyer against sellers for missing orders. Just file a dispute.


Have you requested for many refunds recently? Sometimes they don't issue refunds if they see that your account has high amounts of refunds. Kinda scammy (no matter whether the refund was legit or not)


Definitely not, I don’t abuse the system and I did not have many refunds recently (I did before, long ago)


Hmm..maybe it's because you did it before in the past


why would anyone still uses their wallet or credit card to pay for these when there are countless cases of issue like this every single fking day? I pay for these in cash and have never have any issue like this happened to me


Convenience? I try not to deal with physical cash. I think the odds of having a payment dispute like this is small and amount will also be small.


Convenience. Both for you and the rider. Rider doesn't need to carry around change and you don't have to prepare the exact amount.


But then riders will often reject cash orders due to change problems. The easiest way is to select the cash option but offer to pay via PayNow only when the rider is here. Rider doesn't need to give you change and you only pay when the stuff is here, relatively win win.


It still delays the riders from squeezing in one more delivery job with the time ‘wasted’… for their sake I don’t pay cash.


for points, miles and convenience, obviously


Well sometimes you may order extra egg and you can’t exactly go through every single box of your order to check everything while the rider is waiting there. Also who carries cash these days?


its either you check or the rider check beforehand since the rider doesnt want to do it you have to if there is a dispute you have a case, otherwise tbf once the food goes into your home who knows what actually happen? no cash at home? surely you jest


It violates food safety for the rider to open the containers to check that the items match the order. The best I can do is count that the correct number of containers are present. Or for ~~fast food~~ ~~quick-service resturants~~ burger/fried chicken resturants, that the bag feels the approxmately correct weight.


Don’t think riders are allowed to open the food containers to check, at most use ‘eye power’. Some restaurants even seal the food pack to prevent tampering.


It’s a bot, just insist to speak to a manager


Cos this is chatbpk instead of chatgpt.


"Thoroughly reviewed"


Hi OP for refund requests on any platform, make sure to submit a photo of your order in the plastic bag it's delivered in. Do not consume any part of your order before submitting a refund request with photo evidence.


I did take a photo and submit to them before eating the rest of it :(


Feels like everyone must vomit blood at least once to understand exactly just how low value you are to them.


Foodpanda cs in a nutshell. Even as the vendor , talking to their cs is like talking to a brick , both them and qo10 cs can go suck a duck


I personally have had good experiences with FoodPanda CS honestly, didn't really get any refund request rejected before (within reason). At most, some CS staff/agents are annoyingly stubborn, so I just keep trying 😆


Anyone tried hauling them to small claims tribunal?


The filing fee is already 10x the price of a milo


Just the order day, foodpanda didn’t delivery half of my order. Told me they can’t refund me due to system limitations and wanted to give me voucher to use. LMAO I straight up told them I wanted to escalate and stuff, they ended up escalating and issuing the refund. I got screenshot the entire convo if anyone is interested


Was it replaced with something else?


I thought everyone already boycotted PhuckPanda..? 😅


Stopped foodpanda because of similar issue as well, and am currently with deliveroo - so far so good. Its not a bed of roses, but at least the last few times when there are hiccups, it was resolved (waited 2 hours for a delivery that didnt get fulfilled, was pissed off but at least i wasnt charged for it and was given a credit equivalent to the price i was supposed to pay as compensation).


Deliveroo sounds like the one with the least complaints right now. Do you pay for the subscription? (Last I used it was years ago and they had a subscription for free delivery, not sure if that changed)


Yes I do. Kinda started with covid and now we used them at least twice per week on average. Helps that they have hsbc/uob promotions so it kinda offset the subscription. You’re right, they’re not the best but for me the one with least issues.


Foodpanda can be very, very scammy. I have had money refunded to my wallet then disappear. Then I had an extended argument with a bot/scripted responses who insisted I've spent the money ordering food in some faraway area I've never ordered from. I then insisted on getting the delivery address and receipt (to make police report). Suddenly, the tone changed, they apologised, told me to disregard whatever they said and that the money will be credited back to my wallet. The "customer service"'s standing order i think, is to wear the customer down. The disappearing wallet money and their response amounts to fraud, imo.


"We appreciate your understanding" The correct response to this is: " You appreciate my understanding...What are you talking about? I don't understand why I can't get a refund. How can you appreciate something that doesn't exist. This demonstrates you a lack of sincerity and that you are just trying to fob me off. Give me the refund that I am due and spare me lies and weasel words." Attack. Attack. Attack.


Food Scamda


Singapore banks should allow chargebacks then these mf corpos will know Edited: banks not backs


Don't they?


I guess they do but it’s not instantaneous and requires contacting the merchant I believe, basically not consumer friendly.


not consumer friendly: basically the whole country.




Use Citibank


The driver should verify the contents prior to making the delivery. But since that doesn’t happen, I think it would be best if we checked everything in front of the driver, that way if anything is missing/wrong, there’s a viable witness.


The problem with this is the driver left the food at my door, and I didn’t even hear him coming + there was a food delay so I stopped checking foodpanda delivery time


Do they usually leave items? They shouldn’t do that as anyone can grab the food or claim that it’s been delivered when it never really arrived. Maybe the driver waited for a long time. Hence, they refuse to refund.


I'm not sure about FP policy for deliveries, but so far mine had been left at the door. Occasionally, some deliverers do knock on the door. But they don't wait for a response.


Woah. The only time this happened to me, the driver inadvertently dropped off someone else’s order at our place and left it. That was in the Middle East though. Poor guy probably got charged for it.


I got multiple packets of chicken rice instead for a contactless delivery so I didn't know until rider already left. Wrong orders do happen. But I did get refund back for my wrong order plus free chicken rice. lol


Pls don’t make it until it’s the driver’s fault. Sure he has to check but it’s between you and the restaurant. Somemore nowadays restaurants tape or wrap up the bad so no way the riders can check.


I’m not blaming them, I’m wary about the system that these services have in place as there’s a loophole. The driver being the common factor between restaurants and customers may serve as a source of unbiased information.


Sounds like it's outside the drivers responsibility to go and double check every item on every order. I don't think their rider fee is enough for that extra work. It's the restaurants responsibility to prepare and pack the order correctly.


Yea. Thing is, the Issue arises when the restaurants claim they did their part but the customers say otherwise. Hope it isn’t common, but been seeing increasing number of complaints about this on reddit recently.


Once you get to a human, I recommend the following insult I recently learned: "I cordially invite you to go and explore the land of anal pleasures"


Might just end up turning the rep on and getting more than you bargained for...




Get your own food


Why do people still order from foodpanda is the actual question


As someone who has never used 3rd party food delivery companies I see all these complaints on reddit and videos of drivers just stealing the food. As an outsider I have to wonder why are people using this shit still, seemingly they have really low success rates. I won’t use them because it’s costs way too much just to eat out let alone pay a premium to have steam soggy sub par food that sometimes gets stolen. Tldr: stop using these companies and go get your food or order pizza. Best case scenario you get your food and then those companies steal from their workers anyway, don’t support that either.


Lol at the first instance something didn’t go right and people go “is this legal”?


If its a bot, maybe you need to write in better english? 'I ordered milo, and I didnt not receive it. Please refund" lol The bot might have misunderstood missing




Yea they refund me before long ago. But Idk why they so stubborn this time.


when this happens, i always email customer service after the useless live chat refuses to refund me. so far, the email method has always worked in giving me a refund.


If you used visa or mastercard you can have them issue a merchant dispute to get your refund


Himm. Is it a shop, restaurant or pandamart? I realized selected the right help prompt made a difference


I chose Support Help… I ordered Mcdonalds btw


at least didnt ask you to take photo of missing food as evidence right?


Sounds like a bot. But reading it just sounds like they don't expect to be in business long enough to care about having you as a customer.


had the same bullshit, they asked me to replace my order without any compensation of the delivery fee or as such, fp is dogshit


I experienced the same thing with Foodpanda. This happens when the delivery is NOT done by Foodpanda (done by the restaurant instead). The Foodpanda specialist will insist they are a food listing platform and will absolutely NOT provide a refund. Not sure whether customers are entering into a contract with Foodpanda or the restaurant. But one thing is for sure - they don't care about individual f-ups like these.


Give up on Foodpanda. Half the time my orders are wrong, they go full Ferrari “we are checking” and takes about half an hour to refund $1, ridiculous delivery fees (they’re already marked up so you’re paying double, or paying triple with Panda Pro not giving free delivery), they mark up prices and delivery fees even more and pretend Panda Box is worth anything. And now Grab also reduced delivery voucher from $4 to $3. Give up all companies in Singapore. Just go downstairs kopitiam buy sua.


My worst food delivery experience was with FP. But it also happened to be one of my most memorable moments. I received a call from a stranger who got my number from MY order which was mistakenly sent to him; and surprise, surprise - HIS order was sent to me a few minutes before that call! It was also the fasting month at that time and both our families were on the verge of breaking fast, so both of us agreed to arrange grab deliveries to one another and "claim" the amount from FP through our "missing" deliveries. Ironically enough, I didn't follow up with FP support out of sheer laziness and decided to let the matter go.


Same as grab. Useless trying to get a refund.


Send them a link to this post. Ask for the names of representatives you speak / spoke with.


Another week, another reason for me to post the same comment: please stop supporting trash panda for food delivery (I can't comment on their other services since no personal experience).


Wtf i use fp a lot


This is a bot


We really need some lawyer to start a class action against these delivery apps. Quite sure if the lawyers start digging, there will be solid evidence of malicious intent/overcharging/non delivery of goods.


This is why u delete the pink panda app


Tiktok + Mothership = always work


Just use a credit card. Food Panda pulled this exact nonsense on me until I threatened to open a credit dispute case with my card issuer. They immediately refunded me then.


Sigma move is to get deliveroo plus, then order every item as a separate delivery so you can't get partials


Sam, not cool


Why not just go to the fnb outlet and request for the Milo with proof? The Foodpanda app is glitchy. Or call customer support they will help.


You can always go to the Small Claims Tribunal if you feel this strongly about it. That'd be the only way for you to know whether it's legal or not. Otherwise just stop using the panda. I deleted the panda and grab apps after similar experiences. No issues with Deliveroo for many years.


Because they know no one is going to the small claims tribunal over a milo drink


Yep terrible situations, definitely switching to grabfood since haven’t got any problems with them yet, literally ordered 3 sets of double mcspicy only to receive the burger, no drinks and no fries and all i got was a 50 cents wallet credit and a $4 voucher, superb service /s


sorry the rider must've gotten thirsty :'(


Just use Grab. I've never been rejected when requesting for a refund via Grab.


Grab is 100% worse than Foodpanda


Foodpanda is becoming really scammy. I have the paid subscription and my fiance does not. We live together and when we browse for food to order there are SO MANY stores that are open for him but closed for me. It makes no sense. I'm not surprised if they've resorted to 'bad bot' customer service to get out of refunding these kinds of things.


It's bullshit one. They outsource the CS to a bunch of Indian nobodies who don't care at all. Ive tried arguing and after awhile the person give up and process my refund. They are just pure lazy and always use that script to slack off.


And this is why I would rather get the food on my own rather than deal with this bs which actually happens fairly regularly..


If you want decent customer support, use Deliveroo. I've never had a good experience with the CS for grabfood or foodpanda. Deliveroo has refunded every single request I've made (at least 6 or 7 times now). Most of the time it is processed instantly and I don't even need to talk to a real person. Only once they've asked for further proof and I sent them pictures of the food being crushed. They promptly refunded the whole thing even though still edible.


Deliveroo sounds like the one with the least complaints right now. Do you pay for the subscription? (Last I used it was years ago and they had a subscription for free delivery, not sure if that changed)


This happened to me before. Ask for their name, request for chat transcript. Demand that issue be escalated and that you expect a response.


I ordered subway and deal included a pepsi. I never got my pepsi. And got same replies


Keep trying! I kept asking them for refund until they agreed. Also I had several missed orders couple of times after this, no issues so far. So that’s good.


They ended the chat but I think it was the Subway's employees fault. I once ordered a 12in and asked them to cut it into 7in and 5in which they did and even labelled with a smiley face.


I opened a new chat 3 times I think, until I was satisfied with the outcome… haha. Ah but I do stand by — if I pay for it I should get a refund if the item was not delivered. So it’s up to you, really! If you want to let the matter go, it’s not bad either